"Next Monday: the unexpected"
A/N: just know this was a week later, that's why I title it "Next Monday" so you don't get confused. Also don't hate me for this. I love all characters. They're special in their own way just like you readers. Enjoy, if you can lol!
Luckily the week went by fast for them both. Rainbow was glad so she could finally be back on her feet and move for once. Although, she wasn't big on it since she had a fun week with Applejack being around.
They played games while she stayed in bed, watched movies, took photos to show their relationship, and if they had some alone time in the house without being bugged, they would have what they call 'tickle' time and enjoy it. It mostly doing it to Rainbow so she can feel better since her accident on the street almost made it worst. Rainbow would offer to pleasure, but Applejack would refused.
"Just next time let me do it to you." Rainbow said as they're by the side of the school. "You know it's completely not fair."
"Yes, but I thought you like the feelings of being tough?" Applejack said as she wrapped her arm around Rainbow's waist.
"I do. But I want you to feel the same thing too. It can't always be me you know."
"I know. I'll think about it. Just e happy you get to go back to school finally."
"Trust me. You don't know how thrilled I am that I get to finally go back. I just wish walking wasn't so hurtful."
Unfortunately, with Rainbow Dash as her was being raped still kinda hurt but she forced herself to move.
"Well at least you had a week off. And remember," she grabbed her light blue hand. "no matter what happens and no matter what everyone will say, I will always love you."
Rainbow blushed but mostly was surprised.
"But then how---"
"Oh." Then Applejack let go and put her backpack on the floor so she can grab something out. It seemed to be Rainbow's book of songs. "I read your song. Never knew I was a princess."
Rainbow chuckled when she got the book back. "Well, you were always one to my eyes."
"I hope you don't mind, but I had a good idea for the third verse and wrote it down in there. The rest I was thinking you wanted to finish."
Rainbow looked in her notebook and read the third verse Applejack put in and was amazed. She smiled and said "That's perfect. Thanks AJ."
They didn't even realized it that they were now in front of the school. That was real fast. They weren't late which was good but they really wish they could stay near the statue and just talk instead of learn.
"Hey guys." They heard Sunset Shimmer's voice appear behind them.
They turn and saw she wasn't alone. They saw the girl of her dreams walking with her with her hand holding hers. They certainly look every happy to them two.
"You're still staying Twilight?" Applejack asked.
"Yeah. I figure since our relationship has gotten a little more notice," twilight said. "We thought it be bet to show them there's no shame in us."
"So that's why you were asking me about...?" Rainbow asked Sunset.
Sunset Shimmer blushed and nodded her head.
"Well gotta say, I actually could see you two together. Y'all are perfect."
"And you guys are perfect for each other too." Sunset said.
"I think so too on that." Applejack said grabbing Rainbow's hand.
"Yeah, you guys really surprised us in the hospital. Especially Rarity."
"Oh yeah. She fell backwards. That was honestly funny. How is she by the way?"
"She's actually gotten use to it. She's no longer fainting or anything."
"Well let's hope that." Rainbow joked.
"Well we better head in or we'll be late." Sunset said.
Rainbow groaned. "I don't want to go."
"I thought you wanted to com back to school." Applejack said.
"I did and I didn't. I missed getting on my feet but I most certainly miss or 'tickle' time."
"Tickle time?" They had no idea what that was.
Applejack laughed nervously. "That's just something me and Rainbow made for some time alone. But enough talk. Let's get moving y'all."
The others began to be nervous but took their guts in and open the door revealing a few students. To their surprise, no one had notice them. They walked down the hall but no one has said anything.
Twilight sighed. "They're probably over it."
"Let's hope so." Sunset said smiling.
But then they were noticed finally and only a few giggles on the air appear. Seems it was funny to them instead of new. Or was it?
"Just ignore them." Applejack said. "They need to learn this is our love."
"Well that's just it." Twilight said. "They're not laughing at us."
Applejack and Rainbow didn't understand. "Then what are they laughing about?" Applejack said.
They heard people's whispers as hard as they could realized, they were laughing at one person.
They began to realize how everyone was only looking at her.
"Why is everyone laughing at Rainbow?" Applejack asked thought they knew.
Suddenly, an arm swooped on as it grabbed Rainbow's arm and pulled her into a classroom that was next for. Applejack, Twilight, and Sunset Shimmer try to get her, but the door was immediately lock when it was close trapping Rainbow.
"Hey!" She said. "Why did you--?!"
But then she noticed one of her friends was trapping her on there for a simple reason.
"Sorry dear." Rarity said as she began to study Rainbow's body and measurements.
Rainbow wasn't sure if she was able to move. Rarity looked back onto her backpack and found something for Rainbow. She put it over Rainbow it reveal a strange outfit. It was blue and it wasn't her best work.
"Oh this is good. No one will recognized you now." Rarity said.
"Why wouldn't I want to be--?"
"And we're gonna need a disguise for your hair."
"Rarity, why do you need to cover me?"
Rarity was surprised at her words. "You mean, you haven't--?"
But them she was interrupted by the door behind Rainbow Dash open and revealed her girl standing there. "There you are Rainbow!" Applejack said with a smile. She walked in and hugged her girl, glad she was alright.
"We've been looking all over for you." Sunset said as she and Twilight walked in.
Fluttershy pop out of the door wearing something different again. It was the dark gray sweater again. "Me too." She looked worried.
Suddenly, Pinkie Pie showed up next to her. "Me three!" She walked up to Rainbow and study her. "I like you outfit."
"Not my best work but I tried." Rarity said.
"Well forget it." Rainbow said taking off the outfit. "What's going on?"
"Oh, she hasn't seen it yet." Fluttershy looked nervous.
Seems the only ones who noticed her not seeing something was Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.
"Seen what?" Applejack asked.
So to prove it, Pinkie Pie grabbed her computer and turn on going to the site.
"Is it bad?" Twilight asked Rarity.
"Well I think so."
So then, Pinkie Pie showed the computer mostly to the four who don't know while the three looked behind them.
Suddenly, it was a video of Rainbow Dash playing a sport on the field, which was soccer.
"As y'all know Rainbow Dash as the high and mighty sports player ever!" A voice said. It was real deep.
Then it showed a video of her and Applejack ins bed room. It was the night of Trixie's party. It was when Rainbow was about to kiss Applejack.
"But what is it with one of our best students become something like this?"
Then it showed her kissing Applejack changing colors.
Then the video showed her found on the streets near the trash cans. "Such a whore is all I can say." The voice said as the video ended with big letters saying "RAINBOW WHORE!"
Rainbow Dash looked so embarrassed. She was speechless and everyone knew it by how she didn't move and kept staring at the computer.
"So yep. That's pretty bad." Twilight said.
"B-Bu-But how... who... Who posted this?!" Rainbow was so shocked and embarrassed.
"Not sure." Fluttershy said. "But whoever did was making fun of you."
Rainbow smashed her head against the desk. Now her reputation is probably gone. Then again, should she worry about that?
"What a horrible... Let me see your laptop Pinkie Pie."
Pinkie handed the computer to Applejack and she began to search to see it.
Rarity placed her hand on Rainbow Dash's shoulder and said "Don't worry. We'll find out who did this, and when we do, we'll make death happen!"
The girls looked at their friend as if she was going nuts. Even Pinkie thought she was acting crazy.
"Or," Twilight said. "We just need to confront this person."
"And beat the living gas out of them!"
Rainbow suggest as she punched her fist into her hand.
"Hey." Applejack said getting everyone's attention. "Doesn't anyone know anyone by this user name 'LightningBoltGirl15'?"
No one knew.
But Rainbow Dash did. She remember that account by the back of her head. She should have known. She should have known this girl was trouble and she didn't even bother to watch her back.
"Oh! She is dead!" She standing up yelling. "Lighting Dust is dead! She'll be dead being buried with a bunch of soccer balls!" But then she noticed her friends were still in the room.
"Who's Lightning Dust?" Applejack asked.
Rainbow Dash never told them about Lightning Dust. She felt there was no need to. Now she just blew it.
"She's... uh..."
"Fluttershy," they heard vice-principal Luna's voice on the announcements. "Please report to the principal's office immediately."
"Be back." She said leaving her friends in the classroom.
Everyone attention went back to Rainbow Dash waiting for her to answer.
"Rainbow Dash," Applejack repeated her question. "Who is Lightning Dust?"
She began to look already angry by Rainbow's eyes as she was watching Applejack. She didn't know what to do. Guess there no choice to back out.
She sighed and let it out. "She was captain of the soccer ball team before me in the camp I told you about."
Everyone only waited for more info but Twilight seem to know it more.
She remember her pony friend had a partner name Lightning Dust back at the Wonderbolts academy and they almost got smash because of her. She remember a face like hers.
"Wait," Rarity said. "Is she the one who cause down one to get hurt?"
"Yeah. Seems her and her family has move here and is now trying to ruin my life with this."
She now understood what Lightning Dust meant by losing her reputation.
"Wasn't she the one you picked a fight in he bathroom?" Pinkie remember that rumor.
"Yes." Rainbow felt so much shame on her telling this to her friends. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything you guys. I just didn't want anything to happen to where she would try to hurt you guys by anything."
Applejack couldn't believe her ears, but she knew Rainbow was sorry even though she had no need to. She walked to Rainbow Dash and say her up from the desk to look her in the eyes, but she kept looking down.
"Rainbow Dash," She said getting her to look up. "You could have told us about her. We would have figured out that she was the one who keeps doing this and needs to stop."
"Yeah. It's total invasion of privacy." Sunset Shimmer said.
Rainbow felt a little better that her friends were understanding and that she should have said something.
"I'm sorry everyone." She said.
"Well don't worry." Rarity said. "I'm gonna start a report right now." She began to type on Pinkie's computer.
Rainbow looked back down still feeling bad, but Applejack lifted her chin by giving her a smile. "You have nothing to be sorry about sugarcube." Then, she turned her red in the face by kissing her passionately.
Twilight and Sunset Shimmer giggle as for Pinkie was jumping up and down enjoying their relationship.
Applejack pulled away to look into those magenta eyes again. She love the color a spark.
They turn to see Rarity looked at the computer. "What is this video about Fluttershy? Flutterpunch?"
That did not sound so good to them so they surround the fashionista and told her to click the video.
The video showed the building of Fluttershy's home of how dangerous it was. But then, it showed Fluttershy being pushed out of her apartment with the yelling of a lady telling her to not come back. It was raining an they remember the only time it ever rained was on last Wednesday. The video got a closer view of Fluttershy with bruises on her arms and one on her neck. She had tears fall down her eyes. Then big words appear in front of the girl's face saying "FLUTTERPUNCH!"
"What in tarnation?" Applejack said as she and the others looked shock.
What was probably embarrassing for Fluttershy, was that this was on the school's web page.
Thats when Twilight, Sunset Shimmer, and Rainbow Dash realized one thing on this page. It shows everything.
"Oh no."
Students watched the principals and teenager walk down the halls getting close to the front doors. The girls ran out and saw them walking.
"Fluttershy!" Twilight was being as loud as she could with the crowd being loud.
Fluttershy heard her but couldn't look back to the crowd. She was so embarrassed that everyone knows about her mother.
Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna open the doors for Fluttershy and let her walk out of the school.
The mane six ran through the crowd to get to their friend. They made it outside, but they were too late as they saw a car go by the school with a shy girl in the back seat.
"We're too late." Rainbow Dash felt shame she wasn't fast enough.
"We gotta try to get to her apartment." Sunset Shimmer said.
The girls may have cars but since Pinkie's was the close one by they decided to go in her. It was pretty cool actually. It was pink all over with balloons on her trunk.
Pinkie had to speed, even though she doesn't know what's going on well. Everyone just hope a cop doesn't pull them over.
"Okay I'm officially lost." She said. "Where do I turn?"
"Right." Sunset Shimmer said.
"Oh no wait. Left." She was able to see as she sat up.
"It's much easier for you to see like that huh?" Applejack asked.
Pinkie drove, and all of the mane six were surprise to see the police and ambulance. Everyone got out of the car immediately and ran to the crime scene.
"Sorry ladies." A female cop stop them from getting closer. "This is a crime scene."
"We know. We need to see if Fluttershy's okay." Twilight said.
But them the mane six noticed legs on the stairway of Fluttershy's home. They watched the police drag the legs and saw their principal being dragged into the ambulance.
"Principal Celestia?" Rarity couldn't believe it.
"Where's Vice-Principal Luna?" Sunset Shimmer tried looking for her but try couldn't.
Pinkie pointed to her and saw she was leaning against the ambulance with blood all on her arm.
They ran to her and the first to ask was Rainbow Dash. "Vice-Principal Luna, what happen?"
"Well, so far me and my sister were walking Fluttershy up to her home." She said. "We explain current events we saw on the video and thought it be best if we check the house, but her mother refused."
"And then what?" Applejack asked.
"Well we were demanding to come in, but then her stepfather brought out a gun as shot me and my sister."
Wow. Her parents were messed up. But there was still one thing remaining on everyone's mind.
"Where's Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.
Vice-Principal Luna looked so sad to say the truth. But she knew there was no other way to say it.
"I don't know. Your friend was taken after they shot us."
Everyone couldn't believe. Fluttershy was taken.
"Excuse me ladies." A man in a suit came up to the teenagers. He had a very serious look. Then again, doesn't every cop have one? "Are you all friends of Fluttershy's?"
They were scared to answer. They're already frighten about where their friend could be, but they nodded their heads.
"Did any of you knew this was happening? Where her mother would abuse her, her stepfather would leave her outside, and where they have no food in the house?"
They didn't respond. This seems like a very event to tell. He wasn't giving up cause he knew someone knows about this.
She couldn't help but stood up to the cop and said "I knew it."
Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were so surprised Rainbow Dash knew this.
Suddenly, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight walked up and said they knew it too.
"I need you ladies to come with me." He led the three teenagers to a car that was black depressing.
Applejack grabbed Rainbow's hand to stop her. "Rainbow, how'd did you-?"
"I'll tell you later."
She let go of the cowgirl's hand and was into the black being drove off.
The three last ones didn't know what to do. Vice-Principal Luna is hurt, Principal Celestia is probably dead since she was shot badly, and Fluttershy is missing.
They're waited at the front of the school, waiting for their three friends to return. It had been two hours since they've been gone.
"This doesn't make sense." Rarity said. "Why wouldn't Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight not tell us about this?"
"I'm not sure. I'm just worried they won't get in trouble." Applejack said.
"They won't." Pinkie said. "Usually witness who experience their friend's problems are off the hook."
Applejack and Rarity couldn't see that but didn't matter since the black car has returned.
Out first was Twilight, then Sunset, and finally, a dark cloud Rainbow.
The other three ran to the sad girls and the first to ask was Rarity. "Are you guys okay?"
"Fluttershy has been taken by her parents." Twilight said.
"Yeah we know. But how did y'all know?" Applejack asked.
"It was one two or three Saturdays ago." Sunset explained. "Fluttershy tried calling Rainbow Dash to help her with a problem but couldn't cause she was at your family's reunion and I was walking pass her apartment and I saw she was bruise and sad. I thought it be best to help her since no one was around. I tried to convince her to talking to the police, but she refused and made me promise not to tell anyone."
"I only discovered this when Sunset Shimmer told me to come back to help Rainbow Dash with her problems. After I saw Fluttershy wear a gray sweater and the bruises, I felt so bad. But she really didn't want anyone to know." Twilight said.
Rainbow Dash remained quiet, wanting to cry her eyes out that one of her friends are probably gone forever.
Everyone stared at the quiet girl and waited but she still didn't say anything.
"Rainbow Dash knew this longer than us both." Sunset Shimmer said.
"You did? Rainbow why didn't you say anything?" Applejack asked her girlfriend.
Rainbow felt it was best to let it go. "We were thirteen. I never knew about this till I walked pass her apartment. She was outside bleeding and spitting out drugs her stepfather would shove down her throat. It was really cold that night. I tried to convince too to tell someone but she made me promise never to say anything. Ever since, I've made sure she always gets a friend in need and now what has happen, she is gone forever probably." She couldn't help but all on her knees and cry her eyes out.
Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack felt pretty mad they didn't know about this and that their friends never even bother to say anything. Poor Fluttershy. Having to deal with this at home and is now missing.
"Listen y'all," Applejack said. "Making promises is a special thing about friendship is what I know. But if she has been through with this all her life, that is something different."
"Yes." Rarity said. "Even though she begged, I still tell someone. It's important to never lose the home you grew up in but if you're abused, that's different."
Sunset Shimmer and Twilight had tears fall down their cheeks as they hold hands.
"But if you guys never had told any own this," Pinkie Pie said. "Where could Flutterhy be, besides where ever her parents have taken her?"
This surprised everyone that Pinkie was being serious for probably the first time.
Rainbow still continued to sob quietly on the floor but Applejack walked to her and lifted her up, letting her whip away her tears.
"I know promises are important, but you guys should have said something about this."
"I'm sorry everyone." Rainbow Dash said. "This was all my fault. If only I said something, non of this would happen. But she just doesn't want to be in a foster home. And she looked so upset when she begged, I couldn't say no."
"You know, fosters homes aren't that bad." Pinkie said. "I would know cause I've been there before. The ladies were real nice."
Everyone stared at their hyperactive friend. She's been in a foster home?
"When did you visit the foster home?" Rarity asked.
"Oh no. I didn't visit. I kinda grew up there."
This was new to everyone.
"Wait a minute." Sunset Shimmer said. "You're adopted?"
"Yep. You see, when I was with my original folks, they didn't get along and my dad kill him ad mom. I was only five when this happen. And soon people took me to the foster home and many people didn't like me and kept taking me back here. Finally my cake family took me in even though they were sad I found a way to make them and myself smile." And she smiled huge to seal the deal.
Everyone was so surprised to see that the most positive person in the group was adopted and had to experience that at a young age.
"Oh Pinkie. We're so sorry." Twilight said.
"Nah it's cool. Even though mr. and mrs. Cake took me in, I still have a big family with you guys. And now my little sister is missing and we'll find her."
"Pinkie, she's a year older than you." Applejack said.
"I know. But she still feels like a little sister to me."
Even though the story was sad, and Fluttershy was gone, everyone smiled of how Pinkie is still a positive person after why she's been through.
"Even though the story is sad," Twilight said. "Pinkie's right. We'll find Fluttershy. I just she'll be okay."
Rainbow Dash still felt this was her fault, but everyone proved they were still friends by giving her the bigger group hug ever.
The only one missing for it was Fluttershy.
A/N: I know. It's sad. Hopefully you guys aren't mad. This story is still continued one and I hope I'll see you all in the next chapter. Stay dazzling! (Cause right now I'm crying for this chapter!)
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