That had better be a unique title.

UGH! And I don't mean The 1975's awesome song! I mean that I have been TAGGED once again.

Seriously, I'm gonna make a tag book ASAP, this is the third time I've been tagged in a week and I'm am MAD about it.

I have been tagged by TheAnnabethJackson and go follow her, she's awesome. But she is NOT awesome when she is tagging me! *glares*

Anyhoo, this is is like a 13 thingymajiggy, so here goes.

13 Facts About Me:

1. I am a completely crazy fangirly person.

2. A lot of people I know don't like me too much because they think I can be mean, but if you get to know me, you'd discover that actually, I'm a really loyal and generous person.

3. If you insult me or my family or friends, YOU WILL BE DESTROYED. If you're a bully or discriminate against gender, sexuality, race ECT, the above follows.

4. I LOVE Fall Out Boy. In particular one little 5' 4" cupcake in a fedora with a soul voice! Probably too much. Oh well.

5. I am a complete science geek and can be a bit of a know it all sometimes. Sorry!

6. I'm incredibly British and get annoyed at American spellings, ECT. Even though I love America for the sole reason that it created the beautiful man known as Patrick Stump.

7. I am OBSESSED with Hetalia. If you don't know what that is, look it up. APH Russia is like my husband. Although Pattycakes is always on top. Sorry Ivan!

8. I tend to get obsessed with stuff really quickly.

9. I really love English and I love writing. That's why I write fanfiction, and also write original fiction, which I don't post on here. I plan to publish one day!

10. I also love reading.

11. I love cats! I have two at home, and one of my cats, Bonnie, is sitting next to me as I write this.

12. My lucky number is 7. It is a MAGICAL number. And magic is fabulous.

13. I'm really emo and have like collages in my room, a load of posters and stuff. I have all of FOB's and Cage The Elephant's albums. That is like my biggest life achievement. Legit.

Now for questions, asked by TheAnnabethJackson . WHY?!?


1. Who is your role model?

I think my role model is probably Stephen Hawking, because despite all the obstacles and setbacks that have hindered him, he's become one of the best and most influential scientists in history. I want to make an impact like that.

2. Your favourite genre of music?

Probably rock, punk rock, pop punk, that kinda thing. Alternative, maybe.

3. Most relatable song?

"Hum Hallelujah" by Fall Out Boy. Just because it's so sad, but still manages to be upbeat. I guess I kind of identify with that.

4. The career you'd like?

I want to be a particle physicist and part time author. No questions asked.

5. Your favourite movie adapted from a book?

The Harry Potter films, definitely.

6. The longest book you've ever read?

Probably the Longman Illustrated Animal Encyclopaedia. Yeah. I'm the kind of nerd who reads that stuff. Actually a great read!

7. Which languages do you speak? Which would you like to learn?

I speak English (obviously) and a fair bit of Spanish. Also a small amount of French. I'd like to learn more Spanish, and Russian, too.

8. Which culture do you like the most?

Ooh, that's a hard one. I guess maybe Russian, because I really love their architecture, ballet, ECT. However, I really dislike their politics and their government's attitude towards the LGBT community. So maybe Japanese. After all, they have sushi and noodles and anime and cute guys. And great history. Their culture is kinda awesome.

9. Which do you like most? Singing, dancing or acting?

Singing. I can't act particularly well, and me dancing is basically Patrick in the Dance, Dance video. The only time I've ever really danced was at concerts. Like at Fall Out Boy, I danced during Uma Thurman, and, obviously, Dance, Dance, but that was just me jumping around and yelling "Patrick I love you", so not really the same. But no, I really love singing. I'm not bad at it, actually, I kinda sound a little like an female, British and not-as-good early Patrick Stump. Which means I can cover Take This To Your Grave and From Under The Cork Tree pretty well, and I can get away with songs from Infinity On High, and occasionally, Folié A Deux.

10. What do you use Wattpad for most?

Mostly reading, and funnily enough, messaging. Also writing, obviously.

11. Who recommend Wattpad to you? (If they have an account, give them a shoutout!)

Probably my friends Weirdcosplayer , RandomPhandom838 and TheAnnabethJackson . Go follow them! Although TheAnnabethJackson you will promise to not tag me any more!

12. What's your favourite school subject?


I think that was kind of obvious?

13. What emotion to do you love most? Why?

Uh.... If you mean emoji, then 😱, because it is literally all I use.

If you mean like emotion as in like actual EMOTION, then happy surprise. I like that kinda thing.

Now I must ask questions!

1. What is your eye colour?

2. Who/ what is your favourite anime/ carton character?

3. Who is your favourite book character?

4. What kind of music do you like?

5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

6. Coke or Fanta?

7. Do you like Welcome To Night Vale?

8. What is the view from your bedroom window?

9. What is your OTP?

10. Are you single or in a relationship?

11. Which do you like more, drawing or writing?

12. Who's your role model?

13. Do you have a crush on a fictional character or celebrity? If so, who?

Now for tagging.


These are COMPLETELY random.


I'm sorry, guys!

Also, sorry about the delay in posting, I have been really busy! But I'm writing a chapter now, so stay tuned!



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