Chapter Thirty
Later that day, the guys have band practice in Patrick's flat. Andy came back with Sandra a few hours ago, so me, Sandra, Ellie and Miya are sitting on Patrick's sofa, waiting for them to finish setting up so we can hear them. It's about half three in the afternoon (A/N: Nine in the afternoon hahahahaha ok bye now sorry), and outside the apartment there appears to be a kind of massive traffic jam outside. So it looks like someone's gonna have to walk downtown to get the food. That or Pete'll have to use his motorbike. I mean, we're used to this, I've lived in downtown Chicago for several years now, and traffic is pretty common. Duh, it's a big city.
But it's damn annoying.
Anyway, back to it.
Sandra yawns and leans her head back against the sofa, running a hand through her short blonde hair. She looks pretty excited, actually. I smile at her.
"Someone looks cheerful," I say. She blushes a little.
"Yeah... It's just I've never actually seen the band play yet, like as a unit. I mean... Andy's drummed to me... But I guess that's different, huh?"
Miya nods. "It's funny, before I met Joe, I'd never even heard of Fall Out Boy."
Just then, Joe pops his head around the door to the practice room. "Did I hear my name?"
Miya rolls her eyes. "In your dreams, bozo. Now get back to-" she makes a little air guitar motion. Joe pulls a funny face at her and goes back to the guys.
"To be fair," says Ellie, as though we hadn't been interrupted, "until I met Pete, I didn't know about the band anyway."
"Really?" I ask. She shakes her head.
"No. I like bands that are kinda similar, I guess. You know, Panic!, MCR, that kind of thing?"
Sandra laughs. "You see, me and Andy are like, totally different in terms of music taste. I don't even like music in general that much."
Just then, Pete yells from the other room. He doesn't actually say anything, it's literally just yelling. We take that as an invitation to go join them.
Once we've sat down on the floor in the practice room (they neglected to give us seats, but I don't really mind) Miya smirks. "Pete Wentz screaming in the distance?"
"It's half of what he does in this band," Joe chimes in. Andy just shakes his head and suppresses a smile.
"Hey! Not true!" says Patrick, who I think would defend Pete to the grave. It's quite sweet, actually. But he sounds nervous. Very nervous.
Joe comes over and pats him on the back. "Chill, little guy."
Patrick takes a deep breath and nods. I start to think that they've forgotten that we're even in the room, but then Pete looks over at us.
"So, girls, what song d'you want?" he asks.
"Songs within reason," Andy adds. Patrick giggles (before I met him, I didn't even know guys could giggle) and sings.
"Hum hallelujah, just off the key of reason..."
Pete scoffs. "I know not the word!" We all laugh, mainly because it's kinda true.
"What, you don't know what 'songs' means?" Patrick asks sweetly. We all laugh again. Pete does a little pouty thing which makes Ellie squeak almost inaudibly. Mainly because, although Patrick is my world, I have to admit that Pete is hot as hell.
Miya rolls her eyes (that appears to be her thing) and smiles slightly. "Don't mind."
Ellie considers. "What A Catch, Donnie?" We all instantly groan. "What?!?"
"That makes me cry! And I've got eyeliner on!" I protest, but I'm only kidding. Patrick rolls his eyes.
"I hate you people," he says, although he's so sweet it's not really very convincing. He puts his white guitar down (he calls it the Stump-O-Matic, we're not entirely sure why) and sits down at the piano with a cute little sigh. "I had to walk. I had to exercise."
"You moved like a metre," Joe points out.
"It may look like a metre, but it's a canyon disguised as a metre. Don't let it fool you," Patrick says. We all burst out laughing again.
Andy facepalms. "Can we play without drama?" The rest of Fall Out Boy give him a look. "I mean it!"
"That. Is. Never. Going. To. Happen." Pete says with ultimate seriousness.
"I think you might actually have to kill us off and replace us with albino gerbils for that to even come close," Joe remarks.
"Joe, I think that's the weirdest thing you've said all day, and that's saying something. Why would anyone kill us off and replace us with gerbils? Specifically albino ones? Can you even get albino gerbils?"
"I think you can get albino anything," says Pete.
"Can you get albino trees?" asks Joe hopefully.
"People! Boys! Man-things! We have no time for this! Playyyyy," Miya commands.
"I resent being called a man-thing but she has a point," Pete says. "Shall we?"
Patrick nods and then they begin to play.
After I've cleaned up my eye makeup due to the tears shed during What A Catch, I get changed and join the others in Patrick's living room.
Well. Calling it a room would suggest it has things such as actual furniture, and is of reasonable size. Nothing in Patrick's flat comes close to this description, so you might as well say that the flat contains no rooms at all.
"Are you ok now?" Patrick asks, looking a little worried. "You seemed kinda upset."
"Nah, I'm fine," I say. They all just look at me. "Ok, I'm lying. But yeah. First time I'd ever seen that live. Also, it makes me think of.... You know."
They all look kinda awkward, and it goes a little quiet for a minute before Joe speaks up.
"Oh well, at least it shows we have depth!" Everyone smiles a little at that.
"Speak for yourself, Trohman," says Pete, smirking a little.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Noooo-thiiinnggg!" Pete's voice goes all sing-songy.
"Is that so?"
"Depends on your definition of nothing."
"Which is?"
"Depth? More like shallow." Pete smirks a little, but it's obvious he's only teasing.
"Excuse me?"
"If you were a puddle, Trohman, I could stand in you without even getting my feet wet."
"Well..." Joe struggles for a good comeback. "Only if you were wearing boots!"
"Ooh, sass battle," says Ellie.
"Nah, not really. These two suck at sass," says Patrick.
"And you'd know about sass because...?"
Pete and Joe break off their married-couple bickering to roll their eyes. Simultaneously. I swear, they must practice that.
"Patrick? More like Sasstrick!" they both say. Again, simultaneously. Ok, this is just getting creepy now.
Andy rolls his eyes. "So are we planning on eating this century?"
"Didn't know you could eat a time period," says Joe.
"Seriously, though," says Pete. He gets up and stretches, yawning. "Who's coming with me on my bike?"
"Me!" squeals Ellie. Pete grins.
"Right you are, honey." Pete picks up his helmet, puts it on Ellie's head and takes her hand. He nods to the rest of us.
"See you guys later," he says, and then they're gone. Joe rolls his eyes.
"Oh so dramatic. He'll come back with all sorts of shit we didn't ask for, I know it."
A/N: So! Hi guys! Sorry about the lack of updates, I've been pretty busy recently.
I decided to give Pete a motorbike because why the hell not?
Also, you may be wondering, where are Megan and Elisa and the rest of FOB's actual partners? Well. I decided that I might as well give them all fictional partners, because I find that in fanfiction, if their partners are included, they tend to be more secondary, two-dimensional characters. And that sucks, I mean, they're all great people, so that kind of blows for them. Plus, in most Patrick fanfics that include Elisa, she tends to be annoying or bitchy, which I think is really mean because she's a lovely woman in real life. So I decided instead of having all that hassle, I'd give them fictional girlfriends. So Lydia, Miya, Ellie and Sandra are NOT based on real people, they're characters I've simply made up based on Patrick, Pete, Joe and Andy's preferences and personality traits that they'd like.
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