➵ Surprise Surprise - Monroe Part II

My eyes fluttered open. The bright light hurting my eyes, causing me to blink. Once my vision was adjusted to the light, I surveyed my surroundings.

I seemed to be in a hospital room. The creme colored walls boring me instantly. The hardness of the bed I was in hurt my back. Stiles was sitting in a chair next to me, his hands tightly wrapped around mine. He was laying his head on my thigh. Soft snores were escaping his mouth. A small smile graced my lips.

Using my free hand that held the IV, I grabbed the gown and peered inside to check my wounds. They were wrapped in medical gauze and tape. With a satisfied hum, I started to peel back the tape on the IV.

I took out the IV needle and quickly tossed it aside. Reaching over towards the machine, I looked for the power button and turned it off before it started to alarm anyone that I was no longer hooked to it.

Once it was turned off, I took off the pulse oximeter from my index finger. My heart warmed when I saw that my engagement ring was still on.

Stiles was still asleep on my lap. I gently sat up, holding back a groan. With one hand, I carefully picked up Stiles' heavy head. Moving my legs to the other side of the bed, I placed his head back onto the stiff mattress.

Incoherent mumbles came from Stiles as his grip tightens on my hand. Huffing through my nose, I slowly pried Stiles' hands away from my hand. Stiles turned in his sleep, his head lolling to the side.

I quickly hopped out of bed and walked to the bathroom. There was a plastic bag with a note on it.

"Thanks Annabeth." I let out a chuckle. I tossed the note aside and quickly changed into the skinny jeans, undergarments, and sneakers Annabeth gave me.

I turned on the sink. Gently peeling the tape off of the wound that was closer to my right shoulder, I threw it away. Looking in the mirror, I noted that the wound wasn't too bad. I willed the water to the wound to heal it.

As that wound started to mend itself together, I worked on the other one that was above my belly button. I tore off the tape and gauze. Tossing it into the trash, I made the water go to it.

After both of my wounds were fully healed, I turned off the faucet. The gown was quickly folded neatly on the sink. Exiting the bathroom, I walked over to Stiles. His legs somehow managed to be on top of the hospital bed and his mouth was wide open.

"Stiles." I whispered, shaking his shoulder.

"No, not now." Stiles grumbled, turning his head away from me. I rolled my eyes.

"Stiles." I said a little bit louder. I shook his shoulder again.

"Kids after we're married." Stiles uttered, swatting my hand away. He crossed his arms and mumbled some more words that didn't make sense.

I froze with wide eyes. My face started to heat up at the thought of having kids together. Shaking my head, I went back to my task.

"Stiles!" I harshly smacked his shoulder. He spastically woke up, his arms flinging around.

"What? You okay?" Stiles rapidly blinked at the hospital bed that was empty. He turned to face me with a frown. "You're ready?"

"Yes, why is that a surprise?" I nervously chuckled out.

"Who gave you that?" Stiles pointed at my outfit.

"Annabeth." I beamed, straightening my leather jacket. "But I think Derek chose the jacket."

"Freakin Derek." Stiles cursed under his breath. He didn't like how close Derek and I got as friends. My fiancé stood up from his chair and laced our fingers together. "Let's go before the nurses find out your not in your room."

We stealthy snuck out of my room. As we passed the front desk in the floor, Stiles threw an arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder. The nurses paid no attention to us as we walked to the elevators.

Stiles quickly pressed the button. A ding and a light up arrow signified which door was opening. The elevator door slide open for us. We walked into the elevator.

"Hurry up now." Stiles repeatedly pressed the button.

"You're going to break it." I nudged him.

"I won't have to if it didn't go any faster." Stiles groaned in annoyance. The doors finally slid closed and the elevator started to descend. "Finally."

"Catch me up with what's going on." I stated.

"The FBI are looking for Monroe and the rest of her hunters. They have her picture sent through databases all across the U.S." Stiles informed me. "If she isn't found soon, I'm going to have to tell them to send it world wide."

"She's not going to be able to make it out of the U.S." I grumbled, glaring at the elevator doors. My hands curled into fists. "We're ending this today."

Stiles glanced at me, wetting his lips anxiously. The doors slide open and we got out. Percy was the first person I saw.

"Perce." I called out, heading towards him. Stiles gave me a smile and a squeeze on my shoulder before heading over to talk with the pack.

"Thanks the gods." Percy rushed towards me and wrapped me into a hug. "I'm starting to think you're suicidal."

"Oh shut up." I laughed, smacking his shoulder. "You're worse than me."

"I don't know," Percy chuckled as he ruffled my hair, "you're almost passed me."

"I don't think so." I shook my head with a roll of my eyes.

"Come on, everyone is waiting." Percy jerked his head toward the crowded waiting room. He narrowed his eyes at Rick, who was talking to Scott and Malia. "And that agent Rick."

"What's wrong about him?" I cautiously looked at Rick. If Percy was getting a bad vibe from him, then something is wrong.

"I don't know Nev, there's just something about him." Percy rubbed his jaw. "He's been giving me and Annabeth the stink eye."

"Really?" I gasped in shock. Percy gave a curt nod, still eyeing the agent. Rick noticed that we were walking up to Annabeth.

"What are you doing out of your room?" Rick strolled up to me. He squinted his eyes, crossing his arms.

"They, uh, cleared me already." I faked a smile and shoved my hands into my jean pockets. Rick eyed me with uncertainty. "Any word on Monroe?"

"Not yet. Walk with me?" Rick waved me over. I nervously glanced at Percy. He patted my shoulder. Rick started walking and I followed along. "Is there anything I need to know about Monroe?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Really?" Rick raised an eyebrow. He lead us to own an empty hallway. Rick stopped and leaned against the wall. "Alright Graecus, who the hell is Monroe and why is she suddenly going after demigods?"

"Who in the Hades are you?" I narrowed my eyes. My hand went towards my bracelet. "You a demigod?"

"Roman." Rick crossed his arms. "Son of Mars."

"Oh gods, is that why you've been glaring at my brother and his wife?" I scoffed. "You're being racist. The Greeks and the Romans no longer have the need to kill each other."

"Oh, I know." Rick ridiculed. "I've seen you and your brother at New Rome."

"Okay, so you know that we're the good guys and best friends with the praetor." I huffed. Rick only shook his head. Glaring at him, and taking a step towards him. "If you're wanting to be with Romans, then you should have stayed in New Rome, buddy. Monroe is going after supernaturals and that includes Romans."

"You don't think I know that?" Rick exasperated, throwing his hands up. "That's one of the reasons why I'm out here. I keep an eye on the monsters and any other threats to us demigods. Now tell me, who is Monroe?"

"A human who has it against anything non-human." I blankly told him. "She's been hunting us down for almost three years now. I may or may not have gotten on her bad side."

"I can believe that." Rick nodded. "Look, we got to work together and take her down. Those other people who hang out with Stiles, what are they?"

"You mean besides the demigods?" I gave him a look, trying to hide my thin patience with this guy. "Supernaturals. Stiles and Mason are the only humans."

"And he got tangled into this how?" Rick questioned. He shook his head and pointed at me. "How did he fall for you?"

"Wow...that's a first. It's usually the other way around." I chuckled to my self. Rick glared at me. "Right, um, his best friend was bitten by a werewolf and...too much info on how he saves our asses all the time."

"Still haven't explained why he's with a Greek." Rick pointed out with a sneer.

"Because I'm awesome." I gave him a cheeky grin, patting his chest and walking back to my friends.

When I reentered the waiting room, I saw Percy pacing and Annabeth scolding him. The other demigods had finally arrived, talking with the pack.

"Look, see, she's fine, Perce." Annabeth reassured my brother. She nodded towards me. Percy sighed in relief as I strolled towards them.

"So?" Percy eagerly licked his lips. "I was right, right? You have that look."

"What look?" I furrowed my brows together.

"The I'm-going-to-beat-the-shit-out-of-them look mixed with the Percy-is-right-again look." Percy smirked. Rolling my eyes, I smacked the back of his head. "Ow!"

"He's not bad, just a racist Roman." I informed.

"So he's a demigod." Annabeth gathered, crossing her arms. "Is he going to help?"

"Yeah, he is." I confirmed. Looking passed their shoulders I saw Jason eye Rick. "I'm going to talk to Jason. Hopefully he can talk some sense to Rick."

"Good luck with that." Percy grumbled. Annabeth rolled her eyes and hit his shoulder.

"You're going to jinx us, Seaweed Brain."

"Don't I always, Wise Girl?" Percy smirked.

"Don't make it worse for yourself." I patted my brother's shoulder and headed towards Jason who was with some of the demigods. "Amazing Grace, we gotta talk."

"That doesn't sound good." Piper muttered.

"You know Rick, right?" I asked Jason.

"He was the leader of the third cohort before I was praetor. He graduated and left into the real world." Jason looked at me with suspicion. "Why?"

"He works with the FBI and with Stiles. Rick doesn't like Greeks. He's made that pretty clear." I informed with a frown. "Any idea why?"

"Well, he's old fashioned. Grew up hating Greeks." Jason shrugged.

"Can you, like, make him not hate Greeks up until we stop Monroe?" I hopefully begged.

"I can try." Jason nodded.

"You're the best, Grace." I playfully punched his shoulder and gave him a hug.

"I know I am." Jason joked. He started to walk away before he stopped and faced me. "Congrats on the engagement by the way."

I blushed, causing him to chuckle. Piper grinned and wrapped an arm around me.

"I'm helping with the wedding, just letting you know." Piper mused.

"Same here." Hazel smiled at me. "You will have the best jewels ever."

" I don't want anything fancy." I warned them, knowing they will go overboard.

"I'll keep them on track." Leo winked at me.

"Now I know that won't happen." Nico scoffed. Will sniggered next to him.

"Let's head out." Rick called out, waving all of us out of the hospital. Stiles made his way towards me.

"They got sights on Monroe." Stiles placed his hands on my arms.

"And?" Lydia jogged up to us as we all started to head out of the hospital.

"She's in a warehouse, I know typical, and has all of the hunters there." Stiles pursed his lips together. He sighed and shook his head. "Something isn't right. It has to be a trap."

"It can't just be, that for once, we will catch them off guard?" Alec hoped, looking between Stiles and Scott.

"It never happens that way." Liam grumbled, his hands in his pockets.

"She's planning something." Derek added, eyeing Rick. "I just hope we stop her in time."

"And we will." Scott stepped towards us. "We are stopping this now. No more fighting and hiding."

"The only way this will end, is if she's dead." Peter cocked his head to the side wearing a smug smile. "I'll love to volunteer."

"Same here." Jackson agreed.

"We don't kill." Scott narrowed his eyes at the werewolves.

"No, but we can harm her." Malia locked her lips. "Like she harmed us."

"She's human." Frank shook his head. "Not a monster."

"She acts like one." I bitterly spat out. "She tortured Grover, Jackson, Ethan and I. She's messed and hurt us. She has killed innocents. Monroe needs to get her ass in an isolated prison or something as much as I want her dead. But, like you said, she's human. We are not going to stoop to her level."

"Look, Annabeth and I already came up with a plan." Stiles scratched at his temple. "The FBI are involved now, which means more firepower. We didn't have that before."

"So, what, we tell the FBI that we're being hunted and expose ourselves?" Ethan nervously looked at the FBI van a block down from us.

"No. We exclude some things here and there," Stiles wiggled his hand, "and they help us surround Monroe and her henchmen."

"And from there?" Will raised an eyebrow.

"And that is where the rest of us come in." Annabeth smirked.

The FBI agents had just surrounded the warehouse. Rick finally agreed to help us and put his hatred toward Greeks aside. He is going to lead the agents and tell them that we're helping.


We're the bait.

"Ugh, I hate waiting." I groaned, tapping my foot impatiently. All of the supernaturals were standing in front of the warehouse's entrance. "Can't we just go in and attack?"

"Attacking sounds great." Malia eagerly nodded.

"See, this is why we get along so well." I beamed, wrapping an arm around the coyote. Malia rolled her eyes with a small smile.

"How long do we have to wait before we just waltz in?" Percy asked as he tossed his pen into the air and catching it when it fell back into his hand.

"Give it a sec, Perce." Jason licked his lips.

"How are we even going to walk through the door? There's like a hundred of us," Leo waved at us before pointing at the door, "and a small door."

"Can we just go in now, McCall?" Jackson groaned out, throwing his head back in frustration.

Scott glanced at Annabeth who nodded.

"Yeah, we can go in now." Scott confirmed. He looked at each of us. "Just be careful, we have no idea what she has planned. Be ready for anything."

With that said, Scott opened the door and entered the warehouse. The demigods got their weapons out. We walked into the warehouse cautiously.

"How long do you think it will take for them to figure out that we are here?" Alec questioned, warily scanning our surroundings.

"Not long." Monroe stepped out of the shadows with a gun slung over her shoulder. A few hunters stepped up behind her. "How are your injuries, Nevah? Heard about your engagement. Hoped you liked my gift."

"Fight me." I glared at her, taking a step forward. Frank and Jason quickly held me back. Monroe was more than amused.

"Cute." Monroe started to walk towards us slowly. Her henchmen started to round us up into a circle. "Now, I'm assuming you guys are here to end this?"

"No, we are here to throw a surprise birthday party for you." Percy sarcastically gave her a lopsided grin. He gave her jazz hands. "Surprise!"

Monroe scoffed and motioned for her hunters to attack us.

"Wait a sec, Monroe." I wiggled my way out of the boys' grips.

"Nevah!" Frank hissed, trying to grab my arm. I swatted his hand away and strolled up to Monroe. Everyone held their breath, not knowing what I would do.

"For these three years, you've commanded your hunters to kill and torture us. You know, correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time I saw you actually do anything was when you stabbed me and my friends back in Beacon Hills when you were being manipulated by Argent." I started to walk a circle around her. A smug smile threatening to appear on my face. "But you have never killed. You make your little minions do it. How about we settle this how it was supposed to, mmh?"

"What are you suggesting?" Monroe warily raised an eyebrow. Her hands were starting to shake.

"Oh you know, a good old hand to hand combat?" I merely shrugged. Monroe shuffled restlessly. "No weapons and no powers. Or are you too scared?"

"Boss," a hunter warned. She was giving Monroe a look, shaking her head.

"Pft," I flicked my hand and the hunter and rolled my eyes. "I'm not going to kill her. I'm not evil like you guys. We are not fighting to to death. It's simple. If you tap out, you and the hunters leave all of the supernaturals alone. If I lose, you kill me. If anyone of us gets knocked unconscious same rules apply."

"Nevah." Lydia looked at me with wide eyes. I ignored her, placing my hands on my hips.

"Deal?" I held out my hand. Monroe eyed me, her gaze flickering between my hand and my face.

"Deal." Monroe smirked, shaking my hand. Her palms were sweating a she stared me right in my eyes.

"Hey," I leaned forward to whisper, "it's okay to be afraid. But fear shouldn't lead to killing. You better hold you end of the deal or you will see what my bad side actually looks like."

I winked at her before pulling away. Monroe looked like a deer in headlights before regaining a neutral expression.

"You're all talk, Nevah." Monroe handed her gun to a hunter. She raised her fists up. "Let's fight."

"About time." A smile tugged at my lips. I quickly glanced at the pack and lowly whispered the next line. "Keep an eye out for anything. Either her or her hunters are going to pull a stunt."

Scott gave me a slight nod, crossing his arms over his chest. Malia but her lip, suppressing a growl. Liam and Alec looked at Scott, their hands turning in to fists.

"In case you didn't know," I started to circle Monroe again. "I fought Black Widow and some of the Avengers. Best buddies with the assassins and Cap. Just saying."

Monroe let out a yell, crossing her arm to punch me in the face. I smoothly ducked, smacking her hands aside. A giggle escaped my lips.

"She's insane. She's lost it." I heard Piper.

I did a roundhouse kick to Monroe's side. She grunted, stumbling to her left. Using that as an opportunity, I kicked at her knee. There was a pop and a loud cry from Monroe.

"Remember to tap out. You don't want to get too injured." I winked with a wide smile.

"You have lost your mind." Monroe groaned out, holding her side. "If you think a few injuries is going to make me tap out and not kill you."

"Oh, honey, I was hoping you would say that." I uppercut her chin with my right, jabbing my left hand into her stomach.

"Ow! I'm hurting and I didn't even feel that." Leo called out. "How you feeling Monroe?"

She slapped my face, her nails digging into my cheek. I stood my ground and raised an eyebrow in return.

"Really? Are we back in middle school?" I scoffed. Monroe reached for my hair. Shaking my head, I grabbed both of her wrists and shoved her away.

Monroe kicked leg, causing her knee to it my stomach. The breath got knocked out of me. Stumbling back, I grabbed a hold of Monroe's fist that was heading towards my face. Growling, I tightened my hold on her fist and twisted it to the side. The bone snapped.

Monroe screamed out, using her other hand and punching my face. Rolling my eyes, I raised my hand to punch her.

"Nevah, look out!" Liam cried out.

"Duck!" Hazel screamed.

I quickly shot towards the ground. A knife flew over me, lodging itself into the wall. Huffing in anger, I looked at the hunter who threw it and the at Monroe.

"Oh, it's on." I jumped up, kicking my foot at Monroe's face.

"Ah!" Monroe cried, stumbling back and holding her hand over her nose. Not wasting another second, I swung my fist at her temple.

Monroe collapsed onto the ground. Her head looked to the side and her eyes fluttered shut. There were gasps echoing through the building.

"You!" I pivoted on my feet. I glared and pointed at the hunter who threw the knife. He rapidly blinked and swallowed. I started to stomp towards him.

"Oh shit!" Percy cursed, rushing towards me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and arms, picking me up and turning me away from the hunter.

"No! Let me at him, Percy!" I kicked and screamed.

"Someone signal Rick already!" Percy grunted as my head collided into his chin. "And get Stiles!"

"Already on it!" Frank yelled back. I continued to thrash in my brother's arms, ready to fight the hunter.

"Percy!" I wiggled some more. "Let me go!"

"Oh Hades no!" Percy quickly responded. "I'm not telling Mom that you killed someone!"

"I'm not going to kill him!" I protested, grabbing a hold of his wrist. My grip tightened before I tugged it away from me. I quickly let go and elbowed him in the chest. "Just gonna hurt him."

I ran towards the hunter who let out a girly shriek. A satisfied smile grew on my face. Arms tugged me away, and into their chest.

"I swear to Poseidon, if you don't let me sock one punch at him, it's going to be you." I threatened.

"Yeah, let's not do that." Stiles tightened his grip. "I like my face as it is, thank you."

"Stiles?" I started to relax into his hold. He was dressed in his FBI uniform, a bullet period vest covering his chest. My fiancé gave me a smile and pressed his lips against my forehead.

"Yeah, let's take you away from all of this so you can calm down." Stiles started to pull me away from all of the action.

Rick and other FBI agents were rallying up the hunters. Many were already handcuffed.

"What happened to her?" Rick pointed to an unconscious Monroe.

"Her face really loves my fists." I beamed as we walked passed them. Rick breathed out a laugh, looking at Monroe in amusement.

"You're not too bad Graecus." Rick told me before twirling his finger from Monroe to his agents. "Handcuff her and put her with the others."

"She's finally gone." I sighed, leaning my head on Stiles' shoulder.

"And hopefully forever."

Whoop whoop Monroe is getting her evil ass in prison 🙌🏽

Can we all just appreciate Nevah for knocking her out?

I was planning on making the fight quick: one punch and Monroe would go to sleep. But knowing Nevah, she would play it out and have a few hits in her 😏😉

Until next time babes

Much love

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