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⊱Derriére des portes closes⊰
Behind closed doors
"Why are you dressed like you're on a red carpet?"
The ridiculously overbearing man model-walked out of his hotel room with designer clothes, emerald turtleneck under his coffee brown suit, and a sass that rivaled drag queens'. It was a pity that I only had two eyes to roll at this man.
Envy fixed his wristwatch and raised an eyebrow at me while I huffed, "Couldn't you have dressed in something simple? Like jeans shirt or something normal?"
"Never," he immediately denied with an amused smirk and placed his hands on his hips under his jacket, looking like a haughty model. "Besides we're meeting a celebrity. I'm sure he or she would be dressed in the same stylish clothes so why scold me, sweetie?"
With an exasperated groan, I harshly tugged his arm, hoping that I was ruining the fabric, and dragged him towards the elevator. "You're unbelievable."
"That's why I'm so envied," he said all too casually but I wasn't one to treat it casually. A faint tug in my chest had me feeling unsettled, but I didn't let it shatter the frown I wore.
The door closed after we walked into the elevator and uncomfortable silence filled the air. I scratched the back of my hand, waiting impatiently as the floor number decreased painfully slowly next to the door.
All of a sudden, the silent man beside me gasped, turning to me, "Wait... we're walking there?"
"Yes, like any other human does," I stated as a matter of fact. "We must blend in, obviously, so you better get used to walking whether you like it or not. Damn it, Envy, what were you doing when God explained everything about getting human qualities? Were you even listening?"
"Hey hey, don't castigate me. I'm just making sure," he protested, crossing his arms, his deep, domineering voice turning meek. "And tone down with the cursing, will ya? Does God even know you're such a potty mouth?"
My jaw tightened. "Why? You think I don't deserve to be in heaven when I'm so rude and coarse?"
His brows knitted together just when the door opened and I walked out without waiting for an answer. I didn't want an answer.
And I was relieved that I didn't get one in the end.
A number of other hotel residents clad in expensive suits passed us by in the entrance hall as we walked around the enormous fountain, my sneakers silent while his derbies made harsh clicking sounds against the marble floor, and reached the main entrance. It was impossible to ignore the lingering stares of women who were practically stripping Envy with their eyes. Men were secretly scrutinizing him with envious looks.
"Gosh darn, En- Tae!" I snapped as soon as we left the hotel, making him flinch.
"What? What's wrong?" His eyes rounded innocently and I knew he was actually clueless since he didn't pay attention to his surroundings.
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly to blow off some steam, and calmly stated, "I'm fine. We're going to an apartment where celebrities like actors and singers reside on every floor. Luckily, it's not far from here. We're already in the wealthy neighborhood."
After many confused noises from him and forced peaceful sentences from me, we arrived at a tall glass building where I saw many celebrities before. I hoped to find someone from there...
But when I brought my hand up to ring the doorbell, I was hoping that I wouldn't.
It felt too soon. I didn't want to part with Taehyung this soon.
"What's wrong?" His voice brought me back from my daze.
I quickly rang it and felt my insides plummet. I had to act accordingly. Letting him know that I was hesitating because of that was worse.
The door opened and a middle aged woman wearing an apron appeared before us with furrowed eyebrows. "Who are you?"
"Oh, we're here to, um, conduct a small research...?" I forced a smile, shaking her hand. "It won't take long. Just a few questions to-"
She slipped her hand out of my hold and pushed the door to us. "Sorry, you're not welcomed."
Pushing my lips to a pout, I stared at the door for a minute before moving to the next one and ringing the doorbell. When the door opened, I repeated my words but the man smiled apologetically and shut the door on me.
This happened far too many.
I tried again for another apartment room and a young male housekeeper opened the door. When I told him my reason, he was about to shut the door, but I touched his cheek and had him squat down, clutching his stomach with a groan.
Intruding, I grabbed Envy's hand and pulled him to the living room where the celebrity, dressed in sweatpants and white shirt, was watching television. When we neared him, the coffee brown haired man abruptly stood up in alarm with cautious eyes scanning us.
"What's happening? Who are you two? Choi Jiwoo!"
"Apologies for the intrusion but your housekeeper was unable to answer for us so we thought we should approach you about this matter instead. We're here for a research. Just a quick question and we're gone," I simply said and pointed to the fidgety man next to me. "Do you not envy this man right here? It's for a satisfaction survey conducted by the government."
The brown haired man frowned as he scanned Envy. "No...?"
I pursed my lips and nodded. "I see. Well then."
I grabbed Envy's hand and speed walked out of the door, closing it behind us, completely ignoring the ailing man on the floor.
"Moving on."
We continued to intrude into homes of many but the same response was all we got from all of them.
"They're full of themselves, why can't I find a single person?" I groaned as I caught a glimpse of the sun setting in the horizon outside the window in the hallway. I was exhausted. It was something I hadn't felt physically.
"Even if they appear so full of themselves, they can be insecure about themselves, Seoyun," he mused with disappointment laced in his tone. "And I gotta say, for a heaven creature, you're so impolite... rather unruly."
Ignoring his comment about me, I sighed. "But they must be living a content life..."
He shook his head, his silky bangs brushing against his forehead. "No one can ever live a content life."
Before I could respond to that, sounds of dishes shattering inside the apartment room before me made me freeze. A loud, piercing scream that followed had my blood running cold. Swallowing the throbbing feeling in my throat, I brought my hand down from the doorbell.
I should have know more than anyone that they're the type of people who were the most dissatisfied with their lives.
What was I even thinking...?
"Do you really think you'll find someone among celebrities?"
I had the answer but I couldn't say it. Unable to listen to the cries echoing inside the room, I walked away from the door and pressed the elevator button.
"Are you hungry?" I sighed. "I'm hungry and tired... I'm calling it a day."
"The pizza looks great! Let's buy the pizza."
I watched him with keen eyes as Envy hummed for a while, staring at the menu in his hands before frowning. "I prefer burgers."
This bitch-
"But sure, I can eat pizza now," he quipped, dropping the menu and leaning back in his chair. "Food is food."
I held back an eye roll and asked the waitress for a large pizza and two cokes. Even if I was the one giving the order, she kept eyeing Envy with a 'come-hither' look that he didn't notice, or rather, ignored by looking past her at the cashier. He sure was still popular. And people were still so... punchable.
"So what's your next plan?" Envy asked after she walked away. "Another apartment of celebrities? Walking on red carpet with hundreds of celebrities?"
I cocked an eyebrow. "Is that what you want?"
He shrugged with a playful smirk that flattened his full lips.
"I don't think so," I mumbled, scratching the back of my hand. "This was the only attempt at celebrities. No more."
The buzzing exciting of the place, the people who were enjoying their fast food seemed so surreal. The loud cries and screams I heard an hour ago were still engraved in my mind, still could be heard loud and clear. The agony I felt from there was all too familiar...
Far too familiar to my liking.
A heavy feeling weighed down my chest and I rubbed it unconsciously. It was only then that I was aware of Envy's eyes on me.
"There are all types of people in this world... At least one person content with his life is out there somewhere," I tried convincing...
But who was I trying to convince exactly?
"One large pepperoni pizza and two cokes," the waitress suddenly announced and placed them on the table. "Enjoy." She winked at Envy who gave her a stony expression before dismissing her coldly.
The delightful smell and warmth of the freshly baked pizza permeated the air, filling me with giddiness and coziness. Its sight looked positively delectable with lots of cheese and pepperoni.
I quickly cut it into pieces and took a piece while Envy sipped his coke. I hummed in satisfaction when the taste hit. It tasted like how my father made them.
"My dad used to make mom and I pizzas whenever she came back home from her fashion shows," I said, reminiscing the past the flavors brought back. "It tasted just like this. With so much cheese and pepperoni... So warm..."
The green haired man momentarily stopped chewing and asked in a hushed tone, "Why are you crying?"
Blinking, I touched my cheek and felt something wet on it. I never noticed the tears in my eyes.
"I'm not crying. Why would I cry?"
I wiped the tears with my sleeve and sniffled a few times before continuing to bite the pizza slice in my hand. The taste was comforting yet upsetting.
Pizza never tasted so strong.
In the end, I couldn't eat more than two slices. Every time I took a bite, tears were welling up in my eyes even if I held them back.
The day was horrible.
But I still had countless more to go...
I had more time. I could take it easy since I had plenty of time.
I didn't want to cry like this again.
Now I'm craving pizza... thank you, Ena 😑
Pizza 🍕 or burger 🍔 ?
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