twenty two


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totally spies
6 members

okay has everyone blocked everyone's numbers already???

yeah i checked gyuvin's phone this morning, all gone. and i told hyeri to make sure he keeps it that way.

we know yunmi already blocked them, although she was refusing to even leave the room this morning

shes so fat i had to carry her out🙄🙄🙄

gunwook deleted it
seemed like no problem for him

ricky did aswell, also seemed like no problem

okay good
i spoke to the police about the situation, they asked us to search their houses for any more evidence while they're at college

all family members and staff are also out of the houses for investigation purposes besides yujin and i

Skipping high school for this🔥🔥🔥

bro is NOT doing his homework😂😂😂😂

lil bro is solving the murder case instead of solving the maths equations ong😭😭🙏🙏

real he's my little partner now
idk what we'd find in yunmi's house though

it doesn't even have to be evidence of her connection to the case it could be anything to show something about their friendships

which will hopefully give us clues on who the actual killer is because yejun is somehow connected to everyone

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Yunmi's head rested on top of the table as she held back her tears. It was her first day back and she already felt empty. She was now living back at home and burden of seeing the three boys around came back.

It was clear that Z had said something to every single one of them to make them mad at each other again. She'd hope to find them in the school hallways or during her free periods but no, they were no where to be seen and it was as if they were stripped from her life again.

This wasn't exactly what she wanted. Yunmi wanted to sort everything out with them and get over the past. But now Z had brought it all up again, the past was back and the secrets were revealed. So now, they hate each other again, and Yunmi now hates herself.

Chaeri had also reopened the building today, letting the students back in after a month. This led Hanni, Jungwon and Anton to also move back to their college and Yunmi staying with Wonyoung and Youngeun.

The two girls fortunately never went against Yunmi ever since the case came out, even if she had been too preoccupied with it all. The trio sat alone in the corner, avoiding other students from staring at Yunmi in disgust.

"Okay, so you're saying some random anonymous person called Z is texting you?" Wonyoung asked in surprise, earning a nod in response. The girl cocked her head to the side and started to think. "That's so weird.. and they knew everything that happened with you?

Yunmi groaned and pulled her hood up in embarrassment. "Somehow everything. Even started taunting me saying I killed him." She shivered at the thought of it. "I feel so unsafe and uncomfortable."

Youngeun pat her back softly. "I'm sure we'll find out who that is. "Do you know anyone else who's been receiving these messages?"

"Them three were. But when we were friends, they left us alone until now. I just don't understand why it's all coming back now. Now I'm starting to think I did kill him."

The other two girls' eyes widened and immediately started shaking their heads and comforting her as much as they could. "You really believe what that Z person said?" Youngeun whispered, patting her head. "Yunmi, you didn't kill him. They're just trying to make you believe you did so you'd confess to something."

Wonyoung nodded. "They're just trying to scare you. Everyone knows you didn't do it."

"No." Yunmi gulped. "You don't get it. They somehow know everything about me, quite literally everything. Of course I'd believe them. I was drunk too, maybe I just don't remember it."

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Hyeri and Gyuvin were at college, and Gyuvin's parents were working at the colleges. This left Hanbin to be alone in the house - quite literally alone now as even the maids and chefs had left the house too. He had the mansion all to himself to explore and dig up evidence on.

If anything Hanbin was given the easiest job out of everyone; Gyuvin and his family clearly had many secrets to hide and anything found in this house is considered evidence. Maybe this house IS the evidence, who knows?

Hanbin first checked out Gyuvin's room and checked the printer, going over what Yujin had mentioned to them about someone printing out things for Jiwoong. He printed the same file and was surprised that the same stupid threat even came up again.

He raised a brow and started to think who the fuck would want Jiwoong to stop investigating, and who would even want Yejun's phone in the first place. Hanbin's main suspect was Gyuvin's dad, because who else would it be?

Ever since the murder even happened, nothing even seemed right. Maybe it's because they're rich and like their investigations fully private, or they're just hiding something. It could be both, but the lack of support and sense in the case was just so confusing.

Even the whole 'Z' drama and the friend group was weird. If the four were truly framed, then why the fuck would someone anonymous try scare them into thinking they're guilty?

The boy started to examine the bedroom, finding quite literally nothing that could help. It was just a normal student's room.Well that was until Hanbin had spotted a few polaroid pictures stuck to the wall next to his bed.

There were many photos of him and some friends, but only two stood out - the first photo was a picture of the five together, looking all happy and smiling together. However, a face was scribbled out. For a weird reason, it wasn't Yejun's, and was instead Ricky's.

Hanbin took it into his hands and took a while to think. It was weird that there was even photos of them together on the wall when they fell out so long ago, but it was weirder that Ricky's face was scribbled out. And most importantly, it doesn't look new. It looks like it was scratched out maybe a few months up until a year ago. He placed it into his bag and picked up another one to not waste time.

This time, it was a picture of him and Yunmi. It wasn't that surprising that he still had it, considering he had probably still been in love with her for some reason. Yet the photo was from what seemed like a few years ago, they looked younger - baby faces and high school uniform.

What stood out was the fact the background had something pretty weird. Just behind the two, was a door to the backyard. And it wasn't so hard to recognise the two people in the back - it was Gyuvin's father and mother, presumably arguing.

Hanbin wasn't actually sure how long they had been out of love, or whatever drama was going on. But what he did know is that Gyuvin wasn't fully aware of them two being out of love at all until college. So considering there was some clear photo of his parents arguing during his time in high school, did he really not know?

Hanbin brushed it off and placed it into his bag. He didn't want to meddle in his family business if it wasn't essential to the case yet. But another had caught his attention - one more printed picture. "Is that Yejun and Gyuvin's dad?" Hanbin whispered to himself, feeling uneasy.

It was a simple photo of Gyuvin and Hyeri posing, but Yejun was very clearly in the background, talking to Gyuvin's dad. They both looked happy - smiling throughout the conversation they were probably having. Hanbin thought to himself, did the two have a good relationship?

But how could that have made Gyuvin hate Yejun so much besides the fact Yunmi was dating Yejun? Hanbin sat down and thought to himself, very, very hard.

His mind forced thoughts about the murder, and everything going on behind the scenes between them. The fact that Yejun and Mr Kim seemed pretty much like friends, but Mr Kim could have possibly wanted to blame his son.

He could easily have Gyuvin out of the case, but it's obvious Gyuvin is supposed to be the 'main suspect' for a reason.

One thing came to his mind; the baseball bat. Since cctv evidence shows Gyuvin's dad putting the bat inside, could he have known about Yejun's plan? If they were ever close, maybe this was the possibility of a plan between the two?

His plan to frame the four, his plan to get himself killed and blame them. It would all make sense, right? How Gyuvin's dad dealt with the case so poorly, could he purposely turned Yejun's death into a shit show of the friend group tearing apart on purpose?

Hanbin didn't think to check anywhere else and darted towards the sports hall. He needed to check something, maybe any notes left behind or some evidence that the bat was actually taken for Yejun instead of the bullshit of 'Protecting Gyuvin.'

He barely reached the room without feeling like his legs were about to give way. He took a few seconds for himself to breathe and went straight towards the bag of baseball bats.

The missing one was still gone, but Hanbin thought of something else. He reached down into the bag, hoping to find something. He moved his hand around like a claw machine - slow and precise, hoping to pick up the correct thing.

Once he felt something other than the bat, he slowly rose his arm. He picked the object up and pulled it out of the bag, and it revealed to be a phone. Surprisingly it was on and at almost full battery, and it didn't take Hanbin long to find out whose it was.

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totally spies
6 members

i found yejun's phone.


gyuvin's house
it's an iphone 14 right
the lockscreen is him and yunmi


idk but i've taken it

gyuvin's house has a lot of weird shit omg

hanbin i love you
bring it to the house asap

we'll go through it and i'll give it to whoever wanted it after we gather some sort of evidence

i'm so creeped out rn
where abouts in the house did you find it?

i was going back to their sports hall and checking the baseball bat thing but the phone was hidden inside of the bag

okay that is really fucking creepy
their family has a lot going on

i'm suspecting so many things
esp mr kims hes weird

so he's the one who took it right?

they probably knew i was going to search the house and hid it in there.

i also found some more evidence, but it's more about gyuvin's family and their relationships with other people.

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The group of six met up in the boys' apartment. Hanbin took the phone out along with the pictures and placed it carefully on the table.

The five of them looked at it in surprise. "Okay we didn't get THAT much evidence." Yujin admitted. "I think you're the only one who actually tried to search for evidence."

Matthew laughed nervously and scratched his head. "Yeah.. I just sat in Gunwook's room. I don't think they're guilty anymore." The others nodded in agreement then turned back to Hanbin.

"I'm not saying I think Gyuvin did it, I'm saying his family had to do with it." Hanbin scoffed. "Obviously I think them four are innocent and have been framed."

"Anyway," Taerae said calmly. "Should we look at the phone or pictures first?" He didn't want for an answer as he knew everyone cared about the phone the most.

Hao took it into his hands. "Okay fuck, it has a password." He grumbled and placed the phone back down. "I know I'm the smartest here but I can't do shit with passwords."

Yujin snorted. "Don't be stupid, I already know it." The youngest took the phone and typed in a password and the phone unlocked straight away. "What? I'm the girlfriend's brother. Of course I know the code, he told Yunmi it."

The others smiled in relief and Hao took it back into his hands. "Okay what do we look around, his messages, his contacts, his snapchat memories?"

"Snapchat memories." Matthew repeated with a chuckle. "Don't be funny, we need the messages." Hao chuckled and went straight to imessage.

Jiwoong shivered in fear. "Wait, I think I should do it." He extended his hand and Hao raised a brow, but then realised that Jiwoong was obviously the brother, so he placed it into his hands.

Jiwoong gave Hao a small smile. "I feel like I need to be the one to see this. He was my step brother, after all." He was followed by a series of hums and nods.

"Oh fuck, there's two contacts that have been deleted, looks pretty recent too." Jiwoong said, putting the phone in the middle for everyone to see. Two recent messages were from deleted contacts. Jiwoong went on one and furrowed his brows. "Why the fuck is the name blurred out? Is this on purpose or something?"

"He must have blocked out the person's name, because look.." Hao pointed at one of the recent messages. "It says 'I love you, #%*$@&', and that obviously isn't Yunmi's number."

"This was from May last year, so before summer right?" Taerae said, pointing at the date. "It must be in his recents because he blocked the name out before he died or something."

"So he cheated on Yunmi???" Yujin crossed his arms. "Damn who the hell is this girl?"

Jiwoong scoffed as he scrolled up the messages. "They mention a lot of 'not telling anyone'." He pointed at a few more messages and went off the chat. "Okay, we have to find out whoever this is."

"It looks like he cheated on Yunmi with two girls." Hanbin gasped, pointing at another message from December last year. The message read 'Let's stop seeing each other, I can't hide this from Gyuvin anymore.'

"Wait a second," Hao said. "So he cheated on Yunmi with two girls, and this one knows Gyuvin?"

Jiwoong clenched the phone a little but then went silent when he realised something. "Taerae, give me your phone really quick. This is the only deleted contact where you can see the person's number."

Taerae didn't hesitate and gave Jiwoong his phone. After typing in the number, a contact name appeared on Taerae's phone. The group gasped when the contact came up as 'Gyuvin's mother'.

"Wait, what?" Matthew sat up and looked at the contacts closely. "How do they know each other like that? Ew wait, is she a cougar?"

Yujin sat up faster than he ever had before and took Yejun's phone. "Oh my golly gosh." He said in a joking tone, but he looked up at the five older boys with a serious face. "Okay, so like you know how I mentioned how there was some rich people drama that Gyuvin's mother was dating some younger student from one of the colleges?"

"Do you think he could be the guy who Gyuvin's mother was dating?" Matthew suggested after a wave of realisation hit him, pointing at the phone. "There's a lot of messages where an age gap and 'not letting Gyuvin know' is mentioned." He scrolled a bit more.

"Oh my God, what if she's the one who took the phone from Jiwoong's house? So she could delete her contact?" Hanbin's eyes were wide and he turned to Jiwoong.

Jiwoong hummed. "I did suspect one of them had taken it, but there was nothing against her. I thought it was all Gyuvin's dad, I mean still could be.. but the fact this scandal was with Yejun is..."

Jiwoong clenched the phone securely into his hands and stared at the messages. "I never even knew he was like this." His voice was a combination of disgust, disappointment and a hint of detest. He felt so betrayed by his own brother and his determination to find out more about the boy's hidden life.

"I still have the photos-" Hanbin said, putting it in the middle.

"It's best if we check it later on, sorry Hanbin." Hao patted his back and looked up at Jiwoong, who looked pissed off. Hanbin got the memo and took the photos back into his bag, hoping it would be a use later on.

"Who the fuck was Yejun?" He whispered to himself and slid the phone into his pocket. "I'm taking this, is that okay?" The others nodded without question and he sighed. "Whoever killed him definitely had a clear motive now. And we need to interrogate her. Find out everything. Understand?"

There was a glint of anger in Jiwoong's eyes, and all they could do was nod silently again before he stormed out of the room with Yejun's phone. But once he left, a message came onto his lockscreen.

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i know you have it.

please tell me where you found it, i've been looking for so fucking long now, and you found it just like that?

give it to me, jiwoong.

i will give you one day to give that phone to me.

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Hi chat

just checking in give me ur theories and suspicions🔥🔥🔥🔥

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