CHAPTER TEN: change of plan
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Ricky was walking along the corridors with a lollipop in his mouth and an empty head. He got bored of going to the classes since it turned into arguments between the four students so he decided to skive this lesson.
He hated the fact most Chaeri students were attending the school now as it was too crowded and it was known that Chaeri had a lower reputation than Narae. They had smarter students but they had no one like him and the others - no one born into a super wealthy family.
He stopped when he saw a vulnerable looking girl leaning against the wall looking down at her phone. He tilted his head and made his way over to her with a smirk. "Hey,"
She looked up with a frightened expression and put her phone down. "Uhm, hi. Can I help you?"
He nodded and threw a bag of rubbish at her chest, which she luckily caught. "Put it in the bin for me." He then tilted his head towards the bin not too far away from them.
She scoffed. "Excuse me? Can't you do it yourself? It's right there." She pointed at it and Ricky looked down at her with an annoyed expression. He had never been stood up to ever, and he was quite shocked after hearing her reaction.
"Do you even know who I am?"
"No." She raised a brow. "And I don't care." She threw the bag back at him. "Do it yourself, weirdo." She scoffed and began to walk off before he pulled her back by the arm.
"That's not how you're supposed to talk to me."
She glared at him. "Okay? Leave me alone then if you don't want to hear it."
"Be the good person you are and put it in the bin for me, or you could buy me some lunch." He shrugged and waited for her to respond.
She looked him up and down. "You're dressed in designer. You sure you can't buy your own food?"
He bit his lip. "It's a simple task, it takes two seconds. I just want to see if you're useful." He shrugged and threw the bag back at her.
"What the fuck makes you think I should do this all for you?" The girl scoffed. "You aren't special, and trust me it would've been easier and way faster if you just put your shit in the bin instead of bothering me."
"I have more money than your whole family tree had combined." He cocked his head to the side before checking his phone. "I'm just testing if I could have myself a personal maid in college."
She threw the bag to his feet and glared at him. "You're weird. I'm not a fucking slave. Especially for someone who probably killed Yejun."
Ricky went silent and looked up at her with a face of fury and hatred. "Did you just say I probably killed Yejun?" He kicked the plastic bag to her feet and scoffed. "Know your place, you're no higher than me in anything."
"Ricky." The two turned to see Yunmi stood there with an expression of disgust. She began to walk towards them and picked up the bag and shoved it into his hands, causing his phone to drop. "Put your shit in the bin and stop skiving."
He glared at the girl and looked down at his phone. "Pick up my phone, Yunmi." He gave her a strong look and waited for her to do so.
Yunmi snorted and smiled teasingly. "No."
"Yunmi." He looked at her. "Get out of my business, honestly."
"Come on, just because every other person you've tried to intimidate ended up staying home in fear doesn't make you someone everyone should listen to." She looked at the girl. "Really? A Chaeri student?"
Ricky crossed his arms. "Why are you so interested in what I do now?"
Sbe scoffed. "This is the first time I've seen someone stand up to you, and I was interested."
He looked down again and didn't want to carry on the conversation. "Well grab my fucking phone Yunmi."
Yunmi turned to a girl with a smile. "You should go before he starts to have a go at me." She shooed her off and walked closer to the boy. "What's with all this fake narcissistic personality?"
He looked at her and ignored her question again. "Yunmi, my phone."
She rolled her eyes and bent down to get the rubbish bag and the phone. Once she got up, she shoved his phone into the bag and threw it in the bin.
"Han Yunmi what the fuck?" He yelled as she began to walk off. He groaned and went over to the bin. Yunmi turned around and laughed after seeing him searching in the bin, just to take his phone out of her pocket.
"What a fucking nutcase." She snorted before walking off with Ricky's phone in her hands.
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"Can we search your bag?" The teacher asked him with a serious look. Gunwook was clearly not in the right headspace and the teacher had suspected that he was on something.
"No." Gunwook replied with a laugh. "You can't just look into my bag for no reason." He slurred and stumbled as he tried to grab his bag.
"Well there is a reason," She pointed at his face. "You are definitely not sober." The woman sighed and pushed Gunwook back down before taking his bag.
He groaned and closed his eyes as he slowly gave up. The woman sighed in relief before taking his bag and unzipped it. There was a few bottles of alcohol in his bag and she bit her lip. "How do you even get those top grades if your bag looks like this?"
Gunwook shrugged. "I'm naturally smart."
The woman sighed. "I will need to contact the principal, and tell your parents-"
"NO." He then stood up and squinted his eyes. "You can't do that. Please don't tell them." He begged with his hands together. "That'll ruin everything. Gyuvin's mother is not someone who should see me like this." He then knocked the table and chair over, causing a loud noise to echo across the classroom.
"You are our top student but we can't tolerate you bringing alcohol into the school grounds." The woman sighed and ignored the boy's constant pleading.
"Is everything okay? We heard some ruckus." The vice principal, Mrs Han walked into the room alongside Yunmi.
The teacher sighed. "I found some alcohol in our top student's bag and he was very obviously intoxicated in my lesson." Yunmi then looked at Gunwook and tried not to laugh at how stupid he was.
Yunmi was with the vice principal to discuss Yunmi's future careers and plans after college, and she coincidentally had to come across Gunwook in trouble.
"Mrs Han should I contact his parents and the principal?" The woman asked as she handed the other woman the bag. Mrs Han looked into the bag and looked at the boy in disappointment.
Gyuvin's mother was not aware of Gunwook's alcoholism and since she was the principal of Narae, she could easily get Gunwook expelled.
Yunmi took a peek at the bag and scoffed. "What an idiot." She mumbled to herself before looking back up at Mrs Han.
Mrs Han smiled at the other woman. "I suggest you not contact them, I will do it. Leave him with me." Mrs Han said with a stern voice before taking Gunwook's bag and turning to Yunmi. "Since you're his friend, can you take him to the office for me?
"Wait," Yunmi said before she was about to pick up Gunwook. "You're taking Gunwook to the principal?"
"Where's she taking me?" Gunwook then opened his eyes. "Eww why is Yunmi he-" Yunmi put her hand over his mouth and looked at the woman.
"To Gyuvin's mother." Yunmi gulped at the response before laughing awkwardly. "I think bringing this guy to the principal is a bad idea."
Mrs Han chuckled. "There's mothing wrong with Gunwook going to the principal, is there?"
Yunmi shook her head and gulped. "Sorry, I'll bring him I guess." She easily picked him up and smiled at the other teacher before taking the boy out of the room.
Yunmi was usually Gunwook's drunk caretaker and she was so used to picking him up after drinks that she had the strength to pick the boy up, despite his height and weight compared to hers.
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After attending college again, it made Yunmi realise how much the boys have changed. Their egos were too high and they were the bad people that everyone said they were.
When they were friends, Ricky wasn't the most narcissistic, Gyuvin wasn't the biggest dickhead, Gunwook wasn't two-faced, and Yunni wasn't obsessed with her addictions. But somehow, as soon as they weren't friends, these traits were revealed in them.
Obviously during the year of no contact, she saw them acting like this, but now that she's witnessing this drastic change of attitude from them up close, it made her feel very iffy.
"I'm going crazy." Yunmi dropped her head onto the table and exhaled deeply. Her fists were clenched and her eyes were closed as she wished this was all a joke. "I didn't expect them to be like this. I haven't even changed that much."
"Why? What have you seen?" Wonyoung asked curiously. "You've seen them be like this before. What's so wrong about it now?"
"I caught Ricky being a dick to a Chaeri student and Gunwook was drunk in a lesson. I haven't seen much of Gyuvin as he skips the lessons but I bet he's being sort of asshole or playboy lord."
Hyeri pat her head. "You all have changed Yunmi, it happens." She smiled in sympathy, "The whole group has changed but I'm sure it's not that bad for you right?"
She shook her head. "No I hate this. Why did we all need to change for the worst?" She groaned in irritation and lifted her head up. "I mean have you seen them? They're basically bullies."
"Bullies is the correct word." Jungwon said in bafflement. "I've seen them everywhere being massive scumbags. I'm kind of glad I don't go to Narae, they're actually really scary."
"Yeah, I've seen them intimidating some random Chaeri students everywhere." Yunmi sighed. "Am I the only one who's not the biggest scumbag?"
"Out of you four, yes." Youngeun chuckled. "But that's because you actually have friends, they're by themselves in this college, they have no friends and having to act like they're friends with each other."
Yunmi sighed again. She didn't know how this all happened and why the extent of their weird behaviour is so clear.
Anton turned around and gagged. "Gyuvin's enjoying his time here clearly." The group turned Anton's way and Gyuvin was making out with some random girl. Yunmi actually hadn't seen him at all during their time back at college and to see this in her first time seeing him made her annoyed.
Hyeri shot daggers at him from the table and sighed. "Oh for fucks sake, what's his issue." She looked away immediately in disappointment. "I told him not to get into this type of mess."
"He's back in his man slag persona." Anton raised a brow. "Well it's not like he ever stopped being one, but he's getting worse by the day."
"Is he nice to you? He definitely doesn't seem like it." Wonyoung asked Hyeri in suspicion. "He really makes me mad everytime he does something, I doubt he'd even be nice to you."
Hyeri rubbed her temples. "He is actually an alright guy to me, since we're technically about to be siblings. I'm trying to help him to stop being an asshole but it's clearly not working."
Hanni scoffed. "He's such a man slag, it feels as if he's kissed a new girl every time I see him around the campus."
"He was like this before too." Yunmi crossed her arms. "Ever since we came to college he decided to be some weird wannabe playboy, is he not tired?"
Jungwon held her hand from across the table. "Now I'm going to hold your hand when I say this..." He joked, causing the others to stifle a laugh. "No but seriously Yunmi, you're the exact same. You lead both Gyuvin and Yejun on whilst going around kissing random guys."
Youngeun raised a brow. "He has a point, you two are exactly the same if you think about it. Except Gyuvin is just worse."
"Yeah well okay but I stopped doing that once I fell in love with Yejun." She scoffed. "And I know that Gyuvin wasn't actually into me like I was into him, so it wasn't really leading him on."
The group all looked at each other in amusement at how unaware she really was about it all. "Well Gyuvin can't get a girlfriend clearly." Youngeun clicked her tongue. "He just likes to play people for the benefit of having someone be into him."
Hyeri took Youngeun's words to thought and nodded once she actually understood what she meant. "Oh my God Youngeun you're so right." She had a sudden burst of energy and exhaled. "I should just find someone that is actually into him so he doesn't need to keep being like this."
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"Yunmi, why would you do that in the classroom?" Taerae sighed at her in disappointment. "You shouldn't even be selling drugs in the first place."
"Because she's a fucking idiot." Ricky scoffed from the other sofa. "Lucky she didn't get caught with the drugs or we'd all be kicked out."
Yunmi looked at Ricky in disbelief. "Yeah and you being reported as some bully is worse than a drug deal." She tilted her head and watched as he rolled his eyes. "Seriously, you tried to bully some poor girl into doing shit for you."
"Yeah and you decided to get yourself involved for some reason and scare me into thinking my phone was in the bin."
Hao tried to stifle his laugh from the thought of Ricky searching in the school bins and Ricky looked at him with a glare. "It's not funny, I was scared she did something."
"Anyway, why are these two here?" Yunmi asked as Gyuvin, Hanbin, Gunwook, and Matthew all walked in together.
"You four are actual idiots." Hanbin sighed. "You've been here less than a week and you're causing so much trouble."
"What'd that guy do?" Ricky pointed at an annoyed looking Gyuvin.
"Skived every single one of his lessons to be with some girls." Hanbin said with a disgusted face. "Honestly, I don't get how he's not tired"
Gyuvin snickered. "It's better than being with these guys."
"And him?" Yunmi pointed as Gunwook. "Oh wait, I already know." She began to laugh as Gunwoom flipped her off.
The other boys turned to Matthew, wanting to know what Gunwook did to cause trouble. "He was drunk in a lesson, and got bag searched by one of the teachers who threatened to tell his parents and Gyuvin's mother."
"And I had to carry him to the office." She snorted and put her hand over her mouth. "Oh my God it was hilarious. You should be glad Mrs Han didn't take you to the principal."
"Why didn't she anyway?" Gyuvin asked. "She normally would do it straight away." Both Gunwook and Yunmi looked at each other and looked away when they realised they both knew the reason why.
The others saw the interaction and was about to question it until Jiwoong walked into the living room and ran a hand through his hair. "You guys are too much trouble, can you not even stay together at all? I've also seen reports of you arguing in lesson."
"We need a change of plan." Hao turned to Jiwoong. "Keeping them together won't do anything. We have to know what happened to Yejun now," He then turned to the students. "You're slowing us down from knowing the truth and we need to actually interview you on the case now."
The group looked at Hao in confusion after hearing what he said. Gunwook went silent and his eyes widened when he realised something. "Wait, you're not staff? What do you mean interview us on the case?"
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they all weirdos fr
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