CHAPTER EIGHT: gyuvin's free time
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Yunmi was out with friends, Ricky was getting a full makeover, Gunwook was going to hang out with his girlfriend and Gyuvin decided to stay home. But once he actually arrived inside the house, a familiar face appeared right in front of him.
Gyuvin hoped for family time or to spend time with his family since his father was busy with the case and his mother was focusing on the college. Maybe they could have some fun bonding during this stressful week. Although he did catch his father cheating a year ago, he wasn't sure if his mother knew. And he was too afraid to even mention it.
He hoped he could try and fix his relationship with his parents today. But instead he saw someone who wasn't exactly in his family, but just someone he wasn't very happy to see.
"Uhm, Hyeri?"Gyuvin looked around before running up to her. "Why the fuck are you here?" She was another student at his school and was the daughter of his father's mistress. Him and Hyeri weren't the closest but you could say during the year long friendship break up, he spent more time with her.
"My mother is here." She replied calmly. "Why? Is your mother home?" Hyeri looked around.
"Yes!" He groaned and put his hands over his face. "For fucks sake why did he decide to invite her over now?"
"Gyuvin?" His mother walked in and the two immediately stood still in surprise. "Hello Hyeri." The woman smiled at the girl. "Do you and Gyuvin have another project together?"
She nodded. "Haha yeah, as always." This was the usual lie that they'd tell Gyuvin's mother whenever Hyeri is in the house.
"Okay, well I'm actually really busy so I unfortunately have some um.. work to do. I'll see you later." She smiled and waved before exiting the house right away.
Once the door slammed shut, the two sighed in relief. "You need to leave. We can't lie like this for longer."
"Gyuvin." Hyeri sighed. "Your mother doesn't know that I'm his mistress's daughter And calm down, we're basically step siblings, I can't just leave when my mother is staying here."
He glared at her. "Funny joke, my mother doesn't even know he has a mistress. And we are not step siblings if our parents aren't actually together."
"You really are clueless.." She sighed. "Your parents are planning to get a divorce. You know that don't you?"
"WHAT?" He shouted, causing his maids to jump. "Let's go to my room, you have to explain everything." He grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her upstairs. This news was definitely not what he wanted to hear when arriving back home.
"Wait, you're being serious? You really didn't know?" Hyeri gasped. "They didn't tell you?" She asked as she was continuing to be dragged around the house.
Gyuvin paused. "No..." He gulped and the two finally made it into his room. "Please tell me everything, I need to know."
"Even before that... Yejun situation.. I mean our parents have been together for like a year, and your mother only found out like last month. She was furious, of course. She filed a divorce but they were both worried about you."
"How come I was never told this?" He sat on his bed with a frustrated expression. "I'm his son, why the fuck am I not told about my parent's divorce."
"I wasn't either. But since I'm living here now I hear everything. I was going to text you sooner but you ignored me in school." She clicked her tongue and crossed her arms. "I'm pretty sure they don't want to stress you out during the whole case going on."
He scoffed. "Well yeah because why would I talk to you? And even though, I don't care for Yejun's death. I wasn't really involved so I'm not as stressed as the other three are."
"Fair enough." Hyeri shrugged and sat down at his desk. "Oh and how's Yunmi? I couldn't imagine how she feels right now."
Gyuvin rolled his eyes. "It's annoying. She's continuously crying about him and we can't talk without me being mean out of habit." He sighed and stretched his arms. "I can't seem to be able to be nice to anyone anymore. It's all because of Yejun."
"You've been secretly in love with the same girl for fifteen years and haven't done anything. I don't think I would blame her boyfriend if I were you." Hyeri giggled before looking at his hurt face in the mirror. "It's your fault for not taking her first."
Gyuvin looked down in annoyance. It was true, all of what she was saying was true. It was his fault, but he knew more things about Yejun than anyone else did. He hated him, and then began to despise him after he started dating Yunmi.
"Oh and our parents are planning a wedding next year." She stood up from the vanity and walked over to Gyuvin with a smile. "We're basically siblings." She chuckled, causing the boy to look up.
Gyuvin rolled his eyes. "You do know I hated you way before my father even started to sleep with your mother."
She shrugged. "Don't really care. We became close during your no friends era and I helped you every time you were jealous so don't start getting rude to me."
"Okay well, since you're technically my sister now, I need girl help." He crossed his arms and looked at her with a serious face. "And I'm being serious."
She snorted. "With what?"
"Yunmi, duh." He said. "I need help on how to get Yunmi to at least to want to be my friend again."
"You really think that's going to work buddy?" She snickered. Gyuvin glared at her and Hyeri sighed. "Let me guess, you got too jealous over Yejun so now that he's dead you always mention it to her to remind her she's now technically single and you think it will give you a chance but instead she fucking hates you because you're mean and a big dickhead."
Gyuvin leaned back in surprise. "How did you-?"
"I live here. I listen to what your father talks about. He thinks you and Yunmi would he perfect if you just weren't an ass to her." She shrugged. "And you know my boyfriend and I have been in a healthy relationship for like two years, so I'm not the best at helping with a toxic boy win a girl."
He scoffed. "I get it, you're in a healthy relationship. I can't get into a relationship because I'm so stuck on the same girl."
Hyeri chuckled. "Yunmi did like you at one point though, so you could call that an early win. Even though it didn't last long?"
"Wait what?" Gyuvin shot his head towards the girl. "She liked me???"
Hyeri looked at him nonchalantly. "I told you this the first time we met. Are you that fucking stupid?" She almost laughed aloud when he still looked confused. "I know you have shit memory but I would never have thought you'd forget about something like that."
"Okay but at the time I was contemplating on having you as a friend so I didn't believe anything you said." Gyuvin crossed his arms. "So you're saying Yunmi liked me and you're not lying."
"Yunmi and I are literally friends.... why would I lie about that? She knows my secrets and I know hers." Hyeri snickered.
"Wow and you just told me one of them."He shook his head with crossed arms.
"I thought you knew." She shrugged.
"Yeah well she knows who your boyfriend is and me, as your basically brother doesn't? Everything you tell me never sticks with me apparently."
Hyeri snorted. "Gyuvin you can't keep a secret. I wouldn't tell you anything like that." She laid down on the bed and yawned. "Anyways, spill the Yunmi drama, I can try help you mot be a dickhead to her."
"Okay well before I get into that I have something more serious to tell you. And I know I can trust you with this, which is why I need help with Yunmi." He stood up and walked towards his door.
"Okay what is it?" Hyeri got comfortable in the boy's bed and Gyuvin sighed before locking his door. "So, I'm in love with Yunmi right? And I'd do anything for her to like me right?"
"Oh my God did you kill Ye-"
"NO." He covered her mouth and rolled his eyes. "Well, not exactly." Hyeri gasped and he gave her the eyes to be quiet. "I would never kill him. But I do have something that I know about the case. I did something that night..."
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group chat
4 members
random update
hyeri and i are going to be step siblings
woah you and hyeri??
did your parents divorce??
planned it ages ago apparently
love the way they never told me😘
ur going to be siblings with hyeri???
shut up
i mean
yeah i am
but how's your mother?
i don't know
she never talks about herself to me
in college i'll check how she is...
bless your mother omg so he actually did cheat on her for longer than we expected...
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"No way." Yunmi stopped in her tracks. Wonyoung looked at the girl in confusion and stopped too. "Uhm, are you good?" Wonyoung asked.
"Gyuvin's parents are getting a divorce."She replied in a state of shock. "And he's going to be step siblings with Hyeri."
Wonyoung raised a brow. "Hyeri as in the one who was Gyuvin's only friend for a year?" After Yunmi nodded Wonyoung scoffed. "I would feel bad for him but I really can't, I'd love to have Hyeri as a sister."
"Seo Hyeri?" Youngeun asked from beside Yunmi. "No way.. I was just talking to her about Gyuvin too."
"Why the flip would you talk to her about Gyuvin?" Jungwon butted in. "They're basically siblings, who knows what secrets they tell each other?"
"I wasn't talking shit about him, I was just talking about the Yejun case with her." Youngeun shrugged and the group of friends started to walk again. "She doesn't think Gyuvin did it."
Anton scoffed from in front of them. "Bullshit."
Yunmi gulped. "I know so much about Hyeri, and now she's going to be fucking siblings with the guy I despise the most. And who everyone thinks is guilty."
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flashback - earlier last year
Gyuvin had been through a lot of stress this week. He was a hundred percent sure Yunmi didn't like him and that the new boy in the group would take her. He wasn't a big fan of Yejun and didn't like his personality. It was clearly forced and it was obvious that he also liked Yunmi.
Yejun was only in the group for a few months but his continuous flirting with Yunmi enraged him. He would constantly steal her away from the three boys and it was obvious they weren't too fond of him.
He was about to text Ricky about it, until he received a weird text message from a random girl who he did not recognise.
ur gyuvin right
the principal of chaeris son
sorry to be weird but um
i'm like hiding in your room
well i think it's your room
who tf are you
i go to your school
and why the fuck are you in my house
it's not anything weird i promise
but um my mother is here
i followed her here so i'm just hiding
well i'm almost home
why are you there though
i'll explain soon
can you just like um
come here
i think you need to see this
okay i'm almost here
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He opened his bedroom door and there was a girl sat down looking terrified and anxious. She was hugging her knees, shaking, and by the looks of it, looking like she was going to cry.
He frowned and closed the door. "Um, are you okay? Your name is Hyeri isn't it?" He asked quietly and slowly walked towards her. "Can you please tell me why you're in my room?"
She began to shake her head. "Well I..." She sighed. "I just saw something I didn't want to ever see." Was all she replied with. She gulped and got off of the carpet. "I'm sorry for sneaking in I'm just-"
"Is there something weird in my room or something? Or like is your mother robbing us? Because if so then-"
"No." Hyeri sighed and pointed at the door. "My mother.. and your father..." She hiccuped. "Go look for yourself."
Gyuvin gulped. "What do you mean...?" When Hyeri didn't even look at him, he nodded and walked towards his door. He was scared now after seeing her reaction and he opened the door nervously. But he didn't dare to walk out as he spotted his father with another woman walking out of a bedroom. He gasped and slammed the door closed "What the fuck."It was so obvious what was going on.
She nodded. "I know. She's been sneaking off a lot recently so I decided to follow her into this mansion but then I recognised the man.." She began to tear up. "I'm sorry for sneaking in I just-"
Gyuvin shook his head. "No don't apologise." He tried to comfort her. "I'm also in shock right now but-"
"Wait," Hyeri stopped for a moment and took a proper look at him. "You're the guy that Yunmi has a crush on." She stopped crying and stared at Gyuvin closely. "Why did I just realise?"
"Wh... what?" Gyuvin stammered. "Uhh I thought we were talking about our parents-"
"Your name is Kim Gyuvin right?" Gyuvin nodded. "Ohhhh, you're the boy she really likes." Hyeri chuckled. "This is more interesting than finding out my mother is a cheating scum bag."
Gyuvin tilted his head. "Ummm... what?"
"Yunmi likes you, and you like Yunmi." She smiled. "Oh my Gosh I can so see it!"
"Am I stupid or are you one of her friends?"
Hyeri scoffed. "Well duh I'm her friend. She mentions you a lot I just didn't pay attention to you enough to realise that you're the guy she's talking about."
"Okay why am I kinda offended you said you didn't pay attention to me." He put his hand to his heart in offence. "That just hurt my pride. Does that mean Yunmi doesn't pay attention to-"
"I have a boyfriend." She shrugged."It's different. And I'm sure she pays a lot of attention to you." She snickered and got up. "Anyways sorry for sneaking in here, I'm now going to refer to you as Yunmi's boyfriend."
"No I didn't mean it like that-"
"I know." She chuckled. "Anyways, I'm probably going to sneak back out before my mother finds out I followed her here."
Gyuvin just had found out two things that would impact his life and he didn't know what to do about it. However, just from the news that Yunmi possibly liked him back made him jump in joy and excitement. "Yejun can fuck right off."
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some silly gyuvin lore (a filler chapter if you will)
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