005. The League



For what it was worth, Y/n didn't pass out.

But she felt like actually passing out would have been less embarrassing than claiming she was going to pass out and staying in her very same position. 

Or at least she thought it was the very same position. 

She was freezing and it was silent for all of two seconds before her body heated once more, needles tapping against the bone beneath her skin. She once again felt like she was going to pass out and the deep voice from before sounded in her ears.

Wait, so maybe she did pass out?

"Where did you go?" Todoroki grabbed onto her arm tight and Y/n frowned, "and how did you move so quickly? I don't understand—"

"What do you mean? I was here the entire—" Y/n froze, whipping her head in another direction, a loud buzz piercing through her thoughts. "What is that? The energy and vibrations are insane."

"It's a purple warp." Todoroki said, "He's looking for All Might, apparently. They want to kill him, but—"

"My goal is to scatter you all and torture you to death!"

And for maybe the fifth time in ten minutes, her body was being enveloped in something again—this time, with Todoroki so she didn't feel so alone. She could feel his grip on her arm tighten and she kept him close in return, waiting until the feeling of being immersed in whatever warp had covered them faded. It was a no more than ten-second matter, but it left her swaying, off-balance, footing only getting worse when Todoroki was no longer holding onto her.

She stayed in her same, kneeling position for about five seconds, fingers tapping against the ground to feel the change in texture. It felt dry. 

She frowned. "So, uh, am I dead? Or no?"

"You're not dead," Todoroki dismissed quickly, though hesitance laced his words like he was confused. "Get up. Use your stupid luck or weird senses or whatever to help me fight, we're surrounded. I need you to tell me when they're coming."

"We're surrounded? By who? Villains?"

"Yes, get up, L/n."

"Do you even need my help, Mr. Perfect?"

"You sound bitter."

"I'm not," Y/n grit out, pushing to her feet, lips quirking up the tiniest bit.

"But you're more stupid than I am if you seriously think everything I've done up until now is just stupid luck. Even I can tell this is something bigger than coincidence," Y/n's fingers jolted, brows pulling as she felt the rumble and almost numbness of something in her feet, "Above and to your right, by the way— I'm pretty damn awesome, aren't I?"

Without question or hesitance, Todoroki followed Y/n's words, stepping forward, frost filling the air around them as he aimed above and to the right—the startled yelp of a man, made Y/n hum. Todoroki, on the other hand, made a frustrated noise.

"So this is your quirk? Some type of sixth sense?"

"Why do you sound so angry? To your left and - behind you!" Y/n stumbled out of the way, fingers trembling."Besides, you really think it's something that simple?"

"You tell me; it's your quirk. And be faster with your warnings."

"Above!—I'm trying my best!—To your right!"

Todoroki came to a halt next to Y/n with a low growl, "Then try harder next time," He mumbled, pace slowing as he came to a stop. Y/n carefully stopped beside him, trying to steady her breathing and focus on the air around her.

"I think that might be all," she said, hands carefully remaining at her sides.

"Were they supposed to be real villains or something?"

"Hell if I know. They didn't feel threatening,"

"Hm. About your quirk—regardless of the fact you're just now realizing your power, you need to catch up fast or you'll fall behind. You're below average right now and leagues behind everyone already."

"Cool, cool, but how about I focus on my quirk and you focus on yours?" Y/n shot back, a scowl pulling at her lips. "I already told you I don't think it's as simple as a sixth sense. There's more to it, I can tell."

"I was just informing you since you've already managed to hold me back some. Figuring out your quirk would benefit you in the area of being able to work with and help others. You can't be a hero if you're holding your own teammates back,"

"Hold you back? You were the one asking for my help. If anything, I helped you!"

"Is that what you call help?" Todoroki made a noise with a small, exasperated exhale as a dismissal of the conversation, focusing his energy on the frozen villains in front of them.

"Didn't that thing say 'scatter and kill'?" He raised his voice and Y/n could feel a spike in his energy; agitation, "I hate to say this, but you guys just look like guys with Quirks they don't know what to do with... Annoying."

Y/n clicked her tongue folding her arms over her chest as she trailed behind him.

Her finger twitched and she tilted her chin up. "Ahead of you."

Todoroki paused on the ready and on cue, there was a shout as a man charged toward Todoroki, who'd already prepared a prison of ice for him, another frustrated click of his tongue.

"These guys are just a bunch of useless nobodies. The real danger was left out in the open. Only about four or five of them, I think."

"That's what I was thinking. There were only a few powerful energies that made me sweat, and none of these guys have them. But if they're working with the other guys, then they might know something..." Y/n shifted her weight, lips turning for a small grin, "Hey, let's threaten them!"

"Threaten them," Todoroki repeated.

"Yes! For - like information, you know? They've been hanging around the League, they must know a little bit about the overall plan here, right? They might know something useful."

"You might be right about that."

"Of course I am, I'm always right. Listen, I know a thing or two about getting information out of criminals. We gotta do this right, so you can be the good cop, I'll be the bad—"

"At this rate, your cells will slowly die," Todoroki's voice cut Y/n off and her lips parted in a sense of betrayal.

Of course, Mr. Perfect was always stealing the spotlight.

"I want to be a hero, so if possible, I'd prefer avoiding that cruel path. On what basis do you think you can kill All Might? What's your plan?"

His performance of his role was enough to shake off the bitterness.

"Wow, Todoroki," Y/n touched the tips of her fingers together, beaming, "I've gotta hand it to you. You play the bad cop role really well!"

"Shut up. I'm not playing any role."

"Ooh right, right— we're already doing the scene, huh. Okay— I'll play good cop," Y/n changed her stance and cleared her throat before pushing at Todoroki's shoulder, "Todoroki! Don't be so cruel! He's a person who's taken the wrong path in life!"

"What," Todoroki froze, "What are you—"

"Sir: Open up to us any time you'd like, we know you've probably had a bad childhood and life to lead you to do something this cruel. Your actions up until now have been cruel, but you're so much more than your actions, aren't you?" Y/n could feel the confusion of the man they were interrogating and she smiled, "Tell us what we need to know and I promise we can start over—"

"Enough of that," Todoroki snapped back, "He's running out of time. If he doesn't start talking, he will die. I won't hesitate to freeze you to death,"

"I don't want you to die! Tell us what you know and everything will be okay for everyone! I'll make sure my partner, here, lays off—"

"Get your hands off of me—"


"Out of my way, Deku!"

The fact that Bakugou's voice was the first Y/n heard once she and Todoroki found a way out of the Landslide Zone had Y/n's brow twitching. Never was there a moment the guy wasn't being obnoxious and it had to be some kind of talent.

"God," Y/n grit her teeth as they approached the open area. "He's so loud all of the time,"

There was a huff, half-amused. "Regardless, it looks like he's got that thing down and restrained. Let's go," Todoroki mumbled, jumping into action and using his ice to secure whatever thing Bakugou apparently got down.

He took a few steps forward like he was officially entering himself into the frontlines of the scene and Y/n wasn't sure how good of an idea that was.

"All we heard," he called to whom Y/n assumed were the main villains, "was that you all are here to kill All Might."

Y/n pressed fingers to her lips with a small laugh as she nudged his side. "Look at you, acting all cool and shit."

"Shut up."

The large presence of All Might was next to Y/n and made her go stiff. Not only that, but Bakugou, Kirishima, Midoriya were there, too. She didn't know the cause for her oncoming headache, but she was beginning to feel her knees go weak again.

They wanted to buckle and collapse right from beneath her, and her head hurt worse than before. Standing there, surrounding who Y/n assumed was the main villain, made her feel stronger than she knew she actually was. 

On top of her lack of ability, she wasn't in good shape, either. Really, she'd be a hindrance if she were to stay any longer.

Before she could move an inch, though—


Y/n frowned, "What the hell is a nomu?"

"Get back, everyone!"

"Jesus," Y/n raised her arm as a kind of shield for the amount of energy that was being forced at her. She assumed it was the doing of the nomu, "that energy is powerful,"

"Energy?" Midoriya mused from beside her, "can you feel it?"

"Yeah. I can feel it." 

Y/n's fingers trembled and the vibrations ran through her body—she could tell where that-that thing was aiming—

"Bakugou!" She called, lifting her foot.

Everything happened in seconds. A gust of wind rushed past her and Bakugou was none other than at her side.

She turned her head to where he was on the ground, "Holy shit, Pompom..."

"You dodged?" Midoriya squeaked. "That— that's amazing!"

"No, shut up, both of you!" Bakugou growled. "Why the hell did you call my name, you idiot?" 

That question was directed at Y/n, who jumped in response, fingers still trembling.

"I was trying to warn you to get out of the way, obviously!"

"—That plain-looking one was about to punch me with everything he had!"

Y/n turned her focus to Midoriya. "Is he talking about you? You were going to punch him?"

"It—it was to protect All Might..."

"Awesome, Midoriya!" Y/n hit his shoulder with a snicker, "You're pretty ballsy, huh?"

Bakugou slapped Y/n's shoulder in return. "Would you stop fucking joking around in this situation?"

"I'm joking around because we're in this situation..."

She was never good with serious or difficult situations; She didn't like them at all so her default was comedy— an attempt to lighten up whatever dark mood had been set. Besides— it wasn't like they were in the worst situation ever. Nobody had died yet, so her jokes were still make-able.

"Violence for the sake of others makes it admirable. Isn't that right, hero?" There was a rise in Shigaraki's voice and it made Y/n uneasy. "You know what, All Might? I'm angry! I'm angry at this world that categorizes the same violent acts as heroic or villainous. Deciding what's good and what's bad. Symbol of Peace? No, you're just a device to repress violence. Violence only breeds violence. The world will know this once we kill you!"

"That's bullshit one-way logic," Y/n deadpanned. "Seriously, what's he saying—"

"Be quiet!" Midoriya smacked her arm with the back of his hand, "He's a dangerous villain, you can't just—!"

"No, no... Bullshit one-way logic?" Shigaraki hissed in Y/n's direction, voice airy and dazed. He wheezed out a laugh, "You're a child. What would you know about the world? I'm interested, though. Share your thoughts about this one-way logic, with us."

"—She means it's preposterous," All Might hissed, venom dripping off his voice, "The eyes of white-collar criminals like you burn efficiently. You just want to enjoy this yourself, don't you, you liar?"

"It's three against six."

Y/n shivered; Todoroki was including her in the face of, then. Bad idea, really.

"Yeah, and Kacchan already exposed the fog's weakness!" Izuku also stood forward ready; He was crazy, though, and Y/n didn't think it'd be fair to fight alongside him. "So we have a chance!"

"No!" All Might called. "Run away!"

Oh, thank god.

Regardless of what All Might was saying, though, Shigaraki was rushing toward them and Y/n felt herself fall into panicked-defense position; She raised her arms, unsure of what that would do, really, but it made her feel safer.

Before any of them could move, her entire body was thrown back by a sudden gust of wind- intense, and basically smacking at her face.

"Holy—!" Y/n reached to her side to hold Midoriya by his waist so he didn't go flying back. "Jesus, do you eat? Seriously, you weigh, like, nothing!"

"That's mean, L/n!"

"But what's going on?" Y/n spoke through gritted teeth, tightening her grip around his small frame as quick and heavy air shot past the both of them; the intensity was actually nauseating. "Is that All Might and the Nomu thing? What are they even doing?"

"It's a head-on fistfight," Midoriya mumbled in awe, gripping onto Y/n's arm, "It's insane."

"Is he okay, though?" She could feel Midoriya turn to her in question and she shook her head. "There's something off about his energy. It's in and out—is he harmed or something? That would explain it. When it's in though, it's—it's a lot."

"You... You can feel that, too?"

"Overwhelmingly so, yeah."

It was fierce.

Tremors ran through her body, the veins in her wrists and arms pulsed, throbbed, felt like they were seconds away from popping, her skin burned as her legs shook, buckling from her position and she fell against Midoriya, gripping him tight, squeezing as she felt like her head was dunked underwater and the sound around her became muffled.

"Wait - wait, hold on," her throat was closing up, chest was tightening and Y/n could feel the strain and the agony of her eyes rolling back, everything was pulsating, thumping, vibrations hammering against her skull, behind her eyes and she— "I can't brea—"


Her skin felt clammy and cold, icy. And she felt all of the tension stirring inside her suddenly, as if someone had simply snapped their fingers, all be released with a breath before warmth rushed back to her body.

There was a slight ringing and when she shifted, she could already tell she wasn't in the same position as before.

She jolted. "Ah. Ouch - my head,"

The air around her was definitely stiller and less overwhelming than before and— she was in someone else's arms- definitely not Midoriya's. These ones felt stronger.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, you're awake," Bakugou's grumble was familiar and she felt the rumble of his voice in his chest right against her ear, "You passed out like a fucking useless idiot. Learn how to stop holding people back or leave this damn school."

Before Y/n could say or process anything about the current situation, Bakugou threw his arms out forward and Y/n was quickly falling, arms flailing, and her side painfully collided with the ground.

"Ouch! What the hell, Bakugou?" She lifted herself up, rubbing at her arms. "What if I had a concussion? That's really dangerous, you know,"

"Then I just dropped it out of you."

"That's not how it works? Todoroki," she turned to where she could feel him, "freeze him."


"Hey, we have to gather in front of the gate!" Kirishima called from where he seemed to be running toward the three of them. 

From where? Y/n had no idea.

Gather toward the gate? That must have meant the situation was over, but then... What even happened while she was out? And how long was she even out for? Y/n looked up from where she was dropped to where she heard Kirishima, who made a noise of surprise.

"Whoa, L/n, you're awake! You okay?— Let me help you up,"

"Finally! Someone who cares. Is the fight over?"

"Sure is! You were out right before All Might and the rest of the teachers finished it off! Midoriya jumped in and got hurt, so they'll tend to him here while we gather outside," Kirishima explained, "Up we go, here,"

She allowed herself to be lifted up by him; His grip was strong and sturdy and he took it upon himself to hoist her up on his back. Her arms wrapped around his neck, legs around his waist, and her chin rested in his spiky hair— pointy, but the tresses in between, strangely comfortable as they started walking.

"If you were injured," Todoroki started, "you should have hung back to get treated."

"I'm not injured. Kirishima's back is just comfortable. I'm getting a free ride. Don't be jealous."

All emergency services were already outside by the time they made it out of the building. 

Police officers and the ambulance, and such. The rest of their classmates were outside, waiting to bombard them with cheers and squeals of relief - which only Kirishima and Y/n returned, the latter hopping from Kirishima's back so Sero and Kaminari could wrap their arms around her efficiently, before heading to the detective doing a headcount; Everyone around her had been talking about where they wounded up after being separated by the warp.

"I was in the Lanslide Zone! Todoroki and L/n took down the villains together- I was surprised!"

Y/n stiffened at Hagakure's words and she could feel Todoroki also go rigid beside her.

After their good-cop, bad-cop situation, Y/n had felt another person heading toward them. That person happened to be Hagakure. Well apparently: Hagakure was invisible. Y/n had no clue - she couldn't tell at all. She had the ability to feel her presence regardless, but Todoroki wasn't able to see her to realize she wasn't an actual threat.

So he shot off his ice in attack and Hagakure squealed, the ice only reaching her feet before Todoroki realized she wasn't a villain.

Y/n pressed a palm to her lip, bumping shoulders with Todoroki. "You almost froze her, huh?"

"Yeah," Todoroki mumbled through a sigh. "That was close."

It wasn't long after, that they were returning back to the classroom, the school obviously calling it a day for now, and the day, which they'd be having off from school. Y/n tiredly strayed from Todoroki's side in favor of—

"Pompom!~~" Y/n squeezed one of his arms in both of hers, not surprised when she was violently shoved off with a small explosion.

"Fuck off."

"I heard Midoriya finished the fight with All Might! Looks like you were one-upped by him again, huh."

"Don't be stupid. The nerd broke both of his legs. He didn't even do anything. And it's not like I could do anything when you were shoved into my fucking arms like the damn burden you are. Of course, it's the Quirkless scum slowing me down."

"My, the slander!" Y/n smacked her forehead with the back of her hand dramatically with a dazed sigh, "And you still cushioned me in your arms against your chest, despite my flaws. A closet-romantic? That's so sweet."

"I'll kill you."

Y/n grinned, bumping into his side— nearly being knocked off her feet when he bumped back.


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