Chapter 40
Battle On!
Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic and my Ideas
Frea leaned back a little as she craned her neck to get a better look at the Building. It was large, intricate, made of stone and the mist at the top of the cliff-face it sat on, wrapped it in a thick white and grey sheet. She let her senses reach out as far as she could without using a spell, there were a lot of Mage Energy Signatures inside. She smirked a little to find most of them were fairly low level wizards, with only one that felt like they might be a bit of a problem.
She looked away from the building to see through the mist to barely see the sun was beginning to set, the rays hardly breaking through the fog and she narrowed her eyes.
"Alright Solana, this is your decision, we can attack now, or we can wait until tomorrow." Frea said as she glanced toward the red-head who looked surprised the decision was left up to her. For a moment Solana stayed silent as she glanced around the area.
"I think we should go for it now, it wont matter when we attack for me, the sun wont shine through here anyway." Solana replied and Frea nodded, respecting the Sun Dragon Slayers decision. Jynx stepped forward and they both looked her way,
"Would you like me to remove my Limiter, Energy Dragon?" Jynx asked. Frea shook her head and smirked,
"No thanks, it wont make a difference, I'll be fine." She replied and Jynx hesitated, before nodding.
"Alright, I am no help fighting, so I'll be parting with you here. I wish you both luck." Jynx murmured, and Frea blinked in confusion when the ghosts red eyes rested on Solana with a look of knowing, before Jynx disappeared. Frea dropped the book in her bag and strapped it back onto her back, before giving Solana a nod as they made their way toward Black Chimera's Guild Hall.
The heavy wooden doors to the Dark Guild Hall were shattered as incredible force kicked them in. All the Dark Mage's within the building stood up immediately, eyes narrowed. In the door way with the world already dimming behind them, stood two young woman, one was surrounded by orange and yellow magic, while the other was surrounded by silver magic.
A few of Black Chimera's Guild members sweatdropped at the large amount of Magic Power coming from the two. Both young woman smirked as they rushed forward into the hall in seconds, and the entire building shook, and filled with yelling and the light of clashing magic. Within five minutes the ground was littered with the forms of unconscious Mages, and the two woman were still going strong.
None of the Black Chimera members could seem to keep up with the amazingly fast woman as the two of them took down the members one by one.
"What the hell is this?!"
"Who are these chicks!?"
Silver light flashed up and illuminating the dim building, and several Black Chimera mages were sent falling. Tables splintered and shattered as members hit them, and furniture started to be destroyed and thrown every which way. Bright flickering orange and yellow magic rained down on a large group and knocked all of them down, where only a few got back up to fight again.
"It doesn't matter who they are, they cant just attack Black Chimera and get away with it!"
The blonde woman with the silver in her hair, and the silver eyes came back to back with the red-head with the bright green eyes. She both smirked a little as they separated and punched to Dark Mages in the chests, sending them smashing into one of the thick stone walls. Black Chimera was having a hard time hitting either one of the woman as they fought on, but a few lucky mages managed to give the girls some minor wounds. Black Chimera wasn't going to win this, none of their members were strong enough to take down the two Dragon Slayers as they fought side by side.
At least that's what they had thought.
Yesterday morning in the Fairy Tail Guild Hall-
"Alright, listen up Brats! I'm going to be announcing the five people to be participating in the Grand Magic Games on behalf of Fairy Tail!" Master Makarov called out into the guild and everyone fell silent so they could hear him clearly. "The first three will be, Erza, Gray and Natsu!" He announced and the three who had been called nodded and smiled a little.
Everyone had been expecting those three to be picked for this, so their was no surprise among the rest of the members. But who would the next two be?
Chase crossed his arms over his chest and cast a glance over his shoulder at the closed doors. No one had heard from any of the members who had gone off to train in three months, only the group with Team Natsu that had come back yesterday. Chase glanced toward Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Wendy. He had noticed it as soon as they got back, they were stronger definitely, but he could also tell they were tired, and he was sure they were sore as hell.
But everybody else who had disappeared hadn't been seen at all, and that included his old mentor, Frea. She had said she would be training, and she had taken a job at the same time. It was a little odd that she hadn't come back yet, she wasn't usually late.
"The other two will be," Chase looked back at Master as he started again. "Wendy and Lucy!"
A chorus of murmuring and surprised talking broke out at the decision. Chase himself was little surprised, Wendy and Lucy weren't exactly known for their fighting skills.
"Me?" Lucy asked in shock.
"Why me? I'm not good at fighting! Maybe you should pick someone else?" Wendy said hastily and Chase smiled a little at how nervous the small Dragon Slayer seemed.
"Master chose you two based on teamwork, not power." Erza told the two and gave them a reassuring smile.
"Still, I thought gramps would pick somebody else." Gray murmured, far out of the earshot of the three girls. Natsu nodded and Master sighed, sweatdropping a little.
"Well I would have picked Laxus, Gajeel or Frea had they been here." Master told the two. "But the haven't got back yet."
"That's right." Mira murmured, and the white-haired mage looked Chase's way. "Have you gotten any word from Frea recently?" Mira asked him and he shrugged as he shook his head.
"Not a thing, knowing Teach, there's probably a pretty good reason she's late." He replied.
"What about that Jynx girl?" Gray asked him and Chase blinked in surprise when he saw Master stiffen at the ghosts name.
"Nope." He answered after a pause.
As the hour passed both Dragon Slayers kept going strong, never stopping, and only receiving a few more minor wounds as they fought on. Both Frea and Solana came to a stop to catch their breath as they looked at what was left of the Black Chimera Guild. Out of the hundred Mages that had been standing in the hall at the start, only about a dozen were left to keep fighting.
The mages looked frightened, furious and shocked as they looked at the two girls standing before them, they really couldn't wrap their heads around how they were being beaten so easily by the two of them. Frea had easily taken down the man who had attacked them the first day she had met Solana, a few minutes ago, and he now lay unconscious near the back of the dark building. In an instant both young woman lunged forward and took the small group of twelve down to six.
"This is ridiculous! Why are they winning so easily?!"
"Where's Master? Shouldn't he be helping us?!"
A few of them shouted out and Frea narrowed her eyes as she took one of them down with a strong hit to the jaw. She had noticed this was easy, too easy. She had been wondering if they had met the Guild Master here yet, and now she had her answer, they still had one serious Mage to go.
"I wanted to give you worthless retches a chance to handle this yourselves." Frea and Solana looked up in surprise to see a very, very large man with white hair and a short white beard step out of the shadows. He was wearing black robes and his eyes were narrowed so much all they could see was darkness in them.
"Master!" One of the lesser mages breathed in relief, before he was knocked away by a hit from Solana. Frea blinked in surprise when Solana looked toward the Guild Master, eyes narrowed in utter fury, and the large man just glared back at her.
"So my little Sun Dragon, have you finally decided to stand up for yourself?" The Master asked and Solana bared her fangs at him.
"Go to hell, your really holding the arrest of your old Guild-Mates against me? You should have know it would happen eventually." Solana growled at him lowly and the man cracked his knuckles.
"We were rising in power in the Baram Alliance, you little miserable fool." He growled back, walking toward her slowly and Frea was preoccupied dusting off the last few mages around her. "We would have become top Dark Guild if it hadn't been for you. So yes, I'm still holding it against you." Amazingly powerful black Magic began to rise up around the Guild Master as a large sword appeared in his hand. "It's because of you I've had to watch over a worthless Guild like this, so I'm going to make you pay."
He raised the sword to point it right at Solana, and the Sun Dragon Slayer stiffened, getting ready for an attack. Frea winced as the last mage she was fighting with gave her a long scratch down her arm, before she punched him in the gut and he was sent flying. She sweatdropped at the amazing power coming off of the Guild Master, did Solana really take down a Guild full of guys like this guy?
"Dark Wind, Slice and Tear!" The man hissed and several waves of black wind shot out of the Masters sword as it headed straight for Solana, who dodged the attacks perfectly. Frea smirked a little, Solana wasn't one to get hit easily.
"Energy Dragon Wave Attack!" Frea shouted as she spun on her toe with her arm extended, five waves of her silver magic were sent out toward the Master, who slowly turned to see her magic, and slice through all five with his sword in an instant. Frea stared in shock for a moment, he made destroying her magic look like nothing!
"Nice try, little Fairy." He growled and Frea stiffened. He smirked a little, looking amused. "Ah yes, my top Mage told me he had been beaten by the both of you. I'm rather surprised Fairy Tail is attacking my Guild, and doing so well. Last time I checked, Fairy Tail was the weakest Guild in all of Fiore." The master chuckled lowly and Frea found herself growing furious at the mans words,
Fairy Tail did its best while most of its members were missing! They could only do so much with everyone gone, they pushed on while they were gone and found the strength to keep the Guild going no matter what!
"Black Tornado!" In an instant the Master had swiped his sword in her direction and a huge spinning tornado of black came toward her in seconds. Frea crossed her arms in front of her and closed her eyes,
"Energy Sphere!" She growled as her magic leaped up around to encase her in a dome like shield. She flinched when the tornado of black engulfed her and the razor sharp gusts of the Magic Wind pounded against her magic. Her whole body tensed up when she heard her shield crack, and her eyes scrunched shut tighter as she struggled to keep her magic from shattering.
She had to keep it up, she couldn't let herself get hit by that wind, it would shred her to pieces. Again she heard her Magic crack, it wasn't going to last long against the relentless slashing of the dark tornado surrounding her. She had to think of something or she could get seriously hurt, at the last second she let her magic circle her entire body and made it harder, and her shield shattered in a blast of dark wind.
She was hit by the force and she felt her skin begin to be cut as she was thrown backwards, letting out a short yell of pain as she was flung away.
Solana POV
"Frea!" Solana yelled out, and she stared in utter shock to see the Energy Dragon be thrown out of the spinning tornado like a rag doll and land on the floor hard. The red-head had to focus on the Dark Guild Master as he came at her with his sword, and she simultaneously dodged the blade, and the dark Wind Magic he sent her way.
She let out a low hiss of frustration, this guy was faster despite his massive size. She couldn't look away from him to see if Frea was ok, and she sweatdropped a little. This guy was definitely a lot stronger since she had fought with Phoenix Tear years earlier. He was definitely going to be hard to beat, and she had a hard time believing Frea's Shield had been broken so fast.
Frea was amazing when it came to her magic attacks, much better than Solana was herself when it came to using any Magic Spells or Moves. Solana preferred fighting hand to hand, she was better at that. The man sword swung out toward her faster than before and her green eyes widened when she didn't have any time it dodge the sword.
"Energy Dragon's Iron Fist!"
The side of the Master's face was smashed into by a clenched fist surrounded in bright silver magic. The man was thrown away with incredible force from the hit, even one of his teeth was knocked out and fell to the floor at her feet. She blinked in shock to see Frea come to a stop right in front of her, fist raised before her and eyes narrowed in utter fury as they seemed to glow faintly in the faint light of the room.
Frea's entire body was covered in long, shallow scratches, and she looked battered as her clothes were fairly tattered and torn from getting hit by the Dark Master's spell.
"Frea..." She murmured and Frea didn't glance her way, her eyes were fixed on the Dark Mage she had just sent flying.
"You ok?" Frea asked and Solana blinked.
"I'm fine, what about you?" She asked and Frea glanced her way with a slight smirk.
"I could be worse, but I managed to surround myself with my magic and minimize the damage he did to me." She replied. Solana smiled a little too and they both looked back at the Master. "Lets give this guy the fight of his life." Frea murmured and Solana nodded,
They both launched forward at incredible speeds. The both lifted the hand opposite of the other as the curled their fingers and came right up in front of the man who had just gotten to his feet.
"Sun Dragon Claws!"
"Energy Dragon Claws!"
They both sliced down at once and the man's skin and shirt tore under their magic encased fingers, and he let out a hiss of pain. In instant they both spun around and held their arms out to their sides.
"Energy Dragon's Wing Slash!"
"Sun Dragon's Wing Slash!"
The man was knocked backwards as their attacks hit him, and he smashed into a wall about twenty feet away. His blood hit the floor from where they had cut his chest open and left shallow slashes in his skin. They both leaned back and sucked in air,
"Energy/Sun Dragon Roar!"
Their breath attacks combined together to form a spinning tornado of silver, orange, yellow and a little bit of red. The large attack spiraled out toward the man and he was swallowed up in the bright light, and they watched as the caught their breath. They both stared in horror to see the man standing up with the wall behind him completely gone, but he looked as if the two spells hadn't even hit him.
Frea POV
"I haven't a had a fight like this in a long time.." He chuckled lowly as his dark eyes came up to meet theirs. "I will give you credit for at least amusing me for the time being, but I've grown tired of this game." He growled as both his arms raised up and his sword dropped to stick into the stony ground underneath him.
"Wind's Piercing Waves." He growled and they were thrown back as a large storm of wind rushed away from the Master, cutting away at their already bruised skin. Frea let her Magic surround her again as hoped it would shield her from any serious damage, and she hit the floor hard, sliding back in the rubble and struggling to push herself back up.
Thirty feet to her right Solana hit the ground too and the Sun Dragon let out a gasp of pain.
"Let the Sun Dragon Fall today!"
Frea's head snapped up as the man shouted the words, and in seconds a long razor sharp lance made of his Wind Magic streamed through the air. Blood splattered onto the floor and a yell of pain echoed over the room. Frea's eyes widened in horror at what had just happened.
The Master's Magic had struck straight through Solana's chest.
With a snap of the Man's fingers, the lance made of his Magic disappeared and Solana fell backward onto her back as her eyes began to close and blood began to pour out of the wound in her chest.
"Solana!" Frea gasped out.
"Do... tch... me a favor..." She stiffened when Solana's quiet words reached her ears. "...tch... Beat him..!" Solana hissed in pain as she fell silent and Frea stared in horror.
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