Chapter 4- Realize That!

Chapter 4

Realize That!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic and my Ideas


All three Fairy Tail Mage's launched forward at once, and started blowing, and slashing apart Monster's as they got near. Frea easily sliced a monster open with her 'Energy Dragon Claws' and the creature disappeared in a flurry of wind. She blinked in surprise, but had to focus on another creature as it came toward her, glistening in the moonlight as if it were made from metal.

She easily dodged out of the way of its giant claws and stepped forward, clenching a fist with her Magic blazing around it and hitting it in the face. The creature yelled in pain and Frea winced a little, the monsters body was hard as steel. It came toward her again and she held out both arms toward it, her Magic strengthening and shooting out in a straight line toward the creature.

"Energy Beam!" Frea yelled and her attack tore straight through the creatures body, and it melted away into dirt. Frea did a back hand spring to stay away from an arc of flames coming toward her, a creature was creating the flames that had been sent toward her.

Frea flicked her hand four times and four pillars appeared around the creature, "Energy Trap!" Frea growled and the monster was trapped inside a box made of her Silver Magic. Frea clenched her fist in front of her and her Magic compressed on the inside, the box was destroyed along with the creature, sending up glittering pieces of silver and red magic into the air. She was aware that Gajeel was doing well fighting alongside PantherLily somewhere behind her, and she smiled a little when she realized he was counting every time he destroyed a creature.

She was still fairly confused as to why the creatures either disappeared into wind, melted into earth or water, and burst into flame as they were killed. Frea shrugged, at least they were being taken care of. Frea ducked under the swipe of claws as a monster came at her and she curled her fingers,

"Energy Dragon Claws!" She growled and easily sliced through the creatures body, and it melted away into water at her feet. Frea spun on her toe and extended her arm. "Energy Dragon Wave Attack!" She yelled as five waves of her silver Magic swept through the air, heading toward a group of monsters coming from the forest. All of them were easily destroyed, but more replaced them as they burst from the woods.

She sweatdropped a little, she really hadn't been expecting there to be this many Monsters.

Frea was knocked to the ground before she realized a monster had been charging at her and she pushed her hands against the face of the creature as it tried to bite her. Her hands were encased in her Magic to spare her from serious injury, the creature was alight with fire and she narrowed her eyes. Orange light started to appear in the creatures mouth and she sweatdropped more.


"Roar of the Energy Dragon!" Frea yelled and she easily blew the creature away with her roar, and it was destroyed in the midst of her Magic. She got to her feet quickly and narrowed her eyes, her hands stung, they had been burnt a little, but they were not as bad as they could have been.

Now they could see just how many Monsters there were, and even the constant defeats caused by the three weren't making much of a dent in the Creature's numbers. Frea narrowed her eyes and launched forward, keep fighting, no matter how many there are!

They kept fighting, but despite their efforts, they were slowly being pushed back toward Jogenen, and they had all received a few minor wounds. Damn all of these things...

Frea sliced through what must have been her 60th creature and she breathed heavily, trying to catch her breath. Even Gajeel looked a little out of breath, and now they were just at the edge of the village. But still the monsters came, Frea dodged around one and quickly whipped around when she heard Gajeel wince, and his back was sliced open by one of the creatures.

While her attention had been on the Iron Dragon, Frea was blown away by a very powerful blast of magic and she landed hard, struggling to push herself up. She stiffened when she saw one of the creatures from the corner of her eye, dangerously close to the village, and she saw a young man, roughly Lucy's age, pinned up between the approaching monster, and a half-destroyed building. The boy's dark blue eyes were wide in fear as he stood there, trapped.

Frea hissed in pan as he forced herself to her feet, just as the beast leaned its head back and sucked in air, preparing shoot fire from its mouth as another creature had done earlier. All in a second, Frea rushed in front of the young man and crossed her arms out in front of her.

"Energy Shield!"

Boy's POV

The boy backed up and felt his back press up against stone, he was pinned, and his heart beat faster. He was going to die, this creature was going to kill him. He shut his eyes tight as fire began to appear in the creature's mouth, as he silently hoped that his death would be quick.

"Energy Shield!"

His eyes flew open to see the female Fairy Tail Mage in front of him. Her silver Magic shot from her hands and created a wall just in front of them as the flames spread out. The fire was easily blocked by her Magic, the light of red and orange clashing with silver in a spectacular way as it illuminated the night for a moment, and he stared in awe.

He had been watching the Fairy Tail Mages fight, and as night settled over the village, it had become harder and harder to see anything. But she had been clearly visible the entire time, her silver Magic blazing around her body and making her glow in the dark sheet of night that had fallen.

Her eyes were narrowed in concentration, and her strange silver orbs for eyes seemed to glow with the fire within them. Being this close, the boy could feel the immense amount of Magic Power coming from her, and he froze. He had never felt something so strong before...

Frea's POV

Frea let her Shield drop as soon as the flames disappeared and she leaned back to suck in air. "That was a pathetic Breath attack!" Frea growled as she clenched her fists, and she felt her Magic blaze brighter and stronger. "This is a real one!"

"Roar of the Energy Dragon!" She yelled as her tornado of spinning silver Magic spiraled out and engulfed the creature, destroying it and easily killing a few more of the monsters that got caught in the attack. She was becoming extremely annoyed, her body ached and the creatures keeping on coming wasn't helping to improve her mood.

She sprang forward and started slashing through the creatures, the longer she fought, the more tired and sloppy she became. She got hit a few more times but she kept fighting. This was a job and she was going to finish it, god damnit!

Gajeel's POV

Gajeel grunted as he was hit from behind and sent forward, the number of monsters had dwindled down to very few with the continued fighting. He let out a growl as he pushed himself up and winced at the pain in his back, turning, his eyes widened. The largest on any of the creatures had come from the trees, standing one-story high with sharp claws, and a thin tail with razor sharp spikes covering it.

He sweatdropped at the sight, he was already low on Magic Energy and he had gotten hit more times than he liked, so much that it hurt to move. Lily was nowhere in sight, neither was Silver. The creature let out a deafening roar and sprang forward. Gajeel hit it in the face with his iron club but he was easily thrown away from a swipe of the creatures paw.

He could hear the creatures tail slicing through the air as he struggled to push himself up for the second time, and he knew that the spiked tail was getting closer to him.

"Energy Shield!" He heard Silver yell from somewhere close by, and the unmistakable sound of something shattering sounded not soon ever. He pushed himself into a sitting position as fast as he could and stared in shock.

Silver was standing in front of him, bruised and battered, with her hair falling around to shadow her eyes, but he could see her fangs clamped down tight. She had her hands grasping firmly onto the razor sharp spikes of the creatures tail, as she trembled from keeping the tip of from going through her chest. Her hands were bloody, and her blood dripped down onto the tail, then onto the ground. Silver glittering pieces were falling down to the ground, as a destroyed shell of her shield crumbled away.

The blade-like tip of the creatures tail had managed to pierce her skin, and Frea hissed in pain.

Gajeel stared in shock, he couldn't fully wrap his head around the fact that she had jumped in front of him. Why would she do that...?

He stiffened as she smiled and glanced over her shoulder at him, the shadow passing from over her eyes. The silver gaze was bright as fire and she smiled wider.

"Tch... Don't give me that face, what did I tell you?" She asked. "I said I'll be there to stand up for you whenever you need me to, remember?"

"But..." He murmured and Frea rolled her eyes at him.

"Get it through your thick head already," She told him. "Your family, and I'm willing to die for you!" She told him firmly.

Gajeel stared, now realizing that she had truly meant every single word of what she had said. Here she was, standing in front of him as she took a blow that would have killed him. Even when he was the one to have destroyed Fairy Tail, attack so many people...

"You're gonna have to learn that,Gajeel." Frea continued. "Whether its me, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Lily or even Levy." His heart quickened at the mention of the small-script Mage's name, he didn't know why. "Anyone in Fairy Tail. Your part of the Family, so its your job to protect them to the best of your ability!"

"I Don't care if you hurt anybody in Fairy Tail. Just realize that it doesn't matter what you did, I wont care, and if it turns out some people just wont forgive you..." Frea hissed in pain as she slowly pushed the tail away and it left her chest. "Know for a fact that I do, and I trust you!" Frea growled.

His head was spinning at the Energy Dragon's words, could she really mean all of it? He had a hard time believing she didn't, she had just put her life at risk for him. Gajeel felt respect rise up for Silver... appreciation... He decided right there he was going to trust her too.

They were allies... they were Friends... Family.

Gajeel smirked as he got to his feet,

"Alright Silver," He told her, "Time for me to win our game!"

Frea's POV

Gajeel launched forward and turned his arm into an Iron club as he punched the creature away. Frea let out a hiss of pain and she let go of the creatures tail, and dropped to her knees. Her hands were on fire, and her chest hurt like hell where she had been stabbed. The rest of her body ached from all the hits she had taken, and the several shallow scratches stung too.

"Frea!" She glanced up as Lily flew up to her in his smaller form. The black Exceed looked rather beaten up too and he was looking at her worriedly. "Are you alright?" Lily demanded and she gave him a weary smile, adjusting to sit down in the grass.

"Sure, I'll be fine... just give me a minute to catch my breath." She told him quietly and Lily landed beside her. She smiled a little wider at the black Exceed. "I think I got through to him, don't you?" She asked and Lily looked behind him where Gajeel was going all out at the spiked-tailed creature, smirk on his face.

Lily turned back and the Exceed couldn't help but smile, though he shook his head at her a little. "Yes, I believe you did."

Frea sighed and looked down at her ripped and bloody hands, frowning a little. She had a spell in mind, though she didn't exactly like to use it very often. She shook her head slightly, she didn't have a choice, she needed her hands.

Closing her eyes she focused her Magic in her hands and concentrated, using her Magic as a sort of suture and thread, she used it to sew through the slashes in her skin, and use her magic to force her cells to heal faster. Sweat rolled down her face as she did this and she bit her lip at the pain of doing it, this certain spell was extremely hard to do, and it took up more of her Magic than she liked.

When she was done, she let her Magic fade as she opened her eyes and sucked in air, breathing heavily. Looking back down at her hands, she saw that they weren't covered in deep slashes, instead just shallow cuts and she let out a long sigh as she steadied her breathing.

That Spell was called 'Morana Drearand' in Chaitanya's Dragon Language, or 'Heaven's Light' in English. Chaitanya had never liked her using it, she had seen how much energy it took to use, but the Dragon had taught her anyway, just in case she needed it.

She glanced up to see a shocked look on Lily's face and he stared at her in amazement. "Did you just use Healing Magic?" He asked and she shook her head wearily.

"Not exactly, its hard to explain, and I really just don't have the energy to go into it right now..." Frea murmured and she winced, bringing a hand up to lightly place it over the wound in her chest.

"Iron Dragon's Roar!" They both glanced up to see Gajeel send his last move and destroy the monster, as it went up into flames. The half-moon was high in the sky and all of the Monster's had been defeated as Gajeel rushed over to Lily and Frea. "Oi, Silver, are you ok?!" He demanded and Frea smiled when she heard the faint signs of worry in his voice.

"I'll be ok, what about you two?" She asked and Lily nodded.

"I'm alright." Lily told her and Gajeel huffed.

"I'm fine." He muttered but Frea sighed. She could feel the pain coming off of Gajeel with little effort.

"Come here." Frea ordered curtly and Gajeel did as he asked, standing in front of her. "Turn around." He did as she asked. "Sit down." She ordered and he reluctantly sat down, a little stiffly she could tell.

Frea stifled a wince as she reached behind her and grabbed the bag she had strapped to her back. She opened it and started to dig through it , "Take off your shirt." She told him.

"Why?" Gajeel growled and she sighed heavily.

"Don't argue with me, I can feel the pain coming off of you. Just do it!" She snapped and he grumbled as he winced while pulling off his tattered shirt. Frea lightly ran her fingers over the slashes in his back, eyes narrowed in concentration. They were deep, and she could only imagine how painful it was, though the Iron Dragon hid his pain pretty well.

"I don't see why your fussing over me, your the one with the torn up hands and hole in your chest." Gajeel grumbled.

"My hands are fine, and the chest wound isn't very deep." Frea replied, she flinched as he hissed in pain after she pressed a hand against his back lightly. "Sorry," She mumbled but didn't pull away. "How many did you take out anyway?" She asked as her hands began to glow with the light of her Magic, and she poured it into Gajeel's back.

"What? The Monster's?" Gajeel asked.

"Yep..." Frea murmured and closed her eyes, Gajeel fell silent as he started to count up his kills. Frea had hardly any Magic left, but she was at least going to heal these slash's a little. "Heaven's Light..." Frea whispered, barley audible for even the keen-hearing Gajeel to hear.

She felt him tense up under her hand as she quickly poured her Magic into his body and the slash's began to heal slowly. When her Magic Energy ran out, she drew her hand away and tried to steady her harsh breathing as best she could. More sweat was rolling down her face, and the edges of her vision blurred a little.

"Silver?" Gajeel asked as he glanced over his shoulder at her, she realized he must have answered her question without her hearing him, but she shook her head a little. Frea took a deep breath and pulled a roll of white bandages from her bag. She stayed silent as she began to wrap the bandages around Gajeel's back. When she was done she leaned back and propped herself up with her hands on the ground behind her. Gajeel pulled his shirt back on and turned around to look at her, but her eyes stayed closed as she panted a little.

She stifled a wince as a pang of pain shot up around her chest wound. It wasn't deep, but it wasn't shallow either, and man did it hurt like hell... But she could take it, she had felt worse, been through worse, compared to different times in her life, this was nothing.

"Come on." Gajeel huffed and she opened her eyes half-way to see him standing up with a hand held out for her. "Lets go, so some of the villagers can get a look at you." He grumbled. Frea blinked slowly, before smiling a little and taking his hand, as he easily pulled her to her feet. She took a minute to steady herself, before they started to trek back to the village. At the moment, she was too tired to worry about all the negative energy she would feel as they entered Jogenen.

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