Chapter 3: A new start & a bad omen
A/n: Hello my fellow readers, here is the next chapter to this story now sorry for not updating this in a while, but never fear I'm not giving up on this story or any of my other stories. Now let the chapter begin.
Y/n's pov
As it is the next day, it is the day that I will give Kyouka another chance but just starting back as friends, so I start to put on some casual clothes with a f/c jacket, a t-shirt underneath the jacket that had a (favorite character pic) on the shirt and dark pants. Once I was fully dressed, I grabbed my phone and wallet to start to meet up with my old friends and Ex girlfriend, to start over and put the past behind us.
Y/n: Well, it will be the start. Best not keep them waiting.
I Then leave the house and lock the door behind me, and took out my phone to see Aino texted me to meet up at the mall to meet up.
Y/n: Well, there's not too many places to choose to hangout or meet up. Plus there are some locations in the mall to get a good meal.
I put my phone away and head towards the mall's location since it was one of the places I would go to get either clothes or household items, while I get groceries from other stores when it came to good deals. During the walk I pulled out some air buds and connect it to my phone's Bluetooth, and put on f/s to listen to while making my way to the mall.
A/n: incase you don't know, f/s means favorite song.
Kyouka's pov
After getting dressed, I was getting nervous to see Y/n again after what happen two days ago, but I got my step brother and Karin with me to feel comfortable, Reona, her mother, Saho and Ria were busy with the little "job" we do. But as of this moment I'm going to try and start over with Y/n, even if it means quitting giving sexual favors all together.
Kyouka: Okay, Kyouka you can do this.
Aino: Hey sis, you ready?
Kyouka: Yup!
With that I grab what I need and leave my room to meet up with Aino and Karin, we make our way to the mall though I'm still pretty nervous to be face to face with Y/n, given our past relationship. But I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt my step brother's hand on my shoulder.
Aino: What's wrong?
Kyouka: Nothing, it's just I'm a bit nervous on being in the same room as Y/n.
Karin: You, can relax besides Y/n gave us his words, that he'll give you a second chance. Meaning he is willing for you two to be friends again.
Kyouka: Yeah, but I'm willing to do what I can to regain his trust.
Aino: So, does that mean...?
Kyouka: Yup, I'm willing to give up on sexual favors.
Karin: But what about the "job" you have with, Reona and her mother?
Kyouka: Told, told them about it last night and they are understanding why I'm doing it.
Aino: Well, that's good.
We continue to head towards the mall, we see Y/n just arriving around the same time as we arrived to the mall, me and Y/n look at each other in the eyes but instead of held back anger, I see that he his eyes held neutral feelings. While me on the other hand, I'm just nervous similar to how I was in the past when Aino first introduced me to Y/n.
Kyouka: H...hi Y/n. *nervous tone*
Y/n: Good morning Kyouka, Aino and Karin.
Aino: Hey, Y/n. How is your morning going?
Karin: Well, let skip the small talk and start this hangout session!
Y/n: Sure, but first... Kyouka.
Kyouka: Yes, Y/n?
Y/n: I may not be able to fully forgive you yet, but I'm willing to start over as friends and if you played your cards right... I may be willing to not only trust you more but give us dating another shot.
Just from hearing this makes me more happy, than I ever was in the past and i couldn't help but wrap Y/n in a hug repeating to thank him, at first I was expecting for him to push me off him, but he just let's out a light chuckle and pats my head making me blush from the sudden affection.
Y/n: let's go.
I let go of him, and we start to walk around the mall, either to browse around shops, chat amongst ourselves or stop at a near by arcade to play some games, during this amount of time I chatted with Y/n and not bring up my sexual favor job, just day to day things that I do when I'm home.
Then, me and Karin started to play one of the two player arcade games like house of the dead, while Y/n went to the bathroom and Aino went to get more tokens to play some more arcade machines, during the game me and Karin were so focused on the game by killing any of the sneak zombies that tried to hit us. We didn't notice some sketchy guys looking right at us, but I then saw a zombie on Karin's side of the screen about to hit it.
Kyouka: Karin on your left!
Karin I see it.
She then kills the zombie, and we managed to get to the end of the level getting a good high score for us, we then fist bumped each other knowing that we are still queens at this type of game.
Karin: I see you still got it.
Kyouka: *playful smirk* Shouldn't I be the one to say that, miss study girl.
Karin: *playfully punches Kyouka's shoulder* Oh, shut up.
We both laughed since, we used to tease each other like this when we were younger and would sometimes challenge the boys to accouple games to see which side wins, but our good time was ruined by some sketchy guys looking at us in a way I so don't like.
sketchy guy1: Well, aren't you two some beauties.~
Karin: What do you want? Can't you see we're trying to have a good time.
sketchy guy2: Oooh, a feisty one aren't we.~
These guys are starting to get on my nerves and I was about to grab my friend's hand for us to leave, but one of them grabs my wrist and prevents me to help Karin and the guy was about to put his other hand on my ass. But as if by some miracle the asshole's hand was grabbed and is moved away from my ass, I turn to see that it was Y/n giving the most intense glare that could kill is possible.
Y/n: Am, I interrupting something?
sketchy guy1: Yeah, you are so why don't you fuck off.
Y/n: Oh, you don't know what's going to happen.
sketchy guy1: Oh, and what is tha-
security: Gentlemen, I'll have to ask you to leave.
I turn to see some security guards restraining some of the assholes and Karins is freed from the hold, the other sketchy guy let's go and the guard restrains him and turns to see Y/n at first I thought he was going to restrain him too, but he does something else.
security: thank you, for letting us know about them.
Y/n: No problem.
Once the security guards took the assholes away, I look at Y/n surprised that him surprised that the security guard seem to know him and I'm curious on how he looked like he was going to throw down with the group of men. But then I see my step brother Aino comes back from getting more tokens, but looked slightly worried about something.
Aino: What happen? I just saw some security guards taking a group of punks away.
Karin: Well, they tried to get physical in the wrong way and one tried to grope Kyouka's ass, but Y/n stopped him just in time for security to take them away.
Kyouka: Which reminds me, thanks for that Y/n but how come that one security guard seem to know you?
Y/n: Well, I've been very well known around town for stopping gang members and stopping their violent actions or harassments on innocent people.
Kyouka/Karin/Aino: What?!
Kyouka: You idiot! Don't you know that you would be targeted by them or worst their leader?
Y/n: I appreciate your concern for my well being, but I can kick these assholes asses. Plus I've been taught on how to fight by some expert close quarters combat specialist, so I could break a man's leg or wrist with a swift move.
Aino: Damn, you are one gutsy person Y/n.
Y/n: *proud smile* You know it!
Karin: Well, I would like to proceed with our hangout, before it's too late to do so. Whose with me?
Kyouka/Aino/Y/n: Ai!
-time skip brought to you by chibi Y/n and chibi Karin staring at a panicking chibi Kyouka and chibi Aino scared of a small bug-
3rd pov
As the sun was setting meaning that the day is almost over, the group went on their separate ways to head home, but for Y/n he was stuck at a traffic light waiting for the lights to allow him to walk towards the other side that would lead him to his home. But unknown to the young man, is that a woman wearing a jacket with it's hood over her head and wearing a mask covering her lower jaw, staring at him from a distance and glaring at him with hate in her eyes.
A/n: I know I've shown this pic in a previous chapter, but I'm using it again for the official meeting.
woman: [So, this is the asshole who has been a thorn in my gang's ass. This pussy is nothing but a pathetic jackass, I'm going to have fun breaking him. But first, I need to gain his trust.]
The woman then makes her way to Y/n, who is still waiting for the cross light to turn and allow him to walk across, but the woman then taps on Y/n's shoulder gaining Y/n's attention and faces the woman.
Y/n: Can I help you, mam?
woman: Yes, you see I'm having trouble on finding the mall.
Y/n: Ah, well if you head around west and take a short cut down the ally you might just be able to make it to the mall.
woman: Well, thanks. I really needed that.
Y/n: Your not from around here, are you?
woman: You, can say that. Sometimes it feels a little confusing around here.
Y/n: If you like, I could show you around town, if you have the time that is.
woman: *smirks under her mask* That would be wonderful.
Y/n: Cool, I'll just give you my number so that you can call me.
the woman nods and brings out her phone, which the two exchange numbers and the woman heads towards the direction where Y/n pointed two still smirking under her mask, while Y/n walks to the other side of the side walk and feels something bad going on with the woman.
Y/n: [I don't know why, but that woman gives me bad omen vibes. I'll have to keep up my guard on her.]
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, due let me know what you guys think and can you guys please stop with the negative comments on Kyouka, cause I'm trying to make it where she is trying to better herself and fix her relationship with the reader. Any way I'll see you guys in the next one.
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