Chapter 1: unexpected reunion
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story now I'm going to let you guys know that I'm not sure how long this story will be, but I'm I'm probably going to make it 5 or 10 chapters long not sure at the moment but enough of me talking let the chapter begin.
Y/n's pov
I woke up upon hearing the annoying sound of a damn alarm clock in which out of annoyance I grabbed the damn alarm clock and threw it at the wall hoping to break it.
Y/n: I swear to every known god one of them was responsible in making the damn thing just to annoy humanity.
I got out of bed and grabbed the the alarm clock hopping it broke from being thrown at a wall. I then grabbed some clothes to get dressed in a pair of pants, undershirt that fit well on my tone body, a jacket to go over my undershirt and finally a pair of shoes. once I was fully dressed I went down the stairs to make me breakfast luckily I'm doing fine on my own with collage, a part time job and money. as I made some eggs, bacon and hash browns while making my breakfast I saw that I'm going to need to go shopping for more food after I'm done eating which doesn't take long for me to finish making my breakfast and eating it I grabbed my wallet and was about to leave my house. but before heading out I look at a photo of me and Shiraishi Kyouka before she started to do those favors and how different she looked.
A/n: this is how Kyouka looked before her sexual favors don't ask me why her appearance went from this to dark skinned with blonde hair cause I'm not quite sure
Y/n: *sighs* can't change the past Y/n it was her choice not yours.
I then exited my house closing the door and locking it once done I begin to make my way to the shopping area to get some food for my future breakfast, lunch and dinner. while making my way to the shopping area I can't seemed to get Kyouka out of my mind for some reason.
Y/n: [why can't I get her out of my head? even after she started to do her favors.]
I was then cut from my thoughts when I accidently bumped into someone. on instinct I quickly caught the person from falling to the ground and helped them up, but once I did I froze when I saw the one person that I was not expecting to see.....
Y/n: Kyouka.....
Kyouka: Y....Y/n?!
Y/n: sup never thought I be seeing you again.
Kyouka: how are you?
Y/n: good how about you and your "favors"
Kyouka: Y/n please you have to-
Y/n: Kyouka out of respect of our previous relationship just drop it. now if you excuse me I need to get some shopping done.
I then begin to make my to the shopping so that I could refill on food supplies for my home. but even after meeting her again I'm reminded why things between us are shaky and me having difficulty trusting Kyouka.
I was walking down the hallways of the school that me and Kyouka go to, but during the here and now she's changed her hair was blonde from her usual brown color and her skin gained a tan like color along with that she's been pretty busy so much that I'm getting suspicious why is that. as I passed the men's bathroom and stopped upon hearing a girl moaning from the inside.
Y/n: *mutters* what the?
I got curious to why a girl would be in the men's bathroom which'd I opened the door, but I stopped with widen eyes from what I'm seeing.....Kyouka having sex with three other guys. due to my sudden appearance all four of them looked at me and froze while the guys had a look of fear on my face due to my reputation on beating and helping police putting gang members behind bars if they caused trouble. while Kyouka my girlfriend looked at me in shock and guilt for being caught at what she was doing.
guy1: oh shit.
guy2: we're screwed
guy3: please don't hurt us.
Y/n: you three leave this is only between my and my "girlfriend" no need to be involoved.
taking my warning the three guys left after fixing their clothes and out of the bathroom leaving me with only Kyouka.
Kyouka: please Y/n let me explain.
Y/n: then go explain why you were having sex to three random guys.
Kyouka: well to make it clear it's not because of you. the reason is I needed money to pay for my phone and I didn't pay too much attention with my money.
Y/n: then why didn't you go asking me? I could have helped you with that.
Kyouka: I didn't want to bother you with my problems. so I had to do sexual favors to make up the money.
Y/n: I see....*turns to the door* from this day forward Kyouka we're no longer in a relationship have a good day.
with that I left with out inflicting any sort of anger cause I'm not the type to yell out in anger for something small as breaking up with a girl.
-flashback over-
Y/n: *sighs* I guess I still have feelings for her, but I can't get over what she did yet.
Kyouka's pov
I was walking back home trying to keep in my sadness after running into Y/n again which was nice to see him still doing well for himself. once I got home I see my brother at the couch as he too makes eye contact with me.
A/n: yeah I don't really know his first name but I know his is too Kyouka since the two from what I can guess are step siblings and I'm going to call him Aino.
Aino: hey sis.
Kyouka: *sad tone* hey...
Aino: I'm guessing from the tone of your voice that your still thinking about Y/n right?
Kyouka: yeah, but I did accidently ran into him in the shopping area.
Aino: oh...uh what happen your two didn't had an argument or fight right?
Kyouka: no we didn't we just made some small talk and he respected our past relationship to not have one accrue especially in public.
Aino: well if he did that then that probably means that he still healing after "that", but close to getting over it.
Kyouka: *sighs* yeah, but I don't think that it's possible for us to get back together.
Aino: hey there's still a possibility for that. maybe not now, but you and him can get back on a more friendlier terms.
Kyouka: yeah and your point is?
Aino: what I'm saying is take it slow and regain his trust to where you two would find what got you two together in the first place.
Kyouka: I guess that could work thanks brother.
Aino: no problem also you might want to not tell him about your job and what you did to me on my birthday.
Kyouka: which part the one where you and Reona's girls had sex which lost you first or the part where Reona did you in the butt?
A/n: note Reona is not a futa if you want to know what I meant watch the second episode of Energy Kyouka at the near end just before the credits at least just before the credits. I just fixed the sentence up top, cause I originally wanted to make the part where kyouka and Aino had sex.
Aino: *blushes in embarrassment* both!
I laughed knowing that Reona did "that" to my step brother, but since talking to him about my love issue with Y/n. even since then I still have strong feelings for Y/n strong ones that would have me quit my sexual favors for money and the job Reona and her mother got me.
Kyouka: [whatever it takes I will do what it takes to make things right with Y/n.]
3rd pov
in the ally near the shopping area a gang of thugs are on the ground badly hurt while one had his back pressed against the wall scared out of his mind. while Y/n was still standing with little to no injuries glaring at the scared thug.
Y/n: you gang of thugs just don't learn when to leave good people alone do you.
scared thug: p..pp...please let me go you wont see my face again.
Y/n: they all say that and yet you still come here to cause trouble. now I'm going to tie you up with your buddies so that the cops can deal with you and I can finish up my shopping.
scared thug: j...jutst to let you know that the Boss will be going after you when they hear this.
Y/n: then so be it cause if I find them or they find me I will rip off both their arms then both their legs and I'll cut off their face with a bowie knife do you understand?
the thug nodded his head scared out of hit mind as Y/n proceeded to knock him out, tied up the thugs and called the cops telling them the location. once that was done Y/n leaves the ally and proceeds to get what he needs to refill his fridge and cabinets to place his food and drinks.
Y/n: [ if the Boss of this gang will come after me for putting their thugs in their place. then I welcome the challenge cause I'll do the same to them as I did to the others.]
as Y/n managed to get what he needs what he didn't know was that there was a hidden thug watching the whole fight. the thug didn't even bothered in helping the tied up group since it was on them that they got beaten and caught.
thug: not worth my time, but that guy is defiantly going to be a problem for the Boss.
as the thug left to tell his Boss Y/n managed to finished the last bit of groceries that he needed to restock on food. he then starts to make his way back to his house during the whole trip Y/n still couldn't get Kyouka out of his head making him sigh.
Y/n: I guess it's been long enough to move on from the past, but I still can't trust her for anything close enough for a serious relationship yet.
once Y/n made it to his house he was about to enter it after unlocking it until someone stops him from entering.
????: so your Y/n L/n we've heard about you from Kyouka.
-scene change to a warehouse-
as the same thug entered the warehouse to see other thugs minding their own business. while the main thug approaches an office door and proceeds to knock on the door waiting for answer.
????: come in.
the thug entered the office to see a woman in a leather hoodie, leather pants wearing a mask as the said woman gave the thug a glare to intimidate him.
A/n: I do not own this I'm just using this to show what she looks and you guys can guess what role she's going to play in the story and she is not a character from Energy Kyouka.
woman: speak.
Thug: mam I believe I've found the person whose giving our lower level grunts trouble.
woman: really know....tell me who?
To be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter now I'm doing an interesting way I'm going to be doing this especially the girl who is the Boss of the gang the reader beats. now please let know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one
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