Part 4.
Disclaimer: I do not own Little Nightmares. I also do not own the Song or picture.
(This is a Little nightmares (video games) fanfic)
(Its Mono-centric)
(Sorry if the characters seem OOC.)
(This takes place after the ending of Little Nightmares 2.)
(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter and Mycurrentfandom And -H0RIZ0N)
(I apologise for any spelling mistakes.)
(Hope you enjoy this little chapter. 😄)
Mono and Grace sleep.
They both lay side by side, curled up and asleep. Seeking warmth conscious as a temperature drops occurs.
This world wasn't warm anyway.
Oh, you thought they sleeping now?
Now, they were awake. And fighting over a cookie.
Mono pouts. His mouth curls into a thin line; watching Grace eat her food happily. She hums in content as she does.
Grace sticks her tongue out at Mono.
They are kids after all, just having very few moments to act like they're meant to. The duo savour these kinds.
It will rarely come again.
Grace hands Mono food, albeit reluctantly. She swats the hat he wears. He frowns in return.
She smiled.
Mono blushes, raising his hat. Not because of feeling, because he lost a freaking a cookie.
He lost a cookie.
Grace ate the food. Yawning sleepily, her eyes started to droop. All the eating tired her out.
And Mono as well.
His stomach is filled. Satisfied. He rubs his belly like a pregnant woman, focusing on the sensation of a seemingly other life form within.
No, Mono is not pregnant.
Days have gone by since he found Grace, the girl slowly earning his choice until the school. Where they were in danger of the doll children.
Mono hates other children apart from a few.
Grace opens her eyes. She tilts her head, signifying confusion. There is a hint of warmth.
Grace's heart shatters. She's always been alone until now. This child, boy, seemingly helpless. An answer isn't given right away.
Grace still has trust to give. This world never allowed kindness. When it happens, cruelty happens in return.
It's a risk Grace isn't sure she's ready to take.
Mono's heart shatters as well. He's too dependant. He's always alone, even rejected right now.
He stared at Grace, fists unconsciously clenching. Her eyes widen, she crawls back a little.
Not everything is at it seemed.
The kindest can also be the most evil.
Mono learns that from what seemed to be eons ago.
Grace gestures, Mono crawls near. But still a sign of hesitation. Grace only smiles more, seeming to understanding his contemplation.
Mono is glad.
He squeezed his hands in hers, Grace blushed. She shuffled back, clearly not used to physical contact.
Mono wasn't either. But he hadn't held hands in what seemed like forever. In reality, three days.
Three days in surviving without Six.
A tear slips. Mono flinches when a hand caresses them away, Grace offers another cookie.
Mono accepts it as a smile grows.
Mono wakes up.
His eyes open, not knowing when he fell asleep. But he like the feeling of this blissful beginning, the warmth settling inside cradled his mind.
The signal of the TVs lull him to sleep. Sending out a hypnotic ray, taking over his mind. Making him submit, obey, sleep-
Mono's eyes droop again, him smiling like a dope. He wanted to stay in this space forever.
A scream shocks him out of his trance. Mono opens his eyes, now wide awake, aware of himself trapped.
He turns his head. His eyes widen with terror.
Thin Man is standing near Grace, grabbing her in his hands. She struggled against his strong grip, but resistance is futile.
But she mutters:
"Not again. Not again."
Mono pauses. He feels confused.
She holds you down.
Grace screams again, squirming. She gazes at Mono, begging, needing to rely on his power right now.
Not that she knows anyway.
She sobs, tears telling her face. Grace has no powers, physically she can overpower when strong enough for her victims. In magic?
She is nothing.
The tv static lulls Mono again, his mind feeling like jelly. He stands there, eyes glazing over. Thin Man smirks at Grace.
His past self has a weakness after all.
"Takes nothing to power something."
Grace flares in hatred.
"That something comes from nothing."
Thin Man glares back. He's always found this child weak; holding the pair down. Mono is his self, he knows best.
Not that he tells the young child.
They still hold rebellion within.
Thin Man smiles, a joyful feeling he embraces after.
"You'll do well."
Grace has heard that phrase before. She screams.
Her voice shakes the place, the high pitch. Frequency. Mono doesn't move.
Grace growls, biting the hand. Thin Man has gained energy enough to have a physical form. The bite hurts his hand.
He lets go.
Grace hits the ground with a bump. She crawls backwards to get anywhere but here.
She wants help.
Something heard her prayers, but it isn't what Grace will want. All three entities freeze at the seeming child that suddenly creeps.
"Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm..."
Thin Man glitches. Mono's eyes widen, he backs away instantly. Then they all an object.
A girl with a yellow raincoat.
Mono steps back slowly, heart unconsciously motioning away from any edges in sight. He didn't want help again. To hold hands.
To be dropped to a fate repeated again.
Mono whimpers, Grace stands confused. Thin Man looks around furious. He hates this thing.
Thin Man doesn't consider Six human.
She lifts her arm, titling a seeming forming object. Her smile is tranquil, like enjoying a good hobby.
What Mono now sees is horrifying.
Six changed. Not longer coat yellow. It changed.
Her skin dark. It changed.
Hair becoming non-seeing.
(A/N: I can't draw for the life of me XD. And for those familiar with the first game, this a (kind of) cameo from shadow Six. She's honestly one of my favourite characters, lol.)
A barely noticeable grin creeps upon her face.
"Hmmm, hmmm.."
Shadows curls around the form, as if protecting their summoned master. Six sends a silent command.
They speed across Mono and Grace to land on Thin Man's wrist. He screams as they tear, bite, force his submission. Six stares blankly.
She only registers an enemy.
The shadows chain, claw, force Thin Man's hand. Even the signal tower's frequency doesn't reach this time. Six loves this powerful sensation.
She smirks.
"...Hm, hmm, hmmm..."
The little songs seems a a lullaby for shadows. Mono mentally hears their cheers of sincerity and obedience. His link to TVs is the only thing helping him hear those.
He wishes he hadn't.
The shadows hang around Thin Man. Tearing away his powers. Mono feels sympathy. He allows the entity back into his soul.
Mono is Thin Man in a maybe future after all.
The only thoughts he can make coherently. The darn name mixes in. Repeating like a song stuck in your head for days.
Six. Six. Six.
The first person he'd willingly helped. Given trust to. Hell, even rescued on occasion (multiple times). Standing right there expectingly.
Did she really think he'd just come over?
Six smiles normally. Now Mono is afraid.
Because Six already planning her next meal. She leaps on Grace, pinning her wrists down while the other squirms under the yellow raincoat girl.
And what she does next is enraging.
Six takes a bite of Grace.
That's where he draws the line.
Mono is quick to leap between the two, pushing Six away with a wild growl. Possessive, protective.
Grace whimpers as she hides behind him.
Six stands there emotionless. Mono sees a hint of surprise in her face. He hadn't stopped her killing in the past, she did assume he'd forgiven.
But forget?
Mono wouldn't ever forget.
He growled, another entity in his place. At least it feels like it is. Mono sees Six's scowl.
She doesn't leave. They'd been together. Mono sees no regret for these actions. Oh yeah, Six isn't human.
Six is a former shadow of something else.
She morphs. Returning to normal colours. Eyes hidden beneath hairs and hood. Mono wishes she didn't hide.
On the other hand, he's happy she does.
Mono commands once more. He just wants her to leave them alone, Grace clutched her arm. It has a bit of flesh turn. Mono feels sorry.
Mono also is angry at the other child.
Six just seemed confused.
Mono should have been on her side. She'd done nothing wrong. Yes, dropping him down the tower looked wrong, but he'd let her get dragged away.
She scoffed, folding her arms. Two options arose:
1. Force Mono out of here and eat the child.
2. Work with them both.
Six offered softly, looking down. Shame, guilt, regret creeped up her non-existent soul. A monster could feel to. She just didn't often.
Mono grabs Grace's hand.
Six seethes.
Only they held hands. He had been her first friend. The friend she'd dropped.
Mono felt differently.
Agony. The presence of Six overwhelming.
Anger. She'd betrayed him.
A bit of happiness. Just knowing she was alive.
His emotions were mixed.
He looked into Grace's eyes.
They were emotionless. They held the decision.
She nodded. It seemed smart to stick together.
For now.
She quickly descended upon Six, pinning the girl to the wall with one hand. Six tries pushing, Grace keeps her there easily.
Six is powerful in magic. Grace is in combat.
Physical combat.
"Betray him, you die."
She whispers. Six unknowingly meets the merciless side of Grace. She smiled, squealing as if she'd received the best answer given.
Mono smiles. It hurts Six's chest.
He's not smiling at her. He's smiling at Grace.
Six wants to scream.
This is her personal karma.
Mono smiles, guiding Grace away. He gives Six a scowl, but jerks his head to signal they're going.
He is very reluctant.
Looking down, Mono saw the piano jumped on once. He's surprised the teacher hadn't rid of it.
She must have felt lazy.
He looked at Grace. The question received a nod.
He carefully angled himself hanging off the wood, Grace grabbed his hand. She leaned down as much as possible.
He's willingly dropped this time.
Mono knows a safe landing. Feeling like that as well, not betrayal. There is a goal ahead.
To survive.
Grace looking nervous, Mono gives a smile. She takes a breath. Dropping down, Mono catches her.
At least she wasn't going down a ladder. Grace could handle that herself, thank you very much.
Then he looks up Six. She stands still. Mono grumbled, begrudgingly reaching his arms out. He waves assuringly.
Six drops down with a gulp. She squeaked when he caught her, not having to do this before. They'd been in this situation in the past.
The present if very different now.
Mono's eyes reveal his hatred. Six flinched.
Grace went to the window. Boosting Mono, Six stroked her palms, feeling the once warmth of boosting him up. Being useful. Helping someone.
Now she seemed useless.
This partnership wouldn't last long.
But hopefully long enough to give an apology.
A meal I don't want. Soon.
Six's stomach rumbles silently.
(Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter.)
(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)
(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)
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