Part 2.

Disclaimer: I do not own Little Nightmares. I also do not own the Song.

(This is a Little nightmares (video games) fanfic)

(Its Mono-centric)

(Sorry if the characters seem OOC.)

(This takes place after the ending of Little Nightmares 2.)

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter and Mycurrentfandom And -H0RIZ0N)

(The picture above is my little nightmares OC named Grace. She will be in this story, but will NOT be paired with Mono. Also, credit to qwertuno for this picture.)

(I apologise for any spelling mistakes.)

(Hope you enjoy this little chapter. 😄)

Mono feels conflicted.

On the one hand, he is protected. His once rival is his ally, watching his back. But on the other..

He is still himself.

The future anyway. The betrayed, Mono sighs. He should trust Thin Man. His feeling still haven't changed.

Should he feel guilty? Putting his trust in this entity once hell bent on consuming them all.

Mono whined in frustration.

What is wrong?

And that's when Mono realised their connection is interwoven. And that means Thin Man knows his thoughts as replies.

Mono grunts. Thin man rolls his dead eyes.

Child, you do not need to fear me.

Said child stared with soulless eyes, black as night, yet could pierce the tormented souls of this world.

Time is needed. You..don't get to say when you chased and nearly killed me.

Thin Man oddly understood. Yesterday seemed like forgiveness, but it takes time to fully form a bond that is difficult to break.

It helps that both are related in a way. They understand, they help, they will form a bond.

Thin Man promises to make sure-


The taller entity shrieks, Mono instinctively starts to find somewhere to hide. He's seen monsters scream before the chase.

He's reminded of the teacher and the vents.

Thin Man clutches his stomach in pain, leans over like in their battle after he lost power. Mono also flashes back to that era.

It's scary he still remembers things.

A-are you okay?

Mono tugs on the Thin Man's pants, he's still much taller that he stand on his tip toes to even take a good glance into the elder's eyes.

They're as scary as the last thought.


Thin Man seems weak, at least enough to not able to speak. Mono whimpers, he tugs at the other again.

He's still a child even if a survivor as well.

Thin Man glances up.

Sorry, child. Myself isn't supposed to be here, energy runs out quickly in this world. I am not used to being out this long. I need rest.

Mono tilts his head.


Thin Man frowns, seemingly taking in options. His eyes flicker to Mono, then at himself. Then he sighs.


Mono freaks, scuttling back.

W-what? Do you mean?...

He clutched his chest with a hand, the two connected minds reveals Thin Man's intentions. The trust building between the two slowly diminishes.

Thin Man panics, but calms.

Your soul. We are the same. My soul is yours. No pain. Like another side-

My dark?

Mono recalls Six. Her cold demeanour, but the way she kills without hesitation. No emotion. When she killed that child doll without mercy.

He suspects another side taken over. Mono doesn't want a dark side. He doesn't want to end up like Six.

Not to drop another child into abandonment.

Thin Man sighs, removing his hat. Familiar eyes stare down into Mono's, a sign of trust.

Please, child. I will die, you will be alone.

Manipulation. But it works. Mono gives him pretty quick. Ending up alone means distasteful for both.

He nods. Mono regrets it.


Mono shrieks in agony.


Thin Man fuses alongside Mono. Permission granted in his mind. No matter the pain, Mono is his own now. His own body.

Static appears everywhere, furniture float in the air, the energy appears like a distorted channel when rainy weather strikes the antenna.

Thank you, Child.

Thin Man feels like a soul. Thin Man smiles inside Mono's mind. He doesn't possess the young boy, the tiredness eases a little.

Thin Man sleeps.

Mono clutched his chest, his eyes open. The entity is gone, though a feeling inside aches. Like something in complete. The ache stands a second more.

It goes a long with a feeling of happiness.

Mono oddly feels whole again.


Mono...feels humiliated.

Here he is, walking alone. The Thin Man sleeps within his soul. Mono is aware of possession. His body taken away from his control.

Mono shivers at this prospect.

He wonders around an abandoned building, similar to the one that collapsed on him. The one where Six got trapped underneath the rubble....

Mono chuckles. He find her getting hurt funny now.

Mono wants to inflict pain into something.

Guilt then pierces his soul. Feelings. His one weakness. He'd allowed them to guide among his journey along the way. With Six.

The first person he's accompanied. A companion shown to not care. Mono cared.

He looked down in sudden depression.

Too much apparently.

But a question rose?

What is he meant to do now? He listened to Thin Man. He is alone.

Mono hates being alone. The ache of need comes back, to have someone in life. Relate, chat, need.

Mono felt those with Six once.

Once. Once.

Mono clenched his fist. He wants to take a hammer and bash a doll from the school in the face. A foolish decision if he ever went back.

He'd barley escaped the Teacher's clutches.

He found her the most scary adult to date.


Mono snorted.


Mono jumped, fists ready to fight.

Rules immediate came up: big enemy, Hide. Small enemy, just fight with whatever your find.

Mono never thought himself a coward.


Then the enemy appears.

Your kidding.

It's a viewer. But there are no TVs. Then they spot Mono. He immediately runs. The viewer chases.

A game of cat and mouse begins.


Mono pants as he runs. A familiar tactic. One ensures his survival. Fighting only came when needed. This wasn't needed.

The viewer still persisted after Mono. He whimpers, he's been running for hours. No TVs could be found within vision.

Mono starts to panic.

He whimpers again, praying for Thin Man. Hoping to be rescued, as if he wasn't a survivor just before.


Thin Man remains asleep. Mono figures he is screwed. Then something happens.

Simple as that, something knocked into them.


The viewer shrieks, giving Mono time to hide behind a bin. He peeks behind the plastic bag full of junk.

It stank.

Mono dared to peek out the bins, content in his safety. At least for now. He wondered what went on during his thoughts.

A tv fell next to the viewer, him rushing toward the electrified device. Then he got fried. Static spread everywhere. The view screamed again.

Mono chuckled as he slumped dead.

Deserved it.

Mono agreed with Thin Man's opinion.

Pat. Pat. Pat.

Mono raised his head to see a shadows travelling down the alley pipes. The steps of another child.

Me and Six aren't the only...slightly sane ones?

He wondered to leave or stay. Mono chose the latter.

Pat. Pat.

His eyes wondered to a seemingly female walking cautiously towards the body by the TVs. He managed a good look at her style.

She wore a red kind of raincoat similar to six that reached to her knees. Hair as blue the sky during the day, but eyes covered up like most kids.

Her skin matched his tone and she held a lighter which seemed to be ignited. It at least gave some light to this never ending darkness.

He's sure it's how she looks anyway.

That's when Mono realised she potentially saved his life. And she may have no idea.

Mono also doesn't know if she's friend or foe.

He dares to take a foot out of the trash. This girl reached in to pull a piece of food. It suddenly makes sense to him.

Hunger haunts everyone.

She chews down desperately, stomach realising a satisfied growl at finally being filled. The desire to have food satiated.

The girl sighs, grabs her lighter, and then starts to walk off again. Mono panics. He wants to thank her.


The girl freezes, turning with a glare. Distrust immediately radiating from her emotional state. The lighter is pointed, a sign of a weapon waiting to be used.

She clearly knows how. The girl slowly starts stepping back to retreat. Mono does something stupid.

He grabs the girl's arm. That set of a fight from hell.

The child starts tearing, grasping, biting. Punching, kicking, everything in the book to get away. She whines, kicking Mono away.

The hiss emanates scared the heck out of him.

"Hey! Hey!"

A call to calm down. Mono raised his hands in submission, indicating he wouldn't hurt anyone. He decided to give a name.


She tilted her head, obviously suspicious. Her frown prevalent, but no longer attacking. She allowed to to stand, keeping a close distance just incase.


At least she wasn't totally mute. Speaking in this world left a rule. Only necessary. Sound chased distraction and distraction caused death.

Children didn't like being caught.

The water wet on the alley made a soft squish sound as Grace walked closer. She walked slow and steady.

Mono froze in place. Then, something interrupts.

Because of course it does.


The two flip around to see tens of viewers banging against the fence blocking off the alley from them.

Mono sees the TV somehow powered on.

He realises the signal is behind this.

Mono growls, but yelps. Grace hauls his arm and then they are sprinting though the streets. Dragging the whole way, Mono could easily summon the Thin Man and get rid of then.

But he still remains asleep.

He relies on Grace right now. They race across alleys-


The board breaks loose. Seemingly thousands of viewers chase after them. Grace takes a straight path, unbothered by fire or falling debris. They both sprint as far as they can.

Then, they both suddenly stop. Grace shoved him inside an alley, takes him arm again and hides behind a bin.

Mono hears her sigh in relief. She turns and glared.


She whacked him upside the head. Mono gaped..

Grace grinned in amusement. Chuckling, the child walked forwards. She glanced behind, waving her hand.

Mono took this as a good sign. He walked foward as well, helping Grace to remove a piece of wood.

Both placed hands on the hardwood and pushed hard. Mono grunted at the heavy weight while Grace snickered. The board eventually moved out the way to reveal a hope just big enough for crawl through.


The board fell as they crawled through the hole. He looked around the new surroundings.

The whole seemed relatively clean. Dirt occasionally feel, but it was under a building so that could be forgiven. The walls closed in slightly, but this place wasn't meant to be permanent.

Grace gathered mini sticks and then lit them with her lighter. The flame refused to ignite though.

Flick. Flick.

It still didn't. She seemed irritated.

Flick. Flick.

Again, nothing. Mono watched in curiosity. She whined in frustration again. As if she'd smash the thing any moment.

Flick flick.

Finally, it came to life. Grace squeaked happily as she out the fire. The crackling was heard and she smiled. As if accomplishing some achievement.

Mono found this fascinating. She had saved his life and never let go of his hand unlike Six who did.


Grace looked back in curiosity. She smiled.


She sat in the floor and curled up. Mono noticed it was night when he looked out the now partially covered entrance to this little hideout.

Mono heard a sigh. Grace stared at her lighter in sadness, as if contemplating on past piece. Mono found it sad he could relate.

Grace shivered even in her jacket. She whimpered, taking a closer shuffle towards the flamed fire. Mono then felt a shift inside his chest.

Who is this, Child?

Mono rolled his eyes.

Now you wake up.

I was drained when escaping. You allowed me to.

Thin Man had a point there.

I cannot materialise here. It is too small. Is this a friend of yours?

She saved my life.

Unlike that one in the yellow raincoat?


Mono felt a sting in his chest. He didn't trust Grace, it seemed the sentiment remained shared. In this world, trust led to betrayal. Then to death.

Mono related to these thoughts.

Grace whined again, stamping her foot into the ground. The lighter is placed into her pocket, no use until later. Everything needed use.

Or else they became useless.

She turned to Mono and smiled. No words come out though, she only gives a small one. It seems she's warmed up to him after a bit.


Mono waved back. Grace curled again, pulling her hood some over her face. Mono did as well.

He curled up next to the fire and stared. He was tired as well. He knows today has been eventful.

Goodnight, Child.

Mono smiles for once. He closed his eyes.


Mono falls into a peaceful sleep.

(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter~😁)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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