Chapter 15

When we arrived at Harper and Smythe esquires extraordinaire, snow threatened, and even I had a hard time keeping warm under my black Eddie Bauer. Sylvie had gone all out for the interview, accenting her blue eyes with liquid eyeliner and styling her halo of blonde hair into bouncy curls that hugged her shoulders, giving her that movie star look. Not to mention, the linen dress in robin's egg blue fit her like a glove. If her resume didn't come up to snuff, her classic beauty and radiance would make up for it.

The law office took up residence in an ancient building on a corner lot, with the doors opening right onto Fifth. We all ducked into the lobby half an hour early, and took over the leather sectional, which smelled like the inside of a new Mercedes. Sylvie immediately nudged me to one end of the couch and started her interrogation.

"So, how did you do last night?" she said, assaulting me with cinnamon gum breath.

"Nothing of merit to report. I told you, my girl parts are preoccupied."

Sylvie raised her neatly-plucked brows. "Nothing at all?"

"There was some foreplay that resulted in both of us finding our happy place, but other than that, we napped."

A snort escaped her as she glanced at the brothers. Both were engaged in a discussion about Asia's trade market, a prelude to their big doubleheader at the Hearst Tower. It struck me as odd that these were demon-battling beasts tucked into those tailored suits, preparing to knock skulls with their shareholders. I still hadn't shared my big secret with Sylvie, which stretched to include her current sexual partner being a winged gargoyle, but I damned sure wasn't going to tell her now.

"I could really go for Colin." Sylvie's voice came at me all breathy and smitten, and the only thing I could do was stare at her as she barreled on. "We're really compatible. He's a down-to-earth guy. And funny. That's a make-or-break trait for me. I'm sure you've already noticed all this."

"Yeah. Colin's a great guy."

"To be honest, Reese, I can totally picture you with Colin. What happened there?"

Still reeling from Sylvie's confession, I offered my default response to questions like that. "The heart wants what the heart wants."

"You have never been more right." As she spoke, she and Colin exchanged a smile that only someone who has been infatuated would recognize.


Vincent finally walked over to speak with the receptionist, and she stood to greet him at the counter. That's when I noticed her long legs beneath her thigh-high skirt. I got an even better look when she leaned over so Vincent could kiss her cheek. The exchange had my hackles up, but I wasn't going to take issue with it now. His mind was on other things, and he may have forgotten his girlfriend could see him getting friendly with his attorney's receptionist.

When he walked back, he detoured to stand in front of Sylvie. "Rod Harper will be out to meet you in a few minutes. Do you mind if I cut in?"

"Of course, not. Thanks again for getting me this interview, Vincent." Sylvie smiled as she moved closer to Colin, and Vincent took her place next to me. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through the text feed, talking as he typed a message.

"I'm texting Rizzo to find out his ETA. I want you in the loop."

"Thanks, but do you really expect there to be trouble? It's broad daylight, and I'm safely ensconced inside an office that could double as a set for an Al Pacino movie." I waved my arm at the windows, demonstrating the prison quality of the wrought iron bars secured to the outside. "It's like the Kremlin in here."

"In the interest of full disclosure, we have reason to believe your movements are being monitored."

"Yes, by my friendly neighborhood demons. We've already established that."

Vincent tightened his lips as his fingers wrapped around my knee. "Not just demons."

"Vincent Valentino." A commanding voice captured everyone's attention, and we all popped off the couch at once.

Walking around the receptionist desk, a salty-haired man probably in his sixties came out to greet us. He stood much smaller than his commanding voice implied, and he wore a sharply pleated, pinstripe suit with salmon ascot. His gaze flicked to me first thing as he made a quick assessment. Not as a potential employee but as a potential mate for Vincent. At least, that was the impression I got before he moved on to scrutinize Sylvie, introducing himself straight away.

"You must be Sylvie Thomas," he said as he clasped her hand between both of his and gave it a serious shake. "I'm Rod Harper. Vincent has talked you up, which means this interview is probably a done deal, but let's see if you and I click."

"I completely agree. Personalities can make or break a productive work environment." Sylvie's voice shook a little as she took the brunt of the man's handshake assault. Mr. Harper's attention snapped back to Vincent and he offered a similarly enthusiastic exchange, although Vincent appeared unaffected by the man's vigor.

"Vincent, I haven't seen you since the dedication. I hear through the grapevine you have been keeping the company of a beautiful blonde. I assume this is her. If I'm wrong, then I may have overstepped my boundaries just now." Mr. Harper smiled at me, looking conspiratorial.

"Rod, this is my girlfriend, Reese Kentwell," Vincent said. "The beautiful blonde in question."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Harper," I said as I endured his crushing handshake.

"Please, call me Rod. If you need anything, Reese, let my receptionist know. Felicia is a great gal. Vincent knows what I'm talking about." Rod offered Vincent an off-the-cuff slap on the arm and slid his suede shoes over to Colin to continue the greetings. "Colin, you still playing with that Ingot stock? I hear Phantom is sitting on a new product release."

"Phantom is sitting on a reprisal of greatest hits," Colin said as he took on Rod with a firm shake of his own. "Call me if you want to know who's sitting on what?"

Rod smirked as Colin received an arm slap. "Your father would be proud of you two. Roberto comes to mind a lot, whenever I'm looking for courage."

Rod Harper left his bomb to smolder between us as he escorted Sylvie beyond the counter, and both Vincent and Colin stared hard at the man's back as he retreated.

"So, old family friend?" I asked.

"Rod oversees every legal contract signed by the Valentinos," Vincent said. "We rely on his expertise and he relies on our protection, but every relationship has its limits."

I nodded my understanding, although I wasn't sure how deep Vincent's comment really went.

"Colin and I have to go," he said. "Rizzo will be here in fifteen minutes. Do not leave the premises."

"Where would I go?"

Vincent's eyes flashed as he raised his brows. "You seem to disappear on me when I least expect it. If I could, I would take you with me."

"Oh, Vincent. Stop being a worry wart and go pacify your shareholders." I kissed him open-mouthed, making sure the receptionist witnessed it.

Colin looked grumpy when he and Vincent left the office, and I didn't try to decipher why. My morning coffee had worked its magic and needed to make an exit. Surely, these high-rolling attorneys had a decadently-appointed restroom I could use. When my visual scan didn't turn up anything, I left the seating area and walked to the leggy receptionist. She blinked her big brown eyes at me as she flashed an American darling smile.

"You must be Reese Kentwell. I'm Felicia. It's nice to meet you." She said all this as she stood and held out her hand. I didn't expect to be greeted so formally, but I went with it.

"Nice to meet you too, Felicia. I'm trying to locate the bathroom."

"Oh, you need to walk down this hallway. It's the second door on the left." She pointed in the direction of a hidden hallway as she continued talking. "I'm not sure you're aware of your legend status, Miss Kentwell."

"Legend? Who says?"

"I do, and a lot of other women who have dated Vincent. Do you follow social media at all? Your story is on all the local Valentino blogs."


"There are Valentino blogs? I'm afraid I'm out of the loop there."

Another sweet smile graced Felicia's face as she nodded. "That's probably best. You wouldn't want to read something that might mess up your perfect love affair."

"Perfect love affair? Is that what the blogs are saying?"

"Most of them. There are a few who hold resentment against Vincent, so they just like to spread nasty rumors, but the rest of us can see right through that."

"How long did you and Vincent date?" I asked, taking command over my bladder as I probed.

"That depends on your definition of date. Vincent has never been exclusive, so none of us keeps a tally of how long we've known him, just the number of dates we've had with him. I've had four, but there are others with six. One girl was seen with him nine times, but she doesn't blog. The only thing we know is her name. Claudette Lassiter. She wore the crown until you came along."

Claudette Lassiter got nine dates?

"But I've only had three dates with Vincent, and one was to a church, so I probably shouldn't count that."

"Ah, but Vincent and you have been exclusive ever since you met, right?"


"There you go. He clearly wants to keep you around. Whatever you're doing, keep it up. Everyone who knows him says he's mellowed out. He can be an intense guy."

"Now, there's the understatement of the century."

She chuckled as she straightened a few papers on her desk, looking slightly nervous. "Can I get you a coffee or a water? I'll have it waiting when you come back from the bathroom."

"Coffee would be great. You wouldn't happen to have honey?"

"Actually, Rod keeps honey on hand. How much?"

"Just a teaspoon, but don't go to any trouble. Regular sugar is fine too."

"It's no trouble. I'll meet you back here in a few." Felicia bustled off behind a frosted glass wall, and I watched her shapely legs carry her away. Yeah, I could see the attraction. Felicia was hot.

As expected, the restroom motif boasted streamlined plumbing and cherry wood cabinetry, and when I finished my business, my hands smelled like musk and cedar soap. I returned to the front desk where Felicia handed over my coffee while simultaneously typing on her keyboard. Apparently, our bonding time had run its course, and after thanking her, I reclaimed my spot on the sectional.

In my absence, a man had arrived and taken a seat across the room. The newspaper he held in front of his face obscured my view of him, but based on his expensive-looking suit and leather loafers, he had means.

I spent the next few minutes sipping my coffee and trying not to criticize Felicia for overdoing the honey. To fill the moments of boredom, I watched the man as he checked his cellphone every few minutes, although I never heard a chime. Was he waiting for someone to meet him? His ex-wife, perhaps? Was Harper and Smythe that kind of law office?

I lowered my gaze to my lap when the guy started folding his paper, and a few moments later, I felt a presence next to me. It was him, smelling like soap and looking like The Godfather, or at least a close relative, with big shoulders and a wobbly chin shoved inside a stiff collar. He offered a polite smile as he helped himself to the spot next to me.

"Pardon my intrusion. I believe you are the woman I am looking for. Is your name Reese Kentwell?"


I glanced up at the reception desk, hoping Felicia would be my ally if I needed one, but she had abandoned her post, leaving me with the scary mobster. "Who are you?"

"You can call me CW. I'm here on behalf of my employer, MC. He would like to extend an offer to you." CW reached into his breast pocket while I prepared to bolt out of my seat, but a second later he handed me a business card. "There's a phone number on one side of this card and a monetary figure on the other. MC is willing to part with that money in exchange for something he believes you may soon be in possession of. An artifact of great significance and power."

I swallowed hard but disguised it by tipping my coffee cup over my lips, nearly spilling on my shirt. "You have the wrong girl. I don't know anything about an artifact."

He smiled a scary mobster smile. "Well, just in case you run into the right girl, tell her the wisest choice would be to call the number on the card when she gets her hands on the artifact. And, if the temptation of money isn't enough, we know a lot about her girlfriend. Where she lives, where she works..." CW looked pointedly at the hall where Sylvie had disappeared with Rod. "Leverage can work just as well as reward in certain cases."

Oh no. Sylvie.

I did my best to hold his gaze and not give anything away. "Tell your employer I will keep his card in case I run into the right girl."

CW appeared mildly amused as he stood, tipping an invisible hat as he and his melting chin left the office. Of course, I followed him and managed to catch him climbing into the back of a non-descript limo. The car drove away before I could read the license plate, but I yanked out my phone and popped off a picture of the retreating tail lights.

"You shouldn't be outside, Reese."

Who the hell...?

I turned to find Josh hiding under the cover of sunglasses and a ball cap.

"If I said I was surprised to see you during daylight hours, would that be insensitive of me?" I offered my joke as I slipped my phone into my pocket.

"Days like this are no problem," he said, pointing to the snow clouds overhead. "So, what did that guy say to you?"

"Were you spying on me?"

He shrugged. "It's my job."

"Where's Christoph?"

"Sleeping." He sounded affronted. "So...? What did the guy want?"

I handed Josh the business card. "He knows I'm on a mission for Cecile. He wants the amulet."

"Is this the price he's willing to pay?" He waved the card at me. "A million is a joke. The amulet is priceless."

"He threatened to hurt my friend if I didn't cooperate."

"Don't worry about it. Christoph and I will handle it. Here comes your French friend. I'll let him take it from here."

Josh retreated down the street as Rizzo beat the pavement to get to me, maneuvering between bodies as if he was chasing down a pickpocket. He looked frantic when he reached me.

"Reese? Are you okay? Did that demon threaten you?"

"Simmer down, cowboy. That was Josh. He's Christoph's right-hand man." I glanced at Rizzo's arm before I could stop myself and he noticed. "How's your arm feeling?"

"Like it was severed by a blade and sewn back on, but wine helps. So, what did Josh say to you?"

"He was asking me about a guy who..."

"Wait. Tell me inside. My arm is going numb out here." Rizzo nudged me through the door, and we took our seats on the sectional. I showed him the business card as I recited my experience with CW. When I finished, Rizzo's complexion had paled to match the white marble floors of the office, and I hurried to Felicia's desk to ask her for a cup of black coffee.

"I'll take a glass of wine, if she has it," Rizzo called out.

"It's too early for wine." I shook my head at him as I made my way back. "I'm sorry if I just dropped a bomb on you, Rizzo. Did I say something the Valentinos haven't told you? That would be awkward."

He patted my knee as I sat down. "Don't worry about telling me something I might not know. There are few secrets kept between the domus members. I am just thinking about Vincent's reaction to these people seeking you out."

"I got a partial shot of the license plate with my phone camera." I pulled out my cell and scrolled to the photo. "Josh says he and Christoph will look into it for me."

Rizzo scrunched up his face, but I didn't think it was due to the terrible picture I had taken of the obscured limo. He was reacting to my comment about demons helping me. Felicia scurried into the waiting room and handed Rizzo his coffee. It took him a few beats to drag his eyes away from her legs to accept it.

"Your coffee, sir. My name is Felicia. Let me know if I can get you anything else."

"This is trés bien. Merci."

"Ooh. Are you French?"

"Oui." Rizzo flashed a charming smile, and I had to hold back my snigger. He could work that suave dialect masterfully, and he subdued poor Felicia like a lion tamer cracking his whip. "Do you speak any French, Felicia?"

"Just enough to be polite. I've visited France twice."

Felicia's phone rang and she excused herself, putting her long legs to work as she sprinted around the reception desk to answer the call. Rizzo stared blatantly at her over his coffee cup. Did he know Vincent dated Felicia and her legs? A few minutes later, Sylvie appeared, and the three of us turned up our collars and made a beeline for the Escalade.

Rizzo maneuvered easily through traffic one-handed, while Sylvie filled us in on her wildly successful interview. The position had been enthusiastically offered to her and she enthusiastically accepted it. What she lacked in legal experience, she made up for in her bubbly personality, and it probably didn't hurt that she was a knock-out.

"Rod introduced me to the entire staff. Twenty people or more," Sylvie gushed. "And he kept saying he thought I had the right stuff. I think it's an ancient movie reference, but the guy is kind of ancient himself."

"According to my parents, sixty is not ancient," I told her. "So, when will you start?"

"Wednesday, if I can swing it. He offered to help with moving expenses. Pretty generous, huh?"

"Very. You can live with me until you find a place. It'll be a little cramped while Vincent is there, but we'll work it out. Hey, I just remembered. My downstairs neighbor, Lilly, just moved out." I yanked my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through my contacts. "I'll call my landlord right now and see if the place is still available."

"That would totally rock!" Sylvie's exclamation rang inside the car, and her excitement got me fired up too. Having my bestie living two floors down would be brilliant, and while I waited for my landlord to answer his phone, I realized there would be no more hiding my alternative lifestyle. I needed to come clean and pray I didn't lose my best friend in the process.

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