Chapter 9

John's POV

I, Alex and Jefferson were the only remaining people in the Starbucks we had chosen to come to. I was a bit surprised that we drove 25minutes to get to a Starbucks, this is America, Starbucks is everywhere and there just so happened to be one 2minutes from Alex's apartment. Alexander was talking about various topics as I and Jefferson listened to his endless refrains. Jefferson didn't bother nodding or arguing even though his political opinions were very different from Alex's, he just stared at Alex almost looking like he was in thought, this made me a bit suspicious, but I wasn't sure the reason that caused it. He quickly checked his phone before interrupting Alexander even though he didn't look like he was in a hurry. I was waving him off when I noticed that Alex looked like he was panicking? But I grew more skeptical once I saw Jefferson smirk at Alex.

"So, do you know where Jefferson lives?" I questioned.

"No idea, I think he lives in Washington Heights or something" he replied vaguely in a cool, smooth voice, taking a big gulp of coffee. We talked about Jefferson for a while and I was pleased with the answers he gave me regarding Jefferson, they were usually in a disgusted tone about how stupid he was. I smiled pleasantly as Alex finished a speech about how Jefferson's essay was not cited properly, even though it was probably Peggy or Maria's fault.

"Sorry John, I got to go," Alex said as he began to button up his jacket again, he beamed at me and quickly engulfed me in a hug before walking out of the Starbucks. I was left to wonder about work and anything other than Jefferson and Alexander, that would never happen in a million years anyway...totally.

Thomas' POV

"And you know that how?" I asked narrowing my eyes. There was no way John was suspicious, it hadn't even been 24hrs yet and someone was already suspicious? Yeah right!

"Because he was bombarding me with questions about you and where you live-"

"Why does he want to tap this?" I smirked interrupting Hamilton.

"hopefully not" Hamilton mumbled.

"We are technically still enemies, we just have some benefits, I should be able to date and fuck whoever my marvelous heart desires" I said placing one hand to my chest while turning the corner that would lead to my apartment.

"that is true... I guess he could" Hamilton frowned looking down at his hands. OH.... Little Hammy's got a crush, I could use that against him.

"Does little Hammy have a crush" I asked in a sing song voice, "on Mr. John Laurens?"

"WHA? NO!" He replied, clearly embarrassed, "We've been friends for a while and that whole relationship was a really stupid decision but he is one of my best friends, I know I kissed him but it meant nothing, he was drunk on wine" Hamilton rolled his eyes and so did I, who gets drunk on wine? " and I don't want him mingling with the likes of you" He added sarcastically but I could hear in his voice that he was telling the truth.

"Hypocrite and fine, won't do anything with Laurens" I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at Hamilton in an attempt to annoy him as I pulled up into my parking space, "But I am going to have to blame you for him missing out on all this" I motioned my hands up and down my body which got a little eye roll from Hamilton. We both got out of the car to head up the stairs,

"Isn't this the place where you told me how you broke your wrist trying to impress a girl?" Hamilton said with a sly smirk.

"How do you know that?" I asked a bit shocked by his statement. Blackmailing 101 kids, childhood stories are a gold mine and Hamilton currently had one of mine to use.

"I regain some of my memories from the night before, after I get drunk," Hamilton said, "That's why I decided to be "enemies with benefits" because the sex was amazing" He chuckled before leaning against my door that we had reached only moments before.

"What can I say?" I leaned in, my mouth inches apart from his, I slowly unlocked the door and pushed it open letting Hamilton stumble a bit. He grabbed on my shirt pulling me towards him as he toppled backwards onto my couch. I fell on top of him, staring at his lips before placing my own on his gently. I ran my hand down his body, slowly unbuttoning his jacket, he started doing the same.


Me and Hamilton laid on the couch gasping for air, Hamilton was chuckling to himself and I was picking up our clothes from the floor. I handed Hamilton his clothes and we both got dressed quickly and bid each other a farewell. I watched as Hamilton closed the door as I let out a long heavy sigh. That was great! Now I've got to start the argument I am going to use against Hamilton in our debate at our conference. I hate the conferences.

Alexander POV

Okay I've got to admit I hate Jefferson but he is really good with his mouth, this is all I've been thinking about since Saturday and today was Monday but now it's getting out of hand, I almost ran a red light because of this. I pulled up into my Firm's parking and hurriedly made my way to the conference room because I was 10 minutes late because of that Poufy haired Francophile. I opened the door very slowly expecting the worst, I have never been late but my friends have and they usually get off the hook easily but I am Washington's most loyal employee, that's got to get me some kind of punishment, right? But instead of being angry, Washington was wide eyed and shocked. Everyone at the conference table were staring at me all equally as shocked as Washington, some with their mouth open and others with their eyes so wide I thought it was going to pop out of their sockets (I am looking at you Peggy and Eliza)

"Y-you are late?" He asked me with a very surprised tone, I didn't know if that was meant to be offensive or not.

"Yeah...Sorry about that I got a bit side tracked" I glanced at Jefferson who had the audacity to smack his lips and licked his lips. I growled slightly at his behavior but decided to let it go by breaking eye contact.

"Um...I don't know what to say, you have never been late to a meeting" Washington stuttered, the man never stutters, "Take a seat Alexander, It's all right, everyone makes mistakes" He smiled at me kindly and resumed organizing some files that he had in his hands, "Now the issue on the table, we have a handful of cases that cannot be assisted by our firm so the only two options are to 1) Hand over a bunch of cases that could give his profit OR 2) Hand it over to other Law firms we are familiar the only person you have to convince is me, Jefferson you have the floor"

"Sir, I believe that we should not hand these cases over to other law firms, we are known to be the greatest law firm in NYC and we can't take care of simple cases? If we hand these small cases over to other Law Firms they will began to pick up, gaining more and more clients... At the end of the day, it's all about competition. We would also be getting a fair amount of profit from these cases that could increase our status," Jefferson was rambling on but I couldn't see form all the bullshit that was piled up in front of me. I found myself scoffing whatever he was saying because they were stupid and absurd.

"Is it my turn?" I asked with a sassy tone, Washington nodded his head indicating me to start, "Good, Thomas that was a real nice declaration, welcome to the real world! Yeah, we are the greatest Law firm in New York but that doesn't mean we HAVE to handle these itty-bitty cases that another law firm that actually has time could handle better than us. We have bigger cases to handle, Thomas, and quality is more important than quantity. If we lose these small cases then that's bad name for our Firm whereas, if we hand it over to another Frim we can trust they could handle much better and that would result in less damage to our firm name" I finished as I took a huge breath in and gently exhaled it out.

"Hamilton's right, Jefferson, we have to hand them over to other Law Firms" Washington said sternly, Jefferson was going to say something but instead just shrugged it off, I was a bit surprised by his actions because normally he would debate with Washington.

"You aren't going to...persuade him?" I yelled from across the room where I was seated hesitantly and shocked.

"I really don't care anymore" He sighed really heavily and began to pack up his stuff. I started to notice the dark circles under his eyes and messy hair, he lazily made his way to the door stumbling, closing and opening his eyes a lot. I looked around at everyone in the table who also seemed concerned, but not by his appearance but by his choice to not argue with me. Probably had another one night stand with someone... who could it have been... Madison? No, he looks as peaceful as ever, I scanned the room for anyone here that looked as bad as Jefferson. Hercules? No, Laffy? No, Elizaaa?, No, He would never dare to touch Peggy or Maria because he ships them so hard, Angelica? No, even though they have a lot in common. My world crashed down when I saw John half sleeping...dark circles...messy hair.

"I need to go somewhere" I said through gritted teeth, I got up, my whole-body stiff as a stick. I marched out of the door not bothering to listen to Washington. I can't believe he would sleep with my best friend! That bastard was going to get punched SO BAD THAT HE WON'T BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING WITH THAT STUPID MOUTH OF HIS.

Eliza's POV

"Hey John?" I asked concerned by Alexander's behavior. I mean I saw the anger every day, but he won the debate today and he would usually be humming something while rubbing it in Jefferson's face.

"I have no idea" John replied in a sleepy tone, Huh? He is never sleepy like that, Jefferson also seemed a bit drowsy.

"John did you sleep with Jefferson" Before I could stop myself the words came pouring out of my mouth with a sudden sympathy towards Alexander, I knew that he was not over John yet and that he was going to slaughter Jefferson into little tiny cubes.

"WHAT?" John was so taken aback he almost fell out of his chair which thankfully did not draw attention to us, even though Hercules and Lafayette were right next to him, "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, NO I WAS WITH HERCULES AND LAFAYETTE ALL NIGHT" He said pointing to Hercules and Lafayette who were in a deep conversation about something. John tapped them both on their shoulders.

"Mon Ami, what is wrong?" Lafayette asked with a concerned tone.

"You are what is wrong!" John said angrily yet his sleepy mind got the best of him and he started to stumble again, "YOU TWO WOULD NOT STOP GOING AT IT ALL NIGHT, DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO SLEEP, I AM GOING TO FIND SOME WHERE ELSE, GETTING MY HOUSE REPAINTED WAS THE WORST DESICION I HAVE EVER MADE?" John yelled at the two while the other people at the conference table were discussing about some stupid Law firm next door.

"Sorry, mon Ami" Lafayette nervously chuckled.

"Yeah sorry man, we'll make it up to you?" Hercules said with an apologetic look before turning away to look at some files with Lafayette. I couldn't 't help but laugh at John's bluntness but then realized that there were bigger issues.

"Okay I think Alex thought you slept with Jefferson because both of you look like you guys got hit by a truck, we have to stop before he does something and I know about Jefferson and Alexander they are not going to give up without a fight" I told John rapidly while grabbing him by the wrist and dashing to the door, hopefully Washington didn't notice, but yelled "I HAVE TO STOP A HOMOCIDE" Just to reassure Washington if he did notice, that everything was fine.

"Why did he get mad?" John said with a cocky grin, "Is it because he likes me?"

"No probably because you are his best friend and Jefferson is his enemy?" I yelled as I pulled him behind me, hopefully we are not too late. We were almost at the door to the office and almost broke the door trying to open but it was locked shut. I could still hear shuffling and a few muffled noises, I assumed it was Alex beating the living crap out of Jefferson or vice versa (BUT BOY WAS SHE WRONG... ODD1SOUT, sorry not sorry). "IS ANYONE IN THERE? ALEX IF YOU CAN HEAR ME PLEASE DON'T MURDER JEFFERSON NOTHING HAPPENED BETWEEN JOHN AND THOMAS!" I yelled through the cracks of the door. I looked through the cracks squinting to see if I could see them, but all I got was Alexander pinning Jefferson against the wall by both of his right have above his head and his other hand covering Jefferson's mouth, "Dude, I know you are in there" He let go of Jefferson who reached a hand out for Alex as if to call him over, that just made me very confused. John was trying to get a peak but I kept pushing him out of the way.

Alex's POV

I knocked angrily on Jefferson's office door and decided he didn't need privacy to be such a man-whore. So, I think you can tell that I am pretty pissed right now... heheh. I opened the door with all the strength I could muster up, this caused the door to fling open and hit the wall and repelled back but I slipped through it just in time as it shut. Jefferson's eyes opened slowly as if it were nothing.

"What do you want, Hamilton?" Jefferson asked with an annoyed groan, I marched up to him and slapped him right on his left cheek, "What the hell was that for!?" Jefferson asked still drowsy, this just made me angrier, I was preparing to slap him again but he held both of my hands firmly and checked the if the door was closed, he pushed me back forcing me to take a few steps back into the wall. He hovered over me for a few seconds and slammed his lips onto mine, I was trying with all my strength not to kiss back.

"Aww, why aren't you kissing me back and why'd you slap me, dummy," he asked a bit angrily which may or may not have turned me on, but I am not here for that.

"You slept with John, didn't you?" I growled with angry eyes. I was waiting for a response as he stared into my eyes.

"What. A. Dumbass. You really think I slept with John? John Laurens?" He snorted, "Yeah in my nightmares" He said releasing my wrists that were above my head, I frowned at his statement but it was quickly switched with a sigh of relief, "Now... where were we?" He said in his tired voice, I smiled innocently at hi before grabbing my chance to flip him under me and against the wall.

"Wha..How did you..." He stuttered with a shocked look as I was pinning him down by his arms over his head just like how he did however, my arms only reached to him forearms.

"Just a trick I learned" I said leaning into his neck that was covered with hickeys from two nights ago, he whimpered even before my lips connected with his collar bone, "You want me to switch to the left side?" I whispered, he lightly nodded. I leant in on his left shoulder trailing kissed up his neck to his collarbone, he smiled throwing his head back with his eyes closed shut and let out some whimpers as I began to make it to his lips.

""IS ANYONE IN THERE? ALEX IF YOU CAN HEAR ME PLEASE DON'T MURDER JEFFERSON NOTHING HAPPENED BETWEEN JOHN AND THOMAS!"A female voice came from the other side of the closed door, the door must have locked when it closed.

"Oh shit" Jefferson's eyes shot open at the sound of the unmistakably sugary voice of Eliza Schuyler. I quickly covered Jefferson's mouth on of my hands and we both stared at the door waiting for another response from Eliza.

"Dude, I know you are in there" Eliza yelled through the cracks, I leapt off of Jefferson hoping Eliza didn't see anything through the cracks. I turned around to face Jefferson who had his arms reached out to me with a pout. I chuckled at his childish behavior and reached my hands over to him pulling him towards me. I kissed him quickly before rushing to the door while whispering a bunch of instructions at Jefferson to make it look like a fight.

"Hey Eliza and John, can you give us a minute? We are in the middle of an argument" I smiled cheerily at her as I began closing the door, but Eliza pushed it open with her arm while staring me down.

"Alex what are you doing with Jefferson?" Eliza's harsh voice echoed into Jefferson's office.

"Ello" Jefferson said smiling innocently at her while waving a hand at Eliza in a greeting manner. She burst into the office with her right hand clinging to John's wrists. She pushed John into one of the magenta arm chairs of Jefferson's before taking a seat in another one right beside it.

"So, are you two murdering each other?" Eliza probed with a blank expression while leaning on one side of the chair. Jefferson took a seat at his desk while I was left to stand beside him intentionally towering over him to make it seem like I was mad, "Jon tell them where you were last night" She pointed to me and Jefferson who were exchanging death glares to make seem more realistic, though I wasn't sure if his was real or not because it was very menacing.

"I was at Herc and Lafayette's house, Alex, and where did you get the horrible idea that me and Jefferson slept together?" John said lazily, "And I am sleepy because Herc and Laf won't stop, they are like machines" John finished as he leant back in the chair with his hands running through his curly hair. I chuckled at his confession.

"Tell that to this genius" Jefferson pointed to me with a genuine angry face.

"Sorry, Jefferson" I muttered under my breath with my hands by my sides, my head looking at my feet.

"I am sorry what?" He asked sarcastically trying to get me to say it louder even though he knew exactly what I was going to say.

"I said I am sorry" I said a little bit louder so he wouldn't have to ask me again. He didn't look convinced so I just had swallow my pride and say it louder, "LISTEN HERE YOU, ANNOYING LITTLE RAT, I AM OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO APOLOGISE AND YOU ARE BEING-"

"ENOUGH!" Eliza shouted, "SETTLE THIS LIKE AN ADULT, ALEXANDER AND DON'T SLAP THE MAN NEXT TIME, HUH?" She said infuriated by my behavior. John jumped up from the couch, eliza woke him up and probably scared the shit out of him, he resumed his nap.

"Yeah, Alexxx" Jefferson cooed, I got MAD, I was reaching for his neck, his right part so it would hurt more. I ran my hand harshly against his neck that covered with hickeys.

"AHH...HOLYSHIT, THAT HURT" Jefferson pushed me to the wall and pounced at me holding me by my arms, "Would you like to apologize?" Jefferson whispered making sure Eliza didn't hear.

Time to set things right with Jefferson by apologizing, "Nope!" Apparently not. Jefferson stared into my eyes and started leaning in, I don't know what it looked like from Eliza's perspective but it must have been BAD. He leaned in till his mouth brushed against mine, he bit my bottom lip, drawing blood, I could taste the metallic tinge.

"Good luck covering that up from Eliza," Jefferson said while licking the blood off of my lips. He let me fall to the ground as he released me from his strong grasp. Eliza stood there dumbfounded, I don't know what the hell she thought.


I saw Jefferson pounce on Hamilton, my first instinct was to break the two apart but my butt was glued to the seat watching Jefferson hold up Alex with my wide eyes, I also couldn't say anything. I heard Jefferson whisper something but it was barely audible to me.

"Nope" Alex replied to Jefferson in his loud voice. I was watching the two like hawk, they tension in the room was thick, I don't know what kind of tension but there was just something present. The next thing almost made me fall off my chair, Jefferson was leaning in? What the hell? What the hell did he say? Jefferson said something and immediately dropped Alex to the ground. He turned back around to face me.

"Okay so he did not apologize but I am sure he'll come around" Jefferson said with an innocent smile, I just stared at him stupidly thinking of what to say.

" said something to Alex," I said pointing to Alex who laying on the ground not bothering to get up.

"Yes, I told him to apologize and he said NOPE" Jefferson replied still smiling.

"And then you were like leaning in on him" I stated with a bit of hesitation, it was more of a question than a statement.

"I don't recall doing that" Jefferson said shaking his head. I heard Alex snort from under the desk, "Shut it, Hamilton, or I WILL kick you"

"Okay, I don't believe you but then you said something else to him?"

"Yeah, I did" He replied coolly as if it was nothing. I waited for him to tell me but realized we were just staring at each other.

"What did you say?"

"OH, you were waiting for me to tell you" I nodded, "Yeah, I don't have to tell you" He said smiling once again.

"No, I want you to tell me" I said a bit more demandingly

"And I don't want to tell you what I told him"

"Jefferson, don't test me, I will get Angelica the beat the living crap out of you" I responded with an annoyed tone.

"Assault charges, Hun"

"Yeah right" I snorted.

"Yeah right" John muttered half-asleep

"Yeah right," Alex said still on the floor.

"Schuyler, don't test me, I will file assault charges against your sister if she beats the living crap out of me"

"You know what? Fine" I said defeated, I didn't want my sister to go to Jail. 

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