Chapter 4
A/N: Hey guys, I am going to change the point of view a lot, so I hope you don't mind. Thanks. Love ❤️ you guys ❤️ ❤️ 💝
Alexander's POV
I really love my job. It is so much fun to slowly see your opponent's color drain from their face and the sheer enjoyment of seeing the light in your enemies eyes flickers out as you absolutely bash the living crap out of their body with just your voice and words is one of the reasons why I love being a lawyer. I sigh heavily as I pack my suitcase up ready to leave home. My house has gotten more colorful with pictures of my friends and, well friends. I've gotten new couches and a brand new a TV, which I am SUPER excited about. I got a cool glass coffee table that is littered with coffee cups, but I don't care, Oh no. I grabbed my usual coat that I wear to work and headed out the door to my amazing Law firm where I have an amazing job.
I got in my car and decided to stop at Starbucks for more COFFEE. I pulled up to the intercom at the drive and ordered a Tall Black. This should keep me awake for a few hours and I can take a nap under my desk for few minutes. I continued to drive until I reached the tall glass building that was so elegantly designed by one of the top Architects in New York City. I think his name was Ted Mosby (A/N: Any, how I met your mother fans here?) or something like that. I stepped into the building giving a few 'hello's and 'Hi's here and there to some of my colleagues. I sipped my Starbucks while making my way to the conference room where I was expected in 15 minutes. I got there 5 minutes later and was met with an uncomfortable scene.John Laurens and Peggy Schuyler were kissing and that kind of made me resent coming here early at all, even though I am ALWAYS early, but I really couldn't care less since he was my ex and I had nothing to do with his choice of girlfriends or boyfriends, but he was still my friend.I gave him a small smile and a thumbs up, then he frowned? Then it hit me, John was trying to make me jealous and he thought he was fueling my anger but I really couldn't care less so I just gave him another thumbs up, which just made him get more annoyed. I laughed to myslef, annoying people is fun.
A few minutes had passed and one was at the conference except for me, Jhon and Peggy. I don't think Peggy noticed me because she was facing away from me and hasn't acknowledged me yet. Peggy is a very nice girl and she wouldn't do something so rude and would have definitely stopped kissing and would have definitely apologized.
I heard the door to the conference door open and close, I was so relieved, I turned my head around to see who it was and....of course! It had to be Thomas Jefferson. I mentally facepalmed my self while I looked disappointed. I mean, don't get me wrong, we were actually doing okay. We had didn't have very frequent lash outs and were a bit more civil towards each other but the hatred was still there, the tension between us was still there, it had reduced but I can feel it everytime we talk. One wrong move and our progress will come crashing down like an empire. I just know it. He smiled warmly at me, he had been doing that the past week in order to make some progress. I smiled back my eyes remained disappointed. I was hoping it would have been Angelica, who would, no doubt, make all hell break look if she knew her sister was making out instead of studying for the bar exam that was taking place in a few months. Jefferson looked over at John and Peggy and almost screamed.
He was so taken aback he stumbled back a bit, almost hitting the wall behind him. Me being smart, acted quick and caught him by the wrist and pulled him towards me, his face inches away from mine and his dark brown eyes looked into mine. I let go of his hand go after he was stable enough to stand and when I was done staring at them /9even though it was pretty hard to tear my eyes away, for some odd reason). I saw John in the corner of my eye look at me with hurt filled eyes while still kissing Peggy. This made me angry. Peggy was a really focused person and would never blow the chances of becoming a lawyer like she did last time, so John must have done something to get Peggy do crap like this with. I quickly went over to Peggy and tapped her on the shoulder, all while staring down John who had a way too obvious look of hope in his eyes.
"Oh, my god, Alexander, I am so sorry, I didn't see you there" She had one of those genuine smiles that make everyone's heart melt, but no one dares to touch her because everyone knows Maria's so not obvious crush on Peggy. I am surprised they aren't dating since Maria is a great person with a great sense of humour and would definitely love Peggy and Peggy would love her. Peggy is such a cinnamon roll, of course, Maria would love her! Maria doesn't talk much but when she does it will be a great conversation. And also I was right, she didn't know I was here this whole time while John was eating her face off.
"Peggy, we have to talk," I said in a monotone voice that made her a bit scared, she just stuttered out a yes and followed me outside with a nervous look on her face. "Peggy I don't know if you know but John and I dated for a few months and broke a couple of weeks ago and I think he is only pretending so he can get back at me" I explained. I knew Peggy wasn't the most emotional person so she'd be okay with letting another person go, unlike Eliza, her older sister, who always had trouble coping with a breakup.
Peggy nodded her head. "I didn't know you two dated at all," Peggy muttered before literally screaming, "I KNEW IT! HA! AND EVERYONE THOUGHT LAMS WASNT A THING" Oh my god, this cinnamon roll.
"Peggy shhhh, Keep it on the low okay? I don't want anyone to know" I shushed her but silently whispered "Lams WAS a thing so you can still write fanfics about us if you want, I can give details" She just snickered before adding something I didn't quite understand.
"Its okay Alex, I think I am more interested in Jamilton right now"
"Huh?" I answered smartly to which she just giggled. "Wtf is Jamilton?"
Thomas Jefferson's POV
I was humming a sweet melody when I approached my office to put my thing on my desk. I barely sang since all my time is dedicated to being a good lawyer. My motto is "Even if you are a garbage pick up person, you put your 100% into your work. You be the best goddamn garbage picker in the city" I could have just settled on a more inspiring motto but this one is funny and don't tell me what to do reader!
I put all my things on my desk since I was pretty sure I wouldn't need anything for this stupid conference anyway. It was probably just going to be debating with Hamilton. I find it funny how they make us debate sometimes in the middle of the conference because it's not like we EVER debate, we HAVE TO INCLUDE DEBATING IN THE CONFERENCE, it not like they DO THAT every day as a profession, what are they, LAWYERS? AMIRIGHT? I rolled my eyes at my own sarcastic tone. I continued walking to the stupid conference room where the people have absolutely no chill, except Peggy, but she proved wrong when she started shipping people at work (For Example: Lams, Marliza, Mullette, washette, Hamliza and Jeffmads) I giggled at the name washette and realized what a stupid ship that is (A/N This is T.Jeff's opinion, not mine, I think any ship is awesome 😎)but he had to admit, Lafayette did give Washington some suggestive looks but he liked Mullette a bit better since they used to date and inly broke because Lafayette had to go to France for a year, but he came back so there is still chance the ship might sail. But I seriously cannot believe that beautiful cinnamon roll doesn't know what Meggy is. I am usually like "SHE IS RIGHT THERE PEGLEG, JESUS, LOOK AT HER STARING AT YOU, YOU CINNAMON ROLL, SHE LOVES YOU, CAN'T YOU!!" in my head at conferences. "oh my god" I paused outside the conference door and slowly whispered "I have no chill" I just kind of stood there processing the fact that I was probably the biggest hypocrite in the building.
It took me a minute to process everything. I slowly opened the door and was greeted by Hamilton's warm smile and disappointed eyes, yay! But that wasn't the worst part, oh no no no no, It was when I saw John Laurens eating Peggy's face. I was so taken aback and shocked that my Peggy betrayed her Maria that I was about to fall into the wall while clutching my shattered heart. I felt someone tug my wrist forcefully and before I knew it I saw...Well, nothing just Peggy and Jhon starting at me and Alex from the corner of my eye and the air conditioner that was maybe a few feet ahead of me. I couldn't see Alex since he was pretty short and he only reached my chest, I had to look down at him and see his really beautiful brown I have literally never seen his eyes this close and they look gorgeous. We just looked into each other's eyes in comfortable silence and before I knew I felt my wrist go limp and an angry Alexa-Hamilton tap Peggy who had resumed her make-out session with John a few minutes before Ale-HAMILTON and I broke eye contact. Hamilton looked a bit angry and before I knew it they were outside talking about something. I glanced at John who looked a bit mad? He glared at me with mean eyes.
"What are you looking at?" I asked him with a little bit of a growl at the end. This appeared to make Laurens a bit uncomfortable so he just pretended to go throw his bag. Me being the very mature person I am decided to say "looking for a condom" Laurens slowly turned his freckled face towards me and stared at me for a good 10 seconds blinking his eyes, before resuming his condom searching. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.
"What?" He said annoyed.
"If you lay another hand on Peggy, I will tell Maria, her soon to be girlfriend to hunt you down like the dog that you are and rip you to shreds, got it? I said menacingly and hoped that he got the message that Meggy is the only ship that's going to sail with Peggy on board.
"Don't worry, I ship them too, I just wanted to make Alex jealous?" He said like it meant nothing.
"Okay, now I am really gonna tell Maria. Never use Peggy again? You got that?" I got close to his face, which made him super scared of me. He nodded vigorously like his life depended on it, and in a way it did. "Good" I whispered before getting out of the Conference room to see Peggy giggling and Alexander saying something like Jam. I turn to Peggy and she winked at me and Alex...Oh my god why do I keep doing that? PEGGY WINKED AT ME AND HAMILTON NOT ALEX HAMILTON.
Peggy's Pov
I giggled and winked at Alexander and Jefferson before running off to the "cafeteria" of my Law Firm... or that's what I tell everyone. I turned a few corners here and there before reaching one my favorite rooms in the whole Law Firm. The abandoned file room. There was absolutely no one there at any time and it usually had some kind of warning sign in front of the door. I usually ignored them, they can't tell me what to do. I jumped over the plastic sign that was in front of the door to the file room, I opened the door and sat down on the blanket and some cute pillows I laid there yesterday. I was scrolling through my phone when I heard the door open as a small figure, almost identical to mine squeezed through the small gap in the door.
"Heyyy Mariii," I said in a sing-song voice at the beautiful girl in front of me. She had dark mocha skin and red plump lips, she also had a wonderful pair of...eyes, that were a light brown colour. Her hair had natural light brown highlights and the rest was a deep, dark brown that was put in a high ponytail.
"I love it when you say it live that" Maria whispered, laying down next to me. with her arms wide open. I took this as a chance and scooted over to my "Friend" to cuddle. I tightly wrapped my arm around Maria's waist while I nuzzled my head into her chest that was covered by a red dress she was wearing (much to my disappointment). I heard her steady heartbeat quicken as my arm gently went lower. Maria's breath hitched which made me giggle."You'll be the death of me one day, Sinnamon Roll" I looked up at Maria, who kissed my forehead gently and put her chin on the top my head while I slowly drifted to sleep. Maria chuckled before wrapping one of her arms around me. She played with my hair, running her fingers through it. She massaged my scalp which made me more sleepy. I loved her touch, it just felt right. We weren't a couple, just friends who sometimes fooled around if you know what I mean. We both drifted off to sleep for a few minutes before...
Maria's eyes shot open as she stumbled to get her phone. She picked it up with a sleepy voice.
"UM...HELLO WHO IS THIS? WHERE IS MY SISTER" My eyes shot open at the familiar sound of my sister, Angelica's voice called out from my Phone.
"Hey, Angie," I said trying to sound as awake as possible.
"WHO WAS THAT, PEGGY?" Angelica screamed through the phone.
"Oh my god, its gonna be a pain in the butt calling you when you are old and deaf, you are already screaming like an old lady," I said while Maria stifled a laugh by shutting her mouth as fast as she could before her sister heard it.
"Dude, that was me, chill" I sounding chill, "Wow, you didn't even recognize your own sister's voice? " I must have sounded pretty convincing because she let me off the hook right away.
"Okay, pegs, sorry about that, I just didn't want you to do something stupid," Angelica said in a genuinely sorry tone.
"Its okay, Angie, you have every right t-to b-be C-concerned" I stuttered as Maria started to bite my neck and shoulders.
"Peg? You okay?"
"YAAHHH" I nearly screamed
"Okay? I guess, bye"
"bye" I answered
"bye," Maria said.
I quickly cut the phone and just stared at Maria who was still biting my neck.
"I-ah, can't believe you sometiiim-ah" She was in my sweet spot, which drove me nuts.
A/N: There will be some smut next chapter (Maybe) and I'll put a warning when it comes up, other than that it should be safe to read. I'll also tell you when it ends to avoid any confusion or reading of the unwanted Hanky Panky.
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