Chapter Six

What I said last chapter was an understatement.


"Ea ce?! (She what?!)" Legionary Romania glared at his top general.

"Bulgaria a reușit să se elibereze, domnule. Este din nou independentă. (Bulgaria managed to break free, sir. She's independent again.)" The general calmly explained.

"Cum ai lăsat asta să se întâmple ?! Cine ar trebui să-și urmărească țara? (How did you let this happen?! Who's supposed to be watching her country?)" Romania swiftly began shifting through all sorts of paperwork.

"Domnule, poate ar trebui să lăsăm Bulgaria în pace pentru un pic. Lăsați-i să-și ridice speranțele că nu vom face nimic și apoi le vom lovi atunci când se așteaptă cel mai puțin. (Sir, maybe we should leave Bulgaria alone for a bit. Let them get their hopes up we won't do anything, and then strike them down when they least expect it.)"

Romania stopped what he was doing and thought about what the general was saying. He hummed and put the papers down. "Ai dreptate. Va fi distractiv să traversăm acel pod când vom ajunge la el. (You're right. It'll be fun to cross that bridge when we get to it.)"

The general smiled. "Mă bucur că ești de acord. Apropo, Bucureștiul ar dori să vorbească cu tine. (I'm happy you agree. By the way, Bucharest would like to speak with you.)"

Romania nodded. "În regulă, poți pleca. (Alright, you can go.)"

The general left and Romania sat back down in his seat. Bulgaria sure was a nuisance.


"Pentru ce ai vrea să mă vezi? (What'd you want to see me for?)" Romania asked once he entered the room Bucharest was in.

Bucharest turned to him with a smile. "Ei bine, mă gândeam că putem obține mai mulți aliați, de preferință acei aliați fiind țări vecine. Cei care sunt mai aproape decât al Treilea Reich. (Well, I was thinking we could get more allies, preferably those allies being neighboring countries. Ones who are closer than Third Reich is.)"

Romania sat down and leaned on the table. "Unde ajungi cu asta? (Where are you getting with this?)"

Bucharest stood and walked to a map showing the countries around them. "Dacă avem mai mulți aliați puternici, atunci putem obține ceea ce ne dorim. Oricine ne opune poate fi zdrobit! (If we have more, strong allies, then we can get what we want. Anyone who opposes us can be squashed!)"

"Deci, vom fi lipitori? (So, we'll be leeches?)"

"Nu Nu. Vom fi și noi puternici. (No, no. We'll be strong as well.)" Bucharest grabbed a black marker off the table. He crossed out Hungary and Bulgaria, and put question marks on Soviet Union. "Ungaria ne urăște din cauza Transilvaniei, Bulgaria este evidentă, iar sovietica este necunoscută; deși cred că oricum nu ne poate alia pentru că preferă țările comuniste. (Hungary hates us because of Transylvania, Bulgaria is obvious, and Soviet is unknown; though I feel he may not ally us because he prefers communist countries, anyway.)"

Romania nodded as he listened. "Ai planuri pentru Iugoslavia? (Have you got any plans for Yugoslavia?)" Bucharest asked.

"Da, intenționez să o invadez mai târziu. (Yeah, planning on invading her later.)"

Bucharest turned and drew an X on Yugoslavia. "Asta ne lasă Grecia și Turcia! Cu excepția cazului în care vrei să numeri Cehoslovacia și Polonia, dar le ignorăm deocamdată. (That leaves us Greece and Turkey! Unless you wanna count Czechoslovakia and Poland but we're just ignoring them for now.)"

"Cele două nu sunt aliniate, iar Grecia chiar nu ne place acum, cum îi vom determina să ne alieze? (Those two are non-aligned, and Greece really dislikes us right now, how are we gonna get them to ally us?)" Romania put his face in his hands.

"Simplu. Trimitem spioni pentru a promova fascismul în țările lor și, fie că transformă fascismul în mod pașnic, fie printr-un război civil, îi vom sprijini. Chiar dacă devin fascisti și nu ne alianță, putem invada și „împrumuta” resursele, fabricile și soldații lor. (Simple. We send spies in to promote fascism in their countries, and either they turn Fascism peacefully or through a civil war, we'll support them. Even if they go fascist and don't ally us, we can always invade and 'borrow' their resources, factories, and soldiers.)"

Romania smirked. "Odată ce sunt fascisti și dacă invadăm, nimeni nu îi va apăra din cauza ideologiei lor! (Once they're fascist and if we invade, no one will defend them because of their ideology!)"

"Exact! Doriți să trimiteți spioni și oameni în țările lor pentru a începe? (Exactly! Would you like to send spies and people into their countries to begin?)"

"Bineinteles ca da! (Of course I do!)"

"Grozav! Le voi trimite afară. (Great! I'll send them out.)" Bucharest hurriedly began writing down the plans.

"Voi pleca acum, trebuie să fac check-in la Reich. (I'll be off now, need to check in on Reich.)" Romania stood and walked to the door.

Bucharest hummed in response, hyper fixated on creating the plans and roles. Romania smiled and left the room, already headed back home to check the news first.


"He invaded Austria." Romania commented, staring at the headline. He chuckled. "He invaded Austria. Why is that funny to me? Surely the Allies will do something about that, right?"

Romania thought for a minute before shrugging. "They probably won't. Britain and France aren't too keen on another war, so he might use that to his advantage."


A few months pass by. Romania was sat in a room with Third Reich. The two were talking. "So, they just let you have the territory? And didn't even invite Czechoslovakia to the meeting?" He asked.

Reich shrugged, just as perplexed. "Yeah, basically."

"What even-- What were they thinking? Even I know that's a jerk move!" Romania facepalmed.

Reich laughed. "Yeah, it really was. It was dumb, too. I think they're trying to sastify me so I don't do anything more, though when has that ever worked?"

"Never. It never has. Not with humans, not with us."

"Exactly." Reich picked up the Munich Agreement, or Munich Betrayal, depends what you call it.

"I heard you wanted the land because of the Germans living there?" Romania asked.

"Yep, though I might just invade the rest of the country."

Romania snickered. "Maybe that might be a wake up call for the Allies. Or not, maybe they'll keep trying this until all of Europe is under our control. But by then it'll be too late for them."

Reich hummed and set the paper down. "Anyway, I see you've been getting close to Fascist Italy in your free time."

"Oh, yeah, we've been getting close. He's just...such a cool guy. Even better, he believes Transylvania belongs to me and not Hungary! So, yeah, great guy, opinion of him rose when he told me that."

Reich smirked. "What if I told you that I'm thinking of letting him join the faction? Once he's done with Ethiopia I can let him join if he asks."

"Really? That'd be great! Thanks, Reich!"

"You're welcome, Romania. See to that you get home now, it's getting late."

"Alright, bye, Reich. See you later." Romania waved goodbye and left the building.


Not even a month later, Fascist Italy showed up to Romania's capital proposing a non-aggresion pact. The Romanian had happily agreed, and the two were currently strolling around the capital city. "This place is really nice." Italy complimented.

"Oh, thanks! Though, you should tell that to Bucharest. He's maintained a majority of everything here since he's come to life, and even more so when he became the capital in the 1800s." Romania motioned around.

"Free Romanian history, nice. And alright, I'll tell him sometime."

Romania chuckled. "Does Rome tell you stories of previous countries that his city was in?"

Fascist hummed. "Rome tells me a lot about Roman Empire and Papal States."

"Papal States? What's that?"

Fascist chuckled and draped his arm around Romania. "Tell you what, I'll teach you some Italian history once I'm finished with my war, and you can teach me Romanian history in return. What do ya think?"

"Sounds good to me!"

The rest of the day the two spent hanging out with the occasional political situation coming in to the conversation. By the time it was time for Fascist to leave, the Romanian was looking forward for him to finish the war so he could talk to him more. "Good luck on the war, Fascist!" He called out to him as he was boarding his aircraft.

Fascist smiled widely and waved goodbye. "Grazie, (Thanks,) Romania!"

With that, the Italian was off. Romania turned and began heading back home, ready and excited for the soon-to-be-alliance.

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