32. Doll?
As Mary, Ross, Nakia and Shuri make their way into the labs, she hears the explosion go off above them, she watches briefly as the other border tribesmen rush to get the mission carried out from N'Jadaka's orders, completely missing the four of them as they enter the labs. "Shuri now." T'Challa whispers into his comm from above them.
"Copy that." His sister whispers. They shuffle through the hallways, "Let's go!" She exclaims quietly. Mary can hear the Dora from up above turning back to the side of T'Challa.
"Do you think your daughter would like to train with the Dora?" Shuri asks Mary as they enter her lab. Shuri's sand table retracts the sand revealing Nakia's weapons and a new outfit for her as well as Shuri's panther gauntlets and Mary's cuffs and anklets. Her necklace never had left her neck since the princess gifted it to her before the Busan mission.
Mary smiles, "I think she would like that very much." She answers, "Becca's always been gifted in picking up new skills quickly and she loves learning about different cultures."
Shuri smiles then grabs her gauntlets as she looks over at Ross and Mary, "Nakia and I will get control of the Royal Talon with this." She says, holding up the disc she had used in Busan.
"So what do we do?" Ross asks as the women around him all put on the weapons and gear.
"You'll have to fly it." Shuri says as she puts a Kimoyo bead bracelet around Ross's wrist.
"What?!" Ross questions in disbelief.
"You were a great pilot." Shuri says as she places a comm underneath Ross's ear.
"Don't worry, she'll guide you through it." Mary says, her eyes scanning for any indication of Evelyn.
Shuri nods, "It's just like riding a hoverbike." She states as Nakia and herself rush to the other table beside her sand table.
"What? You guys have hoverbikes?" Ross questions, Mary can hear the jealousy in his voice.
"Nakia, take that." Shuri states to the spy, motioning to the Dora Milaje uniform still laying on the sand table.
"I'm not a Dora." Nakia reminds the princess.
"Just put it on, it's armor!" Shuri quips back as she jogs off to another room to change. Nakia relents and grabs the Dora armor and rushes off to where Shuri went to. "Good luck, Mary and Agent Ross!" Shuri shouts before leaving the two of them alone in the labs.
"Yeah, i don't know what i'm doing with this." Ross calls back but it's too late, Shuri and Nakia have already left.
"You'll do great." Mary reassures Ross. "You wait by the sand table, I'm going to find my apprentice." She states as she rushes off to another location in the labs.
"Remote piloting system activated." She hears the computer speak as she finds a secluded room that didn't look to be touched.
"Evelyn?" Mary whispers.
"Mary?" Evelyn calls back, she was huddled in the room, her clothing was torn in certain areas which had given the mentor the thought of her apprentice being harmed, "Mary!" She calls again, rushing to her mentor.
The two wrap their arms around each other tightly, "Are you okay?" Mary asks as she looks her apprentice over for any more cuts or wounds on her body. She can hear Shuri and Ross talking as he takes the sand table to fly the Royal Talon jet.
"I- I am, I got in here and locked it, they couldn't get in." Evelyn says. She was still panicked over what had happened in the past four days. "A few of the border tribesmen had come after me.."
"Did they hurt you?" Mary asks quickly as she moves them out of the room and they make their way towards Bucky's room. She needed to make sure her husband was okay.
"They tried, but that was when I locked myself there." Evelyn mumbles, "Does Steve know what's happened?"
Mary hesitates as they reach Bucky's room, she nods slowly, "He knows a little, I couldn't tell him everything. I'm hoping T'Challa and the others win today and it'll all be in the past." She says as she presses the number combination to unlock his room.
The women gasp when they're shaken, the ground shaking underneath them and the walls, they can both hear the AI tell Ross that the window integrity of the lab is weakening as it's being attacked by a talon fighter jet.
"Mary! We need to leave!" They hear Ross shouting as he rushes towards them.
"I'm not leaving my husband!" Mary snaps at the agent, "Take Evelyn and get out of here!" She states, "She's more important right now."
Evelyn snaps her head over to her mentor with wide eyes, "What? Mary, you can't stay here!"
Mary ignores her apprentice as she looks over at Ross, "Keep her safe, and Steve will be in your debt. He loves her."
Evleyn's eyes widen in shock as Mary's confession, Ross is stunned as he looks at them, "He's a wanted criminal, Mary."
"He's my brother first, or did you forget that part?" She questions, "Evelyn is also the last surviving Erskine. You would be wise to take her over me. I'm staying with my husband, you need to go."
Ross debates in his mind as he hears footsteps coming closer to them, he groans as he goes against his conscience, "Alright, he doesn't owe me anything." He states as he grabs onto Evelyn's hand, "Let's go. Quickly!" He says, dragging Evelyn away from her mentor.
"Mary!" Evelyn screams as her and Ross leave the mentor's sight. Mary quickly wipes her eyes as she rushes into her husband's room and shuts the door. She looks up at her husband who still sleeps, smiling softly, "You're okay." She whispers to him as she places her hand on the glass of his Cryochamber. She hears the footsteps reach the door and she can hear the yelling of what she assumes is the border tribesmen.
She sees them break open the door. In seeing her husband safe she had forgotten to lock the door. She gasps when she sees two border tribesmen inching closer to her with their weapons drawn. Mary knew Killmonger would kill her, he had declared that the night he thought he had won the challenge against T'Challa.
"Inkosi ifuna ukuba ufile." The king wants you dead. One of the tribesmen says and Mary can only scoff in the face of what she assumes will be her death.
"He will never be my king." She snaps at them, "You betrayed your country." She says harshly, her hazel eyes narrowed as they step closer to her.
"Uya kuzisola ngaloo nto." You will regret that. Another tribesmen says as they walk towards her, backing her into the corner of the wall of her husband's room. One man grabs her wrist, pinning her tightly against the wall. She yelps out in pain as he grabs her too tightly. She tries to fight them off, but her strength was never the same as her brother's or husband's. She pushes against them, she manages to break their hold somehow and darts across the room; she wanted to use her cuffs but she couldn't, not without risking damaging Bucky's systems and the equipment all around them.
She stands beside her husband's chamber as they inch closer to her, all three of them more pissed than they were, and they had every intention of making her pay. As one of them reaches for her, she jerks her other hand away from the other one coming closer to her. She feels her hand hit one of the switches on Bucky's Cryochamber but her mind is focused on fighting them off as long as she could until her adrenaline strength had run out or someone found her before it was too late.
"Get off of me!" Mary screams as she feels herself be lifted off the ground and over to the table her husband sat on before going under, "Get your hands off of me!" She screams again. Her clothes were being torn away from her, she tried to wrap her arms around her stomach but they grabbed her hands harshly and removed them from her stomach.
She tightly closes her eyes as she knows what's going to happen. She can't fight them off any longer, they were both too strong and she was losing her adrenaline quickly until she heard fighting above her. She kept her eyes closed until she felt their hands leave her body. One hazel eye slowly opened to see her husband standing in front of her holding tightly onto one of the two border tribesmen, the other one unconscious on the ground.
"She said to get off of her." Bucky snaps dangerously as he throws the man across the room, knocking the man out. When he double checks both men are not going to wake up anytime soon he turns back around to face his wife, "Doll?" He questions as she sits up shakily.
"James.." Mary whispers in disbelief. Her eyes widened in realization, the switch her hand had hit accidentally as she was trying to fight the two men off as triggered Bucky to be woken up.
"Are you alright? What the hell happened." Bucky asks as his crystal blue eyes scan over his wife. Her hair was different, she had a bruise on her wrist and he noticed the slightest increase in weight around her abdomen. She was still pregnant. "How long have I been asleep?"
Mary's hazel eyes fill with tears as she leans her head on her husband's chest, her hands gripping his wife-beater shirt. "So much." She mumbles, still trying to come to terms with the fact that her husband had saved her. "But I can tell you about that later." She says to him, "Everything's okay now." Mary mutters with a small smile on her face.
"But how long has it been, Mary?" Bucky asks, he still needed to have that confirmation told to him.
"Slightly over a month." She replies, but before she can say anything else she hears her name being called and footsteps growing louder.
"Mary!" Mary hears T'Challa and Shuri call to her, she had a feeling the battle up above was over, and hearing them, she knew they had won.
"In here!" The advisor calls back to the king and princess. When the two reach the broken down door of Bucky's room, they first see the two unconscious border tribesmen, then they look up to see Bucky standing in front of his wife protectively. His mind was still waking up but he knew that if he needed to protect his wife he would do so in a heartbeat.
"Sergeant Barnes." Shuri mutters in disbelief, "How are you awake?"
"Mary, are you alright?" T'Challa asks as he steps over the tribesmen, royal guards had followed them and were quickly taking away the two men who were still unconscious on the ground.
"I- I'm fine now." The advisor responds, then turns to Shuri as she places her hand on her husband's one and only arm to silently tell him he was okay to relax. She feels his muscles unclench as he breathes out deeply. "I.. When I was being attacked I accidentally hit a switch that woke James up."
Shuri nods slowly, then looks over at Bucky, they knew they had other pressing matters to attend to but Shuri was still the official overseer of Bucky's recovery and the restoration of his mind. She wanted to check on him, "How are you?" She asks cautiously.
Bucky looks over at his wife, his hand interlocking with her own as he turns back to the princess, he wanted to be honest with her but in this moment, he didn't know how he felt. His mind was still foggy from having just woken up and needing to fight men off of his wife and unborn child, "I feel foggy." He tells them honestly.
Shuri nods, "That was expected." She mutters, "In a few days we'll run some tests and see how the process has come along." She states, "I think you should be with Mary for the time being." She says with a small smile, T'Challa nodding in agreement.
Bucky nods in agreement, turning back to his wife, as he rests his forehead onto hers. Both of them only cared that they were together in this moment.
Three weeks passed and Wakanda was still healing from Killmongers failed mission but T'Challa had his first meeting as King of Wakanda again and Mary was reinstated as Advisor to the King.
Mary beamed as she stood in the throne room as T'Challa entered the room through the double doors. Shuri had deemed Bucky of sound mind but the two were still running tests. To help with Bucky's recovery out of the Cryochamber, she had given him goats to raise and take care of. The husband and wife still stayed in the palace but Bucky was slowly building them a home on the outskirts of the Golden City with the help of Steve, Sam and Pietro on a lake that T'Challa had given them the land to.
The team of three had returned two weeks ago and Steve made it his mission to never leave Evelyn's side after learning the full truth of what had happened the night of Mary's voicemail. The first words Steve said to his girlfriend when they both saw each were "I love you." He continued confessing his love to the young Erskine doctor until she would grow tired of it. But she didn't. And she returned the favor as well, confessing her own love to the former Captain.
"How does it feel?" Mary asks T'Challa as they step out of the throne room, the meeting having finished.
"I could ask you the same question." T'Challa retorts, a smirk on his lips, "You have your husband back, your brother and friends as well."
Mary smiles softly as they step down the stairs of the palace into the bustling city. "I'll never tire of waking up and seeing James beside me, his hand resting on my stomach as he protects us even in his sleep." She says softly. "You could have that too, you know."
T'Challa playfully shoves Mary slightly as he chuckles, "I know." He says with a smile as he looks up at the steps leading up to a bridge that overlooks the city, seeing Nakia. "And I am going after what I want, but only if she'll have me."
Mary smiles, nodding, "She'll have you. I know it." She states, then motions her head towards Nakia, "Now go get her." She teases and T'Challa squeezes her hand as he leaves the advisor to wander the stalls and shops. As she purchases some clothing for her husband that she thinks he'd like and a few clothes she knows Sam will enjoy flaunting around the Wakandan women, she turns to the stairs where T'Challa and Nakia are to see them kissing. She grins, "Told you." She states, knowing T'Challa can hear her even at the distance apart they're at. She watches him briefly glance at his advisor, a smirk on his lips and a brief shake of his head in teasing as he backs away from Nakia until the spy smiles and kisses him again briefly until Mary watches T'Challa speak to his love and the two embrace again.
Four months later Mary stands beside T'Challa and Shuri as they look up at a worn down apartment complex in Oakland, California. The apartment complex where N'Jobu died at the hands of his brother and where N'Jadaka found his hatred.
The expectant mother was now five months along in her pregnancy, the husband and wife wanted to know the gender and Evelyn did a sonogram before Mary left to accompany the two royals out of the country.
She was having a boy.
James Steven Barnes, Jamie for short was their first boy. To say Bucky was excited was an understatement, he and Steve both were over the moon, and Becca was also beyond excited for the new addition of her baby brother.
Mary smiled as she watched young boys play basketball around them, she wondered if Sam would teach Jamie how to play. If Steve would be able to take his nephew to see a baseball game at Yankee stadium. There was still a lot of uncertainty in the future of Mary Elizabeth Rogers-Barnes, but she knew the one constant would be her family and those she loved.
"When you said you would take me to California for the first time, I thought you meant Coachella, or Disneyland. Why here?" Shuri complains as she looks around at the streets and buildings around them that were old and in dire need of restoration.
Mary chuckles as she wraps her arm around Shuri's shoulders, "I'll take you to Disneyland." She teases as T'Challa stares up at the apartment building in front of them.
The king leans forward, holding onto the fencing that stood in their way of the building as he looks up, "This is where our father killed our uncle." He says to his sister.
Shuri and Mary look over at the sign posted on the side of the building's wall, "They're tearing it down." Mary mutters softly.
"Good." Shuri mumbles.
"They are not tearing it down. I bought this building." T'Challa says then looks over at the building across the street, "And that building." He then turns his head to the other side, "And that one over there." He says and Mary smiles. The two of them and Nakia had been working on this project since his reinstallment as king four months ago.
"This'll be the first Wakandan International Outreach Center." Mary explains to Shuri.
"Nakia will oversee the social outreach." T'Challa explains, then turns to look at his sister, "And you will spearhead the science and information exchange." He finishes.
Shuri laughs in disbelief, "You're kidding.." She says, trying to call his bluff.
"Eh?" T'Challa smirks as he holds out his wrist and presses his Kimoyo beads. The three turn around to see a Royal Talon jet hovering in the air. The kids playing basketball all stop and look up in amazement. Mary can hear them all asking each other what's going on.
"What the hell is that?" One kid asks.
"That looks like a Bugatti spaceship!" Another kid quips, causing Mary to laugh under her breath and the siblings to smile.
"It came out of nowhere! Did y'all see that?!" One of the kids calls out to his friends as they all stand around the jet as it lands on the basketball court. Mary laughs as the kids begin to talk about breaking it apart and selling parts on eBay.
The advisor smiles as Shuri and T'Challa do their sibling handshake before the princess rushes over to the kids. "I wouldn't do that if i were you." Shuri quips.
"Where you come from?" One kid asks Shuri.
"From Wakanda." Shuri responds.
"What is a Wakanda?" The same kid asks and Mary laughs as she looks at T'Challa.
"This is good." Mary says, "These kids deserve to live a good life, and you're making that happen."
Before T'Challa can respond, a kid calls to him, "Hey, yo! This yours?" He asks. "Who... Who are you?" T'Challa and Mary exchange looks before he smiles at the kid in front of them. This is what she wanted to help Wakanda achieve, and she was making that goal of hers a reality. Things were finally looking up for Mary.
United Nations
Vienna, Austria
Mary was nervous but held her head up high as herself, T'Challa, Nakia, Okoye and Ayo walked through the rebuilt UN building. T'Challa had to publicly announce his foreign aid programs to the United Nations and he wanted Mary by his side when he did it. She was six months along now in her pregnancy with Jamie. He promised it would be a quick trip.
She could feel the eyes of the people walking past them on her as T'Challa guided her beside him. When they reach the stairs she smiles as they spot Everett.
"Agent Ross." T'Challa calls their friend.
When the group steps onto the stairs, T'Challa greets Ross by shaking his hand. "Your Highness." Ross greets back, he smiles at Mary as he overlooks her growing stomach. The last time the two had seen each other was a few days after the fight between Killmonger and T'Challa. "Mary, Okoye, Ayo, Nakia." He greets the women, then looks at Mary, "I'm glad to see you and the baby are healthy."
T'Challa turns to the women aside from Mary, "Please give us a second." He tells them, they nod and step back down the stairs.
Mary watches the others leave, leaving just herself, Ross and T'Challa. She smiles softly as she nods in thanks, "He's going to be a fighter." She says, "I can feel it."
"He?" Ross asks with a small smile on his face.
"James and I are having a boy. We found out just before we had to leave to come here." Mary explains. The agent smiles, he was glad he took that bullet for Mary and her son, he would gladly do it again to save his friend and her child.
"Congratulations." Ross says with a small smile, then looks at T'Challa, he steps towards the king and Advisor, "Listen, it's not my place to say it, but, man, I really don't think you guys should be doing this." He says, looking at Mary briefly then back at T'Challa, "What you guys have is gonna scare a lot of people in that room. They're gonna come after you, especially with Mary now in the spotlight beside you, she's wanted by them." He says, referring to the governments that will be in the room when T'Challa makes his announcement speech.
"Yes. But I will no longer rule out of fear. Not ours or anyone else's." T'Challa says, "And Mary cannot be touched by them, she is protected under Wakandan law now as my Advisor."
Ross huffs in frustration, Mary knew that all he was trying to do was look out for them in the best way he knew possible, and she appreciated that from her friend, "Goddamn it." Ross grumbles, "Yeah, I figured you'd say that." He mumbles in frustration then nods, "Well, okay."
"Okay?" Mary questions in curiosity.
Ross nods, "I'll do my best to keep 'em off your back." He states, "I'll keep them off your family's back as well as long as i can."
Mary smiles as she and T'Challa exchange glances at each other, "I will hold you to that, Everett." T'Challa says with a small smile as he offers his arm to Mary as they walk towards the stairs
"Oh, uh, T'Challa, Mary." Ross calls out, gaining the attention of the king as he and Mary turn around to look at him. Okoye, Nakia and Ayo having returned to beside the king and advisor.
"Yes?" Mary asks.
Ross clears his throat, "Um.. Umnqweno onomdla kunye neeshishi ezininzi." Good luck and many shoelaces. Everett says in Wakandan, clearly trying his best.
Mary laughs under her breath as T'Challa tries but fails to contain his own laughter, Nakia laughing as well. T'Challa, still laughing, pointed to Ross, "It was close. It was close." He laughs as Okoye laughs along with Ayo now.
"You read my notes right?" Mary teases her friend.
Ross bashfully smiles, "Don't laugh. I practiced that."
"Enkosi." Thank you. Mary says, "Everett."
"Enkosi." Thank you. T'Challa repeats with a smile as he helps Mary walk up the stairs.
Cameras flashed brightly at her and T'Challa, she was worried about what would come of her being in the news. She was wanted by the governments of the world along with her family. She stood on his left as Nakia stood beside her fiancé on his right.
"My name is King T'Challa, son of King T'Chaka. I am the sovereign and ruler of the nation of Wakanda." T'Challa starts his speech, he and Mary had written it together before they left for this trip to Austria. She was proud of what she was accomplishing as the Advisor to the King. "And for the first time in our history, we will be sharing our knowledge and resources with the outside world. Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows. We cannot. We must not. We will work to be an example of how we as brothers and sisters on this Earth should treat each other." He says as he glances at Mary, smiling softly at her, then looks back at the nations gathered in the room in front of him, "Now, more than ever the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth. More connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis, the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one, single tribe."
Mary smiles in confidence and then looks over at one of the ambassadors sitting at the table, "With all due respect, King T'Challa, what can a nation of farmers offer the rest of the world?" The man asks.
Mary smirks as she looks over at Nakia who has the same look on her face, she knows Okoye and Ayo do as well. And in the corner of the back room, she sees Ross with the same look on his face. She looks at T'Challa as he chuckles quietly, clearly ready to show the world who and what Wakanda truly is.
The wife groans as she sits up in the bed of her new home Bucky had built for them on the small piece of land T'Challa had given them. She was seven months along now in her pregnancy, and it had been difficult on certain occasions but Bucky was by her side through it all. She smiled as she heard their goats outside in their pen. She noticed Bucky was already out of their bed, he was an early riser while Mary had taken in sleeping in due to Jamie always making her tired.
She grabbed her robe as she put on a Wakandan style dress, due to her tiny form, her pregnancy bellies often were bigger than normal. She would normally only wear her brother's shirts or her husband's if she could, but she had advisory duties today as well as a check up with Evelyn and Shuri.
She hears rustling and the skittering of feet outside as she looks out the window of her and her husband's bedroom to see children hovering around the house chanting the name they had grown to call the Barnes family.
The Wolves of Wakanda. The protectors.
"ingcuka emhlophe!" White Wolf. The children chanted. "ngwevu engwevu!" Gray Wolf. The children called for Mary.
"Are you playing around with them again?" Mary hears Shuri tease the children of the neighboring huts that were chanting.
"No.." The children said simultaneously.
Mary chuckled as she pulled her burgundy hair into a low ponytail, she had enough hair to do so. She smiles as she steps out of their home, seeing her husband overlooking the lake that was in front of them. She walks over to her husband and Shuri a small smile appears on Bucky's face as he greets his wife with a kiss to her temple, holding her close with his only arm. His flesh arm.
"Good morning, Sergeant Barnes." Shuri greets Bucky, "Mary." She smiles at her sister.
The husband looks over at Shuri, "Bucky." He corrects her gently. Mary's heart swelled as she knew her husband was healing, recovering finally from all that was done to him by Hydra. Her heart leaps as she feels his flesh arm wrap around her waist, his hand resting on her prominent stomach.
"How are you feeling?" Shuri asks. She was checking up with him roughly every week to make sure he was still recovering at the pace he needed ever since his abrupt awakening.
Bucky nods carefully, his mind was less foggy nowadays, though there were still days where he would not remember certain things. Some days his demons would still haunt him, but other days, his wife's smile, feeling a kick of their unborn son, was all he needed to get him past his nightmares, past his torment. "Good. I feel good." He says, "Thank you."
Shuri smiles, nodding in approval, as she looks over at Mary. The princess smiles wider when she sees her sister look up at her husband, the loving look she gives him and the one he gives in return. She watches how careful Bucky is when his hand is on Mary's stomach, he doesn't want to hurt her, he still has trouble trusting himself around her since waking up. But Shuri knew that the husband and wife could conquer any fear, any test, any trouble that would come their way.
Because of one simple reason.
The love Mary Elizabeth Rogers-Barnes and James Buchanan Barnes had for each other was Endless.
Holy crap.. Endless is done. It's finished. It will no longer be updated or have new chapters.
I never thought i would see this happen, especially after i look that leap of absence for i think it was four months when Endless was still in Part 1.
All of you guys who have voted and commented have made me want to update more and more so thank you for all the love! I love hearing your thoughts and theories, your jokes and what lines are your favorites from the movies.
M'Baku and Mary are bffs and no one can tell me otherwise.
I had the idea of Bucky being accidentally woken up by Mary as she was being attacked for a long time, and i pushed myself to get to that scene and i really liked how it came out. It seemed honestly like the perfect way for him to wake up.
I also love Ross and Mary's friendship, that really grew since Civil War when he was following orders and imprisoned Bucky and Becca. The fact that he was proud of saving her despite being a wanted criminal and him supposed to take her into custody. I love how he chose to forgo taking a debt on Steve by rescuing Evelyn instead of Mary. She wanted her apprentice safe before her own life because Mary and Steve both feel like they owe their lives to Evelyn's great grandfather, Doctor Abraham Erskine.
And ugh! Can we please talk about T'Challa and Mary's friendship?! I love them so hekkin much you guys have no idea. I love Shuri and Mary's sisterly love so freaking much too. And i swear Ramonda taking Mary in as her own daughter. The whole Udaku family legit just adopted Mary as one of their own and no one will fight them on it because hey, they're royalty.
While Endless ended happily, Limitless, the third book in Mary's story, will not be easy to write or read. Because we all know what comes after Black Panther. Or should I say.. who comes..
Hekkin Thanos.
Mr giant purple grape with a god/savior complex.
He's coming and no one will stand in his way.
Until next time!
PS: If you want more of my writing and stories, follow Becca's book, Fearless and my one shot book, Faultless! They both can be found in my works in my profile, i'll be publishing Limitless's intro, cast and playlist shortly and then i'll be publishing Becca's part 3 chapters, which is Spider Man Homecoming! Becca and Peter are so soft and i adore them. The first chapter of Fearless's part 3 is up so go check that out!
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