"I'm so glad you made it." Vikramaditya said hugging a robust man of big height and tanned complexion. He was accompanied by a slightly taller and a bulky guy who also happened to have spent a little more time under the sun.
"C'mon there's no way I would've missed your wedding." he responded smiling sweetly. Both the men were probably of Vikramaditya's age but were handsome nonetheless. They both kindly bowed their heads in namaste at Riddhima. Riddhima politely returned their greetings.
"Samrat you've put on a little more weight I see." Vikramaditya joked as the bulky guy chuckled hoarsely. Riddhima seriously would've felt uncomfortable had Vikramaditya not been with her.
"My wife cooks absolutely tasty food." he said and the men laughed.
"Good for you Rana since my pari is still struggling to cook rice without burning them." quipped the guy with a thick Haryanvi accent. Riddhima wanted to laugh but she was the bride here.
"I'm the luckiest guy in this case since my Riddhi has magic in her hands. She can make anything taste better, even bitter melons." Vikramaditya bragged about his perfect wife. Riddhima blushed as she looked down shyly.
"That's pretty cute. God bless you both." said the haryanvi guy whose name was Viraj Ranawat.
"Hey where's your best friend???" no sooner had Samrat asked, they heard the sound of a microphone.
Turning their faces to their left they saw a girl, really tall with decent amount of muscles and a toned body, hairs in a sleek ponytail, standing on a dais with a microphone in her hand. Vikramaditya drew in a breath before rolling his eyes.
"Ok so ladies and gentlemen I just want to inform you that I am kicking away my previous bestfriend since he's a clown. And I am looking for a new one..."
"You're embarrassing yourself just come down please.." said Vikramaditya tiredly. She looked down at him in disdain.
"Who the fuck is this guy anyone knows him???" she asked pretending to not know him. The guests were confused and amused at the same time. Viraj and Samrat were laughing behind while Riddhima was just so perplexed.
"You came to the wedding reception of the guy you're asking about. Now please stop it and come down, I'll explain everything." Vikramaditya told her, on the edge of getting worked up. She clicked her tongue.
"Huh!!! Let's ignore this moron. So, who wants to be my best friend." she asked to the group of people assembled in the grand hall of Raghuvanshi mansion. A young, handsome guy raised his hand up.
"I can be your best friend." he said politely which didn't sit well with Vikramaditya. She, on the other hand beamed broadly.
"Absolutely not..."
"Oh shut the fuck up, yes dear ofcourse. I'm always open to friendships with handsome guys...." she interjected Vikramaditya curtly while passing a smile at the young man. Vikramaditya was irked now.
"Oh really Ms. Shivanshi Bhonsale." came a voice from behind. Shivanshi's eyes widened as she looked down at Vikramaditya. Vikramaditya casted her a 'Handle it by yourself' kind of a look.
Slowly she turned back and found the slightly peeved faces of her husbands, glaring down at her. You heard it right 'husbands'. She had two and it's a long story how she ended up with two husbands, but that's not for today. She slapped her hand on her forehead and turned to her 'best friend' , hoping he'll come to her rescue. But he wasn't in the mood today.
"Um....um.....no I don't do friendships with....with...guys.... I'm-I'm happily.... married..." she tried to cover it up but perhaps she failed. The young guy pouted, inwardly shivanshi cursed herself for breaking this handsome guy's heart but it's better than sleeping outside the house in the lawn tonight.
"You aren't coming inside the house. Have luck sleeping in the lawn from now on." said her husband, the one who looked a little older than the other one. The younger looking one was so pissed off that he was literally hoping someone would hand him a loaded pistol right now so he could end this once and for all. Vikramaditya's eyes widened. Now he needed to save his friend like everytime.
"C'mon boys she was just joking..."
"Indeed I was just joking..... I don't want to sleep in the lawn." shivanshi whispered to herself the last part. Her husbands were not convinced at all. They knew it very well that if she gets a chance than she'll literally bring a third man to the house which ofcourse they didn't want.
"I'm still open to friendships in case you change your mind later on..." the young man said from the crowd. Shivanshi passed him a reassuring smile but immediately regretted once she saw her husbands glaring down at her murderously.
"Aye!!! Tereko dosti karau mai (Should I teach you how friendships are done???)" her husband (the younger one) barked at the young man. The young man frowned and turned his face away.
"I'll see in the house." the older one whispered angrily. Shivanshi turned to Vikramaditya.
"Yeah I know, like always I have to pull you out from a stupid situation this time as well." he said tiredly. Shivanshi grinned. That's why they were best friends. I mean it was always her who landed in problems, mostly because of her love for young handsome guys, and it was Vikramaditya who always pulled her out from imbroglios.
Somehow Vikramaditya contained the situation. He managed to convince her husbands that she only loved them and nobody else, which wasn't altogether wrong since she loved them but HEART!!! My brothers and sisters This motherfucking HEART WANTS MORE. Shivanshi never purposely landed in problems, it was just that when a hot, young handsome man wants any help she just can't say no. Vikramaditya sometimes wanted to slap her real bad but then he loved her very much. She was her bestest friend.
"Hey stand atleast 10 feet away I'm still mad at you. You're a cheater." shivanshi told Vikramaditya. Vikramaditya watched her blankly as shivanshi gifted a big fat present to Riddhima.
"Me a cheater, how about I show your chats to your husbands. I mean they should know who's Karthik, Sujoy..."
"Hey hupp!!! Shhhh!!! Do you want me to die!!!" she asked him to tone down his voice. Her husbands were not very far off.
"You shouldn't cheat on your husbands. They love you so much." Riddhima said softly, not liking the fact that she was unfaithful to her husbands. They looked so devoted to her. There were so many girls in the hall but their eyes were only on their wife. Vikramaditya laughed.
"Stop laughing lunatic, you're literally making me look like a villain. Dear I am not cheating on them it's just that my husbands are always so suspicious about me and therefore I have to secretly chat with the men in my office even on business matters as I can't do that in front of them. And this guy just make me look so bad all the time. It's not me I promise, my husbands are too dramatic and ultra possessive. We don't even have a male helper in the house, what can I do." she told her honestly. Riddhima looked up at Vikramaditya who was still laughing like crazy.
"You shouldn't do this to your best friend." she chided him. He looked down at her and smiled.
"Darling, I am friends with her for years now. I know how she is. She may not be cheating on her husbands but I know she's so ready to bring home hundreds of men if only she gets a chance." he told her. Shivanshi stamped his foot on his shod feet. He groaned.
"Finally our Pahadi has found a wife." Vikramaditya was interjected by a familiar voice.
Looking in the front, he caught sight of a dusky hunk and a tall, dangerous woman moving towards him.
"I thought you forgot that you've been invited." shivanshi joked as she went ahead and hugged the man and the woman.
"I eat almonds every morning." retort the woman. Vikramaditya hugged her and gestured her to meet his bride.
"Oh!!! She's really beautiful. Hi, my name is Rudrakshi Bajpayee." she introduced herself and gave her a beautiful bouquet of tulips. Riddhima smiled up at her. Barring her tough looks, she really was a cordial person.
"Yeah and my name's Adhiraj but people call me python..."
"I know you. I mean everybody knows you. You're the owner of python tech." Riddhima said with a smile. Python grinned.
"Look Rudra I am so famous. Everybody knows me." he told his best friend childishly. Rudrakshi rolled her eyes.
"Well Well Well!!! Now that we have Vikramaditya married, I believe it's only one person who needs to tie the knot." said Viraj, chuckling from the right. Rudrakshi chuckled.
"Shut the fuck up she's not marrying." Python fumed.
"Oh you can marry but she can't. Rudrakshi I am telling you this guy is selfish as hell." Samrat tried to add fuel to the fire. Rudrakshi laughed. Riddhima quietly heard their entertaining conversation.
"Don't mind him he's stupid." Rudrakshi said. Python pouted.
"You see I have told her countless times to come with me to Russia. I'll get him a hot, young Russian man." shivanshi said. Roars of laughter echoed in the hall.
Riddhima laughed. This was classic shivanshi.
"There's a war going on there shivu." reminded Vikramaditya. She shook her head in negation.
"War is in Ukraine not Russia...."
"Let's not gush over Russians please. They're good looking but we need another option." Viraj said.
"What the hell do you mean by another option. She's not marrying..."
"Is saale ko har cheez se problem hai (This dork has issues with everything). Shut up!!! And Rudra, if not Russian we can go for an Italian guy, they are pretty cute." shivanshi interjected.
"Yeah marry that Italian mafia." suggested Samrat. Rudrakshi chuckled.
"Absolutely not, he's more of a friend to me." she responded calmly.
"Please somebody ask her what she wants in a man." Riddhima was the only one to give a sane advice. Poor choice Riddhima!!! These people are insane.
"Honestly I don't have any choice. I never thought about what I want in a man." Rudrakshi said sheepishly. All her life she had pondered about how to make more money and establish a reign of terror.
"That's ok I am here to help. How about a Baghdadi man..."
"Shut up, you want her to marry a terrorist." Viraj gasped. Shivanshi wanted to break his head into two.
"I am talking about men from Baghdad, the capital city of Iraq. All Baghdadi's are not terrorists you morons. Do you watch American documentary???" fumed shivanshi.
"I have heard Iraqi men have really beautiful eyes." quipped Vikramaditya.
"Even Afghanis have beautiful eyes. Besides Afghanistan is not that far off from India." Rudrakshi suggested. Python was irked.
"Let's close this debate once and for all. If ever she's to marry, the guy will be Indian. We have plenty of handsome guys here." Python declared. Rudrakshi chuckled and so did everybody else.
Vikramaditya and Riddhima went over to Rautelas who had just came in. Mr. Rautela wasn't happy at all, no father would when his daughter has been married off forcibly to a psychopath. Mrs. Rautela smiled as Riddhima looked really beautiful in the red lehenga her husband bought her.
"Uncle.... please. He has friends here. He has a reputation here. Please for me." Riddhima whispered to Mr. Rautela as the latter was about to yell at him. Mr. Rautela fell silent. Vikramaditya touched their feet but didn't knew what else to do after that.
"Um....why don't you eat something??" he offered like a kind host. Mr. Rautela glared at him.
"We don't even drink a drop of water at daughter's in-laws home." he told him insolently. Vikramaditya rolled his eyes.
"Then don't drink water but eat something else." he said. Mr. Rautela glared down at him murderously.
"Yeah yeah, my joke was ill-timed. Riddhi why don't you spend some time with your family because I am pretty sure if I stand here for a second longer than either I am dying or Mr. Rautela. I'll be there with my friends. Bye." he said, giving a little squeeze to her cheeks. Soon he left.
"I wonder if he has any friends." Mrs. Rautela whispered disgruntled. Riddhima sighed.
"Oh he's a bunch of them. And they all constitute a weird lot I am telling you." she told them.
After the party was over, Vikramaditya and Riddhima stepped into the bedroom. Riddhima was absolutely tired. It's a difficult task to be a bride.
"Um.... I forgot to tell you that you look really beautiful." Vikramaditya said from behind. She undid her necklace.
"You've told me this 25 times tonight." she reminded him. He chuckled, leaning against the door.
"Than I'm drunk." he said as he made his way towards the bed.
"Ofcourse you are. And you would've been more had I not dragged you away from the bar." she told him. He watched her admiringly as she elegantly undid her jewellery.
"I'm sorry if my friends were a bit weird." he said, adoring her as she watched herself in the mirror. Why can't she see herself in his eyes?? This motherfucking mirror will never show her how beautiful she really is after all.
"They are weird but I liked them. Especially Rudrakshi and also Shivanshi didi." she told him. He chuckled.
"Shivanshi is an idiot, just like me. Rudrakshi is probably the sanest person in our friends circle." he told her. She looked at him and smiled.
"What's with this guy python?? Isn't he a bit too possesive about her??" she asked sitting on the bed. He sat beside her.
"Python has always been a lonely guy. She was his only friend, we became friends afterwards. He's very possesive about everyone, his best friend, his wife, even his PA. Isn't it a bit hilarious??" he told her. She looked into his eyes and replied.
"Perhaps than it's justified. You ought to be a bit protective about the few people you have in your life." she said. He looked at her admiringly.
"Explains why I am so possesive about you. After all, all I have is you." he whispered. Riddhima could only look into his passionate eyes.
He leaned forward and pressed his lips over her. She didn't protest strangely. Which is why he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her deeply. She pressed her hands on his chest and allowed him to kiss her passionately. She didn't know why she was doing that. Perhaps it was because of the passionate moment. She seriously had no answer why had she let him kiss her. For a good two minutes he kissed her, biting her lips from time to time. Her lips were slightly swollen now. And then when he had fully quenched the thirst for her juicy lips, he pulled away. But that Eiffel tower in his pants wanted more, and this time not just a kiss. She hid herself into his chest, blushing heavily. He wrapped his arms around her little figure protectively.
"Baby I love you...." He whispered, kissing her neck. She buried her face deeper into his chest, too shy to speak.
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