"Riddhima...." called Mrs. Rautela as she came into the hall, wiping her hands on the towel hanging on the door. Riddhima looked up casually. She had been studying since an hour now.
"Yes Aunty." she answered politely. Mrs. Rautela wiped off the sweat from her face by her saree's pallu.
"What will you eat in lunch??" she asked, sitting on the small bamboo stool right under the fan. It was a hot day for sure.
"Anything. I'll eat anything." she said turning to the next page of the chunky book. Mrs. Rautela looked at her tiredly.
"That won't work. Just tell me what you will eat and....."
"Riddhima...... Riddhima.." someone came yelling inside the hall. Mrs. Rautela looked at the door and found Riddhima's mother Poonam dashing into the house clearly failing to follow basic guest rules and simple manners. Riddhima glanced over her hurriedly in confusion before turning towards Mrs. Rautela who looked equally perturbed.
"Oh there you are my lovely girl. Come come......I've a surprise for you." Poonam looked unnecessarily happy and this wasn't a good sign for Riddhima. She very well knew what circumstances lead to that Abysmal grin on her weather beaten face and let's just say those circumstances aren't very well appreciated by Riddhima. Mrs. Rautela, however, was ready to stand up to that wicked lady.
"What the hell....." Mrs. Rautela was yet to complete when Poonam began dragging Riddhima out of the house. Mrs. Rautela, furious as hell, stormed behind them just to protect Riddhima. But she managed to shout at her eldest boy to go and call Mr. Rautela quickly on his phone. Riddhima literally was shocked as hell. Why was her mother so desperate to take her back in the house?? She even tried to free her wrist but her mother's hold was firm. Finally, with Mrs. Rautela cursing and threatening her mother from behind, she reached her 'old home'. Her mother immediately dragged her to the guest room. Once there, her eyes fell at the couch as the guest room was extremely small and except for a table four walls, there was just this couch. And she gasped loudly at the sight before her. Now there were plenty of untouched presents stacked carelessly one over the other in the room, along with those gifts were huge fruit baskets, big jars of dry fruits, sweets which her fat brother was wolfing down nastily, jewellery boxes, flowers and what not. In all possibility she missed quite a lot of things because she was primarily gaping at the couch as on the couch sat......Addy....oops Aditya Raghuvanshi. He was dressed neatly in a teal green three piece suit that maybe was a little too tight as Addy had put on quite a bit of weight during her presence. She fed him handsomely so it wasn't a miraculous thing to happen. Though he still had a perfect body that girls would kill for. The moment he saw her, his eyes lightened up innocently and he stood up. Mrs. Rautela came in as well, crossed at Poonam.
"What is this Poonam??" Mrs. Rautela ignored Aditya, purposely. She was against giving special treatment to anybody, not even a billionaire. Poonam cursed her under her breath, but just to not appear ill-mannered in front of Aditya Raghuvanshi, she said nothing. Mr. Rautela also came running inside, panting heavily.
"What is happening her??" he asked out of breath. Meanwhile Riddhima's brother was dunking his mouth into the sweets unbothered.
"You both...."
"I need a moment with her. In private." Aditya commanded, his voice low and threatening. They all looked at him in shock. Look, we all respect rich people and therefore we gladly give them second chances. Even these people looked at him absently, waiting for him to take back his words.
"I don't like repeating stuff." he said darkly. Riddhima's toes curled. She hoped Rautelas would intervene because her mother was already reaching for the door.
"Mr. Raghuvanshi we won't allow that. My daughter......"
"The door's that way Mr. and Mrs. Rautela. You don't want to create a scene here." he said authoritatively. Riddhima gasped loudly.
"We're not..."
"Please..... Let's just finish this once and for all. Please." Riddhima whispered, fearing Aditya's anger. Rautelas were reluctant to leave but Riddhima was hopeful that this was the last time they'd ever have to deal with Aditya Raghuvanshi. They left the guest room but stayed inside the house coz they trusted nobody, neither Aditya nor Riddhima's family. Riddhima was standing with her eyes on the floor. However, she could distinctly hear some chomping sound.
"Will you get out!!" Aditya raised his voice. She flinched and looked up. Thankfully he was referring to her gluttonous brother. Her brother literally ran outside with his tail between his legs.

Now they both were alone inside the guest room. Her heart was pounding heavily against her chest. Like why had he even came here.
"How are you Riddhima??" he asked, voice still demanding. She didn't look up at him.
"I'm fine." she whispered. She could feel him slowly coming towards her.
"I distinctly remember telling you to wait upstairs while I am dealing with those two lunatics, why did you leave then??" he asked, a bit hurt though he masked it pretty well with an austere face. She finally screwed up the courage to look up at him. He was standing with his hands clasped behind his back, looking dead serious.
"I-I found no reason in staying there for any longer.....I didn't wanted to be a burden on you. And..... we both were married against our will so...." she forgot half of what she wanted to say because.....WHO THE FUCK ACTS SO DAMN SERIOUS IN FRONT OF SOMEONE WHO'S ALREADY TREMBLING IN FEAR. She hated him now. His eyes were cold and emotionless. It was so hard to imagine that this guy was a child for a whopping six months or more.
"You assumed this all on your own. Don't you think you overthink a lot!! Hm!!" he asked, eyes dark. She gulped and nodded meekly, coz she didn't know how else to respond. Can she run?? I mean is it allowed to run in situations like these.
"I thought so. And I hate it." he hissed. She looked down at his feet.
"Um I'm sorry if you hate me but..."
"Again you assumed i hate you."
"But you just said you...."
"I said I hate overthinking not you. Stop forming opinions on your own. Ok." he barked loudly. Riddhima literally felt like a fool to be a honest. He actually was making sense. She over thinks a lot. The other day she was literally thinking what if the sky collapsed on her suddenly. Her overthinking makes no sense. However, if this conversation was over (another idiotic opinion of her) then she would really like to excuse herself even though the conversation hadn't even begun. They both were just disagreeing with one another.
"Um Addy.....no.....Adi-Adit...."
"Aditya. Vikramaditya Raghuvanshi." he completed. She now forgot what she even planned to say in her head. Can somebody punch this guy?? He's just being plain rude and creepy.
"Riddhima I respect your decision of leaving the mansion without informing me although I don't support it, however, I am here to tell you something really important. But you have to promise me that you'll listen to me patiently." he said, his voice now a little softer. She looked up at him puzzled. He drew in a breath, never taking his eyes off of her.
"Riddhima I never lost my memory to a shock. It was all a ruse." he revealed sincerely. Riddhima gasped loudly. She even lost her balance and would've fell if she didn't took to the table for support. His eyes softened, he even rushed to her to prevent her from falling.
"Riddhima are you ok??" he asked, voice full of concern. Memories of her time with Addy flashed before her eyes. Initially whatever she sensed was right all along but she trusted that damn doctor. When he tried to touch her arm, she quickly recoiled in fear.
"Riddhima..." he whispered as he gently held her hand and made her sit on the couch.
"I know Riddhima it's hard for you to but at least hear me once. After that whatever punishment you choose for me, I'll accept it. I just want you to know that I wasn't faking it all out of boredom or it wasn't like I was happy doing it. Please just listen to my side of the story." he pleaded. Riddhima looked up at him ruefully. He continued.
"I was born into the wealthiest family of the state. My parents were the best parents a child could ever ask for. My mother passed away while giving birth to Anurag. But I never hated him. He did. He plotted against me several times. I tried but after some time I too started hating him with everything inside me. Dad kicked him out after CBI took him in remand for illegal possession of drugs. But one day he reappears suddenly, taking me and my father by surprise. The next day my father dies of an heart attack. I was grieving when the doctor whispered into my ear that he's been poisoned. I couldn't let this news leak out in the public. And I also knew who the perpetrators were, but I wanted to hear a confession from them. We had to do something quickly before they could smell a ploy. I hired a team of international doctors and one of them gave me this idea of faking a memory loss and seeing for myself if my brother cared for me even a little. And that's how it all started. But my bad luck that that stupid lawyer recited to him a wrong will and he decided to marry me off. Trust me Riddhima, I didn't wanted to ruin any innocent girl's life. But when I saw you in that temple that day.....I couldn't see anything else. I wanted to tell you everything but I couldn't risk foiling my perfect plan. I thought you'd leave after seeing how retarded I was but you stayed...." his devotion-filled eyes looked at her confused frame.
"And my hopes got more stronger. I won't lie Riddhima, I just was being plain selfish but I didn't wanted bad for you Riddhima. All I wanted was you to stay with me. And.... And when you decided that you'll take me away from that mansion....I swear Riddhima I was happy as hell. I realised I didn't wanted this money anymore. I wanted us to leave everything behind and start a new life somewhere else. I would've told you everything when the right time comes But......But....that fool brother of mine decided to hurt you AND...... AND I couldn't see that. I cannot tolerate anybody laying a finger on you. You know the rest.....what happened after that. Except for the fate of those two, they are currently sweeping the mansion. I couldn't stain my hands with the blood of my own brother. Dharma won't allow that." he stopped, catching his breath. He couldn't remember when was the last time he said something for so long. He wasn't much of a talker to be honest. Riddhima was still stunned.
"Riddhima just say something." he said hurt. Riddhima looked up at him and stood up, maintaining a fair distance between them.
"I am not angry with you. Whatever you did was to find out the truth and punish your brother. I guess I was just at a wrong place at the wrong time. I don't wanna think about it anymore. Let bygones be bygones. I just want to move on." she said, relieved that finally everything will get settled. He drew in a breath and looked at her calmly.
"Thank you. Now are you suitcases packed??" he asked. She looked at him confused.
"Why??" she asked, brows joined. He looked at her seriously.
"What sort of question was it!! Why do we need a suitcase Riddhima?? You're coming to the mansion with me, want to leave your clothes here. Not a big deal though, I'll get you new ones. Are you ready or do you want to change into something else??" he asked, glancing casually at the door. He saw her brother peeking through the door, and he could see from here that he was salivating. Aditya balled his fist, grabbed one sweet box, marched up to the door and literally slammed the box down in his hands.
"Now don't show that face. Go." he hissed vehemently. Her brother ran away quickly with the box.
"I think it's sort of a misunderstanding.....um, Mr. Raghuvanshi why would I come with you??" she said perplexed. Aditya looked at her coldly.
"Why not?? You're my wife and you shall live in my mansion with me." he said, looking her in the eye. Riddhima gasped loudly. Since when did he started thinking that??
"Look Mr. Raghuvanshi, our marriage was a joke probably. Neither of us were happy with this bond."
"You mean those 7 pheras were a joke. The vermilion i put on your head was a lie. The mangalsutra I tied round your neck meant nothing. And on top of that, the Gods inside that temple....were they also a joke to you. Say that Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati also think that our marriage was a lie." he shouted, pissed off. Riddhima literally was shaking. She didn't realise her simple statement would turn him this mad. Ofcourse Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati would never take any marriage to be a lie.....how can she say that. Yes they both were witnesses to their marriage but.... the the marriage meant nothing to them. At least she thought like that.
"Mr. Raghuvanshi I don't know what you're saying......I am nothing to you..... Ahhhhhhh!!!" she screamed as he literally pinned her against the wall. The Rautelas were slamming their fists on the door, shouting for him to open the door but he had fast closed it after giving the sweet box to that stupid boy. Her heartbeat soared as he was literally too close to her. She could feel his manly scent raiding into her nose.
"Look Riddhima. I am not a very patient man. Neither I entertain idiosyncrasy of any kind even it's coming from you. You are my wife, get this inside your head, you will live with me inside our mansion. I know you need some time. Take it. I'll give you two weeks. After that if you won't come to me on your own than.....you won't like how I'll carry you to my mansion. Am I clear." he hissed vindictively, eyes dark and dangerous. She was shaking in fear. What has happened to him?? Why was he behaving like this?? He left her and stepped back, straightening his blazer.
"I don't wanna scare you Riddhima, you're too precious to me. I have got these all gifts for you. This balmithai is from Almora, I've specially ordered tons of them for you. If you need anymore just tell me. I'll have to go back now. Jai Shree Ram." he said and turned towards them. However, something got over him and he turned back to look at her one last time before exiting. His eyes were dark and cunning.
"Riddhima just remember you're mine. I own you. Just because I have consented to leave you here for some days doesn't mean I've taken my eyes off you. I just wanna tell you beforehand in clear, bold words....I hate other men even breathing around you. You will maintain space with every guy, unless you wish your husband to unleash his inner monster in front of you. Hm. I'll see you soon my love." he told her darkly. Folding his hands in front of her for one last time, he opened the door and stormed outside, sparing no glance at the people outside the door. Riddhima didn't realise she was crying.

In the evening, Rautelas were trying to comfort poor Riddhima. She still was really scared of whatever happened between her and Aditya in the morning. Something of him wasn't right. He looked dangerous to be honest.
"Don't worry Didi I'll punch him in the face if tries to trouble you." the youngest said bravely. Riddhima chuckled.
"Seriously Riddhima. You don't have to fear him. We're with you." Mrs. Rautela said. Meanwhile Mr. Rautela came inside the house, his phone pressed to his ear.
"I don't want you threatening my daughter." he shouted on the phone.
"Do you want me to come to your place and take her with me by force?? Hm. I can't promise you I'll stop right there coz if i can bring her into my mansion with force than I can do plenty of other things by force. I don't think you want that. Just give her the phone I wanna talk to him." said Aditya on the phone. Mr. Rautela defeatedly handed Riddhima the phone.
"Hello." she said, her voice quavering.
"Had your dinner??" he asked.
"No." she whispered.
"Go and eat something. It's too late in the night." he ordered.
"Why-Why did you call??" she asked nervously.
"To hear your voice. Now go and eat something. I'll talk to you in the morning. Shubhratri." and he disconnected the call.
"He's an idiot." Mrs. Rautela muttered pissed off.
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