Chapter Seventeen
I'm having a bad day today :(
If you didn't see before, I accidentally mixed the writing up between this chapter and the last because I'm an idiot lmao.
It's all fixed now though, so just so you don't get confused as to why the same part was in two separate chapters. You might want to take a look at it 😬
The two week follow-up appointment with Louis' doctor was scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. It was now late Monday night.
"You know you can come along tomorrow," Louis pointed out to Harry.
"Really," he asked in surpise. He had wanted to ask permission for him to go, however, he did not want to seem intrusive.
Louis laughed, "Yeah, why wouldn't I late you come? He or she is your child."
"Yeah, I know that, but I just figured you didn't want me to go with you."
"That's nonsense, Harry," Louis exclaimed. ""If I didn't want you to come with me, then I would have said anything. Now, this child is yours as much as it is mine, so please come tomorrow."
"Okay," Harry smiled. He wrapped Louis closer to him and kissed the pregnant lads forehead.
"So about that date, Lou," Harry smirked.
"What about it?"
"You wanna go out this Saturday," Harry smiled.
Louis mirrored the action, "I'd love to," but then his facial expression changed, "Wait.. Who's going to watch Jacob?"
"Don't worry, Love. I'll make all the arrangements. You don't have to worry about a thing," he reassured, placing another soft kiss on his forehead this time.
Louis gripped Harry's hand tightly as they anxiously sat in the waiting room of the doctors office.
There was chance that Louis could've had a miscarriage within the last time he saw his doctor, he was just praying that the he didn't have one and the baby was healthy.
"Louis, don't you worry about anything, no matter what it'll be okay," Harry reassured him, giving his hand a little squeeze to show that he's here for him no matter what.
When Louis' name was called by a nurse, whom looked rather surprised when she saw it was two males, but was respectful to them and kept her mouth shut about it.
"Which one of you is Lewis," she asked carelessly and mispronounced his name.
"It's Louis," he corrected, "and that would be me. This is my boyfriend Harry." It was a bit of lie but no one had to know.
The nurse apologized for her confusion and led them to the back. Once they arrived to an exam room she handed him a cup and pointed towards the bathroom, then explained that they'd also be taking blood as a test as well.
Louis soon returned and the blood test was completed, with Louis complaining about the needle several times, the nurse announced the doctor would be in shortly.
"Wait, are you afraid of needles," Harry asked, as soon as the nurse had left.
"Don't laugh," Louis whined. "I just have a strong disliking for them."
"But Lou, how're you gonna get the epidural then?"
Louis sighed at that, "We'll cross that bridge when the time comes."
Harry hummed in response.
A knock was heard before the door opened once again and in walked Louis' doctor. She was a petite blonde in her early sixties.
"Hello Louis," she greeted, giving him a hug. They had remained in touch since Jacob was born.
"Dr. Carter, it's lovely to see you again," he smiled, embracing her back.
She asked if he noticed any changes between the past two weeks, or if he had any topics to be discussed.
"Oh- This is Harry, my boyfriend," he introduced the curly-headed older man. Once again making a false statement and calling him his 'boyfriend.'
"It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for taking care of Louis and the baby throughout this pregnancy," he praised.
Dr. Carter smiled, "Oh, it's no problem at all," she then turned toward Louis. "Alright, we're going to do the ultrasound now. I'm pretty sure you know the drill for that."
Louis laughed and lifted up his shirt so his stomach was showing. There wasn't much of a bump just yet, however, there soon would be one.
The cold, ultrasound gel was placed on Louis stomach, making him shiver. Dr. Carter then grabbed the transducer probe and placed it on top of the gel.
"See that right there," she pointed to a small black dot on the screen, "that's your baby. I'd say you're just about five weeks pregnant."
Dr. Carter pressed a few button on the ultrasound screen, and the machine began to print out a few pictures. She then grabbed a few tissues and handed them to Louis so he could wipe the gel off of his stomach.
"Alrighty, I'd like to see you back again in another two weeks," Dr. Carter began. "It's still too early to hear the heartbeat right now, we can try next time. Again, if you notice any changes please contact the office immediately."
Louis smiled, "Thank you, we'll see you in two weeks then." Harry then stood up and helped Louis down from the table, grabbing the ultrasound pictures from Dr. Carter after.
When Louis and Harry made it back to the car, Harry helped Louis inside and buckled him up.
"I told you everything would be fine," he kissed Louis' lips and carefully closed the car door, walking around to the drivers side of the vehicle.
He gripped the younger lads hand and back out of the doctors office.
"I love you, Lou, and our precious jellybean."
That sucked but whatever.
Again, my apologies for any inaccurate information.
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