Chapter Eighteen
Also, how would you feel about me writing a hybrid!louis fic? It'll still be Larry, of course.
The week had sped by pretty quickly, with the soon-to-be family of four having things to do every day.
On Wednesday, they had taken Jacob to a build-a-car workshop for kids at a local hardware store. Harry was very helpful with Jacob, helping him follow the instructions, and Louis couldn't help but take pictures of that.
Thursday, Louis and Jacob had spent the day together - due to Harry having a few last minute modeling gigs. The father and son duo pretty much had a lazy day, watching movies and sorts.
And finally on Friday, Harry had taken Jacob to an indoor playground to once again give Louis a few hours of alone time.
Even though the pregnant lad spent most of his free time dealing with the morning sickness, it was nice to have some sort of relaxation.
He had also refreshed himself with pregnancy facts.
Now; it was Saturday, also known as the day of the date. Both adults were majorly nervous about tonight, one being more than the other.
Louis had questioned Harry about where they'd be going, however, the older man didn't give any hints. Instead he told Louis to 'dress nice but casual.'
"Which do you think looks better," Louis asked Jacob, whom was carelessly drawing in his sketchbook.
The four year old shrugged back, "they look the same to me."
Louis couldn't help but giggle at his sons cheekiness. He then took a quick glance at the clock and began to panic when he realized how little time he had to get ready.
Oh boy, was this going to be an interesting date.
As promised, Harry arrived at 7 pm to pick Louis up. Even though they practically live in the same house, he wanted to be a gentleman and knock on the door. Louis thought it was cute; adorable even.
"These are for you," Harry stated, handing Louis a small bouquet of roses.
Louis smiled appreciatively, "They're lovely Harry, thank you." He kindly accepted the roses and leaned in to hug Harry, secretly pecking his cheek as well.
After he had placed them in a vase with water, and made sure he looked 'okay' one last time, the two headed out; with hands laced together.
Louis smiled fondly as Harry told him a story from when he was younger.
The atmosphere of the restaurant that Harry had chosen was astonishingly beautiful. It was simple, elegant decor; yet not something you need to be too dressed up for.
For the music: it was a mix of classic and alternative. Normally it'd be strange to hear them in the same song; however, this may just be something you'd want to listen to twice. And not to mention that the lyrics to most of the songs had some type of meaning behind it.
"Thank you again for this, Harry. I have no idea how I'll ever be able to repay you for all that you've done for Jacob and I," Louis rejoiced. He was truly grateful for everything the model has done for them.
"It's my pleasure, Lou. After all, you do deserve it after how I treated you on our first encounter."
Louis smiled fondly, "yeah that is true." He picked up his wine glass that was filled with water and motioned a 'cheers' gesture. "To us."
Harry did the same thing with his glass, which was also filled with water, "Plus baby and Jacob."
Soon their meal had arrived - which was devouringly delicious. Chicken Alfredo Linguine, with steamed vegetables.
"I had a wonderful time, Harry. Thank you," the younger lad praised.
"You're welcome, love, but it's not over yet. Are you okay to do some walking?"
Louis nodded confusedly. Where was Harry going with this?
He was led to the car again by Harry, where the Gucci wearing man had opened his door and helped him in, along with placing a kiss on Louis.
Louis was taken to the beach for a late-night walk with Harry. Harry's coat was placed over the younger lad's shoulders, just because it was slightly chilly, and Harry wanted to protect him and their jellybean at all costs.
"Again, I can't thank you enough for tonight. This is truly the nicest thing a person - whom I went on a date with - has ever done for me," Louis lovingly spoke.
It was true; this was the nicest a date has ever done. The dates he had been on with Jacob's were horrendous, but this one with Harry was definitely something he'd always cherish.
"Hey.. it's like I said before. You deserve it," Harry replied.
Suddenly the older man had stopped walking and dropped to his knees in the sand. He carefully lifted Louis' shirt and placed little kisses all over Louis' tummy.
"I love you so much, jellybean." Even though the baby couldn't hear him just yet, he wanted to make it clear how much he adored the precious one.
Harry then stood up again, this time bending down slightly so he was the direct height has Louis.
"And I love you too," he announced, finishing with a passionate kiss on Louis' lips.
Hope you enjoyed that! Surprisingly I think this chapter turned out okay, lmao.
Love you all;
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