"but mommy, please!" hongjoong continued to beg, starting to annoy his mother a bit.
"joongie, i've told you countless times no! seonghwa asked me to keep it a secret, i won't tell you where he's taking you!" ms. kim replied to her son with a bit of sass, upsetting hongjoong.
"you're such a meanie." hongjoong pouted, crossing his arms and stomping his foot.
"if you don't stop giving me unnecessary childish attitude, then you won't be going on the date at all!" she turned to her son who immediately regretted what he previously said and started apologizing.
"i'm sorry mommy! i'm just really excited, i don't wanna wait any longer!" hongjoong sighed loudly in defeat.
his mother walked over to him and gave him a big hug, calming the boy down a bit, "i know you're excited, but just wait another thirty minutes. you'll love what seonghwa has planned for you today, i can guarantee it! now let's go fix your hair, you can't look like a mess for your first date!"
hongjoong skipped behind his mother, following her to her bedroom. they made their way into the master bathroom, hongjoong taking a seat at the vanity she has in front of her big mirror and makeup table.
"ok, so what do you want me to do to your hair?" she asked her son who already had an idea in his head.
"can you curl it a little bit? i want wavy hair!" hongjoong clapped his hands, earning a chuckle from his mother.
"ok, let me plug in the iron. anything you want to do until it heats up?" she asked and hongjoong put his finger to his chin in thought.
hongjoong remembered that one time he used his mother's makeup when seonghwa came over to babysit him. he loves how he looks naturally, but he felt like adding some cosmetics to his face would make the perfect final touches to his look. he wanted to look the best he's ever looked, all for seonghwa.
"can you please put some makeup on me?" hongjoong asked, shocking his mother a bit.
"you've never worn makeup before. are you sure about that?" she questioned the boy who nodded his head in response.
"yes, i wore it once when you weren't here and i loved it! i just wanna look perfect for seongie, please mommy?" hongjoong begged and his mother gave in.
"ok baby, but not too much. you don't need makeup to make you beautiful, you're already breathtaking! but i'll do as you wish." she answered, applying a bit of concealer, some bronzer, highlighter, blush, and a little brown eyeshadow around his eyes for more depth.
after his mother completed the look, hongjoong stared into the mirror in awe. he liked when he applied makeup to himself, but there was no doubt that his mother was more experienced than he was at the task. the outfit he picked out complimented his makeup perfectly, deciding on a simple brown and purple striped short sleeve button down and skinny jeans that were cut a bit short on him. he finished the outfit off with a pair of white high top converse and a few simple rings for some extra bling.
hongjoong had never felt more beautiful in his entire life.
"mommy, it's perfect! you're like an artist!" he smiled, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.
"you're too sweet, my beautiful baby boy. now sit still, let's curl your hair!" she cheered, earning claps from her son who sat still, waiting for the hot iron to curl his hair.
"now joongie, be careful. i know seonghwa is my friend, but i still need to tell you to be safe on your first date. i love you, ok?" jongho put his hands on his younger brother's shoulders as he sternly spoke and hongjoong nodded his head rapidly in response.
"i know jongie, don't worry!" hongjoong smiled brightly, reassuring his nervous brother.
"wow, my baby's really growing up." jongho hugged his brother tightly, pretending to cry a bit.
"you're so dramatic!" hongjoong giggled, hitting his brother in the chest lightly. jongho laughed before walking out the front door, leaving for his own date he had planned with ryujin.
"but seriously, i can't believe you're already going on your first date. i'm actually going to c-cry." hongjoong's mom choked on her words as tears fell down her face. hongjoong was quick to run to her side, hugging her tightly.
"don't cry mommy! it's ok, i'll be a good boy. i promise!" hongjoong gave a thumbs up and his mother grabbed his hand, kissing his thumb lightly.
"i know you will be, i just can't believe how big you're getting. i hope you have a great time tonight, baby. you deserve it." she wiped her tears and smiled at her son.
not even a minute later, the doorbell to hongjoong's house rang. hongjoong screeched, rushing to open the door for his date.
seonghwa stood in front of the door, holding a bouquet of flowers for the younger. as soon as he saw hongjoong, his eyes lit up, unable to control the goofy smile that formed on his face.
"wow hongjoong, you look absolutely stunning tonight." seonghwa stated, handing the boy the bouquet, "these are for you."
hongjoong accepted the flowers, leaning his nose in to smell the gift, "thank you seongie. they smell so pretty, i love them!"
"i'm glad you love them." seonghwa smiled, "ms. kim, what time should i have hongjoong home by?"
"try to be home by eleven, if any of your plans end up changing just text me. either one of you can text me, you both have my number." she informed the boy, taking the flowers from hongjoong and holding them in her own hands.
"perfect. i'll make sure to text you if anything changes." seonghwa nodded his head.
"i'll put these beauties in a vase. now you two, go have fun! i love you both so much!" she kissed her son and waved goodbye to seonghwa before walking into the kitchen and leaving them alone.
seonghwa put his hand out for hongjoong to grab onto, hongjoong accepting it in his own. fingers intertwined, they made their way to seonghwa's car. seonghwa opened hongjoong's door for him, guestering for him to get inside.
"what a gentleman." hongjoong placed a hand on his heart, giggling slightly as he spoke.
"all for you, my princess." seonghwa replied and hongjoong blushed a dark shade of red as he sat down.
seonghwa walked over to the driver's seat and got into the car, driving off slowly. he had a perfect plan for the night, and he hoped that hongjoong would love it just as much as he imagined the boy would.
"sooo, will you tell me where we're going now?" hongjoong dragged out, hoping for a yes.
"nope." seonghwa stared at the road, exaggerating the 'p' sound with a pop.
"meanie!" hongjoong crossed his arms, turning away from seonghwa.
seonghwa laughed at the boy's reaction, "baby, i promise you'll love it. we're almost there anyway, the destination is pretty close to your house."
hongjoong began mimicking the older, making seonghwa shake his head at how adorable he acted when he was mad. thankfully, the trip ended almost as quickly as it started.
when hongjoong saw the ice cream parlor they were pulling up to, he began bouncing in his seat, "seongie, are we getting ice cream?!"
"yes! your mom told me this was your favorite place, so i wanted to take you here." seonghwa smiled, facing the boy after putting the car in park.
"you're the bestest ever!" hongjoong cried out and seonghwa leaned in to give the boy a sweet kiss on the forehead.
"ok, let's go." seonghwa announced, stepping out of the car after he turned it off. he was about to walk over to the passengers side to walk hongjoong into the shop, but the boy had already darted inside by himself.
seonghwa thankfully made it inside at the same time as the boy, stopping him before he could begin ordering. seonghwa looked around the parlor, smiling at how adorable it was. the walls were decorated with unicorns and rainbows and the booths were filled with children screaming and playing with their friends. he now understood why this was hongjoong's favorite ice cream parlor.
the older grabbed hongjoong's hand and walked up to the counter, speaking for them both before hongjoong could order for himself.
"hello, could we please get one strawberry ice cream sundae with whipped cream, strawberries, chocolate chips, and rainbow sprinkles and one small cookies and cream ice cream?" seonghwa asked the girl behind the counter who nodded her head and began scooping the ice cream out for the boys.
hongjoong looked up at seonghwa, absolutely shocked.
how did he know my exact order?
before hongjoong could ask any questions, seonghwa pulled him towards the cash register to pay for the dessert.
"that'll be nine fifty two please." she said, accepting seonghwa's credit card and swiping it on her register for him.
hongjoong grabbed his sundae and ran over to a booth for the boys to share. once seonghwa received his card back, he took his small cup and walked over to where hongjoong was sitting, already devouring his ice cream.
"wow baby, already got ice cream all over your face?" seonghwa laughed, hongjoong cowering into himself a bit after seonghwa pointed it out.
"i'm a messy eater, ok!" he defended himself, giggling along with the older.
seonghwa grabbed a napkin and leaned over the table, wiping the boy's face for him. hongjoong closed his eyes, letting the boy finish getting all the strawberry ice cream off of him.
"hongjoong, i meant what i said before. you're genuinely the most beautiful boy i've ever seen in my entire life. your hair looks so adorable curled and, did you do your makeup again?" seonghwa complimented the younger, making him blush a dark shade of red.
"yeah, my mommy did it for me. you look beautiful too, seongie." hongjoong giggled out as he stared at the boy in front of him.
seonghwa was dressed how he typically dressed everyday, but with a bit more pizazz. instead of a plain black t shirt, the boy was wearing a black button down with the sleeves rolled up. he had on black skinny jeans that he cuffed, showing off some of his ankle. he wore black chunky shoes and silver jewelry to top it all off.
"thank you honey." seonghwa simply replied with a smile.
"is this where you planned on taking me today?" hongjoong asked.
"well, one out of two." seonghwa took a bite of his ice cream, shrugging like it was no big deal.
"wait, there's more!?" hongjoong chirped up, intrigued to know where else the boys were going.
"maaaybe." seonghwa dragged out, winking at the younger after he spoke.
hongjoong began eating his ice cream rather quickly, too excited for the next destination to care about the delicious treat in front of him. seonghwa just chuckled, admiring the beautiful boy in front of him. he was in awe, not able to understand how the boy could eat so quickly without getting a brain freeze.
"ok seongie, i'm ready!" hongjoong smiled widely, wiping some ice cream off the corners of his mouth as he did so.
"so am i, let's go!" seonghwa stood up and grabbed hongjoong's hand, returning their used ice cream containers to the front and walking towards seonghwa's car.
the ride was relatively silent, hongjoong staring out the window and looking at all the cars that passed by him. he was shaking his leg rather vigorously, trying his best to contain his mixture of nerves and excitement. when seonghwa noticed, he placed a hand on the younger's thigh to calm him down. hongjoong turned his head and giggled a bit, placing his own smaller hand on top of seonghwa's.
"wait, are we going to the movies?" hongjoong asked as they pulled into the parking lot.
"yes! i heard the new trolls movie just came out and i know you loved the first one, so i figured you'd want to see it." seonghwa smiled at the excited blonde.
"yes! i've been begging jongie or my mommy to take me, but we haven't had a chance to go!" hongjoong smiled widely.
"well, i'm glad i'm the one who has the honor to take you." seonghwa took hongjoong's hand in his own, lifting it up to give the hand a kiss.
after walking inside the building and purchasing some popcorn and two sodas, the boys made their way into the proper theater. they sat down and reclined their chairs to their liking, lifting the arm rest in between them so they could sit closer to one another.
"seonghwa, this has been the most funnest first date ever!" hongjoong smiled, looking up into the older's eyes.
"i'm glad you're loving it, princess. i'm having the greatest time ever too." seonghwa kissed the smaller boy on the forehead, cuddling the younger further into his chest.
as the movie began playing, hongjoong squealed a little too loud, earning a chuckle from seonghwa.
thank god i admitted my feelings, seonghwa thought, smiling to himself.
this was over two thousands words... i surprised myself with that one!! let me pat myself on the back real quick 🤪
also... i spent a little under $300 on ateez's new albums yesterday... i'll probably buy more albums too... i'm so sorry mom.
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