Chapter forty seven: an unexpected turn of events

Fallacy’s POV

Encre was standing next to me as we listened to Kiki and Lisa’s plan “thank you. Ok so the plan, I think that next step should be that we just kill Eterna, get rid of her problem solved and everyone else will be save” Kiki thought about it a bit “Ne pas” (Don’t) Encre called out stepping out into the clearing “Encre what are you doing here? If you’re here Fallacy must be here to am I right?” Lisa asked “you are” I stepped out as well “Nous étions juste un peu inquiets pour vous” (we was just a little worried about you) “Merci mais il n'y a pas besoin” (thank you but there's no need) “so your going to kill Eterna? Bold move if I do say so myself” “je connais” (I know) Kiki doesn’t seem sure of what he wants to do “Ne le fais pas” (don’t do it) “Encre we have to, she’ll kill every one we know and ever cared for!” Lisa stated rising her voice a bit “Lisa se calme un peu” (Lisa calm down a bit) she sighed “sorry my king” “S'il vous plaît, même si elle va faire des choses horribles, mais ne devrions-nous pas quitter la tuer, pour un dernier recours?” (please, even though she's going to do horrible things but shouldn't we leave killing her, for a last resort?) Encre asked he’s so cute right now “Bien, mais s'il n'y a pas d'autre plan, je vais veiller à ce qu'elle meurt” (fine, but if there is no other plan I'll see to it that she dies) Kiki said a little coldly but I could tell he was more hurt than angry. We all went back home, we was heading to the dinning room. As we went in through the back door we went passed the ball room and we all saw Suave and Jasper dancing “Aww qui est si mignon” (aww that's so cute) Kiki laughed “shhh” Encre said trying not to laugh “awww look at the cute couple” I shouted so they could hear me, they stopped dancing and blushed “Father!!” I laughed as I walked away. That night was indeed a fun one, we all talked laughed, when it was soon time for bed but Encre couldn’t sleep again so I did the same thing I did last time and it worked.

Gazelle’s POV

Today had been a long day but before I to went to bed Bon Bon was acting weird, I watched as she left the castle grounds. I didn’t want to be rude but I ended up following her thought the forest, what are you up to? She went into the village, right up to Eterna’s door and started to talk to her!? Now I know why Kiki attacked her! I was about to leave but some of the royal guard was looking at me funny, so a little stop to where I know id be welcome an old friend of mine and Suave’s. I knocked at the door and waited for him to open it, the door opened and Rufous stood in the door frame “sorry for waking you at this hour but I need somewhere to stay” he smiled at me and let me in “no need to be sorry, we’re it’s what we do and don’t worry I wasn’t asleep. So what brings you to the village?” I sighed taking a sit. Once I told him what had happed he got really angry “that fucking bitch” “I know” “anyway with how things are going here would be alright if I came to the castle with you and Sir Azure?” he asked  he had told me what the king had told him and right now feared for his life “you’ll have to ask King Fallacy but I see no reason why you shouldn’t” he smiled “thank you I’ll wake him up and we’ll leave as soon as” I nodded.
Once Azure was up and up to date with what was going on we started to walk out, it didn’t take to long before we got back home  but the sun was coming up “we’ll have to talk to them tonight as they’ll be asleep” I told them as we walked in. I fond them a place to sleep for the night as I went up to me room, I must tell King Fallacy what I have seen tonight Bon Bon will be found out. I woke up early as I always did and went over to wear Rufous and Azure where staying “guys you need to get up now, if you want to ask Fallacy to stay here you need to do it now” the two woke and nodded getting themselves ready, I left them too it and waited out side their room. When they walked out, I walked to the outside hallway that was the dinning room, I could hear Fallacy and Encre talking “good morning my lords, there something I need to tell you but first” I looked over to Rufous and Azure “Bonjour” (good morning) Encre smiled over he was always so nice “so why the sudden visit?” “sorry about that, we was hoping that we would be able to life here” Fallacy thought about this for a bit, he didn’t look happy then he just smiled “of course you can your both friends of the family, you two can have the room that you slept in last night” he said walking past us how did he “how did you know?” Rufous asked the three of us where confused as hell but didn’t tell us “C'est ce qu'il m'a dit, rien ne se passe dans ce château que je ne connais pas” (this is what he told me, nothing goes on in this castle that I don't know about) Encre laughed out while he sat next to Fallacy.

No one’s POV

Kiki and Lisa where once again outside this time it was because Kiki wanted to draw something and Lisa really needed something fun to hunt down “this is fun, isn’t?” “C'est pour une fois que je suis vraiment content” (it is, for once I'm really happy) she smiled at this, Kiki was sitting in a tree looking out over the cliff side smiling sadly to himself, it was the first time he had been able to thing of them and  his other family with a smile on his face “are done yet?” Lisa asked wanting to take a look at this drawing he nodded as he jumped down to show her the forest soon grew silent all that could be heard was  the snapping to twigs under peoples feet and their hard breathing “Ils nous entourent” (their surrounding us) “I know, what our plan” the two looked around for them but they saw nothing “my king we need to get out of here” “D'accord” (agreed) they ran only because their was to many of them. They thought it they ran the way they came they could avoid them but Lisa ran right into a sword, it got her in the hip she screamed as she fell “LISA!” Kiki wasted no time in getting Lisa away from the man who had hurt her but he had no where to run and he couldn’t fly because he couldn’t carry Lisa.  Kiki was really out of ideas, he didn’t know what to do as they got closer an closer.

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