Chapter forty nine: Not good

Rufous’ POV

So now there are two more people here they seem nice, after our meal, me and Azure where walking up to our room, then I saw Charlos talking to Fibi, and when I mean talking I mean shamelessly flirting with her I could tell because both of their face’s where red “Charlos?” “yes?” “I need to ask a favour of you” he sighed he had only just got back from a job “what is it and how long will it take?” “I need you to send a latter some where and I not sure” “who is it for and then I’ll find about it” I nodded in agreement “it’s for Tombee” “how do you know him?” “he’s my brother, so anyway will you get this to him?” I pulled out a letter, he thought about it before taking the latter from my hand “only because you asked so nicely” “thank you” “yeah, yeah what ever” he said waving me off as he walked off.

Gazelle’s POV

I needed to talk to Lord Fallacy as soon as I could but I couldn’t fine him, I knock on the door of his study but no answer, I knocked on his bed room door, again no answer. Where would he be? I looked around until I heard music coming from the ball room, I poked my head round to see Fallacy and Encre dancing alone side Jasper and Suave, Fibi had also got Azure, Rufous, Night and our new guest down to dance but Ashley didn’t dance she sang. Her voice was lovely along side Kiki who was playing the violin, what should I do? I need to talk to Fallacy but I can’t just but in but luckily for me the song ended I was about to walk over to them but someone coved my mouth and dragged me away. It was Bon Bon she got me by surprise but I’m stronger than her once I moved one of her hand I screamed as loud as I could she let go of me so she could cover her hears, this made me fall to the floor. Before she could run away Fallacy, Jasper, Kiki, Lisa, Ashley and Lumi was there “what happened we heard someone scream?” Fallacy asked while Jasper giving me a hand and help me to me feet “it’s Bon Bon I followed her when she left the castle and she went straight to Eterna. I don’t know what was said buti know it wasn’t anything good” kiki went for her but Lisa and Ashley held him back “LAISSE-MOI!” (LET GO OF ME!) “kiki calm down I will handle this” the coldness in his voice then he said that showed he meant it this was enough to make him back away a bit show enough the others showed up “Qu'est-il arrivé? Quelqu'un est-il blessé?” (what happened? is anyone hurt?) Encre asked as he stood behind Jasper “no, but that look my fathers wearing tells me someone will be” “Lord Fallacy does seem to be really mad” “he is Suave it’s because of Bon Bon” I really didn’t know what Fallacy was going to do but “Gazelle, Suave take this traitorous cunt to a holding cell, I’ll think about what to do with her later” both me and Suave nodded walking over to her, grapping her my the arms and dragging her away.

Fallacy’s POV

I was so angry it was unreal after Suave and Gazelle had taken Bon Bon away I went to my room, I wanted to be alone, no I needed to be alone. I had blow out the cnadles and was in the dark, some one had walked in I could hear their breathing, I could hear their heart beat and I could sound smell them “go away Encre” “Hey, je viens juste de voir si tu étais bien” (hey I  just came up to see if you was alright) he said softly as he sat next to me on the bed “well I am, now get lost” he stiffened as the sound of my voice I could picture his scared face as he then tried to respond “Lair, s'il vous plaît, si vous êtes fâché, d'accord, nous pouvons en parler, il ne faut pas le garder à votre convenance” (lair, please if your mad it ok we can talk about it, its not go to keep it to your self) this only made me even angrier “if you know I’m in a bad mood fuck off” his heart was starting beating faster “Non, je ne me dérange pas ce que vous faites ou dites” (no I wont I don't care what you do or say)  he hugged me, I tried to get him off of me but he wouldn’t move. The next few seconds where blur but when I got to grips with what I was doing I stopped and push Encre off of me “I-I’m sorry, I’m s-sorry I don’t w-what came over me” I had bit his neck and stared to drink his blood when he was hugging me “Ça ne coûte rien” (it's ok no harm down) he sat in front of me again and kissed me “n-no it’s not” “shhh” that night we just cuddled while Encre spoke sweet things to me until I fell asleep.

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