Chapter 32

I sit down at one of the center cushions of the two couches first, letting them hash out who gets the two seats on either side of me. It ended up being a sort of first come first serve basis. Jimin practically dove to my right, on the other central cushion. Hobi shouldered his way in so he would end up on my left. The only person who didn't try to fight for a spot beside me was Namjoon, and I realized it was because he took a mediator role in the seat directly opposite me on the other couch.

Once we are all finally seated I find myself mentally stuck. "Sorry, I have a lot of things on my mind. I just don't know where to start." I fidget with my own fingers for a few seconds, as if the action would prompt me on what direction to take. "I guess the easiest place to start would be the fact that I've already been spotted. I'm not worried about that per se. But, I am concerned about what kind of actions we should take in public together. I know South Korea is a lot different with physical contact compared to what I am used to, and I am worried about acting out of turn."

"You're not wrong that the public views physical actions in public differently than the U.S., but our people aren't quite as outdated as you may think. When the serum was first introduced that opinion started to change a bit. We still are more conscious of how we act in public, but we don't restrain ourselves completely. Hand holding and occasional pecks are well within the realm of being socially acceptable." Namjoon explains.

"So, building from that comment I guess the next thing I want to discuss is showing physical affection in front of each other. Does anyone have a problem with the idea of me showing physical affection to one of the others in front of you? If I were to kiss one of the others in front of you would it bother you?" This whole conversation makes me nervous. Something about this question in particular makes me want to physically squirm in my seat.

They all seem to think it over for a second. I may be waiting on pins and needles for the answer, but I am honestly thankful that they are heavily considering the question and how they should reply to it. Surprisingly Yoongi is the first to respond. "I don't think it would bother me. We are all your soulmates."

Jimin smiles at me. "I like the idea of you being loving with all of us."

Hobi smirks. "I'm not sure I would mind."

Jin looks thoughtful and hesitant. "I didn't expect to have to share my soulmate. I can't say I am completely against it, but it may take some time to come to terms with it."

Tae smiles his wide smile at me, and my heart hiccups in my chest in response. "I like that we are yours. I think I would be okay with it."

Jk is running the pad of his finger against his lower lip. "You told me how you weren't comfortable kissing in front of the others on the plane. I understood that. Truthfully though I know I wouldn't have a problem if they saw it. I think I might be a little jealous of the others, but I wouldn't hate it."

Namjoon nods. "I was thinking something similar. I might be a tad jealous, but I know that I can eventually become accepting of it."

Hobi arches an eyebrow at Jk. "You kissed her on the plane? Surrounded by all of us?"

He smiles a devious smile that still somehow has a touch of his bunny grin also. "Yup."

Hobi then turns to me. "Was he your first kiss between us?"

My eyes grow wide. "Um. No."

"Hobi, remember how you asked what my favorite birthday present was, and I wouldn't answer you. I simply said it was by far the best birthday present ever." Who knew that Yoongi had such a wicked expression?! Seriously, I have only seen stoic, neutral, and his gummy smile.

"Oh, I thought I was your first kiss." Jimin seems surprisingly shocked. Not annoyed, just blown away that he wasn't correct in his assumption.

Hobi looks around the room at the others. "Am I the only one that hasn't been kissed yet?"

Namjoon shakes his head. "No." He doesn't look disappointed, but he offers nothing other than his single syllable denial.

I am quick to soothe their emotions. "That's not because I don't want to by the way. I just haven't felt the timing that we have had together was right." The other two consider that and seem to be at least temporarily pacified.

"Speaking of my birthday present though." We weren't exactly but I'm not about to argue that point. This is supposed to be a discussion after all, and they were bound to get to wanting to know this eventually. "When is yours, Daisy?"

Jimin's mouth drops open in obvious concern . "We haven't missed it this year have we?"

"If so we need to make up for it." Jk assures me.

Before any of the others can weigh in I interrupt them. "You haven't missed it. It's not until June 24th."

"Oh, but it is the next birthday coming up." Tae states.

I nod in confirmation. "Moving on though. Namjoon pointed out something to me that I didn't really consider, and I think I may have had to apologize for." I make sure they are all focused before continuing. "Up until now I guess I have been sort of the driving force in our relationship. I didn't really mean to take the reins like that. I just think I was overly excited about the prospect of being your soulmate that I pushed forward without really consulting any of you first."

"You're apologizing for how you have been taking charge in our relationship?" Jin's eyebrows lift high enough that they disappear within his hairline.

"Only because I don't want to steal any of your thunder. I don't mind planning things, but I don't want it to be me all the time either. I want you to each consider planning something yourselves."

"You mean something like renting out a house instead of staying in a hotel?" Namjoon smirks.

"Buying you flowers when you don't feel good." Jk smiles.

"Getting you a basket full of stuff to pamper yourself with." Jimin adds.

Hobi scolds Jimin. "Ya! That one was mine!" He looks so comically cross I nearly end up choking when trying to contain my laughter. "Buying you ice cream."

I sigh both out of happiness and disappointment in myself. "Okay so there have been little things that I didn't consider. I apologize for overlooking that too.."

"We will plan more stuff when we can actually have proper one on one time." Jin assures me.

"Yes, it should all be easier when we get home." Namjoon nods.

"Tell me about home." I offer. "Not about Seoul. I want to know where we will be living."

They all look back and forth at each other. Like they are trying to decide what to say. Then they start communicating to each other in Korean. Ah, so it's something they aren't sure I should know about yet.

It's Jk who speaks up, which surprises me since I expected Namjoon to field the question after they conferred with one another. "We bought a new mansion a couple weeks after we got our marks. We wanted something bigger than the dorms to live in when we found you."

"Part of the reason we are staying here longer is because they haven't quite finished up the renovations yet." Namjoon explains.

"So, other than moving into the mansion what can I expect our day to day lives to look like? Not exact details. I realize that those can change at a moment's notice. But, what a typical day might be like."

"Most days we all probably won't be home at the same time. We will be in and out with varying schedules. But, we will work out how we can make sure we all spend time with you. Even if that means you come spend time with us occasionally." Jimin explains.

"When that starts to happen can we have something set up so I know what your schedules would be? Do you each get a printed off itinerary?"

"We can make sure you at least get copies. I'm not sure how easy it would be for you to keep track of all of us though. But, I am sure we can try to get something worked out." Namjoon explains.

"I want you to meet my family when we get back." Tae suddenly states.

"I think we all want that, Taehyungie." Jin agrees.

"I do want that too. But, I am not sure I can handle all the families at once the first time I meet them. Can we try to arrange it so we can do it in spurts? I'm sure we can't do a single family each weekend. Maybe a couple of families at a time?" While I might have been nervous about it, meeting the families was definitely one of the things I had been wanting to do. I honestly hate that they never got the chance to meet my parents, but I'm hoping their families will be accepting of me.

"We can see what we can get worked out."

At this point there is only one thing that I haven't brought up yet, and it seems utterly silly to bring it up now. I sigh. "I probably should have asked this before. It seems ridiculous to say it now, because it's so simplistic compared to the rest of the conversation. Jungkook specifically offered to let me call him Jk. Hoseok I unintentionally just called Hobi automatically. With Taehyung it was automatic to call him Tae. Do any of you want me to call you something other than what I have? Or are you against what I have already been calling you?"

"You can call me yours." Jimin and Hobi seem to say simultaneously. Perhaps those two have roomed together too long.

"In all seriousness though. I like that you call me Hobi." He grabs my hand and squeezes it before releasing me.

Jimin shrugs. "You can either call me Jimin, Jiminie, or even Minnie if you want."

"I'm not so sure about Minnie." Unfortunately, the first thing I would think of would be Minnie Mouse, and I really don't want to visualize an animated female rodent when I think of Jimin. "But, I will consider Jiminie once in awhile. It's cute, but I'm not sure about adding that extra syllable."

"Tae or TaeTae is good with me." He grins that wide grin of his that makes me just want to melt.

One corner of Yoongi's mouth turns downward. Almost like he isn't sure what to say, and he's not really fond of what he is thinking either. "Yoongi, you don't have to fret. I like using your name." He shyly wrinkles his nose before a glimpse of his gummy smile comes out to play.

"Um, you can call me Jinnie if you want." Jin states hesitantly. The others turn to look at him as if he was speaking a foreign language. This must not be what they were expecting.

"I'll probably call you Jin more often still, but I like the idea of calling you Jinnie occasionally." I smile warmly at him.

Since I have already hashed things out with Jk I turn to Namjoon to see what he says. "You don't have to call me Namjoon all the time if you don't want to. You can just abbreviate it to Joon."

I nod. "Thanks for that. I like Joon." I pause for a second before mentally going over all we discussed tonight. Just to make sure I didn't forget anything. When I can't think of anything more I open the floor to them. "Did you have any questions for me?"

"Did today scare you?" Jimin asks.

"You mean when I ran into Adriana and she recognized me?" I ask to clarify. When he nods in affirmation I shake my head. "Maybe at first. We hadn't really discussed how I would respond if it happened while I was on my own. So, that made me nervous. It helped that she was perfectly nice about everything. If it had been one of the smaller percentage of fans that aren't supportive of me and our relationship I wouldn't have hesitated to try to call out to Korain."

"I'm proud of the way you handled it." Hobi states.

I smile brightly at him. "Thank you."

They can't think of any other questions so I suggest we all get ready for bed and turn in. It's gotten kind of late.

I'm not surprised that Hobi asks if he can use the bathroom first. I am however surprised to find Joon knocking on my door after I have finished getting ready for bed myself. "Can I come in for a little bit?"

Why on Earth would I turn him away? "Of course."

Once the door is closed he turns to me, closing the gap between us. "I realized tonight that I have been sorely remiss in neglecting my role as your soulmate."

I frown in confusion up at him. "How so?"

"I have yet to do this." Suddenly his lips are on mine and instantaneously I've been set ablaze. With him there are no coy actions asking for permission. There is no encouraging admittance. One minute I'm looking up at him and the next his tongue is my mouth. And boy does he know how to use it. His dominance in the kiss has immediate desire settling in my lower abdomen. Liquid heat pooling through my veins. I'm nearly afraid that I will spontaneously combust. Nothing will be left remaining but a pile of ashes. But then he slows down his exploration and my body's impulse slows down from an inferno to a simmer. He pulls away and smiles down at me. "That was definitely worth the wait."

I nod dumbfounded for a moment. "Yeah, for me too."

"I better let you rest now." He gives me a soft peck before going back out the door.

And he expects me to sleep after that? I sigh out my blatant exasperation and decide that even though I already cleaned up for the night it's probably a good night to take a swim in the oversized tub.

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