xi | the sorcerer's shadow
| so, i cut out the queen of hearts episode and replaced it with my long ass original chapter. however, i did sprinkle in a few bits of it |
"camelot has been my home for many years now, and i hope it will continue to be for many years to come."
[3.11 — The Sorcerer's Shadow]
Lia was woken very suddenly by the curtains in her room being thrown open, the sunlight pouring it. She groaned and rolled over, shoving her head in the pillow.
"Good morning, My Lady," an unfamiliar voice greeted.
She quickly sat up and rubbed her tired eyes, spotting the stranger in her room. There was a young girl who could be no older than fifteen standing near Lia's bed with her hands clasped in front of her. A tray of breakfast had been sat on the table. The girl had long, straight, red hair that was braided back and wore a simple-looking green dress. There was a bright and almost excited smile on her face.
"Morning," Lia mumbled, confused by the girl's presence. "What are you doing in my chambers?"
"The King has appointed me as your new handmaiden," she explained.
"Oh, but I told Uther I have no need for a maidservant," she said, shaking her head. "Really, I can take care of myself."
"The King insisted," she said. "With the tournament that is happening, he wishes for you to want for nothing."
Internally, Lia pouted. The upcoming tournament was going to be Lia's first public appearance as Princess Illyria Lytar, where Uther would no doubt parade her around on his arm instead of letting her work with Gaius in the healing tent. But she did not voice her complaints and realized she was being rude.
"Oh, my, I've not even asked your name," Lia said, scrambling out of her bed. "How impolite of me."
"My name is Clement," she said, curtsying to her.
"There's no need for that," she told her, smiling softly. "And it is lovely to meet you, Clement. That's a beautiful name."
Clement's cheeks heated up from the compliment, making Lia think she was not used to them. "Thank you, My Lady, but your name is far lovelier."
"Tell me, how old are you?" Lia asked, studying her smaller frame.
"Ah, my friend Gwen was that age when she began serving for Lady Morgana," she said, smiling. She could see the excitement in Clement's eyes, as not many would be given the chance to serve a royal — Merlin was the exception. Not only that, but it was likely one of the best-paying jobs in the castle. "And now they are the best of friends. Perhaps you and I can be just as close."
"Really?" Clement asked, grinning brightly. "That would be an honor, My Lady."
"And you needn't call me that. If it is only us, you may call me Lia," she told her. Then she looked around her chambers, which really did not need cleaning. There was very little that Lia did not do on her own, but she supposed she could use Clement's help sometimes. Now that she did not share a room with Merlin, she'd occasionally need help to do a fastening on the back of a dress or maybe to take her dirty clothes to the launder.
"I do not suppose I will work you too hard. Though Uther will expect you to accompany me to events like this tournament."
"Well, after you eat breakfast, I shall run you a bath and then get you dressed for the day. And the King would like to have dinner with you, Prince Arthur, and the Lady Morgana," Clement said.
"Thank you, Clement," Lia said, taking a seat at her table. "Would you like to join me? I couldn't possibly eat all this on my own."
"Oh, but that would be improper, My Lady," she said, immediately shaking her head.
She playfully rolled her eyes and patted the seat next to her. "Come. I wish to get to know you better if we are going to be spending more time together."
After a moment, Clement gave in and took the seat next to her. After some coaxing, she began opening up to Lia, telling her all about her parents and younger brother, who wanted nothing more than to grow up and be a Knight of Camelot. Lia learned about Clement's friends and she told Clement about Merlin and Gaius, who she'd certainly introduce her to later. Clement had a wonderful first morning with Lia, finding her even kinder than stories had made her out to be.
No, Lia did not want a servant, but if Uther was going to insist upon it, then Lia was glad to have one as sweet as Clement.
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Lia was not the only one who was woken up suddenly, though for Morgana it was not because Gwen threw the curtains open. While her healing bracelet kept most dreams away, the occasional vision slipped through the cracks. Only the one she had was not a nightmare.
And when the vision cut off suddenly, Morgana found herself longing to return.
She started up at her canopy with happy tears welling in her eyes and could not fight the grin on her face. Then she closed her eyes and tried to remember every single detail of what would one day come to pass.
Lia, only a few years older than she was now, sat in one of the thrones of Camelot. On her head was not her crown from Lórien, but the crown meant for the Queen of Camelot. She was alone but clearly waiting for someone. She turned to the door just as someone entered and a loving smile overtook her face.
And then Morgana was pulled from her vision, though she'd never forget it.
She had done it, Morgana though, or at least, she would. One day, Morgana and Morgause would succeed in taking Camelot for their own. Once Morgana assumed the throne, Lia would become her Queen, ruling at her side and just as happily in love as she was.
Throughout the day, Morgana seemed to walk on air and nothing could bother her. Even Gwen took note of the dreamy look in her eyes and the constant blush on her cheeks, though she could not place why she was so happy — especially when the ward had been unpleasant to be around as of late.
Absolutely nothing could bother Morgana — not Merlin, not Arthur, not even Uther. Because one day, she knew, she would have everything her heart desired.
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Men from all over had poured into the city to compete in the tournament. The contest was open to all, had no rules, and the winner was awarded one hundred gold pieces, meaning that a number of different and... interesting characters were showing up. Lia had heard plenty of complaints from Merlin about how some of them treated the servant and she hated that little could be done to help him.
Lia did not get to see much of Merlin, who was busy getting Arthur ready for the tournament, but she did see him at dinner. Both he and Clement were serving her, Uther, Arthur, and Morgana — Merlin patiently teaching Clement when to fill a goblet or clear a plate.
While Uther sat at the head of the table, Arthur sat to his right and Lia to his left. Morgana was by Lia's side, scooting a bit closer to her than normal, though it was hardly noticeable.
"Remind me how many times you've won this tournament, Uther," Morgana said over dinner, a smile on her face.
"Three," he proudly stated.
"That's a lot to live up to, Arthur," Lia said in a teasing tone.
"Indeed," Arthur said, refraining from chuckling.
"I remember your last victory," Morgana told Uther. "You were a master in the arena. It's such a shame we won't see you compete again."
"Who says you won't?" he asked, wiping his mouth.
Morgana raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said you were too old to take the field?"
"It's not age that stops me. I'll still prove a match for any man," Uther claimed.
"Well, we won't be finding out," Arthur muttered.
"Why ever not?" he asked.
"Because I don't want you getting hurt," Arthur said sincerely, which only cause Uther to laugh.
Morgana smirked, an idea coming to mind. Perhaps her future with Lia could come sooner if she could convince Uther to compete in such a dangerous tournament. "Do you think you could still win the crown?" she asked him, a challenge clear in her tone.
"The kingdom needs him to rule, not to fight," Arthur stated, not wanting his father to be in danger. He looked to Lia for her opinion, which he knew she'd agree on, but she also didn't really have a say in the conversation as she was not family.
"Do you think I can't do both?" Uther asked, playfully throwing his napkin at Arthur.
"Well, you're not as young as you used to be," Morgana said in a teasing tone. But then she put an end to it, figuring it was enough to convince Uther. "Besides, Lia and I need someone to keep us company in the stands."
Arthur didn't like the smirk on Uther's face, which worried him. He got up from the table, no longer wanting to entertain the idea of his father fighting. "If you'll excuse me, I need to prepare for the tournament. Merlin?"
"It is such a shame," Morgana said as Merlin and Arthur exited. "It would've been good for the people to see you compete one last time. But still, Arthur's probably right. You can't do everything."
"If it makes you feel any better, My Lord, my father gave up fighting in tournaments long before you did," Lia reminded him.
"That was because your mother nagged him every single time until he finally withdrew," Uther said, chuckling. "Not because he was not capable. Florian was the fiercest warrior in all the kingdoms."
"Well, I know that you are still a fierce warrior," she said, finishing her cup of water. Clement was there in a moment, filling it back up. "I am sure the kingdom needs no reminder of that."
"Perhaps," Uther said, though he did not sound convinced. The seeds of Morgana's plan were already sprouting in his mind. No amount of talking from Arthur or Lia would be changing his mind.
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"Arthur's going to be furious," Lia whispered in Morgana's ear.
"Yes, but you must admit how fun it will be if they have to actually face each other," Morgana retorted. "Come, it's time for the tournament to begin."
All the contestants were gathered in the arena, and everyone applauded as Morgana and Lia entered the stands, their arms intertwined. Lia's eyes were on Arthur, who frowned as he noticed his father's absence.
"It is my pleasure to welcome you all to Camelot," Morgana announced loudly for all to hear. "This is a contest like no other. It is open to all comers. Including our reigning champion, the King." The audience went absolutely crazy as Uther walked into the arena in his armor and ready to fight.
"There are no rules, no weapons are banned. The last man standing takes the prize," Lia declared, smiling. "Let the tournament begin!"
The tournament was certainly interesting to watch. Uther had been one of the first fights of the day, facing a man who wielded a mace. The King fought surprisingly well for a man of his age and easily bested his opponent, which brought much relief to Arthur and much annoyance to Morgana.
Arthur's first fight was actually a bit anticlimactic. At first look, his opponent seemed intimidating in a dark headscarf that hid his face and expertly spinning two curved blades. But after a minute of him showing off, Arthur simply punched him in the face, instantly knocking him out. As he took his helmet off and faced the crowd, he met Lia's eyes, who was laughing softly.
The most interesting fight, however, belonged to that of a young boy. He was rather scrawny and wore no armor, only wielding a sword and small shield. Lia could not help but think he'd die, and Morgana, seeing her worry, held her hand comfortingly. She hated the idea of a young teenager meeting his doom all for some gold coins.
The boy's opponent fought fiercely, and he took many hits, almost getting his arm cut off. He was almost killed many times, but his small size helped him to evade the fatal blows. And then, by a stroke of luck, the opponent's sword got stuck in the wall of the stands and he could not remove it. The boy acted quickly, striking the larger man in the back of his legs and then his back, winning the fight.
"That was surprising," Morgana said, clapping for the victor.
"One can only hope he has that luck during the other rounds," Lia said, thinking of all the other contestants that were twice the boy's side. She knew that if the boy had to face Uther or Arthur, he'd at least be allowed to lose with his life.
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Merlin and Gaius knew that the boy, Gilli, had used magic to win his first fight in the tournament. They thought him both brave and stupid to use it so openly. Merlin felt the need to seek the boy out, especially once Uther began to suspect someone of having magic when guards had a run-in with Gilli.
"Sorcery," Uther declared, studying the scorch marks on the door. They were from when Gilli used a spell to cauterize his shoulder wound. "It's the only explanation."
"You mustn't jump to conclusions, Sire," Gaius warned.
"What other explanation could there be?" he asked. "The guards report seeing an unnaturally bright light, its heat so intense they could feel it at the end of the corridor. These scorch marks would seem to support their story."
"But they appear to have been there for some time," Gaius pointed out. "Did the guards get a good look at this man?"
"No, it was too dark."
"Unfortunate. I can see no evidence of magic," Gaius lied while spotting an odd-looking ring laying on the floor.
"There's a strange odor. How do you explain that?" Uther asked, searching for answers.
"Well, it's coming from the grain store there," he answered, pointing down the hall. While Uther was looking away, he bent over and snatched up the ring. "It's an alecost for the tavern. They use it in their brewing."
"Indeed, Sire. It imparts a special flavor."
Uther sighed, accepting the answer. "Very well."
Once the King left them, Gaius and Merlin went to the physician chambers. Merlin took the ring from Gaius to inspect it while he talked.
"It's clearly Gilli, judging by the scorch marks and the odor," Gaius stated. "There's an old healing spell. It's crude, but it works. You heat the skin to coagulate the blood and it cauterizes the wound."
"His shoulder? Well, no wonder he didn't want any treatment," Merlin murmured.
"You'll have to talk to him before it's too late," Gaius warned. They couldn't risk Gilli being discovered.
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Merlin hadn't been able to convince Gilli to withdraw from the tournament. With his magic ring returned, he was determined to prove to everyone that he was more than some scrappy little nobody. Merlin understood where he was coming from more than anyone but he just was worried that it would end with Gilli's execution.
"Arthur's an idiot," Lia mumbled in the middle of his fight of the day.
"That is no secret, but any particular reason why?" Morgana asked, grinning. Both girls were on the edge of their seats — one wanting Arthur to win and the other wanting him to perish.
"Whenever he gets too into a battle, he removes his helmet in the middle of the fight," she pointed out. "He did it with Valiant and with Morgause."
"Perhaps it's all those blows to the head that made him so stupid," Morgana commented. A moment later, to her disappointment, Arthur won his fight. "There, helmet or not, he lived."
"If Uther wins his, they will be facing each other in the semi-finals," Lia noted, looking at the leaderboard. "The people will eat that up."
"Who do you think you would win?" Morgana asked, both of them hardly paying attention to the next fight.
"Arthur, obviously," she replied quickly. "Though I'd never admit that to Uther."
"No, the male ego is a fragile thing," she said, earning a laugh from Lia.
It was not long before Uther's fight commenced. Just as he had the day before, he battled fiercely and won rather quickly. Just as Lia said, he moved up on the leaderboard and his name was placed next to Arthur's on the bracket for the next day's fights. Morgana and Lia both got up from the stands and accompanied Uther to the tent he was sharing with Arthur to congratulate them both on their victories.
"Have you seen who you are to face in the semi-final tomorrow?" Uther asked Arthur as they entered the tent. He laughed at the questioning look on Arthur's face and took a seat. "Might need to put in some practice."
"Well, the crowds are really looking forward to it. So am I. It should be quite a match," Morgana said, grinning.
Arthur walked out of the tent, unhappy with the turn of events. Lia watched him go, and after a moment, excused herself and followed him.
"Cheer up, My Prince," she said, walking alongside him back towards the castle. "You fought bravely today."
"Tomorrow is going to be horrible," he grumbled. "Morgana thinks it is so amusing but she does not understand how serious this is. You and I both know I am the better warrior, and he'd be humiliated in front of his people. What if I hurt him? What if I kill him?"
"Your father isn't going to back down," she told him honestly. "But trust in yourself enough to know that you would never seriously harm your father."
"I know," he said, sighing. "He's just so determined to prove himself."
Once they reached Arthur's chambers, Lia held his hand and kissed the back of it comfortingly. "You are going to have to let him win."
Arthur groaned and a pout formed on his lips. "The gloating is going to be unbearable."
"Yeah," she agreed, smiling sympathetically. "And Gana is gonna make fun of you for it too."
"Oh, I didn't think about Morgana's teasing," he whined.
"Well," Lia said, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, "while they are gloating and bragging, just know that I find your kind soul and noble heart very endearing. It is incredibly sweet of you to let your father win."
Arthur smiled lovingly down at her. "And do I get anything special for being sweet?"
"We could go on a picnic," she said, playing with the hairs on the nape of his neck. "The day after the tournament. It'll be just you and me in the wildflower field, alone."
"I like the sound of that," he whispered, leaning down to capture her lips in a kiss. "A day with you is a far greater prize than a hundred gold coins."
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The next morning, after receiving a pep talk from Lia, Arthur entered the arena ready to fight his father. The crowd cheered loudly in excitement, looking forward to the father and son facing off. Eventually, the trumpets sounded announcing Uther's arrival. Everyone stood as he entered the arena, walking over to Arthur.
"Good luck," Arthur told him.
"And you. You'll need it," Uther taunted.
"Don't be so sure, Father."
Uther smirked as the attendants brought them their shields and helmets. "When I was your age, I conquered Camelot. I didn't inherit this kingdom, I won it. One day you'll be strong enough to take my crown, but not yet."
Anticipation grew as they put on their helmets.
"Ready?" Uther asked.
Arthur tightened the strap on his shield. "Ready."
Uther struck at Arthur suddenly, who parried a bit late. "I thought you said you were ready?"
Arthur had to hold his tongue as the fight truly began. It wasn't a good sign that his anger already wanted to get the best of him. Both men blocked each attack with their shield, neither truly outshining the other in the beginning.
"Need a breather, Father?" Arthur asked as Uther paused. Uther charged once more, but Arthur held him off, continuing to attack until he had knocked Uther on his back. "Footwork. Always was your weakness."
Swinging his sword frantically, Uther got to his feet while Arthur stood back. He staggered for a moment before removing his helmet, just Arthur often did when he got frustrated. Arthur noticed the determination in his father's eyes and took pity on him, knowing he really would have to throw the fight. Arthur removed his own helmet and ignored the roaring crowd as the fight continued.
Uther charged at him again, attacking fiercely. Arthur parried each of his blows and easily ducked as Uther swung his sword near his head. The King was clearly growing winded, and so Arthur dropped his sword just as Uther struck it, making it appear as if he had disarmed him and knocked him on his back.
Uther smiled slightly as he stood over Arthur, his sword over his heart, knowing exactly what his son had done. The crowd roared loudly as Uther offered Arthur his hand, helping him to his feet. Uther grinned as he held his sword up, facing the crowd who cheered for their leader.
Arthur masked his pouty expression as he exited the arena, meeting Merlin halfway to his tent. "Well done. It can't of been easy."
"If he wasn't my father," he muttered unhappily, walking off.
Gaius moved to Merlin's side, a frown on his face. "The King's through to the final. You need to worry about who he might be facing next."
They both watched as Gilli was the next to fight. Not only had he continued to use magic despite Merlin's warning, but he had killed the last man he fought. And once again, Gilli mercilessly killed his opponent, an action that sent him right to the final round.
"I thought you said the boy was going to withdraw?" Gaius asked Merlin back in the physician chambers, worry evident in his tone.
"That's what I thought," he muttered.
"We'll have to warn the King."
"Why are you protecting him?" he asked.
"You know what Uther will do," Merlin said, his shoulders sagging. Gilli was so young. It would pain him to see him harmed.
"Gilli is using magic for his own gain. It's corrupting him, poisoning him," Gaius stated.
"Just let me talk to him," he pleaded.
"I fear it's too late."
"Gaius, please. You taught me what magic was for. You gave me the opportunity to be the person that I am today. I've had you to help me. Give me one more chance to talk to him," Merlin reasoned with him.
"We'll have to put an end to this. If he fights tomorrow, either his magic will be found out, or worse... the King will die."
After talking with Gaius, Merlin traveled to the tavern. There, he found Gilli gloating about his victories. Once they were in the safety of his guest room, Merlin decided to be honest and show Gilli his own magic, hoping he'd understand. However, Gilli's mind had been made up, too consumed with the glory of defeating the King of Camelot.
With no idea what else to do, Merlin ended up in the clearing near Camelot and he called out to Kilgharrah, who soon joined him.
"I was beginning to hope you'd forgotten me," the dragon commented.
"I don't think so," Merlin said, grinning.
"The problem is, young warlock, that you wish to talk, but you don't wish to listen," Kilgharrah stated. "The last time we met, you chose to ignore my advice and overrule me."
"I - I'm sorry," Merlin said. And he meant it more than anything. Healing Morgana was one of his biggest regrets.
"A Dragonlord should never abuse their power. What reason do you have to summon me this time?" he asked.
"You are a creature of magic, and only a creature of magic could hope to understand. Uther is to fight a young sorcerer in the tournament tomorrow. Gaius wants me to prevent him from using magic, but if I do that, there is every chance he will die," he explained.
"Your choice is a hard one, young warlock. Yet you, like I, must hold hope that Arthur will bring about a new age. An age where the likes of you and I are respected once again. If he sees his father killed through the use of magic, it will harden his mind forever," Kilgharrah explained.
"No," Merlin said, not wanting to accept Gilli's fate. "There - there must be some other way."
"To see one of your kin die is never an easy thing, but all great struggles demand sacrifice. I am sorry, young warlock. I wish I had some words to help you," he apologized.
"Some choices are easy, some stay with you forever."
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"I've come to wish you luck," Arthur said, joining Uther in his chambers.
"Against a boy?" he asked, not taking Gilli seriously.
"He's reached the final," he said, not underestimating him. "He's killed two grown men."
"Arthur, even you could beat him," Uther said, making Arthur roll his eyes.
For the first time, Arthur joined Lia and Morgana in the stands. The crowd cheered excitedly as Uther and Gilli faced off. It was not long before Gilli began using his magic, somehow managing without Uther seeing the golden glow of his eyes.
But Gilli was not the only one using magic. From the side, Merlin counteracted each of Gilli's attacks, keeping him from killing Uther. It continued on until Gillie realized Merlin would not give up. He would not let him use magic to kill the king. Gilli inevitably gave in, and without his magic, it was not long before Uther bested him, knocking him on his back.
But Uther did not kill him, not wanting to slay such a young boy. He backed away and the crowd cheered for their reigning champion while Gilli sadly got to his feet and walked from the arena, accepting defeat. Merlin apologized as he passed, but it did nothing to make him feel better.
At the end of the day, how Gilli felt did not matter. It mattered the Uther was alive, and that magic was not responsible for his demise. Kilgharrah was right — Arthur would never allow it in the land if a sorcerer killed his father.
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At dinner that night, Uther entered with Morgana on his arm. "I thought the boy was going to kill me," Uther admitted.
"So did I," Morgana said, though no one picked up the bitterness in her tone.
"Then, suddenly, the old fighting spirit kicked in. I dug deep, found my strength, and the whole thing just began to flow. I felt at one with the sword," Uther explained. He took a seat at the table, where Lia and Arthur were waiting, and groaned from his sore muscles. "My feet moved instinctively."
"And now you're champion once again. And maybe you can give Arthur some lessons," Morgana teased. Lia smiled comfortingly at him from across the table, not wanting him to take her jokes to heart.
"It is I who learned a great deal from our fight," Uther admitted.
"I can't see what," she muttered.
"He's a far better warrior than you think. It is Arthur who should've claimed the prize," he told her.
Morgana smirked at Arthur, who refrained from rolling his eyes while he sipped his wine. "But sadly he wasn't good enough."
"Because he threw the fight," Uther stated, causing Arthur to choke on his drink. Lia bit her lip and looked down at her plate. "That I might save face."
"You knew?" Arthur asked, surprised.
"I have followed your progress with a sword since you were a boy. I know your abilities better than anyone," Uther told him, smiling. "I am eternally grateful. I hope that, when you are King and have sons of your own, that they will afford you the same honor." No one really noticed how Arthur's eyes fell on Lia at the mention of sons of his own. "Indeed, the most satisfying outcome of the tournament was that Arthur's actions have shown me that he is now truly ready to be King."
Morgana was displeased that she hadn't truly come between the two but masked it well. As Uther raised his glass to toast, she plastered a smile on her face. Then she turned to Lia, who was sitting to her left.
"So, Lia, how did you enjoy the tournament?" she asked.
"I must admit it was odd watching from the stands and not the healing tent," she said, smiling. "But it was quite entertaining. That young boy may not have won, but he certainly has much to brag about to his friends."
"I am glad you were entertained," Uther said, grinning. "And I trust that your new servant is treating you well. I know you insisted on not having one, but you should want for nothing while staying in Camelot."
"Oh, Clement is such a dear," Lia told him. "She learns quite quickly for someone her age."
"Good, I am glad. I was a bit hesitant to hire someone so young for you, but she came highly recommended by Morgana's servant," he stated. "I want nothing more than for you to settle in well here."
"Trust me, My Lord," she said with a soft smile. "Camelot has been my home for many years now, and I hope it will continue to be for many years to come."
"As do we," Morgana said, unable to fight a smile as her vision flashed in the back of her mind once more.
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Arthur had sent Merlin to escort Lia from the castle to the wildflower field. She had kindly offered Clement the day off, though that was simply because she did not want the young servant to suspect anything. When Merlin entered Lia's room, knocking on the door, he came to a full stop when he saw her.
Lia was standing in front of the mirror, tying some of her hair back with her pink ribbon. She was wearing a soft blue dress — a new one — that had light pink flowers embroidered into the fabric and hugged her in a rather flattering way. There was a sheer pink shawl wrapped around her arms in case she got cold while outside.
"What?" Lia asked, finally noticing how Merlin was staring at her.
"Nothing," he said, smiling and shaking his head. He just knew Arthur would find her to be the most beautiful woman in the world. "You look lovely."
"Thank you," she said, sighing in relief. For a moment, she had thought something was wrong. She let Merlin lead her from the room and out of the castle. "So, Arthur's really setting up this picnic all on his own?"
"Hard to believe, I know," Merlin said, chuckling. "I thought I'd have to do everything, as usual, but he just needs me to make sure you do not walk there alone."
"Well, it's very kind of you, Lin," she said, linking her arm with his as they walked. "And I am very proud of you for stopping that boy from harming Uther."
Merlin shot her a surprised look. "How'd you know?"
"I've been friends with you for half my life. I know magic when I see it," she reminded him. "You did the right thing, and the boy thankfully was not caught."
"His name's Gilli," he told her. "I figured it best not to bother you this time and let you enjoy your first tournament as a royal."
"Wasn't much to enjoy," she said, shrugging. "I just sat in the stands with Morgana all day, worrying about Arthur."
"That's not different from any other day where you worry about Arthur," he said, chuckling.
As they neared the field of flowers, both Lia and Merlin paused at the treeline that kept the clearing hidden from view except for those passing through. They spotted Arthur, who was standing and holding a silver tray up to his face, using the reflection to fix his hair and eyebrows.
Lia began to laugh, but Merlin shushed her. Then he brought his hands to his mouth, mimicking the sound of a bird. "Caw! Caw!"
Arthur flinched and dropped the platter, quickly turning around. He shot Merlin an unimpressed look while Lia giggled.
"Illyria," he breathed out, looking over her appearance. "You look..." Arthur was left speechless as he continued to gaze at her, causing her to blush and shyly look to the ground.
"I think he's trying to say you look nice," Merlin said, laughing.
"Thank you, Merlin," Arthur said in an annoyed tone. "That'll be all."
"Have fun," he commented before walking off. He glanced back at them once over his shoulder just as Arthur took Lia's hand in his, kissing her knuckles.
Unknown to the blissfully happy couple, Uther was in the process of convincing Morgana to go on a horse ride. It was the last thing the ward wanted to do, but still on a high from his tournament victory, Uther wanted to spend time with her.
And the wildflower field would be one of their stops.
Lia grinned as she examined the lovely picnic that Arthur had set up. He helped her take a seat on the fur blanket he had laid out before joining her side. Lia reached for the plates, but Arthur quickly snatched them away.
"Ah, I am here to serve you," he said. It was about time he made up for the disastrous dinner they had in Gwen's home the year before.
"It always feels different when we're away from Camelot," Lia told him, smiling softly while he fixed her a plate of food.
"I love Camelot more than I can say, but when I'm there, sometimes I feel I can hardly breathe. Everyone expects so much of me," he admitted, knowing he'd never say such things to anyone else. "Being here with you, in our spot, I can be myself."
"I like that," she told him. "You being yourself. I love it."
"Sometimes I dream of leaving Camelot," Arthur confessed. In fact, when he still believed Lia to be a physician, he thought of it almost every night.
"Really?" Lia asked in disbelief. Though then she remembered all the times he had claimed he would give up his throne if it meant they could be together and realized he was being honest. "Where would you go?"
"I don't know," he shrugged. "But I would bring you. We'd go somewhere where nobody knew who I was. We'd get some land and I'd become a farmer."
Lia couldn't help but laugh, throwing her head back, and Arthur's heart warmed at the sound. "I can hardly see you toiling away in the fields all day."
"Obviously we'd take Merlin with us," Arthur said, keeping his face serious. "He can do all the hard work."
"Of course, we'd bring him. I could hardly stand to part from him," she said, smiling. "I'm sure he'd love the work." Arthur chuckled, handing Lia the plate of food he prepared. "Thank you."
Lia and Arthur enjoyed their meal, but most of the time wasn't spent eating. Long after their plates were cleared, they remained next to each other, laying back on the pillows and simply talking about anything and everything. Arthur has stuck flowers in her hair, and she repaid him by doing the same.
"We should be heading back to Camelot soon," Lia noted, glancing at the castle on the horizon after she placed a daisy behind his ear.
Arthur, who had one hand propped behind his head, used his other hand to grab her chin and turn her to face him. "We could stay a while longer," he said, gazing at her lips. "Don't know when we'll have the chance to do this again. Not for such a long period of time anyways."
"Perhaps when you become a farmer we can be together more often," Lia joked.
"That's just a dream," he said sadly. "I fear I will never leave Camelot — Stay still."
Lia tensed as Arthur's eyes widened, landing on something behind her. The wildflower field was a rather safe and well-hidden place, but perhaps danger had found them. "Is it bandits?" she asked quietly.
Slowly, Arthur raised his head, looking over her shoulder. Lia thought he was reaching for his sword, but a moment later, he grabbed his glove and snatched something right by her head. Lia gasped and ducked under his arm.
"A wasp," Arthur said, grinning as he laid back down.
Lia rolled her eyes and laughed before leaning over Arthur and kissing him. "My hero," she murmured softly against his lips.
Arthur reached up a hand and held her face to deepen the kiss as Lia slid a hand across his torso. A content sigh left Lia as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. With his free hand, he grabbed her waist and rolled so that he was hovering over her, never parting from her lips as they moved. As Arthur pulled away, Lia bit his bottom lip, not wanting the kiss to end. But her whining ceased as he began to kiss across her neck, earning a soft whimper from her.
And then the sound of horses' hooves approaching broke them from their intimate moment. Lia and Arthur gasped as they pulled apart, sitting up as they faced Uther and Morgana who had come across them on their horse ride.
"Arthur!" Uther exclaimed, surprise evident in his wide eyes.
Arthur bit his tongue and stared his father down as Lia looked away, both embarrassed and worried that Uther had caught them in such a situation. The three of them were far too distracted to notice Morgana, who looked as if her entire heart had just been torn to shreds in front of her.
And in some ways, it had.
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Arthur was anxious as he waited for his father in the council chamber. Hardly any words were uttered as Morgana raced back to the castle and Uther ordered for Lia and Arthur to return to Camelot right away, Lia going to her room and Arthur going to the council chamber. He had no idea how his father would react to seeing them together which was what worried him.
The Prince was nervously pacing back and forth by the throne when Uther finally arrived. However, there was no shouting or arguing, as Arthur thought there would be. In fact, as Uther's blank expression shifted to an amused one, he even laughed, slapping Arthur on the shoulder as he passed. Arthur was perplexed but managed a smile.
"I thought you'd be furious," Arthur told him, raising an eyebrow.
"Furious? Son, I am pleased," Uther admitted. Then he chuckled and pulled a small daisy out of Arthur's hair that he had missed when taking all the others out.
"But you've made it very clear in the past that I was to keep my feelings to myself," Arthur said, frowning. It was not that long ago that Uther was vaguely threatening to banish Lia from the kingdom to keep them apart. "You've always insisted that the survival of Camelot depends on an alliance through my marriage."
"And it does," he told him. "You courting the Princess will speed up my plans."
"Your plans?" Arthur questioned. He was confused as it almost sounded like Uther approved of him and Lia.
"Yes," he said, nodding. "I hadn't had the chance to discuss your union to her yet, but you were always one to take initiative."
"You - a union?" Arthur couldn't quite wrap his head around it right away. "But what could you gain from me marrying Lia?" Of course, Arthur did not want to argue with Uther about the matter, he just didn't understand where his father was coming from. Other than land, Lia had nothing to offer the kingdom — nothing to trade, no army, no power. And his father certainly had no interest in an army of magical creatures as Drachen did.
"You are too young to know that a marriage to the last Lytar holds more power than you realize, Arthur," Uther claimed. "The land we would receive would be the least of the rewards — she is the last remnant of what was once the strongest and wealthiest kingdom in the land. Not only does a marriage to her show to the other four kingdoms that she belongs to Camelot, but it would put us in a position of power over all those with magic that remain. With the Princess of Lórien at your side, all will know that she stands against magic and those that use it."
Arthur didn't much like the term "belongs to Camelot" and he had much to think about, but only one thing truly mattered at that moment. "So, you approve?"
"I more than approve," he said, chuckling. "I urge you to wait a bit as she is still grasping what her new roles are. And of course, over the coming months, many Kings and nobles from other kingdoms will be visiting to meet her. Many will pledge loyalty to her simply for who her father was. Once she has a more prominent reputation throughout the land, then you will make your proposal. To have her become a Pendragon and publicly renounce magic and those that possess it will do far more for us than you realize."
Arthur could not believe it. His father had already thought out every step of his future with Lia. A part of him felt irked by how controlling it all was, but the greater part of him felt like he was floating on a cloud. Because for the first time since falling in love with Lia, Arthur knew they could truly have a future together.
"One day, father, I will marry Illyria," Arthur promised, no doubt to be found in his voice. "But it will not be because she is a trophy to be won in your war against magic. I will marry her because I love her and that will always be enough for me and for Camelot."
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Lia was the same as she sat in the Throne Room, the crown on her head and the same loving smile on her face. But the vision did not stop as someone entered the room and instead continued. A small boy with golden blonde hair, no older than two years old, waddled across the floor and right into Lia's outstretched arms. She hugged the child tightly and stood as another approached.
Arthur walked over to them, and in his arms, he held a blonde girl the same age as the boy. She had her arms wrapped around his neck and was playing with his crown which she had removed from his head, liking the sound it made when she hit the metal to the back of his chain mail.
"Good morning, My King," Lia greeted in a soft tone.
Arthur was absolutely captivated by Lia and his love for her as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips before whispering softly, "My Queen."
Morgana was seething as the vision came to its natural end, unable to quell the jealousy that raged through her. After locking herself in her room, she practically fell apart, screaming and throwing things, her magic causing the flames of the candles to leap higher and the glass of her mirror to break.
She stared at herself in the cracked reflection, her face red and eyes wild with fury. Arthur always got everything — the crown, the Pendragon name, Uther's love. But she would not let him have this, have her. Morgana would burn Camelot to the ground if she must to stop her vision from coming to pass.
Lia was hers and no one else would have her.
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