"So what do you think, am I more of a Han Solo type or a Captain Kirk type because you know if I am being honest it really depends. I think I would like to think of myself as a Han Solo type, you know dashing and sarcastic, the hero you want to have come in to save the day, but Captain Kirk I can also see. You see I make dumb decisions sometimes and get everyone into trouble. Oh oh oh!! wait ! How about Captain Malcom Renylds. I feel like he is just enough of an idiot and just enough of a badass to work, what do you think detective?"
The Detective groaned loudly and took a long slow breath, "Admiral, listen to m-"
"You know I was also thinking about other parallels. You know how about that old animated movie Titan EA. I think I kind of look like Cale, and Sunny acts just a bit like Stith, you know, the angry chick with big legs. I liked captain Korso of course, just for simple aesthetic reasons, than he had to go and be a bad guy, but damn that redemption arc was surprising and well timed, at least I think, others may disagree."
"You know I have seen every space related science fiction movie and TV show that ever existed, and I am totally cool to keep talking. I mean I have to pass the time somehow until my lawyer gets here. You see my mother always said I liked to talk. I talked early, in fact, my brothers don't like the fact that I talk so much, they say I talk TOO much, can you believe that."
With an angry yawl like a Cat who just got their tail stepped on, the detective rose to his feet, hands to his head, "That is IT, that is IT. We will continue this interrogation LATER." He turned on his heels and stormed out of the room muttering to himself the entire way, "I need a break."
Adam Vir watched him go with an expression of pure innocence on his face as the door closed, only to morph into an expression of devilish amusement not dissimilar to that of the grinch in his original animated form. He leaned back in his chair resting his hands behind his head. The Detective had seen fit to undue his cuffs as it might make him more cooperative. The irony being that he would totally love to cooperate if someone was willing to cooperate with him, and actually believe his story.
He cleared his throat wishing he had accepted the drink of water offered to him earlier. He had been talking for about five hours now, straight. Apparently a filibuster isn't just something you can use in politics. It is apparently a very effective way of driving young and inexperienced detectives insane.
He smugly leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.
Interrogation techniques were designed to work on the guilty, or, if done wrong, on the slow, but he was neither of those things. Granted he was kind of an idiot, but he was more of an idiot in the way of his idols like captain Kirk and Malclom reynolds and less of an idiot like every disney villain's cronies. He was smart just.... Selectively.
He cracked an eye as the door opened opposite.
At first he expected to see the detective ready to go another round already, but instead a group of Drev guards walked in. He smiled his best winning smile at them and rose from his seat, "Back to the cells boys."
The Drev didn't say anything.
He tried a different tactic, "Zhad chal dana tsa najastich." May the sun watch over you: A traditional, and respectful, Drev greeting
The two creatures pulled up in their tracks.
"Tsa Dzhal cheeych" You speak Drev
"Yid." Yes
His little greeting had the desired effect, and soon he had the two Drev warriors conversing like two Rundi at a political debate. They laughed together as they walked down the halls of the precinct.
Still in Drev, the three of them continued to converse, Adam talking animatedly, "So then I told him that I can't hit kids right, and he was all like. Then you can fight me."
"What happened."
"Got my ass beat. You don't just challenge a sentinel to open combat as a rookie, and you know, at only six feet tall."
The Drev chirped with laughter, coming around the corner to nearly run face first into the Detective who was open mouthed and staring, holding a fresh mug of coffee before him. The Drev's laughter died down seconds to late, and the man narrowed his eyes, glowering at them.
"What are you doing?"
Adam turned to look at the other drev, "Tin Najastich." watch this.
HE turned to look back at the Detective, "Ne'e j'ya eeneenat nehtehich." He can't understand us. He didn't do much, but he could tell by the face the detective made, he had done it right.
It was a little trick he had learned from Sunny, a Drev dialect that tended to cause breaks in the middle of words as if adding a apostrophe, while simultaneously pronouncing all the ts and ks as clicks, the ts as a forward mouth clicks and the ks glottal clicks at the back of the throat. Either way, it was like putting on a thick southern accent to confuse an alien translator, and it seemed, it simultaneously worked for Drev.
The Drev began to laugh and babble at each other in the dialect as the detective sat there in frustrated anger, "What are they saying!" He demanded.
Adam frowned allowing his face to go straight as he deadpanned, "I wouldn't know. I am xenopobic and would never dane to learn an alien language, you know, like Drev, or Vrul, or." he leaned towards the Dredv, "I am currently working on learning tesraki."
The Drev continued to laugh as they pulled him back towards his cell.:
Adam grinned and waved at the Tesraki guard as he walked past, "You know I have it on good authority that stock prices are about to go way up for holywood inc. They are working on becoming intergalactic. I would suggest getting on that bandwagon"
The Tesraki looked surprised, but grinned and waved at him as he was moved into the other room.
Behind him, the Detective was practically blowing steam out of his ears as the door slammed shut.
The human glanced over at Krill for the fifteenth time eyes wide in an expression of barely concealed terror.
Krill would have rolled his eyes if his eyes could roll.
Catching the look, Sunny frowned and leaned in, "You did threaten to eat him."
Krill scoffed, "I don't even have TEETH sunny, how was I supposed to eat him!" He turned to glance over at the man who was still giving him a bit of a side eye. He frowned, "Well, I suppose blending him up and turning him into a meat smoothie could work."
It became pretty evident in the next few seconds that they hadn't been speaking quietly enough, at least when it came to the comment about a meat smoothie.
Krill waved him off with a hand, "Oh just ignore us, now when is this meeting supposed to take place."
"Ten minutes, maybe."
Sunny tilted her head back, looking overhead at the darkened sky and approaching rain.
It was just beginning to drizzle when the man nodded and pointed forward into the darkness, "There."
Sunny squinted hard, just barely able to make out a shadowy shape slipping through the darkness.
Sunny nudged him forward, "Well, go on. If you do this for us, I won't let captain cannibal hurt you."
WIth that urging, it didn't take long for the man to vanish off into the dark, boots slapping on the wet concrete.
Krill turned to look at her in annoyance, "Its only considered cannibalism if you eat your own species."
"Whatever," She muttered, moving into a low crouch and slipping into the shadows off to the side. She managed to parallel the movement of their man for a few streets by ducking behind dumpsters and concealing herself within dark alcoves. At one time in her life she might have considered such actions to be heretical against her beliefs, but her opinions on such things had changed as of recently, and she continued to inch forward through the darkness.
Besides, this was about saving Adam.
Didn't matter what she had to do, she was going to do it.
The human was close now stopping a few feet away from the shadow. The way the rain fell, it almost concealed the two figures as they spoke. Any bystander just passing by might not have noticed them, but Sunny was not just any bystander.
As the two figures disengaged, she had eyes only for one.
The human, likely scared out of his skin went sprinting off into the darkness likely thinking about krill and his meat blender, but his escape didn't matter to Sunny. She could find him later if she had to, they had his name after all. What they didn't have was knowledge about this strange hooded figure in black. The one who had paid the humans to incriminate adam, and themselves by proxy.
Sunny didn't know much about stealth as a general rule, but She, still, somehow managed to make it up the street without being seen, tailing the small dark figure. That was her first clue, whoever it was was either a very short human, or not human at all. Now that didn't really narrow things down as there were several species who could fit into that category, burg iotins even some rundi, or a finnari to name a few. Not that she would ever assume a finnari of doing something like this.
She watched as the figure slipping into one of the large buildings, door shutting quietly behind it. She might have worried about losing the tail if she hadn't already considered that, and lowjacked the package.
She crouched in the darkness her hands resting on the ground before her, eyes narrowed,
A soft rustling behind her, and she turned nearly jumping out of her skin as a figure scuttled from the darkness, its movements disjointed and aggressive.
"SHHH!" Krill hissed
She snorted fuming, "What the fuck, krill you scared the shit out of me."
"What, why."
"Oh I dont know, maybe it has been your recent pension for violence, or the fact that you keep talking about eating people, or your uncanny ability to sneak up behind me."
"You know, I find all of this to be very insulting. You can stab people in the face, and adam can threaten to punch people in the trachea, but the moment I do something that is even slightly off color, it bothers everyone, and then people get all uppity."
Sunny sighed, pulling her hood up over her head to block out the deluge, "Generally Adam and I don't threaten to eat people, Krill. That is the difference."
"Well no one ever told me there were rules." He said, gripping onto sunny's cloak as they inched forward into the darkness, following the signal towards the dark building. They didn't take the same entrance as the cloaked figure, instead going for a more discreet entrance, finding themselves in a maintenance tunnel lined with pipes and power boxes.
The only illumination they got was afforded to them by the glowing dimness of red lights above and the occasional emergency strip. Somewhere, a distant roar alerted them to the presence of some sort of generator.
They moved up the hall in near silence as the rumbling continued, and Sunny was forced to stop a few times, listening to the distant echoes of footsteps up the hallway though none of them ever came close enough to cause a real problem.
KRill followed at her back.
Soon enough, they had made it out of the maintenance corridors, following a set of slim metal steps upward and into a nice, tiled hallway. The make was very modern for Tesraki, emulating human style which was rather popular in the galaxy these days, and signified wealth despite the fact that humans were hardly the wealthiest of species.
Fake plants, or maybe real ones –sunny didn't know– lined the hallways as little fountains of water trickled through artificial streams on the floor.
The aesthetic was rather pleasing, giving an almost outdoor field inside a city that hadn't seen green in over a thousand years.
They were almost to the end of the hall when sunny went very still freezing in her tracks fast enough to cause krill to plow into her open back.
"What are you doing." krill hissed glancing over her shoulder, pausing when a pointed finger motioned him to the target.
"No. That can't be right.
"I am afraid it is."
Adam woke that night not knowing why.
It was almost as if he had hard a strange noise somewhere in the darkness, but when he sat up, the only thing he could see was the glowing blue/purple wall of the containment field.
He tried rolling over and going back to sleep, but something just felt wrong.
Eventually he forced himself to sit up and look around. In the galaxy, human intuition was nothing more than mere myth, but, despite what others said, he believed in it, and wasn't about to ignore it's prodding as it moved him up towards the edge of the containment field to peer into the darkness.
His eyes were almost immediately drawn to one of the other cells – the one where his attackers had been staying–. Squinting past the glowing surface and into the darkness, he thought he could sense movement.
It was at that moment, that the containment field went down, and he was left blinking into the darkness backing away into his little field of light. When nothing happened, he inched forward and out into the darkness.
Had the containment field malfunctioned?
He took another step into the darkness before turning on the infrared on his mechanical eye and flipping up his eyepatch.
He immediately froze in palace gasping in shock.
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