
The day was hot, very hot, and the sun beat down on fort harmony with merciless intent. Over the tarmac, the sweltering heat caused little mirrages, as puddles of water to appear and then vanish down the runway.

The heat was oppressive enough that no birds sang, and even the roaring of the engines had been dulled by a day that none of the en were willing to venture out of the air cooled airplane hangers.

Only one figure remained outside staring up at the blue sky and the oppressive sun beaming down upon her.

Waffles limped over the hot pavement, the tarmac burning the delicate pads of her feet, but if she stopped walking it would only hurt even more.

Her tail drooped towards the ground,

It was so hot.

She made it across the tarmac and down to the little shaded area where someone had set up a discarded cardboard box and a bowl of water.

Her feet continued to ache, and she licked at them with her long, pink, tongue though that only brought momentary relief from the burns.

Across the tarmac two men watched her form the open hanger door. It wasn't that they hadn't tried to get her to come inside, they had, it was just that she wouldn't, and no amount of cajoling or bribing her had worked. THey felt bad of course, but there was nothing much else they could do.

One of the men felt bad enough to brave the heat and bring over a bag of ice which he pressed onto her paws for a time before having to return to his work.

Waffles laid her head down and closed her eyes ears drooping.

So hot

Overhead an engine sounded. It was a familiar noise by now,and only one of her eyes cracked open to watch the shuttle descend from the sky and come to land on the scouring earth. She closed her eyes again, listening to the distant sounds as the shuttle doors open, and human voices swelled up around her.

It was then that she was hit with the smell.

IThe heat washed over her face and straight up into her nose with a smell she had been waiting for for months now.

She shot to her feet ears up nose lifted.

Her tail began to wag

And despite the heat of the burning tarmac, she raced across the open space yipping and barking and whining for all she was worth


Adam stepped out of the shuttle into a sheer wall of heat. It was like being punched in the face by the sun. The borrowed flight suit he now wore was immediately sweltering and he fanned himself with one hand already beginning to pant.

Behind him Sunny and the other stepped down onto the tarmac.

Sunny Immediately yelped and sprung back into the shuttle

Adam couldn't help but laugh, but that was when a high pitched whining noise reached his ears. A whining barking, yipping noise that immediately had him turning towards the sound eyes wide.

It started out as a small shape barely distinguishable from the sand and grass to the side of the tarmac, and then, as it raced towards him it coalesced into a furry bullet.

"Watffles!" He shouted, taking a few steps down from the ramp as she raced up, and leaped into the air.

He caught her mid arc staggering back a few steps as she attacked his face was the kind of love that could only be bestowed by man's best friend. She whined and whimpered and her tail wagged and her body wriggled so hard he had a tough time holding onto her.

"Hey pretty girl!"

Wavvles whimpered and barked some more licking his face and the side of his head repeatedly to the point where his hair was damp.

He laughed and held her to his chest, her tail thudding against his side and back.

She didn't seem very inclined to get down, and the Tarmac was so hot he worried about her paws burning. So instead he held her like a large baby in his arms, and once she was finally done licking his face, she rested her head against his neck and chest nuzzling every now and against at his chin just to remind him she was there.

Not that he could forget an 80 lb German Shepherd.

Behind him the others were laughing and awing.

Ramirez had videoed the whole thing, and continued to video as they made their way across the tarmac and too one of the hangers. Waffles didn't seem to have any intention of getting down.

Finally they stepped into the hanger, and reluctantly he set her back on the floor, though she insisted on sitting on his feet every time he came to a stop.

Across the room there was a clamouring of voices, and A group of at least five people came charging across the room.

His family hugged him so hard, he thought he was going to crack a rib, and he laughed right along with them as they stammered out nar incoherent sentences.

Eventually his mother pulled back wiping her eyes on hand resting on his cheek the other on his shoulder, "Boy, you need a shave."

He smiled, "Yeah, can't say there are many razors in a wormhole."

"I knew it, I knew it. Our baby brother is invincible." David announced, slapping him on the back so hard he nearly stumbled forward.

Waffles looked up at him her tial thudding against the floor, her tongue lolling form her mouth

"Where were you!"

"Not sure if I am allowed to say just yet, but i'll tell you when I know what I am allowed to say. Let's just start by saying that it wasn't pleasant, but it's a great story, ad it involves miraculous escape planned and executed by yours truly in a fantastic manor."

HIs mother sighed, "At least you came back wit hall your body parts in tact this time."

She turned her head to look down and smiled, "Dr. Krill we are so glad you made it back too. We were devastated to hear that you had gone missing as well."

The doctors saved a polite hand, "No matter."

She gave him a very light hug anyway, careful to avoid crushing him or something, which he seemed to enjoy despite himself.

Thomas crossed his arms, "Hey, is anyone gonna thank me for bringing him back in one piece?"

Martha sighed and grabbed him up in a hug, "Thank you for bringing yourself home in one piece." She pulled back, " How was the war."

HE grinned, "It was awesome, we mounted a revolution."

She shook her head, "I can't take you anywhere because you're either discovering extraterrestrial life or overthrowing corrupt governments."

Thomas grinned, "Plus I think this has finally made me realize what I want to do with my life."

Adam smiled as he watched his brother, this was arguably the happiest he had ever seen thomas: who was known for his sullen nature and moodiness. Life hadn't been easy on him, and he had jumped and bounced from one thing to another in between relapses.

"Oh, and what is that?"

He motioned back to where the rest of the group was standing, "Well I was talking to Ramirez and Maverick and I.... I think joining the marines would be good for me." He got a slap on the back from their father, who seemed more than pleased with the idea.

Martha assigned, "Of course I should have seen that coming." She smile, "I am proud of you. Just try not to overthrown anymore empires while you're at it."

He grinned, "No promises.

Adam got hugged a few more times after that seeing as no one was really willing to believe that he was alive.

Even the men he didn't know from around base stopped by to shake his hand and tell him how glad they were that he was back.

The UNSC sorely missed him.

At some point Krill insisted on doctoring him, and dragged him back into the medical bay where he did all he docterly things, blood pressure temperature pulse. Sunny stood in the corner with both sets of arms crossed over her chest.

He might have asked her to wait in the hall, but he had a feeling that that request wouldn't go down so well, so he let it go.

Krill examined the three large gashes on his chest and where they had healed over into large, livid puckered red scars.

"Hmm, I could probably fix this. WIth a consultation from a plastic surgeon." He muttered

Adam waved him off, 'It's alright Krill, I think they look kind of badass, sort of a tarzan king of the jungle sort of vibe."

Krill glowered at him, "Well one of these days you are just going to have to pick ONE vibe, because space cyborg pirate Tarzan is getting to be a bit of a mouthful."

Adam laughed.

Sunny harumphed glowering angrily at the new scars.

Krill turned to look down at the ones on his upper forearms, which hadn't scarred up yet, but where still in the process of being scabbed over, "And what are these."

"Er.... I had to get the attention of the keepers, and that was the only way to do it without them heightening security on me."

Sunny's fists clenched even further.

Krill flipped over his hand, which was still raw and red, "Let me guess"

Adam shrugged sheepishly, "Well you know how it is."

He turned his head to look at Sunny and quickly looked away as her stare bored a hole in his forehead.

At the end of the medical bay, the door slid open and a soldier stepped inside hurrying over to offer him a set of ACUs and a pair of boots, "These should fit sir, the brass will be here in half and hour, and will meet with you in the war room... I... mean the conference room !A." He turned on his heels and walked out, big boots clomping on the tile as he went.

Adam changed quickly and managed to hunt down a razor in enough time to get a quick shave in before meeting with his superiors. He didn't understand why other men wanted a beard so much, it was really nothing to be happy about, and it made his face itch. Felt so much better when the thing was finally gone and he was free.

Sunny was a little miffed when she had to wait out in the hall as he and waffles stepped into the conference room, which he could immediately see why they called the warm room. It was less like a conference room and more like mission control. The room was large, lined on all sides with massive monitors which cast pale blue light down onto the large, elongated table with its holographic touch screen.

As soon as he walked in an entire room of officers stood from their seats.


"Its good to see you, son."

"We thought you were dead."

"Earth is going to be happy to hear you're alive."
He smiled and greeted the others with a firm handshake despite how tired he was, "It takes more than a wormhole to take a human out." He said taking the seat offered to him near the head of the table.

Admiral Kelly had broken from her usual serious demeanor into a smile, "We are glad to have you back, Commandr. A lot has happened since you left."

"Can I get a quick summary?"

"Well we learned that the balck hole, or I suppose wormhole now that we know, was created in part by the burg working with the voiceless kree. The voiceless have long been in conflict with the voiced and allied with the burg to turn our ire against the voiced. However, they pose no significant threat without burg technology and so we focused mostly on the burg. Your ship was of course, in pieces, but nearly all you crew survived as they were picked up by other ships in the near vicinity. You were pronounced MIA as was Dr. Krill. ONly three on your ship didn't make it, and one of our ships was permanently crippled with over 50 casualties and 100 additional injuries."

HE grimaced, but held back on the guilt for a moment.

"After that battle, the GA came to council, and war was declared on the burg. We sent in the GA armada and over 1000 shock troopers on to the face of the planet. While there a small team comprised mostly of your old crew discovered that the burg king was being imprisoned in a cavern below the throne room and allied with him to replace the queen with a successor."

He had heard that part of the story , but it didn't cease to amaze him."

"Beyond that it was actually quite simple."

"And my ship?"

"We will get to that in a moment, commander, but now its your turn."

He nodded and sighed hand to his head, "Where to begin. Of course you know I initiated the shatter protocol when it seemed there was no possible escape for my crew. I stayed behind to initiate assuming, like you, it was a black hole. However, when I didn't die and was shot out to some unknown location, it appeared as if it was a wormhole instead. I managed to crashland the command deck on the planet below, which was habitable. It was an alien world, but seemed rather.... Jurassic.... In nature. I managed to salvage the emergency kits from under one of the crew seats and survived for a week or two on the beach well fed and warm, however,while I was out in an attempt to boost a radio signal, I ran into some sort of alien creature which attacked me. The wounds I received were pretty bad, but I managed to kill it. I was losing blood fast and probably wouldnt have survived if the Omnidroids-"

"Wait, I'm sorry, the WHAT!"

"Sorry, sir, The omnidroids are what I nicknamed them because they look like something form an old movie. Think large ball with five big stumpy legs and a tiny head on toop."

They nodded and he continued.

"Anyway, I ran into a group of them, and they helped with my sounds. I couldn't understand them, and I am pretty sure their speech is in a much lower register because it was like listening to whales talk. Anyway, they brought me aboard one of their ships, and kept me there for a day or two. When we landed I was let out into an enclosure of some sort, turned out to be some kind of alien zoo."

They stared at him.

He stared back.

"Your kidding?"

"No time for joking, commander."

He shook his head, "I am not joking. I am serious, the enclosure that I was in had perfect temperature plenty of water and lots of food, but I could see other alien creatures outside the window and above me, just looking at me. Drones came in every now and again to feed me or clean the pen."

They staired in silent awe.

"Anyway, from there I concluded it was likely they didn't know I was sentient, so I determined that escape was possible if I let them think that. I started trying to figure out if I was being watched, and their response time if i was. Once tht was done I picked an appropriate time to escape, and used the iron eye armor I still had one from meeting with the Kree and pried open the bars before setting all of the other creatures loose. I found Dr. Krill on my way out, and we hijacked a shuttle."

"How did you know how to get back?"

He shook his head, "I didn't. But that was when the space dragon showed up."

They stared at him again.

He held up his hands, " I swear I am not making any of this up. That is exactly what happened It created some sort of wormhole and I ended up in the middle of a burg battle in space."

"So there is an entire alien society separate from the one we already have."

"It seems so?"

"And the shuttle?"

"It was handed over to GA scientists for examination and potentially reverse engineering."

They nodded.

He waited for them to say anything else before.

"So.... my crew is safe but my ship?"

They shook their heads, "Is gone," THey held up a hand to cut him off, "However it was actually a stroke of good fortune as we have been building new ships for the fleet over the past few years, and one of them was close to completion. So, using the scraps leftover from your ship we were able to finish the job." They leaned forward, "Commander, despite any issues we have had with your commanding in the past, we have determined that to judge you by the standards of the old military was a faux pax on our part. Space is new, and requires something from men that it hasn't required before."

He waited to see where this was going.

"The new armada will be nearly five times the size of the old. The captains as they are now will be promoted to fleet commanders and will be over their own unit of ships. The ship that the harbinger was recycled to make, is twice as big as your old ship with room for over 1000 crew members. It has the latest in alien and human technology and is the most advanced space vessel humanity has ever seen."

It was an important reminder at this point not to pee himself out of excitement, so he kept his face stony, though he wanted nothing more than to jump around like a little girl squealing.

"However, since the captains would be promoted to fleet commander, that means that you will have to be promoted against as well."

He paused.

"I... but I haven't been commander for all that long."

"The UNSC fleet is growing at a rapid rate, and to keep up with it, we are going to have to adapt rapidly as well."

"So, commander, do you accept?"

He paused and looked down at his hands, "I'm not moving to a desk job, sir."

"No, no you won't. But you will be commanding a larger ship and thousands more people. Do you think you can handle that?
He paused again looking down at his hands thoughtfully.

"Yes, I think I can." 

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