Humans 101
Krill walked up the university hallway turning his head to look out the window at the vast expanse of space before him. It had been a very long time since he had been to University, in the Vrul sense of the word, which was less like University and more like on the job training, but he had recently accepted an assignment at the Intergalactic Institute of Biological Science. Granted, he wasn't a real professor, not fully, but an adjunct who had signed on to do a series of lectures for the next few months while he waited for Admiral Vir's return.
Since Simon had become acting Captain of the ship, it seemed that there was less and less reason for him to be there. She wasn't experienced enough to take on the real dangerous assignments that the Admiral had excelled at, and due to her rule following nature, and the assignments they were sent on, mostly diplomatic and exploratory in nature, Krill had found less and less use for himself on the ship. He didn't expect to be gone forever, and he doubted he would be able to leave at this point.
He couldn't return to his home planet, not now there was a standing order for his termination, which he was planning to avoid with great prejudice. Though he found it wildly Ironic that they had asked him to come teach, when many of the professors at the school were, in fact, other Vrul.
It was with this small piece of amusement that he scuttled into the lecture room: Large and circular with seats rising on all sides and a projection hub right in the middle. The room was already packed full despite him being five minutes early. He had been told his lecture series would be popular, but he hadn't expected there to be standing room only, and even then, there were students sitting on the floor, and a few Vrul floating in the air high above other students' heads.
He moved to the center of the room to set up his projections and, from the corner of his eye watched as a few of the front row students shifted back slightly. The Tesraki, Rundi and Finnari students didn't seem to notice, but the Vrul students certainly did, sarong at him like he was some sort of freak.
He could hear the whispering, and he reveled in it.
It was nice to be intimidating sometimes.
Overhead the lights flashed once, and then twice, and the entire room went quiet expectantly looking down at him with their wide eyes.
He drew himself up Resting two of his hands together and another two behind his back as he began pacing his way around the projection field. Students Continued to whisper quietly, "Good morning class, My name is Dr. Krill Galaxy renowned trauma surgeon, and the galactic leading expert in xeno-medicine with an emphasis in humanity."
There was a uiet muttering around the room.
"I have been acting medical officer aboard the UNSC Omen once Harbinger for more than two years, and I have practiced surgery in hospitals From Andromeda and Irus to the milky way and Earth."
More shifting wide eyes and some nervous muttering.
He looked around the room shrewdly at all the new faces, "How many of you are interested in working with the intergalactic community."
A slow raise of hands.
"Then I should probably let you know. Humanity has begun to profuse through all the major sectors of space, business, government, shipping, sales, medical. Humans are everywhere, and humans can do anything. If you wish to work in the wider intergalactic community, you will be working with humans, and many of you will work extremely closely with humans."
Nervous expressions all around.
"I noticed many of you, the Vrul students especially have noticed the strange effect that spending time with humans can have on an individual."
He looked around and saw some acknowledgement.
"The colloquial term for it is called the humanizing phenomenon and it will happen to you no matter how hard you try. Scientists have said that you will become more aggressive in order to interact with humans, your movements will become more predatory, you will come to focus on facial cues and the pitch of voices to determine emotion, and soon,you will even begin to utilize human body language in order to communicate better with them." He motioned to himself, "Out of all the alien species,I have spent the most time with humans, and as you can see, I communicate primarily in a way that humans would understand, mostly with nonverbal body cues. I don't often use my helium sack as I get in the way with keeping up with humans." he turned to look around at the room, "Human's no longer scare me. As pack animals, your social influence is often more important than your physical influence. Given the fact that I have built myself up in social influence within a human pack, I no longer worry myself with being round humans. In fact, I Have never been safer in my entire life."
His antenna vibrated slightlin amusement, "In fact it is well known that I already have a termination order placed on my head by the Vrul council."
There was a shocked gasp from certain Vrul parts of the room.
He swaggered about the room a little smugly. He didn't usually get reactions like this from people.
"They actually took me from an assembly meeting with the GA and brought me back for termination, but one of my humans, as I certainly do consider them mine as much as they consider me theirs, came and rescued me single handedly."
Another murmuring from around the room.
"How did he do it?"
They waited.
"He used his complex human vocal cords and clapping to simulate a beat. In that way he disabled all the guards, and climbed his way up the guiding rope to the council chamber."
More soft muttering.
"If you make friends with a human, you are probably as safe as you are ever going to be, especially if you happen to become friends with a very audacious human=, in which case there is nothing that they will not do for you." He spun on the spot, "Enough for introductions, I will please have you open your files to page one of the textbook, and we will go over a brief discussion of human mechanical anatomy."
There was a shuffling around the room as Data pads were produced.
Krill brought up an anatomical projection of a human. Looking up it amused him to know that this anatomical model, the one used in almost every nonhuman textbook, was modeled on one single human, that being Adam Vir, all accept for the right leg of course, which was modeled on another human of similar height.
"Humans are are omnivorous bipeds with an endoskeletal structure supported by a vascular system. I know a lot of you have been wrongfully told that humans are primarily carnivores, though that is not true, while human can eat a variety of foods, there are humans that choose to live without eating meat, and they can be sustained on a herbivore diet if they wish. As you can see here, the front facing eyes of the human mark them off as a predator species, though this isn't always the perfect indicator. Vrul eyes are on the front, but, as we know, Vrul also have prismatic vision that is more closely related that of insects on an earth-like planet." he glanced around the room, "These predator classifications only exist for a class of alien known as the vascular type, which uses a pump to push fluid through the body. As you know Vrul, Burg, Gromm, and Lumins as well as a few others are not represented in this category."
"Can anyone tell me which species ARE classified as the vascular subtype."
There was a raised hand and he pointed, "You there."
"I can provide a short list sir, Tesraki, Rundi, Humans, and Drev to name a few, but the Drev are a notable outlier for this rule because their war-like culture has supported the slow movement of the eyes towards the front of the face despite them being a herbivore species."
Krill nodded, "Very good. Yes, humans are in fact a REAL predator species, however it is important to note that the greater 80% of human diets are supported by fruits and vegetables. Based on the amount and distribution of consumed foods, humans are actually closer to herbivores in their dietary choices than they are carnivores."
There was a soft muttering around the room. Either disbelief or interest, he couldn't tell.
"Historically, humans would have evolved from tree dwelling omnivores, though their diets would also have been primarily fruit, and maybe insects as hunting only really came after they moved to land based travel on two legs. As far as earth animals are concerned, humans are not a top tier predator, and years of life in padded habitats using technology have actually dulled their hunting senses and abilities. A human COULD take a chunk out of you with their teeth, but they certainly wouldn't WANT to. It would definitely be a last resort. Following that, humans only eat cooked meat as they can grow very sick on consuming certain raw products."
The class shifted and whispered to each other.
"Yes, I know you have been told many strange and odd things about humans, but most of those are heavily exaggerated. However, it is true that humans are more versatile than most of us. Humans can run, walk, climb, throw, jump and swim, and while they don't do any of those particularly well, their ability to do all of them to some degree makes them the most versatile alien in the GA. Furthermore humans also have a multitude of senses, ones that are common to most of us balance, heat cold, pain, etcetera, but there is one sense that they have which is very uncommon in the galaxy, and that is a sense of smell."
All around him, students were taking notes, "This is the ability for a human to detect particles in the air and, often, identify their sources. Everything sheds particles, and the human nose can pick up those particles. For instance humans generally like the smell of Iotans because Iotins shed compounds similar to foods that humans like to eat. Once upon a time it might have been used to help humans detect poison or other predators, but like I have said before, a human is a middleman in abilities. All of a human's senses are relatively dull in comparison to some of their earth counterparts."
He turned to his projector and flipped it to the anatomical structure of a dog, one that had been oddled off the only dog that many aliens had ever met.
Waffles the admiral's dog.
"This creature's sense of smell is powerful enough,they have been known to track a sent trail for miles through densely wooded forests. They can smell a change in hormone and pheromone levels on other creatures, and are even being used to detect certain diseases. The best a human can do is smell a cooking meal."
He walked in a wide circle looking out at the students, some of them looking excited, others staring on in trepidation.
"Human eyesight is on a similar level to their smell. Humans have binocular vision which makes their depth perception quite good. A human is perfectly capable of snatching a flying object out of the air as their predatory instincts draw them to movement. This also makes humans very adept at navigating through obstacles like they might once have had to do in trees. Furthermore, it allows them to guess distance to prey during hunting." He switched to a picture of a drev, "However humans do not have the best vision out of all aliens species. While the acuity of a human and a Drev are similar, Drev can detect Ultraviolet wavelengths where humans can only see the visible spectrum." He looked at some of the Vrul, "Take solace in the knowledge that you can see thermal where humans cannot. They have relatively poor night vision, but better than that of you or I and far better than the Drev who traded the use of multiple cones to very frew light sensing rods."
He looked up from his lecturing, "Are there any questions so far."
Every had in the room shot into the air.
He paused to look at them faces lit by the glowing bluish light of the hologram behind him and sighed, he supposed this is what he was here for.
"Let's star in the back then, shall we."
One of the hands went down.
"Sir, is it true that humans are capable of surviving cortical tissue damage."
Krill snorted, a sound he probably shouldnt have been able to make since he didn't have a nose but one he had learned how to make because it expressed a very important emotion when interacting with humans. The entire class looked at him funny.
He sighed, "Yes, The first surgery I preformed on a human involved removing an eight inch steel rod from an eye socket which had gone into cortical tissue. To this day that human... well hes been doing fine, a bit of a dumbass sometimes, but I think that was a part of his personality before brain damage."
They stared at him confused until Krill realised that dumbass probably wasn't in their vocabulary. It probably translated to silent butt or idiot butt which didn't have the same kind of ring to it.
Krill waved a hand, "In certain cases humans have been known to survive with only one hemisphere of their brain."
A chorus of disbelief, "It is true, in certain cases where electrical abnormalities n the brain cause convulsions, surgeons intentionally remove half the brain to increase quality of life. There are a couple of downsides to this of course, like the inability to play musical instruments, but most humans still live a productive and fulfilling life after the procedure."
More hands shot up again.
He turned and chose one at Random.
"Can humans smell fear"
Krill frowned, "No humans can't smell fear. Whoever told you that was smoking something."The class stared blankly at him until he picked another hand.
"Are you worried that the humans will ever.... Turn on you?"
Krill raised his hands into the air in exasperation, "They are SENTIENT beings not wild animals Humans have strict social rules like you or anyone else. It would be illegal for them to hurt me , and I doubt they would let it happen at all. Humans aren't feral. In fact my partner aboard the ship is Doctor Katie Quinn, and she is just as experienced in the field of medicine as I am. SHe can match me in almost any medical procedure and she only has two cortical hemispheres, and less than half the amount of hands."
He frowned at the room, "I have no idea where ou all got these ideas from. Humans are thinking creatures not animals. The reason they survived on their planet is not because they are the strongest predator, but because they are the smartest, just like you or I. the only difference between us is that the Human planet is so hostile, they have been forced to keep some of their more instinctive tendencies."
More hands raised.
"Have you seen one of these larger earth animals, sir?"
"Yes on plenty of occasions." He flipped his diagram back to that of a dog, "This animal here is called a dog, the ancestral evolution of the wolf, which is just a much larger version of this animal here. These animals are higher on the food chain that humans and have the ability to easily outrun, attack and rip the throat out of a human." He paused as the class pulled back, "Which is why humans often use them in security, protection and law enforcement, because no human wants to fight one of these creatures." He smiled a bit grimly, "Also humans just love to keep them as pets."
There was an uproar around the room.
How could anyone want to keep something that could rip their face off as a pet.
Krill raised a hand to quiet down the room, "I know, I know, it all sounds very strange, but you must understand, humans and dogs are both descended from highly social pack groups. At one point a human took wolf cubs and began raising them and breeding them for desirable traits. As wolves are pack animals they slowly would have begun to see humans as members of their own pack family. In this humans molded a creature into being one of their greatest allies. Dogs rely on humans and humans rely on dogs for many jobs. Humans love dogs and dogs love humans. In fact, humans have bred this animal so extensively that dogs are one of the only creatures on their own planet capable of reading human facial expressions."
He pulled up an image from his personal files, one where Adam sat on the floor, and the dog Waffles sat next to him. He made a face as her long, pink tongue ran up the side of his cheek.
The class gasped.
"She could easily use this opportunity to kill him." krill said, "But she never would." He turned to another image of himself standing next to the dog, a hand resting on her back.
More gasping.
Krill was somewhat amused. "Humans, as I said are social in the extreme, and this fact is going to be our best ally when meeting them. Anyone and anything can become part of a human pack. In fact, this instinct in humans is so strong that inanimate objects can easily be accepted into a human's pack. They routinely name plants and attribute personalities to them. I once conducted an experiment where I placed fake eyes." Googly eyes to be exact, "On a waste receptacle, and the humans named him Mr. Rubbish and began throwing away their items exclusively in that specific receptacle as 'Offerings' to Mr Rubbish..... That is not a joke, that actually happened." He appraised them with a stern look, "Befriending humans is the most important thing you can do, and probably one of the easiest things as well. If you find yourself incapable of making friends with a human, its probably time to look at yourself personally because you must be horrible." he pointed to himself, "I will openly admit that my personality isn't exactly the easiest to be around, and yet I still managed it on accident."
His lecture continued for some minutes, covering more anatomy, bone structures and some interesting facts about their internal organs.
However he was forced to stop as little lights began blinking overhead, and he went to dismiss the class, "Next week we will be discussing the effects of adrenaline on humans as a special treat to those who decide to return after this first lecture. And for your assignment, I want you to find one news article that perpetuates a myth about humans and write a short essay debunking it. Since this is the first week I am going lenient on assignments but by the end of the term I do expect full essays at publishable quality."
Everyone in the class stood, and he found himself suddenly swarmed by a mass of figures.
It seemed as if he was going to be here for a while.
Little did Krill know that his lecture series was becoming so popular that the administration was going to have to upgrade his lecture hall two more times in the concurrent weeks.
Everyone wanted to know about humans.
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