Some of these dares and truths might be a bit generic because I don't know what to do anymore. Well you probably didn't come here for me to ramble to you, so enjoy!
*Time skip to Katherine's House*
Katherine: I think I should open the door now
*Katherine opens the door*
Katherine: Oh shit!
Shelby and Tortoise: First!!!!!!!
Joel and Hermes: Second!!!!!
Gem: Third!!
Sausage and Bubbles: Fourth!!!!
Xornoth: Fifth!!!!
Scott: Sixth!
Katherine: What just happened
Shelby: Sorry about we were just-
Gem: Racing each other to see who can get here faster
Joel: And surprisingly Shelby got here first
Shelby: You guys are just denying that your slow
Katherine: Anyway do you guys want a room with each other or
Joel: I always forget that you, Gem and Fwhip are rich
Gem: Our parents do act like their just normal parents
Shelby and Joel: *Whispering to themselves* Yeah normal parents.......
Scott: What?
Shelby and Joel: Nothing
Katherine: So a room of nine?
Gem: Oh umm
Sausage: S group do you want to share
Scott: I'm fine with that
Joel: I mean you guys can talk about your shi-
Shelby: *Covers her mouth* Joel no
Katherine: Alright so a room of nine
Xornoth: Umm is it possible I could get a room for myself
Katherine: Oh sure. You must be Scott's older brother?
Xornoth: Yup
Katherine: Okay a room of eight and a room. Follow me
*Katherine lending them to the rooms*
Katherine: Alright here's a room for eight and there's a room for one
Scott: Hey what's these signs for
Katherine: To write your names so you remember which it's yours
Gem: Oh there's is even a pencil
*Sausage writes on the sign*
Shelby: Really the "S Group+Children"
Sausage: Yes
Katherine: Your still going with that chat thing. What's it about?
*S group and children go in their room*
Xornoth: Don't worry about them umm Katherine
Katherine: Yup that's my name and we might playing truth and dare so we can get information about it
Xornoth: I should probably get my PJs
Katherine: Yeah me too
With the Simps and children
Tortoise: So what's the S Group
Joel: It's more of the S Chat but group works as well
Hermes: So do we need to put PJs
Shelby: Wait I got any idea
*Shelby waves her wand and does a spell*
Shelby: There that should do it
Gem: How!!!?!?
Shelby: Spell I've been working on
Scott: So that's what you've been doing for the past two days
30 Minutes Later
After Xornoth Got Introduce
Lizzie: Alright what are we going to do
Katherine: Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle, Would You Rather, Hide-and-Seek, or any other game
Scott: Could we take Spin the Bottle off the chart
Gem: Oh god I still have nightmares
Sausage: Nightmares?! I still feel like vomiting
Joe: Really what the hell happened
Shelby: We don't want to talk about it
Pix: I think we should play Hide-and-Seek
False: That sounds like a good idea. But who should be it?
Everyone: ............
Katherine: Everyone hid me and Gem will be it
Gem: We'll count to 50
Katherine: Hide!!!
50 seconds later
Gem: Found Joel and Hermes!
Joel: My wings gave it away didn't it
Gem: Yep
Katherine: Found Joe
Joe: Dammit
Joel: We have to help you don't we
Gem: Yep
Hermes: Dad
Joel: Yeah
Hermes: I saw where Scott and Xornoth went
Joe: Really where
Hermes: They're in the kitchen cabinet
Joel: Got them
Scott and Xornoth: Put us down
Joel: Okay *Puts them down*
Scott: You could've down it slowly
Joel: Nope
*They had found everyone except Lizzie, Shelby and Tortoise*
Shelby: *Whispering to Tortoise* See I told you this was a good spot
Lizzie: *Whispering to Shelby* Hey Shelbs
Shelby: *Whispering to Lizzie* So you had the same idea
Lizzie: *Whispering to Shelby* Guess so I'm surprised they haven't checked outside
Shelby: *Whispering to Lizzie* They can be dumb
Lizzie: *Whispering to Shelby* Yeah
False: So what you guys are saying is that you didn't bother to look outside?!!??
Oli: What's the point we can't even find them
Pix: *Whispering to Shelby, Lizzie and Tortoise* So this is where've you been
*Them nodding to Pix*
Pix: *Whispering to Shelby, Lizzie and Tortoise* You want me to say something
*Them nodding to Pix again*
Pix: Found them
False: See this is why you should've to check outside
Katherine: So what should we do next
Everyone except Katherine chanting: Truth or Dare Truth or Dare Truth or Dare
Katherine: Alright let's head in side
In Katherine's House
Pix: Alright should we use a bottle to make Truth and Dare easier
Katherine: I'll go find one
Joe: Ummm so what did you get on the test
Scott: 100 percent
Pix: Raise your hand if you got 100 percent
*Everyone raises their hand*
Katherine: Found a bottle. What's going on?
Oli: What did you get on the test?
Katherine: 100 percent
Joel: I wonder what would've happened if I didn't give the answers
Jimmy: We would've failed instantly
Katherine: Alright I'll start
Katherine: Truth or dare. Fwhip
Fwhip: Dare!!!!!!
Katherine: I dare you to hug your favorite person and slap your least favorite person
*Fwhip goes over to hugs Gem and slaps then slaps Joe*
Joe: Oh fuc-
*Shelby covers his mouth and points at the younger kids*
Joe: Sorry......
Fwhip: My turn, Truth or dare. Joe
Joe: Truth
Fwhip: Is the rumor about you true?
Joe: Wait what rumor
Fwhip: *Whispering to Joe* That you kissed Katherine and got rejected because of something
Joe: Yep
Joe: Truth or dare. Shelby
Shelby: Dare
Joe: I dare you to say your crush first and last letter of their name
Shelby: K and E
Gem: That'll give you some hint at least
Shelby: Truth or dare. Sausage
Sausage: Dare
Shelby: I dare you kiss you crush *smirking*
Sausage: You traitor
Shelby: It was actually a S Chat effort
Joel: Yup
Lizzie: Still confused about this chat
Sausage: I'll get my revenge. Mark my word!!!!!!!
Shelby, Joel, Scott, and Gem: Just do it already
Pix: So I guess you know who's his crush is
Sausage, Shelby, Joel, Scott, and Gem: Well we actually had known each other's crushes since before we made the chat
Oli: They're talking at the same time
Xornoth: They're like this, so you probably have to get used to it
False: Wait always!?!
Xornoth: Yup
*Sausage goes to Fwhip and kisses him*
Fwhip: I-I
Sausage: Okay truth or dare. Katherine
Katherine: Truth
Sausage: Someone gave me the gossip, so is it true you're lesbian?
Katherine: Well it's true
Joe: *Whispering to himself* Still a bit surprised
Jimmy: Wait you're lesbian
Oli: When did you find out???
Katherine: During the Summer
Katherine: Truth or dare. Dad
Pix: Dare and why with the dad still
Katherine: I dare you to say someone's secret
Pix: Oh this isn't good news for you Shelby
Oli: What do you mean
Shelby: Pix no
Pix: Wait you called me Pix
Shelby: Oh I did, didn't I
Pix: Okay, well Scott has a crush on a person here
Shelby: Thank you Pix
Scott: Why!!!!!
Pix: No problem and yes
Scott: How
Pix: Found out
Pix: Truth or dare. False
False: Truth
Pix: Is it true that you have an identical twin?
False: Well technically they're not my twin but a person that looks like me
Pix: Ah okay
False: Truth or dare. Oli
Oli: Truth I guess
False: So apparently you've been flirting with Sausage's dad, is that true?
Oli: Yeah because he's hot
Sausage: Stay away for my dad Oli!!!!!
Oli: Tell him to stop being hot. Truth or dare. Woody
Jimmy: Dare and not a toy
Oli: I dare you to to slap the person you hate the most
*Jimmy slaps Joe*
Joe: Again
Jimmy: Alright truth or dare. Joel
Joel: Dare
Jimmy: I dare you to tell us about that S Chat of yours
Joel: Well the chat is about- ummm
Pearl: Well
Joel: I've got to go to the bathroom
Gem: Yeah I'll just help him find
*They both run out*
*Everyone looks at Sausage, Shelby, and Scott*
Sausage: Ummm why you guys looking at us like that
Pearl: Are they going to come back
Sausage, Shelby, and Scott: Wait one minute
Katherine Simp💖: We're you guys at
Fwhip Simp💚: They're starting to question us
Jimmy Simp💛: Pls fucking help us
Pearl Simp🧡: Ummm we may have a situation
Katherine Simp💖: What now
Lizzie Simp💕: I accidentally locked myself in bathroom and Gem can't open it
Fwhip Simp💚: Me and Shelby will start making our way
Lizzie Simp💕: Alright but hurry up pls
Jimmy Simp💛 is offline
Lizzie Simp💕 is offline
Katherine Simp💖 is offline
Pearl Simp🧡 is offline
Fwhip Simp💚 is offline
Out Of Chat
Sausage: Be right back
Shelby: Yeah
*They run out of the room*
Scott: So kids how does this feel
Bubbles: Weird but fun
Hermes: Wait where's the money
Scott: Right *Scott gives them both fifty dollars*
Tortoise: Thank you
*They come back*
Scott: Shelby Joel you guys owe me fifty dollars each
Shelby and Joel: What for
Lizzie: Guys we're getting sidetracked
Jimmy: Yeah tell us about this chat
Joel: It's a chat where we basically talk about about
Joel: *Whispering to himself* About their poor love life
Xornoth: What
Joel: So truth or dare. Xornoth
Xornoth: Dare
Joel: I dare you to your hug favorite person
Xornoth: Oh oh umm
Scott: Come on brother you know the right pick
*Xornoth hugs Shelby*
Shelby: Huh
Scott: What?! Actually fair
Xornoth: Truth or dare. Gem
Gem: Dare
Xornoth: I dare you to kiss your crush
Sausage: Damn so your getting exposed
Gem: Shut up Sausage
Shelby: *Whispering to Gem* You can just tell them to close their eyes
Gem: Fine but everyone close their eyes
*Everyone closes their eyes*
Gem: *Whispering to herself* You can do this, just don't panic don't panic
*Shelby hits Gem's shoulder*
Gem: *Whispering to herself* Oww fine I'm going
*Gem goes to Pearl and kisses her*
Pearl: *Whispering to Gem* Wha
Gem: *Whispering to Pearl* Shh
*Gem goes back to her original spot*
Gem: Open your eyes now
*Everyone opens their eyes*
Joel: Did you actually do it
Gem: Yes Joel Beans
Gem: Truth or Dare. Lizzie
Lizzie: Truth
Gem: Is it true that you and Joel had your first kiss already?
Lizzie: Yup
Pearl and Jimmy: Why didn't you tell sis
Sausage, Shelby, Scott, and Gem: We already knew anyway
False: How do you know
Sausage: Well when we had a sleepover at Gem's place, Shelby gave Joel a truth and she asked him if he had his first kiss
Shelby: Yeah but I knew even before I ask that truth so yeah
Lizzie: Wha
Lizzie: Truth or dare. Tortoise
Tortoise: Dare
Lizzie: I dare you to hug the person that your most scared of
*Tortoise hugs Shelby*
Tortoise: I love you but I'm also terrified
Tortoise: Truth or dare. Bubbles
Bubbles: Truth
Tortoise: *Whispering to Bubbles* Do you ship Nature Wives, Wither Husbands, Jizzie, Flower Husbands, and GemPearl
Bubbles: Yup
Hermes: Same
Tortoise: Wait you heard
Hermes: Yup
Bubbles: Truth or dare. Pearl
Pearl: Dare
Bubbles: *Whispering to Pearl* I dare you to confess your feelings to Gem
Pearl: *Whispering to Bubbles* Fine but after the game ends. Wait how do you that
Bubbles: *Whispering to Pearl* I know you like her
Pearl: *Whispering to Bubbles* How though
Bubbles: *Whispering to Pearl* A hunch
Pearl: Okay Hermes truth or dare
Hermes: Truth
Pearl: Is it true that you know more cuss words then your supposed to know
Hermes: Yeah
Sausage: Excuse me
Joel: When did you learn
Shelby: And what kinds did you learn
Hermes: More then you need to know
Katherine: Well it's getting late so it's time to rest
Pix: Yeah I agree
*Everyone goes to their separate rooms except the S Group+Children and Pearl*
Hermes: *Whispering to Pearl* So you going to do the dare or
Shelby: What are guys saying
Pearl: Gem I need to something
Gem: Oh okay shoot
Pearl: I really and I mean really like you
Gem: *Blushing* I-I wha...
Pearl: Gem your stuttering
Gem: I like you too like a lot
*Pearl grabs Gem's waist and kisses her*
Shelby: Finally Gem actually told you how she feels
Scott: Took awhile
Sausage: So you gotta make it official
Gem: We should wait just a bit
Pearl: Yeah agree
Joel: Should we show her the chat or
Shelby: You haven't told Lizzie
Joel: Nope
Scott: Pearl do you promise not to tell anyone if we tell you this
Pearl: Promise
*Gem takes her phone out and shows Pearl the chat*
Gem: So this one is me
Shelby: This one is me
Joel: This is me
Scott: That's me
Sausage: And finally that's me
Pearl: So this is the chat they're talking about
Joel: Yup your the first person to know
Pearl: Well that's something, anyways good night
Sausage, Shelby, Joel, Scott, and Gem: Good night
*They go back to there separate rooms*
Author's Note: Took two days 2231 words mostly because it took two days to make this.
Also Gem's dog Winnie will be introduced in the next chapter as her child as well. Well good night and hoped you enjoyed!
Silly little Simps and their children :) Semi proud of it
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