SIMPS Sleepover

Will it go good or bad?

Saturday Night At Gem's House—

Gem: So what do you guys want to do now?

Scott: I've got an two ideas

Shelby: So what are they?

Scott: We can play truth or dare or Spin the bottle

Joel: That's going to be awkward

Scott: Yeah but fun

Sausage: We can play truth or dare but if you don't do the dare then you spin the bottle

Shelby: That could actually work because I know Gem hates dares

Gem: To be fair you guys go to extreme

Joel: But that's the fun of it

Gem: Fine but no one record or take a picture when two people have to kiss

Shelby: More specifically I think Gem is implying Scott and Sausage

Sausage: So no gossiping or talking about it every again

Joel: Yes

Scott: Alright everyone put your phone in this box

*Everyone puts their phone in the box*

Scott: I'll start first, truth or dare Shelby

Shelby: Dare, but no tell anyone to confess to their crush

Sausage: That makes me feel much better

Gem: Same

Scott: Fine I dare you to call Katherine and tell her that she should date Joe

Shelby: Fuck you bitch

Scott: Go on and put on speaker

*Shelby grabs her phone, calls Katherine and puts the call on speaker*

Katherine: Oh hey Shelbs

Shelby: Hey I need to tell you something

Katherine: Okay whats up?

*Shelby looking at Scott who is wanting to burst out of laugh*

Shelby: Well that you should give Joe a chance and go on a date with him

Katherine: I-I wait a minute Shelby is this a dare

Shelby: ......... No

Katherine: Shelby don't lie to me

*Shelby looked at Scott who is nodding*

Shelby: Yea it was Scott's dare to me

Katherine: Knew it

Shelby: Wait how?!

Scott: Yea how

Katherine: I heard little giggles so I instantly knew it was Scott

*Scott puts it on FaceTime*

Shelby: Hey!

Gem: Welp bye

Joel: Bye

Sausage: Bye

Scott: Bye

Shelby: Bye

Katherine: Bye

*Call ends and she puts her phone back in box*

Shelby: Okay Gem truth or dare

Gem: Truth

Joel: Damn she's not gonna go easy

Shelby: Is it true that you write little confession notes for you know who aka Pearl

Gem: ................ Yes

Gem: Joel truth or dare

Joel: Truth

Gem: Have you and Lizzie had your first kiss yet

Joel: I-I well you see yes

Shelby: I already knew

Joel: How?

Shelby: Well I may have seen you two kiss at the ice cream parlor

Joel: Dammit

Joel: Sausage truth or dare

Sausage: Dare

Joel: I dare you to go on the E2 Chat and say something inappropriate in Spanish

Sausage: Okay

*Gets his phone and goes in chat*

E2 Class——————

Wood Daddy: Hijo de perra

Woody: What?

Wood Daddy: Chúpamelo Puta

Goblin: What's going on?

Wood Daddy: Que te jodan Joe

Pirate Joe: Why are you bringing me up

Wood Daddy: Vete a la chingada!

Definitely Human: What's actually happening

Pix: Sausage do you still work out?

Wood Daddy: Ya no quiero hacer ejercicios. ¡A tomar por culo!

Oli: Guys I'm officially amazing also what's happening

Wood Daddy: Que te den por culo!

Warrior Princess: Actually Sausage are you okay

Wood Daddy: Hostia puta!

Wood Daddy: Los cojones!

Goblin: What the fuck is going on

Pirate Joe: Sausage translation plz

Wood Daddy: Cállate, gilipollas!

Pix: Sausage is their problems with your phone

Pirate Joe: You need to get it fixed because your speaking nonsense

Wood Daddy: Dígamelo de frente, hijueputa!

Wood Daddy: Joe Te voy a romper el orto and Me cago en tu puta madre

Oli: Anyway who wants to hear me sing

Wood Daddy: Ché, pará de cantar, no rompás los huevos!

Wood Daddy: Órale, mijo, estás bien pendejo

Goblin: Sausage what are you actually saying

Wood Daddy: Pranked you idiots

Warrior Princess: Fuck I should of known

Pix: Wait what's going

Wood Daddy: Well me, Joel, Shelby, Gem, and Scott are playing truth or dare

Iron: Ok

Wood Daddy: And Joel gave me, which is so far my favorite dare

Woody: Okay that's interesting

Pirate Joe: But what was your dare

Wood Daddy is offline


Joel: Damn you didn't need to go that far

Sausage: Okay Scott truth or dare

Scott: Truth

Sausage: Is true that when you were in Double Life you betrayed your soulbound Pearl and left her?

Scott: Well technically I didn't betray her but I did leave her

Gem: You fucking what?!

Scott: Gem calm down and let me explain

*Shelby grabbing Gem to make sure she doesn't hurt Scott*

Scott: Okay the reason and left her is because when soul bounds are together their more vulnerable then when there together

Joel: Makes sense since me and Etho died more easily with the whole fishing rod incident

Gem: Go on

Scott: So I decided that when I found my soul bound I was going to leave them and when almost half of the sever was red or eliminated I would ally with them again

Shelby: So is there more or

Scott: But when I found out it was Pearl, I didn't want to do it but I knew if we had a chance of winning, I needed to do it

Joel: That is surprisingly a good plan

Scott: I know she managed to 1v2 Bdubs and Impulse as well as Cleo and Martyn

Sausage: What about 5 am Pearl incident?

Scott: That wasn't part of the plan I never wanted that to happen, so when we were the last ones and only one could win, I let her have it

Shelby: Well at least you let her have win

Gem: Yeah........

Scott: Anyway Gem truth or dare

Gem: Dare

Scott: Okay umm I dare you to drink a beer

Gem: Is this not illegal?

Shelby: I don't think so

Gem: Fine I'll try to find some

*Gem left the room and went to the kitchen*

Sausage: Soo what do you guys want to do?

Shelby: Maybe we can talk until she comes

Joel: Umm guys I may or may not have found her diary

Sausage: You what?!?

Shelby: Maybe we shouldn't read it, since it's her privacy

Scott: Yea might want to put it back before she comes

Joel: Alright

*The door opens*

Gem: Okay I brought it

*All four saying chug while Gem was drinking it*

Gem: Done

Joel: Well done

Gem: Okay Shelby truth or dare

Shelby: Truth

Gem: I just remembered this but do you think Katherine was jealous or not

Shelby: Shit

Sausage: Yeah because you only told Joel and Scott

Gem: Do you not trust us

Shelby: I do I really do, and to answer that question yes I think she was jealous

10 Minutes later

Gem: Truth

Joel: So Gem what happened when you and Shelby went to the bathroom?

Sausage: Yeah I will get if it's personal but we're worried for you Shelbs

Scott: We promise not to tell a soul

*Gem Looks at Shelby who is nodding*

Gem: Alright so what happened

*After telling them what happened*

Joel: Shelby.....

*They look at Shelby who is currently crying*

Shelby: It's stupid I know but it's just.... never mind

*Sausage hugging Shelby tightly but not enough to hurt her*

Sausage: Please Shelby never say that about yourself

Joel: Your the best witch we every met

Scott: Yea your smart, fun, kind, and caring to others no matter what their like

Gem: We all care and love you *Wiping the tears off*

Shelby: Thanks

Gem: Sausage truth or dare

Sausage: Dare

Gem: I dare you to tell Fwhip you like a guy

Sausage: Where's the bottle

Scott: Right here

*Spins the bottle and it's in between Scott and Shelby*

Shelby: Nope Nope

Gem: Well Shelby is clearly a no

Sausage: I'll just kiss Scott

Joel: This is going to be funny

Sausage: On the cheek or

Gem: I mean Scott did say the lips

Scott: Fuck

*Sausage kisses Scott*

Sausage: I think I'm going to puke

Scott: Your going to puke I'm going to puke

Joel: Lol

Shelby: Damn Scott who knew that you seem that bad of a kisser

Gem: Now that's comedy gold

Sausage: Gem where's your bathroom

Gem: Theres two, one downstairs and one upstairs

*Sausage and Scott go running out of the room*

Joel: So...

Shelby: So indeed............

Gem: Maybe we should check on them

Joel: Probably

15 Minutes Later

Gem: It's 9:50 so one more dare

Joel: Yeah and somehow Shelby hasn't kissed anyone

Shelby: Luck I guess

Sausage: Gem truth or dare

Gem: Dare

Sausage: I dare you to tell Katherine someone in the chat has a crush on her

Shelby: Really

Gem: Bottle me now

*Bottle spins and lands on Shelby*

Shelby: Shit

Gem: Ummm

Scott: Finally the stupid bottle lands on Shelby

Sausage: I think everyone is having their first kiss besides Joel

Gem: Fine but no photos

*Gem kisses Shelby*

Shelby: Yup I going to bed good night

Gem: Yeah I going to hit the hay

Scott: Yeah I'm tired to

Joel: Same

Sausage: Good night friends

*They all fall asleep*

Author's Note: Again blame the stupid dumb wheel. E2 Class will be back in the next chapter and their might be a certain character angst. *cough cough* AKA Shelby *cough cough*

Edit: The reason Fwhip wasn't there is because he was sleeping over with Tim. And Gem's parents were on a business trip.

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