Scott: I can't believe it! School is not gonna be open for 5 months
Gem: Of course because of the school's budget
Sausage: Don't worry mom, so what should we do?
Shelby: I mean I have this book
*Holds it out*
Joel: Ooh I read that book we used to read it when we were in middle school
Shelby: Yup it's a good book
Joel: Mhm
Scott: Could you read it to use please
Sausage: Please please please
Gem: Yeah could you
Shelby: Alright
*Shelby opens the book and they all get in close to see*
Joel: I'll start
Joel: "Once upon a cold, dark winter's night, two wolves woke up, and began to discuss"
Scott: Of course it starts with once upon
Gem: Scott shush
Scott: Sorry mom
Shelby: "As one of the wolves named Winter, and the other one called Night. Winter decided to get up and stretch her legs, while Night stayed warm, wanting nothing more than to stay in a warm cosy bed. But then, Winter saw a light in the distance. She wanted to investigate, wanting to know why there was a light out in the middle of winter."
Sausage: Ooh
Joel: "So Winter gets up, and walks towards the light, all the while Night wants to stay in the warm cosy bed. Winter comes up to the light and sees a small, lone, cottage in the middle of a snowy forest."
Gem: Why do I feel like that is a bad idea
Shelby: "Winter goes into the cottage, wanting to see who lives in the cottage. Winter walks inside.." *She turns the page* "As Winter comes inside, she sees that the cottage is very warm and cosy, with a fire burning in the fireplace. She looks around, seeing a table with a feast on it. She then hears a voice coming out from the kitchen. It's a soft, warm voice. It sounds like someone she knows.. Winter then calls out to the voice, and the voice replies!"
Scott: Not with the mysterious voice
Joel: "It was her little sister, Spring! Spring walks in, and says, 'Hello Winter, I thought you would be in bed. Aren't you? Winter replies to Spring, saying 'I was. But the heat I felt drew me in here, and I want to know, who owns this cottage?' Spring smiles at Winter and replies 'I'm so glad you like it, as it is your cottage, Winter.' Winter is confused, saying to Spring 'But this is your cottage, it's you that should own it. How can this lovely cottage be mine?'"
Sausage: Ooh plot twist!
Shelby: *She turns the page* "Spring then replies to Winter, and says, 'I have another home, Winter. A home in Spring. But it's yours. It is your home, and will always be your home. Just like how it is my home, and always will be mine. I share it with you Winter..' "Winter smiles at Spring, saying 'Thank you Spring. This home is beautiful, and lovely. I am going to enjoy this home very much.'
Gem: Wow they actually can share. Wish me and Fwhip could do the same
Joel: "Spring smiles back, saying 'This home is both of ours, and we shall make great memories here. I cannot wait to see what you will do with the cottage in summer. I will enjoy the winter though, whilst you enjoy summer when it comes.' "I will leave it there for now, as Spring goes to the kitchen."
Sausage: Yeah it's not like some murder always happens in the kitchen
Shelby: "Spring cleans up the kitchen, making it all tidied away. She looks around the kitchen, and can see a small door on the wall. Spring is curious and goes to the door, opening it. Spring opens the door, and goes out through the door. It leads to a small backyard. Spring smiles to herself, and can hear the sound of birds chirping away into the night. The moon was shining brightly into the sky. Spring loves the night time, and the moonlight. So Spring sat on the grass and watched the moon, and the stars in the sky. She heard a loud creaking noise, and sat up to see what it was."
Scott: No not the creaking noise I hate that part!
Joel: "Spring then saw a huge tree, and it was shaking. Spring could see that the wind had blown the tree, and the moon was shining on the tree. The moonlight was making the whole tree sparkle. Spring watched the tree, being curious about what was making it sparkle. But Spring then heard another creaking, and sat up. She then realised that the tree didn't need wind. Spring could see something moving up the tree. What could it be? Well, do you want to know who was in the tree? Spring didn't know, but she was about to find out. Spring saw two pairs of glowing eyes, and the branches were shaking as it moved up the tree. Spring got up, knowing that it was something that wanted to see the moon. Spring moved closer towards the glowing eyes."
Sausage: No stay away from the glowing eyes!
Shelby: "Spring looked at the glowing eyes, and the glowing eyes looked at Spring. Spring knew what it was then. It was her older sister, Summer. Summer looks at Spring, not able to believe that Spring was actually standing in this dark, cold, night. Summer then says, 'Spring.. Is that you? What are you doing out here?' Spring smiles, and replies 'Summer! I missed you, sister.' Summer smiles and walks over to Spring. Summer smiles, and hugs Spring, saying 'I missed you too, little sister. I am so proud of you for finding this home. You found your home, Spring. You are Spring, and Spring is you!' Summer kisses Spring on the forehead, before stepping back."
Gem: More siblings?!
Joel: "Summer then calls out 'Spring, look at the moon! It is so beautiful, and shiny tonight, just like in the spring! Spring takes one look at the moon, and it reminds her of her home. Summer then says, 'Spring, shall I show you another part of this wonderful home?' Spring smiles, and replies 'Yes, sister. Let's see it.' Summer smiles, and takes Spring's hand. Summer takes Spring's hand, and pulls her along to another part of the yard. Summer lets go of Spring's hand, before running over to something. Spring looks over to see Summer jumping for joy. Summer is jumping on a pile of leaves, and Spring is curious at what Summer is jumping about."
Scott: Aw this part is so cute
Shelby: "Summer looks over to Spring, and calls out "Spring! Look at these wonderful leaves! They are so soft and wonderful, Spring then joins Summer, jumping in the leaves with her. The two sisters laugh together, jumping and rolling in the leaves. Summer then calls out "Spring, shall we head inside?" Spring nods, excited to see what is inside."
Sausage: Wow this is so good
Joel: "The two sisters then go inside, and Summer shows Spring around the cottage. Spring finds the cottage to be absolutely beautiful, and it's filled with memories of Spring, Summer, Winter, and Autumn. Summer and Spring laugh, hugging each other one more time. Summer looks over at Spring and calls out "Spring, shall we go upstairs?" Spring nods, and the two sisters go upstairs."
Scott: Wait don't tell me there's more siblings
Shelby: "Spring and Summer go upstairs, where it's dark. Summer leads Spring down a dark hallway, and into a bedroom. Spring gasps, as she looks around the room. Summer looks at Spring, and says 'Welcome to your room. This has always been yours, Spring. This is your home. Enjoy it, and sleep well, sister.' Spring smiles, thanking Summer and running over and hugging Summer. Spring then goes over to the bed, sitting on it."
Gem: I wish mine and Fwhip's relationship there relationship was like this (And I wish my baby sister wouldn't attack me with toys, she might be 1 but still it hurts physically)
Joel: "Spring then lies in her bed, feeling happy that she had found her home. Spring then says to Summer, 'If this is my home, is it also yours, sister?' Summer smiles, and hugs Spring. Summer replies, 'Yes this is my home, little sister. It has always been my home, along with you, Spring.' Spring smiles again, laying in her wonderfully soft bed. Spring can't wait to sleep in this bed."
Scott: Awwwww
Shelby: "Spring lays in her bed, before saying, 'Goodnight, sister. I love you.' Summer smiles, and replies 'Goodnight, sister. I love you, too. Spring then puts the covers over herself, and falls asleep to the sound of the forest outside. Spring dreams of what might come, and what she might do with this lovely cottage. But, before she could dream, she was asleep. Spring slept well that night, feeling safe in the cottage. She was home."
Gem: This is so cute!
Joel and Shelby: The end
Sausage: Nooo I need to know more?!
*Shelby goes in her bag and gets a different book*
Joel: Ooh
Shelby: "Once upon a time, a witch called Glint was travelling through the forest. She was looking for herbs, to brew her a potion that will make her youth be restored. She was looking for any herbs, when she heard a sound. Glint was looking around the forest for herbs to make her potion, she was getting very frustrated. Glint was getting tired of looking for herbs, and was beginning to regret coming all this for some potion. But she then heard a very faint sound. She walked over to where the sound was. There, she saw a little cottage, the same size as a doll house. It was made out of wood, vines and other things that you would see in a forest. Glint was getting excited."
Scott: Of course it's about a witch
Gem: Hey you can't blame Shrub
Shelby: "Glint walked over to the cottage, and knocked on the door. The sound was very faint, and she was a bit reluctant at first. But she remembered that this was her chance at getting youth. Glint continued to knock softly, until there was an answer. The answer came from the cottage as a voice said 'Come in."
Joel: Nooo don't go in!
Shelby: "Glint slowly entered the cottage, wondering what this thing would look like. She was surprised, shocked even! Because, who could she see but a little girl, who also looked like a witch. The girl's name, was Enchant. Enchant smiles at Glint, but then Glint looks at her and asks. 'Do you have anything that can make me young?' Enchant pauses, looking at Glint. Enchant then replies, 'Yes, Glint, I do have something for you.' Glint smiles, and asks. 'What is it, Enchant?'"
Sausage: Ooh interesting
Shelby: "Enchant looks at Glint and says 'I have this little potion, that if you take one sip of it. It will make you young again, it will make you look like a young woman.' Glint was very excited, wanting to look like the way she was. Glint says to Enchant 'I'll take it!' Enchant smiles at Glint, and gives her the potion. Glint smiles back at Enchant, and takes the potion."
*Scott crosses his fingers*
Scott: Please don't be a different potion
Shelby: "Glint drinks the potion, and at first nothing happens. She smiles at Enchant, but then slowly she starts to feel different. Her hair gets darker, her skin goes smooth and pale. Her face softens, and before long she looks like a young woman. Glint is very happy, thanking Enchant for the potion, and looking into Enchant's eyes. Enchant stares back, and Glint looks at enchant with love. Enchant blushes, and smiles at Glint, and starts to think of something."
Scott: Thank goodness
Shelby: "Enchant thinks to herself. 'Glint is young now, I should go ask her to come with me and my family.' Enchant pauses, and looks over at Glint. Enchant smiles, and says 'Glint, would you like to come with my family and I? And spend the summer with us?' Glint smiles, and says 'Enchant, that would be lovely. I would love to go and spend the summer with you and your family.' Enchant is very happy, and hugs Glint"
Sausage: The person who wrote this is incredible!
Shelby: "Glint is happy, and thanks Enchant. Enchant picks her bag up, and says 'Come, Glint! Let's go to my home, and spend time with my family.' Enchant takes Glint's hand, and leads her out of the cottage. The two witches walk out of the forest, and enter another forest. Glint is very happy, smiling as Enchant leads her to Enchant's home. Enchant and Glint are walking through the forest and see a very large house made of wood."
Gem: Ooh a forest
Joel: Shelby also lives in a forest
Shelby: Mangrove swamp Joel *She goes back reading the story* "As Glint sees the house, she gets more excited. Glint then asks Enchant. 'Is that your home?' Enchant blushes, and says 'Yes, Glint, it is my home. I'm sure that you will love my family.' Glint smiles at Enchant, and Enchant smiles back. Enchant then leads Glint inside the house, and into the living room."
Joel: Nice
Shelby: "As Glint enters the house, she sees Enchant's family. Enchant, her family, and another witch, called Wind were all sitting having tea. The table was covered in delicious foods, including pastries. Enchant said 'Glint, this is my family, Wind, Flame and Water.' Enchant's family all wave at Glint, Wind is holding a small baby in their arms. Enchant turns to Glint, blushing, and says 'Glint, there is one more person in my family."
Gem: Ooh who is it?
Shelby: "Wind smiles, nodding. She says 'That is correct, Glint, this is my daughter. Wind turns to her daughter, saying 'Daughter, this is Glint. She is your new friend, and she will be staying with us for the summer.' The baby in Wind's arms giggles, looking at Glint. Wind then smiles at Enchant, and says 'Enchant, shall you and Glint take a seat?' Enchant nods, and Glint sits down with her. Enchant smiles, and Wind smiles as well."
Sausage: She's a parent like us! Well except Scott
Scott: Rude
Shelby: "All of Enchant's family smile at Glint, then Wind speaks to the baby in her arms. Wind says 'Glint is your new friend, and Glint will be staying with us for the summer. The baby then laughs in a cute way, and Glint smiles back. Glint is very happy, wanting to be around Enchant's family. Enchant smiles, and is glad that Glint is so happy to be with her family. Wind smiles, glad that Glint and Enchant are getting along."
Gem: Yeah that's nice that their getting along
Shelby: "Enchant smiles at Glint, and goes over to Glint. Enchant then says 'I like you, Glint. You and I have always had a connection, I have always known that you are an old friend.' Enchant then touches Glint's shoulder, smiling at her. Glint smiles back at Enchant, and says 'I have always felt the connection as well, Enchant. I am so happy that I am at your home, with you and your family.' Enchant smiles, and hugs Glint."
Joel: Interesting
Shelby: "Wind smiles, and so does Flame. Enchant's family all gather around Glint and Enchant, and then they all sit together. Enchant takes Glint's hand, and says 'It's now my turn to ask you a question.' Glint looks at Enchant, and says 'Of course, Enchant. What is the question?' Enchant then asks Glint, 'Glint, what is your family like? Do you have a mother, father and siblings?'"
Sausage: I swear she better not be parentless like Joel
Joel: Hey!
Sausage: Sorry but everyone technically has a family. And for you information Eddie officially adopted me since middle school
Joel: Dang it but I have Pix
Sausage: Fair very fair
Shelby: "Glint pauses, trying to remember the days of her childhood. Glint then replies to Enchant's question, saying 'Yes, Enchant, I have a mother, father, and siblings. My mother is a witch, she looks after us and makes us happy. My father is a witch, but he can be very angry at times. I have two sisters, Enchant. My older sister is called Water, and my younger sister is called Flame.' Enchant smiles at Glint, and Wind says 'Gl"
Gem: Nice she isn't parentless
Shelby: "Wind asks Glint 'What do your sisters call you?' Glint smiles, thinking back to her childhood. Glint then says 'My older sister, Water, calls me by the name of Winter. My younger sister, Flame, calls me by the name of Spring.' Wind smiles, and Enchant smiles, glad that she has made a new friend. Enchant smiles at Glint, and says 'Winter, that's such a beautiful name. Spring, that's also a beautiful name. I hope that you know how to be warm, and know how to help plants grow. Glint smiles, and says 'Enchant, I am happy to help others. I also know how to be warm, I just have to use some"
Scott: Interesting I need to know more!
Shelby: "Enchant then puts her hand onto Glint's head, and starts to chant. Her chant is a spell, and when Enchant is done chanting. Glint feels weird, and her hair gets lighter and lighter by the second. Glint feels light, and looks down at herself. She can't believe it, her hair is becoming blonde. Glint looks in the mirror, thinking it is a mistake. Enchant walks over to Glint, and says 'Look at the mirror Glint. See your reflection, see your beauty." Glint looks in the mirror, and can't believe she has blonde hair. Enchant smiles at Glint, saying 'This is a blessing Glint, a blessing from Magic itself.'"
Joel: Magic!
Shelby: "Glint looks at the mirror again, this time seeing the reflection of her blonde hair. Glint gasps, and then walks over to Enchant and hugs her tightly. Enchant hugs Glint tightly back, as she smiles. Enchant's family all smile at Glint, glad that she is happy. Enchant asks Glint 'Glint, have you been happy since you've been here?' Glint pauses for a moment, thinking back to the days when she was alone and miserable. Glint then replies 'The two days with you and your family have been the best of my life, Enchant."
Scott: They're kinda like us
Shelby: "Wind smiles, glad that Glint is now happy and isn't as lonely and miserable. Wind smiles, as Enchant says 'Glint, I want you to know that you're family now.' Enchant then smiles once more, giving Glint a big hug"
Gem: Yeah kinda
Shelby: "Wind smiles, and nods. Enchant then sits down, and says 'Glint, do you want to hear a story?' Glint nods, saying 'I would love to hear a story, Enchant. So please do tell me a story.' Enchant smiles, and says 'Well, Glint, I want to tell you a story that my mother used to tell me, would you like to listen?' Glint nods, saying 'Yes, I would love to hear a story Enchant. Please, tell me the story.' Enchant smiles, and leans in, and starts to tell Glint her story."
Sausage: She's getting read a story like us
Shelby: "Enchant starts to tell the story, but then Wind starts to interrupt her, saying 'Enchant it's getting late do you have to really tell a story right now?' Enchant looks at Wind, and says 'Wind, I will finish the story. Let me tell Glint this story, and then you can tell us what to do, okay?' Wind nods, and Enchant carries on telling Glint the story."
Joel: Wind sounds like Gem
Gem: Hey!
Shelby: "Glint smiles and listens intently, excited for the story that she is about to hear. Enchant smiles, and says 'Glint, the story I am about to tell is called 'The Little Black Hen'. Enchant clears her throat Enchant then says 'Many years ago, there was a little black hen. The little black hen lived in a farmhouse, where it slept with many other chickens in a big room."
Scott: A story in a story?!
Shelby: "Enchant continued to explain that 'The other chickens were lazy, and never went to look for food, and the hen wanted enough food for everyone. She decided to go and find some food by herself, since she knew that the chickens would starve without food. 'The little black hen left the house, and went down the road to look for some food. Enchant tells the story that 'The little black hen went to a field, filled with wheat. The other chickens knew that there was a lot of food in this field, but they never went to look for it because they were lazy.' Enchant then continued to read the story saying 'The little black hen had a plan, to find all the food, and bring it back for everyone to eat.'"
*They seem very intrigued to hear more*
Shelby: "Enchant tells the story that 'The little black hen went to a field, filled with wheat. The other chickens knew that there was a lot of food in this field, but they never went to look for it because they were lazy.' Enchant then continued to read the story saying 'The little black hen had a plan, to find all the food, and bring it back for everyone to eat.' Enchant smiles, reading the story, saying 'The little black hen found the wheat, and started to eat it. But she thought; 'I can't eat all this by myself, my friends must also eat, and they would like it.' The little black hen knew that she couldn't spend days picking up the wheat, so she had a plan."
Gem: Guys it's getting rather late
Sausage: Nooo please mom I need to know more
Shelby: "Enchant then explained that 'The little black hen wanted to know if the other chickens would help her eat the food. So she went back up the road, thinking to herself 'Will my friends help me?' She hoped they would, but she wasn't sure.' Enchant then started to read the final part of the story.
Joel: This better not be the finally part of the story
Shelby: "The little black hen got to the yard, and saw a few chickens outside. The other chickens asked where the little black hen was going. The little black hen went up to the other chickens, and told them that 'If you come with me to the field, the wheat can be picked and we can all eat.' The other chickens thought about it for a moment, and then went with the little black hen. Enchant smiles, reading the end of the story."
Gem: Why do I feel like this is the finally part of the story
Shelby: The end
Sausage: Nooooooo
Gem: Come on guys let's sleep tomorrow we can read more
Everyone except Gem: Fineeeeee
Author's Note: Believe it or not but the 2 stories were from Character.AI. Who knew King Ren could read amazing stories/j. I really didn't know what else to write since my creativity is still dying. But thank you King Ren you saved my 10% of my creativity. Oh and he's the screenshot proof.
Proof #1
And Proof #2
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