Love Birds! And Angst

Private chat between Joel and Lizzie

Pink: Last night was so much fun!

Green: It was

Pink: I can't believe that we liked each other for so long but didn't say anything

Green: I know! I wonder if the chat is going to kick me out?

Pink: You mean that chat that you private refuse to tell us about?

Green: Yes that chat

*Bell Rings*

Green: Bell

Pink: PE is first nooooo

Green: Yea today we're going to run the mile in 5 mins

Pink: Noooooooooooo

Green is offline

Pink is offline

During PE——————

                           SIMPS CHAT

Jimmy Simp💛: Wtf that was so unfair :(

Katherine Simp💖: You mean the mile?

Jimmy Simp💛: Yes under 5 mins that's HOMOPHOBIC!!!!!

Fwhip Simp💚: Isn't Ms.N lesbian?

Pearl Simp🧡: Yeah she is, Scott how is she homophonic?

Jimmy Simp💛: Wait she's lesbian

Katherine Simp💖: She said it the during first day

Jimmy Simp💛: Ohh

Katherine Simp💖: So you're being homophonic of lesbians now?

Fwhip Simp💚: Damn homophonic Scott is in the chat

Jimmy Simp💛: Shut up :( I'm not homophonic

Pearl Simp🧡: All you people have a problem if you're talking about homophonic things

Lizzie Simp💕: Guys guess whatttttt

Fwhip Simp💚: What?

Lizzie Simp💕: I took Lizzie on a date!!!!

Pearl Simp🧡: Congratulations Joel!

Jimmy Simp💛: You finally confessed

Lizzie Simp💕: Yes and she said she like me back

Katherine Simp💖: Did you take a screenshot

Lizzie Simp💕: Yes

Lizzie Simp💕 sent a screenshot of there private chat conversation

Katherine Simp💖: Congrats 🎉! Are you going to ask her the important question?

Lizzie Simp💕: At the end of the day

Jimmy Simp💛: I'm happy for you man

*Bell Rings*

Fwhip Simp💚: Lunch Finally

Pearl Simp🧡: You guys want to sit together, talk about our shitty love life and to help Joel confessed

Katherine Simp💖: Sounds like a plan

Katherine Simp💖 is offline

Pearl Simp🧡 is offline

Jimmy Simp💛 is offline

Fwhip Simp💚 is offline

Lizzie Simp💕 is offline

In Real Time, So Out Of Chat Any Chat

Gem: Hey guys!

Shelby: Hey so love life problems

Scott: Yea a reason to finally ramble about Tim

Joel: But why did you want us to come in the math class?

Gem: Well since it's our last class, we have a sub and we can eat here. I thought it was the perfect place also cause it's quiet

Sausage: Good job Gem you really thought this through

Gem: Thanks

Shelby: I mean it feels weird since we would usually sit with them......

Scott: E2 and H9

Joel: Yea it does feel weird

Sausage: I swear If they were hiding something I'm going to kill the nearest person

*Silence In Room*

Shelby: Okay does anyone have ideas for Joel or who wants to talk about they're love life?

Scott: I have a idea

Joel: Shoot

Scott: You can say "Lizzie you make me the happiest person in the world, will you be my girlfriend"

Sausage: Wow Scott I never thought that would come out of your mouth

Scott: Why not

Gem: Usually you would say something dirty minded that's why

Scott: I'm not that dirty minded

Shelby: Scott you told Tim if he can show you how his strings work

Scott: ...............

Joel: Lol

Scott: Fuck you

Gem: Anyway Joel what do you think

Joel: I love it but I don't think I can be that direct?

Sausage: Maybe you can say this "Lizzie you make me the happiest person in the world. I never thought a beautiful woman like you would like me. When you're near me my heart pounds and my stomach feels butterflies. Will you be my girlfriend?

Joel: OMG it's perfect! Thank you Sausage

*Joel hugs Sausage*

Sausage: No problem

Shelby: So Joel do you feel confident now?

Joel: Yes do you think I should tell her now?

Everyone except Joel: YES!

Joel: Okay *Takes out his phone*

Private chat between Joel and Lizzie

Green: Lizzie you make me the happiest person in the world. I never thought a beautiful woman like you would like me. When you're near me my heart pounds and my stomach feels butterflies. Will you be my girlfriend?


Green: Wait really! I-I so we're going to them

Pink: Yes I'll tell E2 and H9! But where's Shelby, Gem, Sausage and Scott?

Green: Their with me. I'll tell them

Pink: Okay love you 🥰

Green: Love you too 🥰

Green is offline

Pink is offline

In Real Time, So Out Of Chat Any Chat For The Rest Of The Story

Joel: Well guys she said, YES!

Scott: Congrats

Gem: Congratulations

Shelby: Congrats

Sausage: Congratulations

Joel: She's going to tell E2 and H9. Also thank you Sausage you're a life saver!

Sausage: You're very welcome

*Bell Rings*

Shelby: Well are you ready?

Joel: Yes

Jimmy: Wait how are you guys here first

Pix: Yea for once you guys are early! What's going on? Also congrats Joel

Joel: Thanks dad

Scott: Lol

Pix: Why with the dad

Katherine: Okay but why are you early and why didn't you guys sit with us?

Sausage: Blame Gem

Gem: Hey

Sausage: Revenge

Lizzie: Where is the god damm sub

Shelby: Scott was being homophonic

False: Scott how could you

Scott: You had to bring that up

Shelby: Yes

Joel: And to Ms.N

Joe: The lesbian PE teacher?

Gem: Yea

Scott: Traitors all four of you

Mr.D: Attention class today we're watching a movie since all this stuff you're never going to need this shIt. So you can talk or whatever *Puts on headphones*

Fwhip: That was weird

Oli: Yea anyway but to why you guys were here

Lizzie: What were guys doing here

Gem: *Covers Sausage's ears* Firstly we talking about random stuff and secondly don't say we are talking behind your back-

Shelby: Oh yea because Sausage is going to kill the nearest person which is Oli

Gem: Really you couldn't let me finish my sentence

Shelby: Oh sorry Gem

Gem: It's fine

*Gem uncovers Sausage's ears*

Joel: So if you don't Oli dead they say nothing

Jimmy: Why did the sub put Toy Story:(

Joel: Wait he did

Katherine: *Points at Woody* Oh it's you Tim

Everyone laughs except Jimmy

False: Tim one day your going to accept it

Joe: Joel how did you manage to come up with that confession anyway?

Shelby: Why do you want to know?

Joe: So I come up with something to write a poem for my pirate princess

Shelby: *Whispering to herself* Oh right....

Joe: What?

*Shelby raises her hand*

Mr.D: Yes

Shelby: Could I go to the bathroom

Mr.D: Sure

*Shelby leaves*

Gem: *Raise her hand* Could I go as well

Mr.D: Okay

In The Bathroom

Gem: Shelby are you okay

Shelby: *Crying* Why is love so stupid

Gem: I don't know but it's going to be okay

*Hugging Shelby*

Shelby: How do you know

Gem: I don't but I know Katherine doesn't show any feelings for Joe

Shelby: I guess but over time they she probably will

Gem: Not unless you tell her how you feel

Shelby: But if I do she's probably going to say no and laugh

Gem: No she won't

Shelby: Again how do you even know. I don't deserve her

Shelby: I don't deserve to live

Gem: Shelby dear/p yes you do pls don't every say that every again

Shelby: But it's true, why would a girl like me deserve the most perfect girl in the world

Shelby: And why would a girl like me deserve to live

Gem: Shelby you deserve the world

Gem: And you deserve her because you're funny, intelligent, kind, caring, and beautiful

Shelby: *Stops crying* Thanks Gem you're a good best friend

Gem: *Stops hugging Shelby* Your welcome. You wanna go back?

Shelby: Yes please

Gem: Come on. We don't have to talk about with anyone if you want

Shelby: Yes

Gem: Alright

Back In Class

Katherine: *Whispering to Gem* What happened?

Gem: Ummm you know girl stuff

Katherine: Okay....

Katherine thought "There's no way that they we're talking about just girl stuff when Shelby looked like she was crying".

*Bell Rings*

Mr.D: Bye I guess

Everyone one said bye to every other

Scott: Hey Shelby Joel basketball?

Joel: Your on

Shelby: Yea

Gem: *Grabs Shelby's arm* Please never say that you're not worthy of living

Shelby: I promise

*Gem lets go and gives Shelby a soft smile*

Author's Note: Somewhat of Shelby angst. Literally Shelby and Gem remind me of my friend and me. Like I'm Gem and she's Shelby.
Also Mr.D is speaking facts like when are we ever going to use integers or the formula. Like all we need to know is read, write, rounding, adding and subtracting.

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