"Wake up...." The mysterious voice whispered to Seira "Wake up!" The voice said again "WAKE UP YOU LAZY PIECE OF- BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP!" Seira's Alarm clock bleeped for the 20th time, finally waking her up...not in the best way however...Seira reacted too quickly and hit her head off the top of the bunk bed...
"GAH! MY HEAD!" Seira yelled clutching her head "DAMMIT GINA WHY DIDN'T YOU-" She stopped when she saw that her roommate was gone, Seira looking over at her alarm clock and noticed the time "CRAP I'M LATE!" She said getting out of her bed and grabbed her PE kit and ran out of her dorm..
Annabelle noticed Seira run past her class and chuckled a little, "Looks like Gina left Seira asleep again!" She said turning to Scott, "Damn you're crying again?" She said looking at the tear streaks on his face, she sighed and looked back at her teacher who was telling the class about their latest test marks...
Seira ran into the changing rooms and noticed Takoyaki, she walked over to her "You're still not ready yet Taki?" She said starting to change, her old sports top and leggings were the cleanest thing for PE, so she had no other choice...
Takoyaki jumped back a little then looked at Seira "I-I was waiting for you!" She stammered nervously "Also..it's dodgeball today and...yeah.." She said looking away
Seira smirked and nodded "Ok that's fair enough but you seriously can't be afraid of dodgeball!" She said finishing getting ready, she walked out of the changing room and into the huge hall where they do PE, with Takoyaki following close behind, she noticed everyone else was already in positions and quickly ran to one side while Takoyaki ran to the other...
The Teacher blew her whistle and the game began, Seira felt a huge boost of energy and immediately ran to grab a ball, throwing it and getting someone out, a new record for her, meanwhile Takoyaki hid, that's what she always did, it was what she was best at...she ducked when a ball came close to her head...
The match was at its end, with only Seira and Takoyaki remaining, Seira smirked and grabbed a dodgeball and threw it hard at Takoyaki...who had yelped and...disappeared into a purple gas...the ball bounced off the wall and slammed into Seira's stomach...while everyone else stood shocked...suddenly Takoyaki appeared again, looking surprised, with the purple gas surrounding her...
"I have..no idea what just happened but...Seira! You're out!" The Teacher said blowing her whistle and pointing at Seira...who was engulfed in rage and slammed her fists into the floor, exploding the areas she hit... "ARE YOU KIDDING?! SHE DISAPPEARED FOR-" She started before looking down at the floor where the explosions happened...then looked at her hands, which where covered in ash "W-what...happened?" Both Seira and Tokoyaki said at the same time...
Annabelle smiled as the teacher handed her the test score "Yay! 100%!" She said punching the air, little sparks of electricity, not noticeable to anyone else, appeared on her fist...she pulled her hand down after feeling a little shock and raised an eyebrow when she saw little sparks on it...
Scott looked at his test paper, fighting the urge to cry, "70%..." He said pushin his paper away and digging his head into his hands "I should've studied more..." He said feeling the tears form in his eyes...feeling patches of water on his hands, he pulled his head away and noticed the patches of water growing larger and larger...
Annabelle raised her hand "Um...Mi- HOLY-" She couldn't finish her sentence as a huge volt of electricity shot through the ceiling from her hand and leaving a black mark on the ceiling, Scott looked up at the ceiling shocked then noticed his hands were trapped in bubbles of water...he attempted to raise his hand but the weight was so heavy that his hands hit the desk, splitting the bubbles open and spreading water all around his desk and on the floor, the Teacher has noticed and was speaking to someone over the phone, saying something that confused everyone...
"Mr Hope? We've found 2...."
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