Chapter 18: Lessons in Choice

"Alright,'s that time again," Michelangelo announces, standing proudly with his shell obscuring the TV behind him. "It's rerun night, and today, in honour of Sarina, we will watch Super Robo Mecha Force Five!"

The turtles cheer and clap, hooting and pumping their fists. Sarina smiles lightly and clasps her hands together in anticipation. Destiny's tail wags hard enough to smack Raphael in the back of the head and he quickly decides that he doesn't want to sit on the floor anymore. Splinter enters from the kitchen with a tray that's laden with popcorn and drinks.

As Michelangelo puts the VHS into the player and Splinter passes out snacks, Donatello feels his t-phone vibrate. He stands and hops out of the pit, snatching up the phone and checking his texts. April's name decorates the screen.

A: I can't come tonight. Sorry.

He frowns and starts to text back. Meanwhile, the show starts up and captures everyone else's attention, except for Sarina. She glances over at Donatello occasionally, noticing that he's becoming more and more visibly agitated by the second. He's already deviated from texting to calling, speaking in a low voice with his shell turned to his family, one finger plugging his free ear.

"You haven't been here in at least a week," he says. He listens to the response, mouth falling open. "What? We told you that there's nothing to worry about. Sarina's on our side."

Sarina again turns to look at him, her heart starting to pound. His eyes narrow and his entire body tenses noticeably as he starts to pace back and forth.

"I wouldn't lie to you and you know I would never put you in danger," he insists. "At least, not purposely." Another response. He bristles. "April, I'm serious. There's nothing and no one to be afraid of."

Her response seems to flip a switch in him. He pulls the phone away from his ear and shouts into it, effectively jolting everyone else away from their TV watching.

"Sarina is not a Kraang!"

Raphael pauses the TV as everything goes quiet. Donatello takes a deep breath and brings the phone back, his volume back to normal.

"Please, can we talk about this?" he pleads. The answer makes his face harden. "Fine, don't come. Forget I asked," he mutters.

He ends the call and stuffs the phone into his belt. As he turns to go back to the events going on without him, he instead finds multiple pairs of eyes staring at him, blue and green and brown alike.

"Wow, Donnie, what's got your shell in a twist?" Raphael asks with a teasing smirk.

"Nothing. My shell is perfectly untwisted," Donatello snaps. He plops himself down on the bench and crosses his arms tightly over his chest. "Just play the show."

Nobody touches the remote. Captain Dash stays frozen on the screen, finger aimed out at his unknown spectators. Donatello looks to each of his family members, frustrated.

"Seriously, go," he repeats.

"Donnie, something is bothering you," Leonardo says. "What happened with April?"

"It's not important."

Skeptical glances pass through every face. Sarina clears her throat and raises her hand, her stomach clenching into a tight knot as the attention falls on her. She can't look Donatello in the eye.

"Judging by what I could overhear, April has some kind of problem with me," she says softly. "I am sorry for...whatever it is that I have done."

Donatello's expression softens. "No, it's not your fault. It's..." He purses his lips, then moves slightly to address his entire awaiting family. "April is concerned about Sarina's motives and out of that wariness, she doesn't want to visit unless Sarina is gone. She wants Casey to stay away too, but I can't speak for whether he's going to listen."

Sarina's throat tightens and her eyes flash as her head droops towards the floor. Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo share unsure looks and Splinter's whiskers twitch as his eyebrows furrow. Destiny's tail curls around her as she purses her lips.

Sarina gets to her feet, her arms trembling as she stares straight ahead, right at the TV screen. "It is my fault," she says. "This is only happening because I am a Kraang."

"You're not a Kraang, dudette," Michelangelo says with a smile. He gets up and extends his arms to her. "You're our epic robo-chick!"

He steps closer and she reacts, forcing her arms out and shoving against his plastron. "No!" she shouts as the orange-masked turtle stumbles back, his smile fading. "No, I am a Kraang. I was raised by them, why should there be any thought against it? I am a Kraang." She takes sharp breaths, her chest aching as heat spreads from her eyes down her throat and everywhere. "I must go."

She turns and starts to climb from the pit. Leonardo practically leaps up and snatches her arm, opening his mouth to speak, but she tears away from his grip and picks up speed. The other turtles and Destiny are instantly on their feet and following their leader and runaway cyborg.

"Sarina! Wait!" Donatello calls.

She doesn't slow down, shoving through the front gate and disappearing into the tunnels. The turtles stop, unsure of whether to pursue, and Splinter catches up to them. Destiny hops over the turnstiles and emerges into the tunnels, searching the path for Sarina.

"Sarina!" she shouts, cupping her hands around her mouth. "SARINA!"


Donatello slumps, bringing one hand to his face as he turns away. "I shouldn't have said anything," he mumbles. "I've mucked it all up."

Splinter rests one hand on his son's shoulder. "Nothing has been ruined yet, Donatello," he says. The purple-masked turtle lifts his head as his Sensei looks to the remaining brothers. "Michelangelo, Raphael, go and find Sarina. I do not want her to get hurt or lost out there."

"Hai Sensei," they reply.

As the brothers disappear into the tunnel, Splinter rounds on Leonardo and Destiny. "Leonardo, call April and ask her to come here at once. Bring Casey as well." Leonardo nods and pulls out his t-phone, wandering away from the group to call his friend. "Destiny, Donatello..."

"Hai?" The pair straightens up, ready for their orders.

Splinter smiles lightly at them. "Perhaps you two can talk to one another about how to fix this problem," he suggests. "The two of you know Sarina best and both of you care deeply for April. Discuss, meditate on the problem before they come back."

They bow. "Hai Sensei."

Splinter walks away and starts to gather dishes and abandoned cups left in the living room. Donatello and Destiny stand next to each other, each waiting for the other to speak first. Eventually, one steps up to plate.

"Hey," Destiny murmurs. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I didn't mean to get so angry with her," he says. "I know she's on edge because of everything that the Kraang have done to her in the past, but I wish that she would give Sarina the benefit of the doubt."

The wolf girl's tail lashes as she leans her weight onto one leg. "You're at a crossroads, Donnie-boy," she says, the faintest trace of teasing lifting her voice.

He sighs. "I don't know what I feel anymore."

She tilts her chin up, pupils swivelling as she thinks. "If there's one thing I've learned from our time with Sarina, it's that feelings aren't as black and white as we think they are," she says.

"Yeah, that's true," he agrees. He finally looks at her instead of the empty space before them. "Des?"


"Maybe I'm wrong here, but...was Sarina upset with me this morning? She went racing out of the lab without any explanation. Did she say anything to you about it?"

Destiny's eyes stay on him before she lifts her finger to her lips and winks. "Girl code, I'm sworn to secrecy," she says.

He groans. "So she did say something. Aw, man."

"Don't immediately go all dark and twisty. That's my job," Destiny jokes.

"I'm serious."

"And so am I." She bumps her shoulder against his and smiles lightly. "There will be time to worry about Sarina, but right now you need to talk to April. Okay?"

As Donatello thinks over the possible scenarios that can occur, he hears Leonardo's voice announcing that April and Casey will be in the lair in less than ten minutes. The purple-masked turtle's breath hitches and he shuts his eyes as his hands fold into anxious fists.

This was bound to happen, he knows this. There's far too much that hasn't been discussed and even more that's been flat out ignored. Now is the time to set things right and all Donatello can do is pray for the strength and confidence that he needs.

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