Invading Area 51, Check

In the middle of an unmarked jungle, a massive military base could be seen. The base itself was very large and advanced, resembling a small town, with numerous buildings, strange vehicles, and hundreds to thousands of soldiers, either driving those vehicles, moving supplies around, or patrolling the area, all of them armed and ready to act if necessary. Despite their numbers, a few of them were simply relaxing and conversing with each other, creating a moment of calm amidst the tension.

"HALT! You Are Not Allowed To Be Here!"

Unfortunately, that couldn't really last with the arrival of Shadow, Eta, and three members of the Shadow Garden, all in slime suits and no doubt ready to cause some real chaos and destruction.

"Hunt them, my loyal shadows, leave nothing behind except blood and destruction."

As soon as Shadow gave the order, the three members that followed behind him and the scientist elf, known as 664, 665, and 11, aka Lambda, immediately dashed forward and used their slime weapons to instantly kill all of the soldiers that were guarding the front entrance, and then continued to kill anyone they met, leaving their two leaders behind.

'I will always be grateful to my friends for hiring so many people to role-play as my servants~'

Cid couldn't help but shiver slightly in pure delight whenever he was given the chance to actually act like a true Eminence of Shadows, though he tried to hide his true feelings when facing his partner.

"I am to presume you know where the first ball is?"

When Shadow asked this question, the seventh member of the Seven Shades simply responded by pulling out a round device, which appeared to resemble a tracking system of some kind.

"Thanks to your 'Shadow Wisdom', and my research of what we're looking for, I've managed to create a device that shall help us track all 7 of the Dragon Balls, unfortunately I only made one at the moment, but I do plan to give each member of the Seven Shades their own locators in the future."

Then she turned the device on, which quickly displayed the locations of all seven Dragon Balls. She didn't waste any time in leading her Lord to the first one they would be collecting, which he followed without hesitation.

'This still feels like plagiarism for some reason, but I'm already used to that to be honest, so it's hard for me to care about it.'

Cid mentally sighed to himself but said nothing as he continued to follow the person who seemed to know where they were going and didn't complain a single bit.


Meanwhile, in some sort of intelligence office room, a short man with red hair and an eyepatch could be currently seen freaking out and getting angry; he was known as Commander Red. The reason for such intense emotions was because he was in the middle of watching his TV and seeing a live footage of his entire base being raided and having his entire army being massacred with little to no effort; this upset him to no end.

"Should we contact the Cult for reinforcements?"

Standing on the shorter side was a tall male figure with dark skin; he was known as Officer Black, and he was currently trying his best to be helpful in this moment of chaos.

"No, if we do that, we will lose their trust and support, and without them, we can't hope to grow as a Military superpower."

Commander Red growled as he sat back in his seat and took a moment to consider his options and what he could do at this moment.

"... Give Dr. Gero permission to test out Android 1, and let him know that if he succeeds, that he will not only be given the authority to do whatever he pleases with his experiments, but also become the new General of the Red Ribbon Army."

The personal assistant of Commander Red couldn't help but gasp in shock after hearing what he just suggested.

"B-But Commander, if you promise him that, he will-"

"I KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN!... But it's either that, or face punishment from the Cult themselves, and I rather pick the options that will give ourselves a much better chance of a brighter future..."

Commander Red slammed his fist down on his desk in pure rage and frustration; there was no doubt that he wasn't happy about what he had to do, but felt like he had no choice, which Officer Black noticed and understood.

"I understand..."

Officer Black gently bows his head before turning away and walking off to do what he was told to do, giving the general some time to think, all the while pouring himself a glass of alcohol.

'Why hunt us now? What have we done to get their attention?'

Commander Red then paused before taking a sip and suddenly went eyes wide in realization.

"... The Dragon Ball...."

Meanwhile, back outside, the three numbered members were still engaged in their genocidal rampage against the entire military base, while also causing a large amount of destruction as possible, leaving no one or anything to be salvaged or saved.

"It is good to know that you two haven't slack off in your training after being assigned as 666 bodyguards."

While speaking and somewhat praising her teammates, Lambda used her slime whip to either slice up the soldiers that got too close to her, or use it to grapple any vehicles nearby and swing them around, causing the most destruction and carnage possible.

"We have to, a moment we slack off, is a moment we risk the life of 666."

As for 664, she acted more like backup support for Commander 11, making sure no one sneak attacked or ambushed her, though she still participated in the fight, using two large slime knives to expertly and efficiently kill any soldier, with only a few strikes necessary before moving on to the next one.

"Don't be like that 664, just because she became the new Queen doesn't mean she still isn't a part of the Shadow Garden."

665 tried to defend 666, all the while being in charge of making sure no soldier escapes alive, and she did so by using a large slime chain mace, swinging around and hitting anyone without a care in the world; she was more relaxed about the situation, but still took her job seriously.

"Where is he?..."

However, before the three members of Shadow Garden could continue with their assignment, while also taking a chance to have a light conversation about recent events and how they were doing, a light, soft yet very broken voice could be heard, interrupting the trio and making them look in its direction.


They saw a young girl, maybe around mid to late teens, with pink messy hair, crazy tired eyes, and wearing a black cloak, elbow-length gloves, and thigh-high boots; it was Sherry Barnett, and from her voice and expression alone, it was clear that she was filled with vengeance and rage toward them.

"What do we do, Commander 11? She doesn't seem like she's a part of the Cult or this Military."

She had her weapons up and kept her guard up, though she hesitated to actually attack Barnett who stood before them all.

"No doubt another victim to the Cult manipulation, we shall take her back to Alexandria and see if Alpha or Lord Shadow can save her."

Lambda glanced at 665 and gestured for her to apprehend the pink-haired girl, who nodded in understanding and did as she was told, walking up to the target and raising a hand to choke her into unconsciousness.

"Haaaaay, my name is 665, I'm just gonna knock you out and take you somewhere safe, is that cool with you?"

665 then brought her hand down, though instead of landing a hit to render Barnett unconscious, her hand was instead tightly grabbed. Not only that, but the hand that grabbed the Number suddenly glowed, which for some reason caused the blonde elf to fall to her knees with a pained expression, making both Lambda and 664 tense and aim their weapons at Sherry, who simply looked at them with a sad yet insane smile.

"If you won't tell me where he is, then I'll just make him come to me instead..."

Back inside, Commander Red and Officer Black, who was trying to make multiple phone calls and tried to figure out what they should do next, were suddenly cut off and interrupted by the sounds of a door, which was heavily reinforced and made from high-quality materials, get sliced to bits. Lord Shadow and Eta, who had simply walked in as if they owned the place, picked up a Dragon Ball as if it belonged to them. The Commander and Officer pulled out their guns and tried to shoot them, but the elf servant's slime destroyed their weapons and was ready to be stabbed at any time.

'Maybe make a wish to be ageless, because while I don't want to live forever, I still wanna live longer than a few 100 years, it would be nice to die whenever I feel like I'm done and not because I ran out of time.'

Before Cid could continue to think about his wish and be conflicted on whether or not he should be a true Immortal, his thoughts were completely interrupted by the short man who started yelling at him


Commander Red suddenly had his head fell off his body, landing and rolling on the ground. This definitely startled his assistant to see the general die so quickly without even noticing.

"Do you share his opinion?..."

Shadow spoke to the man in front of him, using his free hand to hold a black blade with fresh blood on it, letting the Officer know who was responsible for such a kill. However, even though his commander, Red, was dead, he couldn't help but wonder the question and then come to a realization that made him frown sadly.

"No… Not anymore…"

Officer Black came to this conclusion once witnessing what the Commander was willing to do to achieve victory and it made him lose faith in what he truly believed in, which definitely caught the Eminence's attention

"My Lord… may we spare him?... I have a lot of things to ask him… It would be a good use to me… And the Shadow Garden…"

Eta decided to speak up and make a request about what they should do with the officer, making him nervous and worried

'Oof, sorry man, looks like you're about to be experimented on, you have my sympathy.'

Cid could only give a sympathetic expression to the person in front of him, before looking back at his prize, which he let be enveloped and hidden within his slime suit.

"Do as you wish."

Though once Shadow put the ball in a safe place, and after the seventh Shade was given the okay to do whatever she pleased with Officer, a screen turned on and revealed something that definitely caught their attention

'OH! It's the Protagonist from the Terrorism Arc~'

Back outside, where the military is in complete shambles, with all the soldiers dead, the Shadow Garden members, or what was left of them, 664 and 665 were beaten down and broken, leaving behind No.11, aka Lambda, who didn't look any better, her slime suit was partly ripped while blood dripped everywhere, though she still looked very determined and motivated to fight on despite such an unfavorable condition, as she readied her whip-like weapon and poured all of her power into it, before giving a hard swing towards the enemy she was facing, who was none other than Sherry Barnett. She simply responded to the attack by grabbing the whip with her robotic hands, and then used said hands to start draining all the magic from it. The Military Elf tried to resist it, but was proven futile, falling to her knees and barely having enough strength to keep herself standing, let alone stopping from having her face suddenly be grabbed by the pink-haired girl.

"Last chance to tell me where your Bastard of a Lord is before I get even more angry with you."

Before Sherry could get her answers by force, No. 11 finally opened the eye she had kept closed, letting the enemy see the symbol that glowed brightly before being blasted at full power. Usually such a large amount of magic would be enough to destroy a large building, but unfortunately for the chocolate-skinned elf, all she accomplished was empowering the magical cybernetic.

"Hm, I guess you're useless to me then."

Sherry grabbed the face of the military elf and started charging up a blast in her mechanical hands, no doubt planning to kill her

"Hopefully the others will give me what I want…"

Before Sherry could finish off No. 11, a very large slime sword suddenly came out of nowhere and pierced into her, both sending her back and dropping the chocolate-skinned elf, who was caught before she could hit the ground.

"L-Lord Shadow…"

Lambda blushed softly as she looked up, her eyes wide with surprise when she saw her Lord appear before her, seemingly saving her and even starting to heal her.

"Leave us, you've done enough…"

Shadow, after returning the military elf to full health, stood beside her and started walking, with 7th Shade following right behind him. She was stunned and Instruction

"I leave it to you then, my Lord."

And with that, Lambda left her two subordinates to handle the threat, while also using this chance to save and heal 664 and 665, who had finally fallen unconscious after feeling the relief of seeing their Lord come to the rescue.

"F-Finally, we meet…"

Sherry appears to have caught the slime blade instead of letting it stab into her. She absorbs the magic from it and lets it drop into a pile of black goo.


Sherry glared at her mortal enemy with the most intense, angry, and insane face she could muster, even raising her magical aura to a height high enough to push away everything around her, except for the two who stood before her


Sherry, after trying to catch her breath from her screaming and yelling, reached into her clothes and pulled out some kind of artifact. She held it before her and continued to glare at the person she hated the most.

"The day where I can finally kill you…"

When Sherry crushed the item in her robotic hand, a pink aura light quickly covered and surrounded the entire area, seeming to have the power to suck away mana from anyone trapped within. Judging by Lambda's nearly falling after getting her subordinate to safety, it seemed not strong enough to make the two before her suddenly drop, but it did make them be more on guard and focused.

'Ah, this brings back memories, makes me wish to experience another school attack again, I wonder if Sherry wouldn't mind playing the Protagonist again? Well, after she gets over this revenge arc thing she's having.'

Though/Despite putting some effort in keeping the slime suit from melting away, Cid couldn't help but mentally laugh and smile, no doubt feeling nostalgic for what's going on, and even getting excited about what might happen next.

"I know you desire to do most things… On your own… But please allow me to assist you… Lord Shadow…"

Although before he could live out his fantasy, Eta interrupted his thoughts and looked determined to fight alongside him, even readying her slime after regaining control over it, which made him think for a moment before saying "Eh, why not"

"Make it rain."

Was all Shadow said before dashing towards his new opponent, and after his partner was given the okay, she couldn't help but smile softly, no doubt happy to feel any kind of usefulness for her Lord, though she didn't let that distract her, as she then put more focus on her slime, resulting in making a lot of weapons being created by her suit, and once they were made, she suddenly shot them all up high in the air, and then made them all come falling down, multiple swords, axes, maces, staffs, clubs, all of it fell back, more specifically towards Sherry, who tried moving around to avoid, and her Lord, who suddenly grabbed one of the falling weapons and swung it at his opponent, to which she blocked with her cybernetic hand and absorbed the mana from within, which did force the man from Eminence to drop the slime weapon and grabbed another to use against her, rinse and repeat over again, as the two continued to have this "dance", the Scientific Elf, while using part of the slime suit to make it rain weapons, was also using it to cover the ground underneath her Master and Barnett, to both reabsorb the weapons that missed her target, and launch out deadly spiked fists at said target, which did land once in a while and allowed her Lord to go in whenever a opportunity opened for him, forcing the enemy to block and struggle to not be taken down, it was such a beautiful dance that was on a crazy stage of insanity

'Fuck, this is so awesome, raining weapons, ground attacks and facing a enemy that wants revenge and seemingly having the power to steal power, plus her being a cyborg, UGH! I LOVE IT!~'

Cid couldn't help but have so much fun while fighting the enemy he knew wasn't the strongest he had faced. The honor of being the toughest opponent he had ever encountered, however, went to someone like Violet-eyed Lady or Black Beast Monster. But to say that this moment did not make his heart race with excitement would be a huge lie.


The sound of yelling definitely made Shadow snap out of his thoughts, raising another weapon that had fallen and using it to block an open-palm attack from Sherry, who looked beyond angry and crazy at the moment


Sherry once again absorbed the weapon's magic to make it turn into goo, before using her free hand to deliver a punch aimed at her enemy's face, who had just jumped back to avoid it.


Sherry didn't stop her attacks when he jumped away; she then started using all the mana she had been taking to shoot out magical blasts at her most hated person, who simply just jumped around and dodged the ranged attacks.


But it was short-lived, as Sherry not only ran out of magic quickly due to overuse, but her tunnel vision got the best of her when she was punched in the stomach by a ground slime attack, sending her flying back and crashing into a random building wall, which destroyed it completely

"I will stop at nothing to take everything from you…"

Sherry fell on her knees and took a moment to catch her breath. It was clear that she wasn't the best at fighting. Both from how untrained she fought and how easily she got exhausted, but despite that, it did nothing to quell her burning hatred and anger towards the Eminence

"Oh? If that is all you so desire."

Shadow raised a hand to stop his 7th Shade partner from attacking Barnett while she was down, a small smile forming on his lips, as he started to walk up to his opponent, letting some slime move away from his hand as he then offered it to her

"Then take it already~"

When Shadow said and did this, his Enemy couldn't help but look surprised and confused by this, but it quickly changed to anger again, as she didn't care why he was doing this and just wanted to get up, run up to him, and use both of her cybernetic hands to grab onto him tight, refusing to let him go

"Yes! Give Me Your Power! I Will Show You All The Pain You Cause Me By Using Your Own Magic Against You!"

For a moment, Sherry looked mad with power, as if temporarily forgetting why she was doing all this, an unsightly look she gave when she was absorbing all the mana as quickly as she could from her most hated foe

"Your! Own… Magic?..."

But Sherry, who had been corrupted by power, didn't last long, as she slowly realized that all the magic she was taking was starting to be too much for both her robotic arms and body.

'T-This Is Too Much!'

Although Sherry tried to move her hands away, Shadow grabbed only onto both of her cybernetic hands and forced her to keep taking his power, much to her horror.


Sherry was starting to look more panicked as she struggled more and more to escape his grasp, but he just refused to let go and kept pouring more of his mana into her, which was intense enough to cause her arms to overheat and her clothes to burn away.


Though, just as everything was about to be too much for Sherry, she took one last look at Shadow, as if planning to say or do one last thing to him, but she suddenly stopped when she got a good look at him, any rage or fear, was quickly replaced with pure confusion and shock


It was all Sherry could say before she suddenly exploded from magic overload…

'Hm, you know, I kind of feel bad now, she was a nice person after all, she gave me cookies and helped me look cool during that terrorist attack.'

Although luckily for her, Cid managed to save her, although she was badly injured, with her cybernetic limbs gone, but she survived, especially when he used what remained of his mana pool to heal her, not completely since most of his powers had been sucked away by her, but enough for her to heal the rest herself

"Are you… OK, my Lord?..."

Eta, once having a moment to recover all of her slime and take a second to catch her breath, walked up to her Lord and made sure that he was ok, while also being a bit curious on what he would do next, he hummed softly as he looked at her and the unconscious pink-haired girl

"Think you could fix her up?"

Shadow asked, picking up Sherry and tossing her to the Mad Genius who caught and held her close

"Of course…"

Eda bows as she holds Barnett, though unknown to Cid, it seems that she had something else in mind when he mentioned "Fix Her Up"

"That's good."

Not that Shadow cared either way, so he pat himself and pulled out a Dragon Ball, which made him sigh in relief, glad that he hadn't lost it during the fight

"Take her back with you then, I shall continue the journey and collect the rest of the Dragon Balls."

Shadow turns away and starts to leave, again the seventh Shade bows in acknowledgment, though before he leaves, she takes out the device that tracks Dragon Balls and throws it at him, who catches it.

"I wish… You luck… Until next time… We meet…"

And with that, Eta disappeared into sight, which made her Lord chuckle in amusement, no doubt liking her dramatic exit.

'I hope I have more chance to fight robots or cyborgs in the future, I always want to have a "Human VS Machine" type of moment, hm, maybe I'll ask Eta to do that in the future, she seems smart enough to make that happen.'

Though unknown to Cid Kageno, a certain old-looking man could be seen in the distance, glaring hatefully at him. However, he didn't seem to attack and instead also decided to leave the area, as if he knew he wasn't strong enough to deal with any of it.

"I swear, you will pay for this, Shadow…"
Sorry if this chapter feels rushed and short, but multiple plans and ideas came up that I can't ignore and now I'm trying to figure out on how to do this story properly, I'm open to suggestions and ideas

(Very Off Topic! You guys might be curious on how I might handle romance, since basically almost everyone has fallen in love with Cid, well, to be fair, I will give him a Harem, but it will only be with the Seven Shades, plus maybe another girl or 2, but characters like Sherry, Rose, Alexia, Iris, Elisabeth, Yukime, Aurora/Claire, Akane Nishino, Nu, Nina, Victoria, Lambda, 664, 665, Annerose and whoever else that probably fell in love with Cid/Shadow, they won't be a part of his Harem, well maybe some, but mostly I want them all to have their own lives, be their own characters, and not be another lover to Cid/Shadow, like Claire just being a very overprotective Sister, nothing more than that, or any members in the Shadow Garden just be someone who is just loyal to their Lord but not really in love type of thing, of course I'm open to arguments with including more to the Harem, but I want them to have options of love and not just be lock with Cid, I mean, with the inclusion of Dragon Ball, there's plenty of characters that could be good match and ships with one another, and not just Cid, but that's just my opinion, what do you think?)

/E.I.S x DB Shipping Ideas\
Cid/Shadow X Seven Shades, Chi Chi, Android 18 and Launch.

Aurora/Claire X Raditz

Rose X Yamcha

Alexia X Tien.

Iris X Piccolo.

Elizabeth X Beerus.

Mary X Android 16.

Yukime X Hercule.

Lamda X Officer Black.

Sherry X Broly.

Akane X Vegeta.

Victoria X Android 17.

Beatrix X Krillin.

Annerose X Nappa.

664 and 665 BFF Majin Buu.

Chi and Omega BFF Jaco.
(Very random shipping ideas, but I wasn't given a lot of DB Male Characters to work with, unless I'm missing something or someone? I might change these ideas later in the future probably, some of these might not stick, BTW the only character I did not give romantic interest to is Nu, and Nina, plus a few others, might change we'll see, I'm open to ideas)

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