Chapter 5: The past that hunts me
A guy slowly opens his eyes as he let out a groan of pain. The last thing he remembered was stepping out onto the alleyway after a heavy night of drinking and then next thing he remembered was being ambushed by mysterious figures from the darkness.
He was slowly moving in circles as he look down only to seeba floor below him as his eyes widen in shock as we then see him upside down while being tied up in chains as he move around while making his chains making a lot of noise.
Suddenly two figures step out which was the Shadow Emperor and Epslion which the guy immediately was terrified as Shadow Emperor walls up to him and then grabbing his neck and then ask him.
Shadow Emperor: You know why you are here?
The guy immediately shake his head meaning no while Shadow Emperor turns to Epslion which she node and then she tells the guy while Shadow Emperor circles around him while glaring at him.
Epslion: You are here because you are related to a slavery deal of orphan children and selling them off to rich people who will only use them for slavery work. We believe you have a boss within your criminal ranks and we wanna know where he is and your base.
Male prisoner: I-I don't know anything, okay! I just work for him, that's all!
Shadow Emperor: Liar, my spies informed me that you talked to high ranking criminals within your slavery organisation. (Grabs him by the neck) Tell us now otherwise you be begging for death for what I will do to you.
Male prisoner: (scared) Okay Okay! I know the boss and I know where the base is at! It's in the forest and within the forest there is a large mining cave that we use to hide the orphan children! N-Now, can I go?
Shadow Emperor: No. Your gonna be here and suffer for the rest of your life. Goodbye.
The two leave while the guy screams and begging to be free while the two were walking through the hallway qs Shadow Emperor took off his helmet as Epslion tells him
Epslion: A mining cave Huh. That's just great. Who knows how many tunnels is there within that cave.
Y/n: That's why Delta is coming with me on this mission. She can sniff for their operation and free those children.
Epslion: And then what? What are we going to fo with those kids?
Y/n: I'll worry about that but for now, one step at a time.
Epslion: (smirk) Guess your right. After all the leaders is sometimes have something to worry about.
Y/n: (small smirk) Even though I never worry.
Epslion: (smirk) Exactly.
The two walk up the steps as they were walking up a floor when Epslion asked Y/n while walking up.
Epslion: Hey can i ask you something?
Y/n: Sure. Ask away.
Epslion: It's about Alexia. She maybe royal and her sister is apart of the royal guard elite but you sure it is a good idea for us to introduce her to her and her knowing your identity? It's gonna make are a bigger target to anyone more then ever.
Y/n: I know how you feel but there was nothing I could do. She has to know someday and besides, I figured we have outside help.
Epslion: True, can't judge your idea. I mean she's kinda annoying but she is smart.
Y/n: (smirk) Kinda like you.
Epslion: Hey!
Y/n: (chuckle little) Just kidding.
Soon they make their way to the throne room where Alpha Gamma, Delta and Zeta was here as Y/n and Epslion walks up to them as Alpha walks up to him.
Alpha: Everyone is ready my lord.
Y/n: Good, let me explain the situation. We've located the slave trading operation which is in a mining tunnel and it is up to use to find it.
Gamma: Sounds like a hard task since the tunnels will be like maze.
Y/n: That's why I've brought Delta here. With her sense of smell and her ability to track things, she can sniff out the orphan children and their boss.
Delta: (smirk) You hear that!? I'm useful.
Zeta: Yeah, for once.
Alpha: Would we suspect heavy forces within the tunnel?
Y/n: It's possible, however we are trained to go into the shadows and we're gonna use them for thid mission. Stealth with be our way of winning so blend into the shadows and take out anyone that gets in your way.
Alpha: (bow) We won't fail you Shadow Emperor.
Y/n: I know you all won't. (Putd on his helmet) Shadow Gardens, let's move out!
(Sometime later)
We see Shadow Emperor and his small team near at their location as he set out Alpha to scout ahead and report back to them to what she can find. After a while of waiting she came back as Alpha telle Shadow Emperor.
Alpha: My lord they set up camp outside of the mining tunnel.
Zeta: Seems like we have to take them all out before we can head in.
Shadow Emperor: Agree but make it quiet. We can't draw any attention. Alright then, let's do this.
The teams head out as we cut to see a camp site where we see the criminals drinking or sitting around the campfire. They were enjoying themselves as we see one entering the woods to take the number 2. He does his business and after he was done he was about to head back only to be grabbed by Alpha and pulled him up the tree and then there was a snap.
There were two more criminal guards went off the forest all drunk as they were laughing along before one by one they were taking out by Zeta and Delta. Many more were taking out one by one without any noise as everything seemed to be cleared when a guy came out of his tent as he yawns while he look around seeing that he is all alone.
He looks around, thinking they all went inside the cave while he searches around. Suddenly the campfires burn out, leading the guy completely dark as he look around, now scared in his life.
He slowly move backwards only to bump into someone behind him as he slowly turn to be met with a mask figure who immediately stabbed him in the gut, killing him and deop his body dead.
He turn and walk up to the cave with the rest appearing near the caves entrance as they all head inside. Delta sniff out the children and the boss as they follow her. They keep on following her while taking out a few guards there were about to walk around the corner. They immediately took them out and keep going deep and deeper.
Soon they made it to a large cave like room and get behind cover as they see the cells of the orphan children that looked like they have been crying which angers Shadow Emperor.
Alpha: Those poor children. What should we do?
Shadow Emperor: Do what we do best. Attack within the darkness.
He pulled out his wrist crossbow and shoot out the lights, blinding the guards as Shadow Emperor and his team attack them within the darkness. Cutting them all down as their screams were quickly cut off as they took them all out. Then the cells open by Alpha and Zeta and they got the children out while we see Shadow Emperor and Delta walking deeper into the tunnels until coming across a door.
Shadow Emperor: Wait here. I'll be back.
Shadow Emperor phase through the door and step into an office as he look in front of him to see the boss as he looks up to see him.
Male criminal boss: Um who are you?
Shadow Emperor: Your worse nightmare.
Suddenly the lights burst away, turning the room completely black and seconds later there was a blood curdling scream as Shadow Emperor does something to him while Delta listens and soon Shadow Emperor phase through the door and walks over to Delta as Shadow Emperor pulls out a bone and tosses it to Delta which she catch it with her mouth and bites it while Shadow Emperor pet her on the head.
Shadow Emperor: Good girl. Now, let's regroup with the rest.
She agree as we see the two walking back to the cells which were empty now as Shadow Emperor stops and turns to the cell. He stared to see a small boy inside but something of that boy looks familiar to him. He enters inside the cell ane walks up to him.
He kneel down in front of him and reach out his hand to him which made the boy to look up at him, seeing that it was himself as a boy as the two them stared at each other.
Shadow Emperor and his younger ghostly self stared at each other like Y/n is staring at a mirror until he gets up as Delta poke her head out and ask.
Delta: You okay my lord?
Shadow Emperor blink his eyes and the ghost boy of himself was gone.
Shadow Emperor: I'm fine. Its just......this places gives me bad memories.
Soon he felt Delta hugging him from behind as he turne to her as Delta tells him.
Delta: Those bad memories ain't gonna stop you. Because we're always with you, always.
Shadow Emperor nodes as he turns to her, took off hid helmet and kissed her on the lips. The two kissed for a moment until they stop as Delta like out a cute bark just to make him smile.
He smile a bit and then put on his helmet and the two leave as they made it to the surface where the children where at as Alpha asks him.
Alpha: All the children are safe. What should we do with them?
Shadow Emperor: I've sent Beta to sent a message to Iris and her knights to this location where she and the guards will find the children. They should be here right now.
They soon see movement and seconds later Iris and hee knights came out only to see only the children where there and Shadow Emperor and his team disappeared. Iris looked around and then order the knights to take the children to safety as they take them back to the orphanage.
(Next day)
We find Iris in her office and looking through the reports of the Shadow Garden as she wonders whose side they really are. Then Alexia came into her office as she walked up to her while she ask.
Alexia: So what's the mining of this sis?
Iris: I wanna know something. When you were kidnapped, you were saved by the leader of the Shadoe Garden, correct?
Alexia: Yeah I have, why?
Iris: Well what do you think of him? Because the citizens wants to know whose side he and his secret group are. They maybe protecting lives but they are doing this outside of the law. I just wanna know what you think about him?
Alexia: Well true they are some groups of assassins but they seemed to be doing something good. I mean if they were evil, they would have killed me or kill a lot of important people.
Iris: That is true. Still be carful about them. As far as we can tell, they are a possible threat.
Alexia: Will do.
Soon she leaves the building as she meets up with Y/n outside as he ask her.
Y/n: What did your sister say?
Alexia: Nothing much. So, ready to uo out.
Y/n: (small smile) Of course.
The two hold hands and the two head off to theie date while we see Iris looking out of the window and watching them go as she look closely at Y/n before she turns and goes back to work of finding out who are he Shadow Garden and more importantly......what's underneath the helmet of their leader, The Shadow Emperor.
To be continued..........................................
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