Chapter 2: The Princess

Within the prison cell of Knight order, we see two guards punched of a prisoner who they recently arrested for a serious crime as he abuse the prisoner for questioning while also having some fun as they were smirking while they were hitting on the prisoner.

Knight order guard 1: (smirk) Whatever wrong boy? Aren't you gonna say anything or are you really are guilty of thr crime are you?

???: I have nothing to say to corrupt people like you. Showing off their power and abusing it is something that disguises me.

Knight order guard 2: (smirk) You better watch your mouth otherwise we have to beat you up even worse.

To show him he kicked him in the face, costing him to fell onto the ground while the two of them laugh as they put him back up and we can see the prisoner is in fact Y/n who glare up at them as one pulled out a small knife and pointed it at his neck as he ask him.

Knight order guard 1: (smirk) Now tell us criminal scum. What have you done with Princess Alexia and you better tells us the truth, or else.

Y/n just glare at the guard for a moment and then he tells them in an aggressive like tone.

Y/n: I told you this once and I will tell you again. I don't know what happened to her and I didn't kidnapped her and that's the truth.

(1 day ago)

It was a bright sunny day at Midgar Royal Spellsword Academy as we see Y/n sitting in his classroom and looking down at his book, studying stuff while he noticed a few female students were looking at him.

He glance over to see a group of them looking at him and finding him attractive and hot as he stare at them for a bit and then glance back to his book which the girls gets exited to have Y/n looking at them.

???: Hey Y/n, what's up?

He look over to see Skel and Po walking up to him as Skel wave to him while he continues reading his book while he reply.

Y/n: Nothing much. Just studying. What about you two?

Po: (smile) Nothing much for us man. Say we were wondering if you like to hang out with us this afternoon?

Skel: (smile) Yeah you have studying your ass off. Don't you think you deserve a break once a while.

Y/n: You maybe right however studying is important thing in our lives. It allow us to learn new ways to survive the outside world and make use stronger when anyone dares to jump at anyone.

Po: (smile) Yeah I guess so but I would be nice to have a break for a bit right?

Y/n:Hhhmmm you maybe right about that. (Close his book) Besides I can't hang out with yiu guys.

Skel: Aw really man. Why?

Y/n: I promise Alexia to take her out after school and you know how she feels when plans has changed.

Skel: Guess that's true. (Smirk) Man you lucky to have a girl like her.

Po: Yeah! She's like a princess both in this school and to her family and your dating her!

Y/n: I see her as anyone would when it comes to dates. She's just a person, not someone to be bowing down to like she or he is a god or goddess.

Skel: (smile) Can't argue with that.

Po: (smile) Yeah same.

Soon after that class ended and we see Y/n leaving the classroom and making his way outside and once there find Alexia looking at the foundation at the back of the school as Y/n stood on top of the stairs and called out.

Y/n: Alexia.

She turn to see Y/n as he walk down the steps while Alexia says to him.

Alexia: Your here just in time.

Y/n: (walkk up to her) You know I can't let you down.

Alexia: Yeah Whatever you say.

Then he pulled out the same book he was reading earlier and then handed back to her.

Y/n: Thanks for letting me reading this book you requested me to read. Helps a lot.

Alexia: (little blush) W-Well I just wish you to get better that's all. Besides we have our sword training afternoon and I wanna see how skilled you have grown with your sword combat.

Y/n: Whatever you say Alexia.

Alexia: Just go and be ready. We'll meet again at the sword training room.

Y/n node and he turn to make his leave and once he was gone Alexia looks down at her book and open the first page to find a flower on the front page as she blush a bit while she take the flower ans stare at it.

She turn back but Y/n was already gone as she turn back to the flower and then she kept it but can't let anyone to see it.

(Sometime later)

We see the students sword training as they clash theie swords at each other as we see Alexia and Y/n facing each other as Alexia swings her sword towards Y/n but he blocks every singal one as Y/n sees that her sword style is aggressive for some reason.

He looks into her eyes and see that something is bothering her as they continue clashing their swords at each other. Y/n gain the upper hand while Alexia steps back when she trip amd fell backwards only to be caught by Y/n as he grabs her hand so she won't hurt herself.

Y/n: You okay Alexia?

She blushed more as he grabs her hand and soon the class ended as Y/n pulled her up to her feet as she clear hee throat and said.

Alexia: (little blush) You should have let me fall.

Y/n: It's only training and I can't see you getting hurt.

Alexia: (little blush) Guess so. Th-Thank you by away.

Y/n: (small smile) No problem.

Soon after that school ended and we see the students leaving for the day while we see Y/n ans Alexia walking together heading to town as Y/n glance over to Alexia and see that something is still bothering her as he ask her.

Y/n: Is something bothering you?

Alexia: Wh-What?

Y/n: I can tell your bothered by something aren't you. Whatever it is I can help.

Alexia: N-No that's fine. Besides, you wouldn't understand.

Y/n stare at her for a bit and then look around and once there was no one he grabs Alexia arm, making her blush even more as he drag her into the forest as he pinned Alexia onto a tree while she was blushing even more as he stare at her while he ask her.

Y/n: At least try to since no one is not around to listen in on us. You can trust me.

Alexia stare at him for a bit, still blushing and at first she really wana slap him but deep down she really wanted someone to talk to so she tells him.

Alexia: It's about my sister.

Y/n: Your sister? You mean Iris.

Alexia: Yeah. I wanted to be better then her. I always wanted to be good then my sister so I try everything I can to be better but nothing was enough. It may sound stupid but I just think my sister will always be better then me so I wanna be stronger by himself without any help.

Y/n: What about me huh? Aren't I helping you?

Alexia: How?

Y/n: You know I will support you because your my girlfriend and as a boyfriend, it is my responsibility to support or help my girlfriend with anything, even the most impossible things, a boyfriend must try.

Alexia: (little surprised) Huh. You really are serious of this relationship aren't you?

Y/n: I'm a man that helps others to be stronger and better. Sometimes you can't do thid alone. Sometimes in life, you needed help from someone that is closes to you. Either it is your sister or me. As in right now, I'm the only one who can help you to succeed.

Alexia was slient a bit as she blushes for a moment after he said all of that while her heart skip a beat. Then she look up at Y/n and tells him.

Alexia: I always wonder how you managed to impress me as a boyfriend.

Y/n: (little smirk) Guess you can say I know how to impress one.

Alexia smirked back and then the two lend in and they kiss. The two kiss for a moment and then the two stop as Alexia takes Y/n's hand.

Alexia: (smirk) Come on, let's not stand around and end the rest of the day with a date.

Y/n: (little smile) Yes my lady.

We see them in town as they walk around town while holding hands as Alexia doesn't usually hold Y/n's hand but this time she does as they go around town for sometime.

We then see them in front of line of a ice cream stand as the two got some ice cream as they had some ice cream together at the bench as Y/n look over to see Alexia livking her ice cream as he smile a bit and continues living his as he enjoys his day.

(Sometime later)

It was the afternoon as the sun was setting down as we see Alexia and Y/n waiting for Alexia train to come as she turn to Y/n and says to him.

Alexia: (smile) That was actually nice. You should do this again.

Y/n: (small smile) Yeah same here.

Alexia: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Alexia: Thanks about before. At least there is one guy who can make a girl happy.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. You want me to help with your sword combat skills?

Alexia: (smile) Sure maybe some day.

Soon the train arrived and makes a stop behind Alexia as the doors open as Alexia turns to him and lend over and kiss him on the lip. She pull away as she climb inside the train cart as she smile and tells him.

Alexia: (smile) See you tomorrow.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, same.

The doors shut between them and the train takes off as Y/n watch the train go and once it was out of sight he turn and head off home unknown what tomorrow holds for him.

(Present day)

Y/n: Then the next day I was about to walk through the gates when your leader and his men arrested me for suspension of kidnapping Alexia. You see, I'm innocent.

The two guards look at each other and then started to laugh out loud which made Y/n pissed.

Knight order guard 1: Do you honestly think we believe you? That you dated a princess? Yeah right!

Y/n: It is the truth. Look what is important that I didn't kidnapped her so you can tell your leader to let me go and go after the real person who kidnapped her.

Knight order guard 2: (smirk) Sorry but we can't let a criminal to go run free. In fact, we can't even allow a criminal to live at all.

Y/n: Your planning to kill me?

Knight order guard 1: (smirk) Of course we are! You criminals deserve nothing but death for kidnapping a princess. Even if you didn't do anything or not your still scum in our watch.

Y/n: So you rather kill a criminal even if they are guilty or not then taking them to court? Your suppose to be fighting for the peoples rights, not to abuse it.

Knight order guard 1: (rasies his knife) Oh will you just shut up. I can't wait to kill a scum like you, you piece of-

He pulled the knife towards Y/n but he grabs his hand disbite being tied up as he gets up, shocking the guards as Y/n tells them while his eyes were shut.

Y/n: You people are nothing but corrupt. Abusing the power so you two can do anything you want without anyone touching because you are a law itself. You think your safe are you? Well (opens his red eyes) Your wrong.

He stared at the first guard which he scream in fear as he drop the knife onto the ground and step back and continues on screaming while the other was about to pull out his sword but Y/n grabs him by the neck and slammed him into the wall.

Knight order guard 2: (shocked) What tne hell is this?!

Y/n: This is what happens when you abuse your power. Someone will come and punish people like you for awful things such as corruption. I will not allow anyone to suffer by the laws corruption and that includes you.

He stare at the second guards eyes and he too started the scream as more guards showed up and burst open the door only to see two guards laying on the floor traumatised and saying all of these random words while Y/n had escape and we see him on the roof with the Shadow Garden while he is wearing his shadow Emperor outfit as Alpha had his helmet while she ask him.

Alpha: Are you okay my lord?

Y/n: I am okay Alpha. (Takes the helmet) Right now we need to locate and find Alexia before it is too late.

Alpha: Yes my lord. We will search around and will not stop until we will find her.

Y/n put on his helmet and once that he stare off to the distances of the kingdom as he rasies his hand out and tells his Shadow Garden.

Shadow Emperor: Now go! Let us find Princess Alexia and make those who are evil pay for their evil deeds.

To be continued .................................................

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