Chapter 1: The Shadow Garden
It was rainy afternoon with heavy rains pouring on a village where we can hear laughter, loud music and cheers within the bar as we cut inside to see men drinking and dancing as a piano is being played at the background as everyone was enjoying their afternoon.
Female waiters were seen handing out drinks to men as they drink and even some flirt with them which they nervously smile and then walk away. They continue their joy as we cut outside of the bar and see eight mysterious cloak figures, seven are female while in the middle was male.
The male cloak figure make his way inside the bar while the rest stay behind. The men were making a lot of noise until the door open and they all turn and everything fall slient. The piano stop playing as everyone stare at the mysterious cloak figure as he move his head over his cloak as if he was looking around.
He then make his way to the bar while other men were staring at him as he walked up to the bar and then sat down. The men look to each other, wondering who this guy is so a group of them gets up and walks over to the cloak figure and they got behind him.
Man 1: Hey you. What are you doing here?
Man 1: (pissed) Hey, I'm talking to you! Are you deaf?!
He push the cloak figures shoulder but he didn't react. He sat there a bit while the rest look at each other in annoyance until the man tells him.
Man 1: You have no idea what this place is do you? This ain't your normal bar, this is a bar belong to us, we own this city and you either going to leave and never come back, or we'll beat you.
Man 1: One last chance.
A few men grab some sharp or melee objects while the female waiters stood there in worry as a lot approach the cloak figure whonis just sitting, not saying anything.
Man 1: (mad) If you don't get out then I guess we have to-
???: Tell me this.
Man 1: Huh?
???: Will you be willing to harm others just for the fun of it?
Everyone was looking at each other as the cloak figure goes on to say.
???: Killing, raping, threatening, vandalising, human trafficking, robbing and slavery. Does any of those things satisfied your lust of chaos and destruction. Ruining peoples lives just so your lives will be more better, more fun. How does that feel?
Man 1: What the fuck are you saying punk?!
???: I'm saying that do you like harming others Daniel Voss. Do you love making other people's lives worse.
Daniel: (shocked) H-H-How the hell do you know my name?
???: Because we have been watching you and everyone in thid bar. We have been watching you doing all evil acts within the shadows, we have been watching you and your friends done horrible things. Now......its time we act.
Suddenly all the lights cut out follow by windows shattering as the men in the inside started to scream as they get attacked. Daniel quickly turn around, trying to see who or what is attacking but it was so fast, he can't tell what while the cloak figure sat there calmly as the attack continued until it stopped.
Daniel pulled out his knife and points it at the cloak figure and then asked while fear can be heard.
Daniel: (scared) Wh-Wh-What the fuck is this? Wh-Who hired you? The cops, some people I've hurt, for fuck sake man who sent you!?
???:.....No one sent us. (stands up) We play by our own rules and our own way of eliminating the corruption and evil within this world. You may think you saw something in the shadows which you ignore but you are fools to think that.
Daniel was terrified now and drops the knife and runs out to leave but gets blocked by what looked like a female beast growling at him as he gets scared and stumbled back.
Soon female cloak figures surrounded him as he look at them all with a terrified face as he quickly get up and run the other way but bumped into the same cloak figure as he grab him by the shirt as Daniel looks through his cloak and all he sees what a helmet covering the real face as he pants in fear while he ask.
Daniel: (scared) Wh-What are you?
Then he lend his head close to Daniel and then tells him.
Shadow Emperor: I am the Shadow Emperor. We are the Shadow Garden. Assassins that blend within the shadows, beings you could never imagine being real and spirits who will take theie vengeance apon those who kill or harm the innocent. (Red eye glow) Now, it is time for your punishment.
We then cut outside of the bar as we only hear a scream of terror only for rain to cover up his screams as he ans his Shadow Garden leave the bar and disappeared within the rain.
(Next day)
It was a sunny day as we see drips of water dripping on a leaf within a tree. A bird is seen on a tree branch and looks around and then flies away as we see what looks like a small castle in the middle of the forest.
We then cut inside the castle and to the bedroom of the Shadow Emperor as we see him laying in his bed as he sleeps. Soon he opens his eyes as he looks up at the ceiling of his room.
He then sat up from his bed and move his body to the left and place his feet onto the floor as he sat there for a moment as he look at across him to see a large mirror were we see his reflection. Y/n L/n looks at himself in the mirror as he gets up and walk towards the window as he look at himself.
He look at himself for sometime as we get a look at his body as we see a scar on his chest and his left cheek. He touch his left cheek for a while and then walks away from the mirror to get change.
While he was getting changed we can see movement on his bed and soon a elf girl sat up from Y/n's bed completely naked as she let out a yawn while she looks over to see Y/n getting changed while he noticed her awake which he tells her.
Y/n: Sleep well Alpha?
Alpha: (smirk) Better than ever. It was nice feeling your body while you were sleeping. You were so handsome while you were sleeping.
Y/n: I could say the same to you. You fell asleep before me.
Alpha: (giggle) That's because how warm you are. It's like my brain was drifting off to sleep while feeling your soft and warm body.
Y/n: (little smile)Well that's good to hear.
He finished getting changed snd walked over to Alpha and then kissed her on the lips. They kissed for sometime and then stop and Y/n leaves the room to have Alpha get change.
He walk down the long hallway of their base as we cut to another elf girl but this time she has silver hair as she is in the kitchen making some breakfast when the doors open and Y/n enter the kitchen as she turn to see him which she smiled.
???: (smile) Good morning my Emperor.
Y/n: You too Beta. Making some breakfast again. You know I'm already cooking it if you want a break?
Beta: (smile) No I'm okay with cooking my lord. Besides, you love my cooking.
Y/n: (smile little) You got a point. Is everyone else awake?
Beta: (smile) Should be awake my lord. I think I saw Zeta walking about when I woke up.
Zeta: (smirk) Hey their Emperor~
Then Zeta wrapped her arms around him as she hug him from behind while hee wolf like ears and tail moved as she hugged him.
Zeta: (smirk) Boy last night was fun. Those punks didn't even know what's coming to them.
Beta: (smile) Well that's what we are called and they should know that.
Y/n: Agree.
Zeta: (smirk) Yeah I know but damn it was pretty awesome. I bet that Daniel guy is gonna tell his friends about us and they will never harm anyone again.
Y/n: Let's keep it that way.
Suddenly the doors burst open and another female like wolf came out but with black hair follow by another women with messy light blue hair as she chase her around while Zeta, Y/n and Beta watched.
Beta: Looks like Delta stole Epsilon's hairbrush again.
Zeta: That dumb dog.
Y/n step forward just as the two were rushing towards him and when they saw him, the two immediately stop in front of him as he look down at them as Delta is seen having Epsilon's Hairbrush on her mouth as Y/n tells Delta.
Y/n: Drop it.
She did so and once that he lifted out his hand and then pet of her head.
Y/n: (small smile) Morning Delta.
Delta: (smile) Morning master~! Aaaaahhh~ that feels soo good master~
Epsilon: (picks up Hairbrush) Morning my lord and thank you. I swear Delta can you not steal my stuff so you can hurrme up.
???: (smirk) Oh my is there a problem here?
Then two girls enter the kitchen as they enter as Y/n turns to them.
Y/n: Gamma, Eta, good morning. Sleep well.
Eta: Okay. But next time can I sleep with you. I sleep more when I'm with you.
Gamma: (smile) Well I feel great my lord.
Y/n: Good. Let's have some breakfast and then start the day.
(Short while later)
After breakfast we see them at the throne room which Y/n is sitting on his throne chair while holding his helmet on his lap with his hand over it while the Seven female Shadow Garden stood in front of him.
Then two female elfs enter the throne room as they walk up and stood beside Y/n as he turn to them.
Y/n: Kai, Omega, any updates?
Kai: Everything seemed to be normal my lord.
Omega: However we heard some rumours about a cult within areas and some towns and cities.
Epsilon: Could it be the Cult of Diablos?
Zeta: We haven't heard from them a very long time.
Delta: (smile) Yeah especially we kill all of their cult members and their hide outs everywhere in the world!
Omega: It's unknown its them or a different cult. Either way they are responsible of people going missing, ritual sacrifice as well as messing with dark spells.
Kai: Still unknown what they are. We apologise for not knowing full about them my lord, please forgive us.
Omega: Yes forgive us.
Y/n: You both did your jobs perfectly. We know a cult is involved but the question being is who.
Alpha: My I suggest we all go out and gather more information about this cult, maybe we can catch a few members before he or she warns the others.
Y/n: I agree. Alpha, Delta, you both enter the woods and spy on any group who maybe suspicious. Get them talk whatever it means necessary. Epsilon, Beta, you both will go to bars, restaurants or market places in town to search for anyone being suspicious or anyone being kidnapped. Gamma and Eta will go to perverse hideouts of these cults and find clues. Kai and Omega, you both get some break, you both did a good job.
Kai: Thank you my lord.
Omega: We will await when wver you call apon us.
Y/n nodes as he stood up and as everyone make his leave and once they were gone, Y/n walks to leave the room while he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Time for me to go to school.
(Sometime later)
At the Royal capital we see Midgar Royal Spellsword Academy as we see students going through the gate to start the day. Among them was Y/n as he is seen wearing the uniform like everyone as he was about to go in whne someone spoke beside him.
???: Where were you mister?
He turn to see Alexia Midgar who is a princess of the Midgar Kingdom as she approach him as he reply.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Alexia: Don't give me that crap. I have been waiting for you for hours and you show up just minutes before school starts.
Y/n: (little smirk) Never knew you cared for me?
Alexia: (little blush) Just shut up and letting go! We don't want to be late!
She head through the gate while Y/n smirks a little as he followed her through the gate as he start his day of school but security getting some Intel within the school for either about the cult or other things for his organisation can do.
To be continued....................................................
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