The Appetizer
After Wave realized the mistake he had just made, he decided to fix it by immediately transforming into his "Carnage Incarnate: Grand Chariot" form, once he donned his blue armor, he didn't hesitate in throwing a full-power punch at Shadow, unfortunately, it was easily stopped with an open palm, much to Blue Armor Man's shock.
"So you're the type who results in borrowed power, how unfortunate."
Was all that Shadow had to say, before using his free hand to aim his fist at the Grand Chariot's chest, no one had a chance to process what was happening before the man in black performed a "One Inch Punch", which seemed to have enough power to completely destroy the armor and send Wave crashing into a nearby stone wall. Luckily, he survived such an attack but was definitely down for the count.
"KORO! Number 2, 7, And 8!"
The Eminence, after easily beating the blue hair man, turned his head to look back at Seryu Ubiquitous and Bols, both aiming either their many anti tank missiles guns, or a large deadly flamethrower that was known as "Purgatory's Invitation: Rubicante", the two did not hesitate firing their range weapons at their newfound enemy, explosion and fire going everywhere
"Do you think we got him?"
As soon as Bols asked Ubiquitous this question, the man in black suddenly appears behind them, grabbing both of their heads and slammed them together, enough to knock them both on the ground nearly unconscious
"Range attackers are usually the weakest people."
Shadow crossed his arms and looked unimpressed, the masked buff man fell unconscious after such an attack, but the orange-haired girl was still awake enough to say one last thing before passing out
"G-Go Berserk..."
As soon as Seryu said this, the sound of something growing and growing rapidly definitely caught the enemy's attention, but they only had enough time to notice a white and cute doggie thing turning into a very muscular red monstrous beast.
Koro lets out a roar that was loud enough to send large shockwaves, having enough power to shatter nearby ruined buildings, though the Eminence could only look at him with mild amusement, seemingly unaffected by the roar
"You remind me of another wild dog that I know~"
Koro let out another loud roar before charging towards Shadow, raising his large, muscular red fist and tried to bring it down, hoping to crush the man in black. However, the beast realized too late that he was hitting only the ground beneath him.
"Omae wa mou shindeiru."
Shadow, who was behind Koro, made a flick of his hand and snapped his fingers, and in nearly an instant, the large dog exploded in a shower of blood
"This situation has suddenly become too unstylish for us to handle."
On top of a random building nearby, Dr. Stylish, the scientist who wore "Glorious Hands of God: Perfector" gloves, and Run, who floated next to the doctor with his "Thousand-Mile Flight: Mastema" wings, watched the entire thing with a grimace expression.
"I shall inform General Esdeath about the sit-"
Before Run could fly away to get backup, he was suddenly stopped by something. He couldn't help but go wide-eyed as he looked down and saw a slime-like rope tied around his ankle. He wasn't even given a chance to react before getting swung around. First, he hit into the scientist hard enough to send him flying. Then, he slammed against the wall or ground multiple times. Finally, he was let go and crashed into the doctor, who tried to stand back up but ended up knocked out and down, unconscious.
"Don't bother calling for help, they would only-"
"-End up dead like you~"
Shadow, after calling back his slime whip, was about to taunt his opponent that no one was coming to save them, but was cut off by a certain someone sneaking up behind him and slitting his throat with a sword. This little assassination was done by none other than Kurome herself.
"I can't wait to see what kind of puppet you'll make for my "March of the Dead: Yatsufusa"~"
Kurome wore a very eager and evil smile as she started to think about what kind of undead toy the Eminence would make for her, but such thoughts were interrupted when a hand suddenly reached out and grabbed her neck, causing her to choke and drop her sword as she was lifted into the air
"You suffer from the curse of death."
The choking assassin went wide-eyed in disbelief as all the blood that Shadow had spilled was nothing but slime, signifying that he wasn't dead, though that was already obvious since he was the one choking the life out of her and bringing their faces together, her dull black eyes looking back at his glowing red ones
"Why don't I just cure that curse for you, permanently..."
Shadow wore a small smirk on his face. The swordsman knew she couldn't stop him from doing what he was about to do, so she simply closed her eyes and accepted whatever was about to happen to her.
'I'm sorry Akame, I guess we won't be seeing each other anytime soon...'
But before anything could happen to Kurome, ice spikes suddenly shot up from underneath them, forcing them to separate from each other.
"So you're the infamous Shadow I heard so much about..."
The wielder of "Yatsufusa" was finally able to breathe and catch her breath, though once she did, she could look up and wear a very surprised expression when she saw General Esdeath herself standing there before them
"I hope you don't mind the interruption, but I'm so eager to play with someone as strong as you~"
The expression on Esdeath's face was one of bloodlust - she was undoubtedly itching to fight Shadow herself. She pulled out her rapier and aimed it at the man in black, but he could only sigh in response. He, too, pulled out his sword and aimed it back at the General.
"Hmph, then let's play, shall we?"
Sooooooo, I saw the last episode of the Eminence in Shadow S2, and now I think the fight between Shadow and Esdeath is one sided, oof, oh well.
(BTW, sorry for the short chapter, I was gonna include the whole "Shadow vs Esdeath" in here, but I decided that it deserves it own chapter)
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