Chapter 18

Aethereal Radiance set up camp in the Western Eracus Desert of Eltnen. The Technists worked tirelessly to dismantle the bombs and separate the Vile Death component from the rest of the unit. When this delicate task had been completed, the Assassins, who were the experts on poisons, got to work on their assignment of returning the aerosol version of the poison to its original liquid form. The liquefied Vile Death was then bottled and distributed to the rangers to dip their arrowheads into the poison. Assassins also coated their throwing daggers.

Everyone worked as quickly as they could: time was of the essence. Emerali's eyes were ever on the gems on Leiva's hairpin. Even as the legion worked, the last gem was beginning to darken.

"This is it. Bakren's army is almost in place," Emerali told Devaen and Thori. "The last gem's almost out. Devaen, Leiva said that Bakren was going to be on the western end of the upper layer of Reshanta; I want you to take two other Scouts ahead and look for any signs of this army. Report back as quickly as you can.

"Once we've ascertained the enemy's location, we'll know the best place to strike from. By the time we've set up our strike point out there, it's going to be time to detonate those bombs. We're gonna drop them into the void from the Abyss' lower layer to make sure no one is hurt, then the legion's going to split up. Devaen, this is you again: you're going to take all the Scouts and find a safe point for your team. On your signal, I want Bakren's army showered with arrows. I know he outnumbers us severely, but with the Vile Death at our disposal, it should turn the tide of battle in our favor.

"You Assassins are to keep back. If, by Aion's grace, you've succeeded in launching that first assault, you're to send up a signal, and the second wave--which is the rest of us--will head out. While the second wave is en route, Assassins are to move in carefully, but the Rangers are to remain in reserve until we converge. That's the plan. May Aion bless all of our efforts."

"It's dangerous, but a sound plan. This'll be the biggest battle since the Catalclysm," said Thori. "What should we use for a signal?"

"How about fireworks?" suggested Devaen.

"Be serious," Emerali said, shaking her head.

"Why not? We need something that would get our attention--especially from the distance we're likely to be at," Thori reasoned.

"Yeah, but it'll get the enemy's attention, too," Emerali disputed.

"Uh, with all the arrows we're gonna be showering them with, I think we're gonna have their undivided attention, fireworks or no," Devaen said, coolly.

Emerali considered. "Heh. Can't argue with that. Okay, go." She scoffed. "Asmodian poison, bombs, fireworks...this will be a very bizarre battle," she remarked.

"Yep, so let's make it one for the books," Thori said, winking.

"Yeah, let's give my old friend Irgon some new reading material," Devaen said.

The trio shared a brief laugh, but quickly resumed their somber demeanor.

Devaen gathered his scouting team and set out for Eltnen's Abyss Gate while Emerali discussed the battle plan with the rest of the legion. She informed them that she was delegating authority to Thori as second in command, and ordered them to prepare to set out very soon--as soon as the scouting party had returned.

While everyone waited and prepared, Emerali withdrew into her private pavilion to pray. Once more, fear and self-doubt laid hold of her heart. She was about to lead a small band of warriors into war with an alliance of powerful Asmodian legions. Could they really win, even with the Vile Death in their hands?

Devaen returned with his scouting team to the camp. The report was that there was Asmodians had gathered at Miren Fortress in great numbers.

"All right, that's what we needed to know," Emerali said. "Did you find a good place for your strike team, Devaen?"

"Yeah, there's a landmass to the northeast of their location; we can assemble there. It's actually an advantageous spot--perfect for a poison-arrow storm. There's a landmass south of the fortress that's good for your team. It's close by with a straight shot at the enemy."

Emerali sighed. "Well... I guess that's it, then. It's time."

Devaen studied her briefly. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Aside from facing the second greatest war since the Cataclysm with a legion of less than thirty, yeah, I'm terrific," Emerali replied, her voice quavering slightly.

"Hold on to your faith, Emerali. We're gonna win this. You've got to believe that."

Emerali worked at smiling. "Thank you, Devaen."

Devaen smiled back encouragingly. "I'm going to go rally my team. We go on your order." He turned to leave.

"Wait," Emerali called after him.

Devaen turned back to her.

Emerali approached him. "Please... be careful out there," she told him, softly.

Devaen took her hand--the hand on which she wore the ring--in both of his, looking quietly and gravely into her eyes and nodded. "You, too."

Emerali pressed her lips to his. Devaen returned the kiss with a solemnity that imparted the deeper recesses of his soul to her: love, fear tempered by great courage and an iron will, and faith. He withdrew decidedly from Emerali and left her.

Left to herself for that brief space of time, Emerali felt suddenly buoyed up as if in that fleeting moment she had just shared with Devaen, he had somehow infused his strength and courage into her. Raising her head and squaring her shoulders, Emerali stepped out to face her army.

"The time has come," she declared. "Aethereal Radiance, are you ready?"

The legionaries cheered.

"I said, are you ready?!" Emerali cried.

The legionaries cheered even louder.

"Then in Aion's name, forward! For Elysea!"


Aethereal Radiance now stood gathered across from Miren Island, Emerali standing front and center, looking out ahead. In her hand she held Leiva's hairpin; the remaining gem went black even as she held it.

"They're ready," she said to Thori and Devaen who stood a little ways behind her. "The gems are all dark. Devaen, get your team into position."

Devaen inclined his head respectfully and departed, leading his team forward.

"What shall it be, I wonder, fanfare or requiem?" mused Emerali aloud as she watched Devaen's party depart.

"Before this day is over, it may be a bit of both," Thori answered.

Emerali nodded. She turned to her legion. "Detonate the bombs!" she ordered.

Several legionaries stepped forward to edge of the landmass upon which they stood and dropped the readied bombs down into the void. The multiple explosions rumbled and flamed distantly even as they watched.

"Now we wait for Devaen's signal," Emerali said. "It's up to them."

Devaen and his unit landed quietly on the landmass just above the Asmodian alliance. From that post they could see the movements of their enemy. They were getting ready to strike.

"Rangers, arrows on strings," Devaen commanded.

The Rangers obeyed, poised to launch their attack.

"Assassins, blades in hand, get ready. This is gonna get really ugly in a minute."

The low sound of blades being drawn was the only sound to be heard.

Devaen raised his hand, waiting for the optimal moment. Seeing the Asmodians clustering together, he dropped his hand abruptly.

The next instant, the air was filled with the whizzing of arrows flying to the enemy. Then they could hear the Asmodians swearing foully and crying out in panic as the poison-laced arrows hit home.

"Music to my ears," Devaen remarked, chuckling gleefully.

Dozens of the Asmodians were down, and thanks to the Vile Death, they weren't going to be coming back up. They were looking about wildly, trying to find where the attack was coming from.

Devaen knew it was time for the signal. He personally set off the fireworks.

As the fireworks gave off their scintillating glow, Devaen drew his own poison-coated blades. "It's playtime, my friends!" he cried. "Let's do this. For Elysea!" As he leaped into the fray, he whispered within his heart: "For you, Emerali."

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