*·Chapter 4·*

Namjoon has slowly become addicted to his boyfriend's hands, more so his fingers. Especially when the younger runs them up and down his back and along his sides or thighs, which never fails to make him feel heavenly.

Like right now.

With the older between his boyfriend's legs and his lips torture his sensitive spots mercilessly that seem to drive Namjoon insane. He always wondered why the younger likes clinging onto him like a koala when they made out, it's not like the other was going go anywhere.


The said male burst out into laughter against Namjoon's neck.

"Why would you grab my ass so suddenly like that idiot!"

The older blushed maddeningly hitting Jungkook's chest as he did so. He was more embarrassed that he yelp than he was actually mad at the younger for doing the action.

"Sorry, not sorry Hyung. I couldn't help myself. Your ass felt so good in my hands." The younger snickered.

Namjoon huffed blushing even more. "Idiot."

"Your idiot."

Jungkook smiled before bringing their lips together once more, wasting no time to slip his tongue into his boyfriend's mouth, swallowing his every moan and whimpers. They didn't even break the kiss when they heard the slamming of car doors.

God they could make out forever.  Well at least Jungkook thoughts so.


The older sighed heavily reluctant to leave the bed and his boyfriend but if he didn't get up soon his little sister would come up to his room to find him.

"They're back."




"I have to go downstairs."



The older laughed as he pulled away from his clingy boyfriend.

"Don't leeeeeeave." Jungkook whined kicking out his legs in frustration and irritation.

"Baby I'll be right back." Namjoon smiled walking backwards to his bedroom door.

The younger shot upright in the bed staring wide eyed at the older.

"What?" The male asked with a tilt of his head, feeling confused at the brunette's expression.

"You called me baby.."

"Should I not have?"

"No, no, no, I like it. Using endearments shows that we really are a couple, ya know?"

"Because we really are a couple."

"Yep!" Jungkook gave his beautiful bunny smile that made Namjoon feel all warm and dizzy.

"Be back soon."

Namjoon raced downstairs to see his mother and sister in the kitchen packing out groceries. He loved them so much, his little family. Ever since his dad ran away with his secretary, yes yes the usual cliche but it happens, he's been the man of the house.

Working as a tutor to help his mom with the bills, while studying his butt off to get a full scholarship so she would have one less expense to worry about. Even though his mother said it didn't matter whether he got the full scholarship or not she would make sure he went to university, but he knew the scholarship was a big help.

He was glad she didn't have much to worry about now, only his little sister.

"Wow it's been a week already?" The pink haired male gasped after pulling himself out of his memories.

"Hi sweetie!" His mother beamed brightly at her oldest. "How was your week?"

"Great. I invited Jungkook over and we just chilled out and stuff." Namjoon answered picking off a few grapes from the bunch before his mother slapped his hand away.

"Jungkook-oppa is here!" His sister Eunju basically squealed before running up the stairs.

"Oh! I'm glad you stayed friends after all these years, God knows that poor boy needs a constant in his life. What kind of parents leave their only child at home while they go out to events and travel all over the world. It's a good thing he didn't turn bad or something." His mother ranted, now he knew where he and his sister got that tendency from.

"Mom, he's not food plus he had us and our friends so there's no way he would 'turn bad' Yoongi-hyung would've killed him." Namjoon scoffed popping a grape into his mouth.

"Well I'm glad he has you, his one constant." The older woman smiled before walking over to the cupboard to continue packing the goods away not noticing how her son almost choke on the grape.

'Ok it's now or never..'


"Yes Joonie dear?"

"Jungkook and I are dating. Like boyfriends."

There goes his blunt nature again.

"Oh, ok sweetheart!"

"That's it?" Ok now he was really confused. He expected cussing and tears and all that jazz but....what.

"Honey," his mother began as she turned to him. "All I want is you and your sister's happiness. If a man, woman or a flipping tree makes you two the happiest in the world them gosh darn it I'm all for it! Besides Jungkookie is my little cinnamon roll I love him to death!" The woman chuckled.

To think his mother couldn't surprise him anymore, he was proved wrong.

"Ok. Glad we had this talk. Imma go up and check on him before Eunju annoy him to death."

"Oh please do, that girl is just too hyper."

"She got it from you."

The male ran out of the kitchen before his mother could hit him with the can of tuna.

"He's staying for dinner no excuses!"

Namjoon chuckled at his mother's words. Damn he love her to bits.


Yay updated! Namjoon's mom, omg she's so awesome!!!

Stay tuned for more awesomeness!

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