*·Chapter 2·*

"Hyuuuuuuug I'm boooooored! Halp please! Jimin and Tae aren't here!"

Namjoon's joyous laughter sounding through the receiver of Jungkook's cellphone made the younger's stomach flutter in excitement.

'I made him laugh like that.'

The thought alone had his insides melting once more. Just knowing that he was able to make his crush laugh, smile, rant about his favourite books and such always made Jungkook feel good.

"Would you like to come over and hang out? Coincidentally my mom and little sister had to go and visit my grandma because she's sick and you know how stubborn she can be. If my mom doesn't force her to rest, she'll only get worse." The older ranted away but Jungkook stopped listening after the words 'come over'.

"Sorry Kookie, was I talking too much?" Namjoon asked. Jungkook could hear the nervousness in the other's voice.

"No Hyung, I love hearing you talk."


Oh shit Jungkook could feel his face heat up. It was like his mouth had no filter when Namjoon was involved.

"I um..I-I mean uh you h-have a great voice! Ah! I mean, oh shit, I don't know what I mean."

God, the poor guy wanted to die.

Namjoon's laughter sounded again through the phone.

"It's ok Jungkook. I'm glad you like my voice and that I don't bore you with my constant ranting. Hurry up and come over, I'm bored."

He didn't have to be told a third time.


Namjoon stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom after getting a text from Jungkook saying he just left his apartment and was on his way.

Inviting the younger over was definitely a good idea. Not only was he not going to be bored but he could finally find out what was wrong with him.

Namjoon has know the younger for years now, since high school to be exact. He has always seen a bit of himself in Jungkook. They both loved reading all types of novels, as long as the storyline was good, they both skipped a grade because they were very book smart. Well Jungkook wasn't too good at English, hence why he was the younger's English tutor. But he was very glad they met.

Around that time, Namjoon was going through a lot of shit so tutoring kept him busy enough to not do some reckless shit he would definitely regret. Coincidentally enough, Jungkook was his favourite student. The quiet kid who would listen to all of his rantings.

Even now, the younger still listen to his rants.

The older was startled out of his memories when his phone buzzed notifying him that he had a text. It was from Jungkook saying to let him in.



"Oh my God! Did you just throw a blue shell at me Jeon Jungkook!"

The said male burst out into laughter at his Hyung's appalled expression. They were currently playing Mario Go-Kart, the game that ends friendships.

"Arrgh! Don't you dare win mister! Ah!"

Namjoon groaned watching Jungkook's Mario cross the finish line winning first place as his Yoshi came in second.

"I hate you." The older huffed tossing the controller away from him. Even though Jungkook knew he was joking it hurt a little hearing the older male say that.

"I don't want you to hate me." He whispered softly but somehow Namjoon caught the words because he has super hearing.

"Hey....I don't actually hate you Kookie..."

The soft reassuring words slipped from the older's lips but Jungkook was too busy staring down at his fingers as he picked at his nails.

Namjoon huffed at being ignored. He placed his index finger and thumb under the younger's chin to tilt his head up so he was looking at the older.

"What's wrong with you lately? Did something happen? Did anyone do something to you?"






"What did I do?"

Namjoon's confused face was almost comical to Jungkook but this wasn't the time to be laughing.

"Made me fall in love with you."

There were only a few things Namjoon's super hearing can detect and the younger's earlier words weren't one of them.

"Please repeat, I didn't hear that."

Shit Jungkook was getting nervous and irritated at the same time that he didn't even realize that he was pinning the older to the fluffy carpet in Namjoon's room.

"I said you made me fall in love with you!"

To say the older was caught off guard was an understatement. First he was being pinned, now he was being confessed to, at least he thought he was being confessed to.

"Are you confessing to me?" Damn him and his blunt words but it was worth it to see the younger's tomato face.

"Y-Yes. Hyung I-I've been in love with you since high school. I don't know what to do with my feelings anymore that I'm going crazy. Please go out with me? Please be my boyfriend?"

God, he sounded so vulnerable and small that the thought of hurting him didn't sit well with Namjoon. He wanted to hug him and kiss him and roll him up into a fluffy ball to protect him forever.

The older noticed he was taking too long to answer once he saw the hurt look on the other's face.


Jungkook was a bit shocked that he thought he heard wrong.


"Ok I'll go out with you, I'll be your boyfriend."


Yay updated! I really like this chapter hehehe, kookie's so cute!

Hope you guys like it. There's more fluff with a dash of drama to come!

Vote and comment~

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