Author's Note: THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE STORY. MORE CHAPTERS ARE COMING! This is just a listing to help you remember who's who and to give you more information about name meanings/pronunciations and how the Warrior divisions operate. I will update it as the story progresses.
Major Names
The Banished (BĂN-ished)—originally formed by those who revolted against the faeries but also includes those criminals who since have earned exile as their punishment
Caden (KAY-dun)—a unit leader of the Border Patrol and Eva’s love interest
· Name Meaning: Fighter; Stout; Sturdy
Eileen (eye-LEEN)—Eva’s mother; a unit leader of the Palace Guard
Eva (EE-vuh)—daughter of Eileen and Justian; princess Nadia’s guardian
· Name Meaning: Life
Justian (JUS-tee-yun)—king of Atara; Eva’s father
· Name Meaning: just, righteous, fair
Linarra (li-NAR-ruh)—wife of Justian; queen of Atara; mother of Nadia and Orin
Marissa (muh-RISS-ah)—Eva’schildhoodbest friend; “Rissa” for short
· Name Meaning: of the sea
Nadia (NAH-dee-uh)—princess of Atara
· Name Meaning: hopeful
Orin (OR-rin)—newborn prince of Atara
Severin (SEV-er-un)—leader of the Banished/Betrayed
William (WILL-yum)—Marissa’s older brother
Minor Names
Adarin (ĂD-uh-ren)—Caden’s mother now deceased
Allister (ĂL-lis-tr)—unit leader for princess Nadia's guards
Alros (ĂL-rōs)—first king of Atara and leader of those who defended the faeries
Audric (ODD-rik)—cousin of King Justian
Brogan (BRŌ-gun)—head trainer and teacher of apprentice warriors; announcer for the arena
Bryce (BRICE) —member of Nadia’s guard; a mountain of a man
Demitrus (deh-MEE-trŭs)—leader of those who revolted against the faeries and Alros; became the first leader of the Banished/Betrayed
Duncan (DUHN-kn)—Officer Superior of the Keepers of the Realm; dark hair and complexion
Felix (FEE-licks)—member of Nadia’s guard; quiet but knowleadgable
Kara (CAR-uh)—member of Nadia’s guard; an archer with keen eyesight
Keaton (KEY-tun)—member of Nadia’s guard; brother to Tannin; views any battle as a game
Liliwen (LIL-leh-wynn) —William and Marissa’s mother; best friend to Eileen
Oberon (O-buh-RON)—king of the faeries
Sorlene (sore-LEEN)—distant cousin to King Justian; a healer by profession
Tana (TAH-nuh)—queen of the faeries
Tannin (TAN-nin)—member of Nadia’s guard; brother to Keaton; fierce spearman
Tyrion (TEER-ee-un)—Caden’s father; Officer Superior of the Boundary Patrol
Willem (WILL-ehm)—Officer Superior of the Royal Guard; King Justian’s close friend
Place Names
'AbadZabadogim (ah-BÄD ZÄ-buh-DO-gm)—Dwarven kingdom in the mountains to the west of Atara
· Name Meaning: mountain throne or throne of the mountain
Ager (AH-gr)—farming village in the kingdom of Atara
· Name Meaning: field
Arnad Na Aear (er-NAID NAH AE-ar)—coastal elf kingdom to the south of Atara
· Name meaning: kingdom by the sea
Atara (uh-TAR-ruh)—kingdom established by those who defended the faeries
· Name Meaning: crown, blessed
Coramaris (CORE-uh-MAR-iss)—fishing village of the kingdom of Atara
· Name Meaning: “cora-” is taken from coral and “maris” is the Latin word for sea
Elysia (el-LEE-see-uh) of the Fae (FAY)—capital city of Atara
· Name Meaning: blessed home of the faerie people
Mercari (mur-CAR-ee)—largest village of the kingdom of Atara and its main trading post
· Name Meaning: to trade
Military Divisions
Royal Guard—comprised of 3 divisions: 1 for each member of the royal family; acts as personal bodyguards
Emblem: Silver metalwork; initials “RG” inside a circle with purple cloth band
Palace Guard—comprised of 4 divisions: 1 for archers atop the palace walls, 1 for patrolling the grounds, 1 for patrolling entryways and hallways, and 1 for guarding the throne room
Emblem: Silver metalwork; initials “PG” inside a circle with dark blue cloth band
Capital Sentry—comprised of 4 divisions: 1 for archers atop the city walls and gate, 1 for policing the citizens, 1 for patrolling the walls, and 1 for guarding the faerie tree
Emblem: Silver metalwork; initials “CS” inside a circle with golden cloth band
Keepers of the Realm—comprised of 2 Commanders and 6 divisions: 1 for guarding and policing each village (3 in total) and 3 for patrolling the roads
Emblem: Silver metalwork; initials “KR” inside a circle with crimson cloth band
Boundary Patrol—comprised of 2 divisions: 1 for guarding the main road at its entrance into the kingdom and 1 for patrolling the border (with 3 units for the outposts)
Emblem: Silver metalwork; initials “BP” inside a circle with dark green cloth band
Shift Schedules
Royal Guards, Palace Guards, & Capital Sentries
· Operate on a 7-day rotation with 12-hour shifts (6am-6pm; 6pm-6am)
Keepers of the Realm—Village Divisions
· Operate on a 7-day rotation with 12-hour shifts (6am-6pm; 6pm-6am)
Keepers of the Realm—Roadway Divisions
· Operate on a 6-day rotation; their day ends once they reach the end of their route
Boundary Patrol—Gate Keeper Division
· Operate on 2-week rotations with 8-hour days (8am-4pm; 4pm-12am; 12am-8am)
Boundary Patrol—Border Division
· Operate on 2-week rotations with 8-hour days when not travelling between outposts (8am-4pm; 4pm-12am; 12am-8am)
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