# Episode 16| Kaz's girlfriend
In the penthouse, Bree, Kaz, Harper and Chase are playing cards in the living room.
They hear Oliver and Skylar arguing upstairs, Leo comes downstairs.
"Wow, are you listening to this?" Leo says "yup" Chase says "what's going on there?" Bree asks "Oliver and Skylar are having their first fight since they started dating" Harper says.
Chase chuckles "Remember our first fight?" Chase smiles "do you really want to remember that?" Harper frowns, Chase thinks "yes you're right" Chase takes a glass of water.
"Oh at least my girlfriend and I don't need to worry about that, we're in the best moment of our relationship, the beginning" Kaz smirk "girlfriend?" Leo sits on the sofa.
"speaking of which, when are we going to meet your mystery girlfriend" Harper says "if she even exists" Chase laughs "You're going to meet her soon, I invited her to come here tomorrow" Kaz says.
"how did you meet this girl again?" Bree asks messing with the cards to hide her discomfort.
"Uh, I was buying hot dogs and her car broke down nearby and like a hero and gentleman I went and helped her fix it" Kaz says "And do you know how to fix a car?" Harper says.
"No, but I pretended it couldn't be fixed and while we waited for a tow truck we had a coffee and she gave me her number" Kaz smirk, Bree rolls her eyes.
"Good one Kaz! I didn't know you were a ladiesman" Leo says "that's because he's not!" Bree says slightly irritated.
"you're jealous" Kaz says "what! What me...why no of course not, why would I be jealous of you!?" Bree says laughing nervously,"because I have a girlfriend and you don't" Kaz smirk "Oh! No that's ridiculous" Bree says going to the kitchen.
"seriously, was it that easy?" Chase says putting his arm around Harper "It was that easy!" Kaz smiles "Oh no, I don't fall for that, there must be something wrong with this girl" Harper says "I hope so" Bree says to herself making tea in the kitchen.
"What kind of bet do you think she lost?" Harper asks Chase, he laughs "is it so hard for you to believe that I managed to pick up a girl that easily!?" Kaz asks.
Everyone looks at each other "Yes!" everyone says, except Bree "tell me how much did you pay her?" Leo says, Harper and Chase laugh and Kaz rolls his eyes.
"Can you guys stop?" Kaz says "Yeah guys, it's not that hard to believe that Kaz picked up a girl, I mean who wouldn...Uh, I mean Chase got what's stopping Kaz from getting it" Bree changes her line, she was going to say who wouldn't want to be with Kaz.
"Oh thanks Bree" Kaz smiles "yeah thanks Bree" Chase says offended, Harper lay her head on his shoulder "You're going to like her, she's perfect!" Kaz says "Okay we got it!" Bree says impatiently.
Oliver comes down the stairs irritated, everyone looks at him, his furious expression changes to a smile "it was our first fight!" Oliver smiles.
"we heard" Leo says "But are you two okay?" Bree asks "oh yes it was just a silly fight then we'll make up" Oliver says "good" Bree says.
She and Harper get up and start setting the table "Are you ok Bree?" Harper asks "yes, why?" Bree says "you seem uncomfortable" Harper says "it's nothing" Bree says.
They go to the kitchen "what about your date last night huh!?" Harper asks "I canceled" Bree says "canceled? Why?" Harper asks "I wasn't really into it" Bree says.
"but you seemed interested in this guy" Harper says "I was, but I thought it wouldn't be fair to go out with him and spend the whole time thinking about someone else" Bree says.
"There's someone else!?" Harper says, Bree sighs "sorry I'm being too nosy" Harper says walking away, Bree chuckles and sighs, putting away some glasses.
The next day, Adam and Grace enter the penthouse.
"thanks for accompanying me to the mall Adam" Grace says "of course, whatever your boyfriend doesn't do I'll do!" Adam smirk, Grace smiles.
Skylar and Oliver go downstairs hugging "oh hey guys I see you've already made up" Grace says "Yup it was just a silly fight" Skylar says "It's not even worth remembering" Oliver says, Skylar kisses his cheek and goes to the kitchen.
Bree and Harper leave the terrace "Hey, why are Kaz and his girlfriend taking so long?" Harper asks "has she dumped him already... not that I want that to happen, it would be horrible for him... but did she?" Bree says anxiously.
"He texted me they're coming, she lives far away" Oliver says "oh, good" Bree says slightly upset, Grace looks at her worried.
Bree goes upstairs "he must be looking for a random girl to bring and say it's her" Harper says "oh I believe it's possible for a girl to like Kaz" Grace says "Why do you say that?" Adam asks.
"uh because he's a nice guy, which girl doesn't like that?" Grace says "I agree with Grace" Skylar says "yeah but there's a difference between a nice guy and a...Kaz " Chase says.
"I just think it's strange how everything happened so quickly, it's like he's known her for a long time" Harper says "True, that never happened" Oliver says.
"exactly and when everything happens so quickly, it's suspicious, after all I think everyone remembers what happened the last time one of us found a girlfriend that quickly" Harper says looking at Chase irritated.
"Yeah!...she's talking about Reese, right?" Oliver says quietly to Skylar who nods, Chase rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, you're right but take it easy, we don't even know the girl" Chase says "Yeah, it could work, Drew and I started quickly and everything went well, right!?" Grace says, everyone stays silent.
"Anyway... I'm just saying that there must be something strange about this girl, I can see that coming" Harper says "I think you're exaggerating" Leo says, Harper shrugs.
Kaz enters the house with a girl "Hey guys!" Kaz says holding the girl's hand "Hello uuumm" Leo opens his eyes wide looking at the girl, everyone does the same.
The girl Kaz is with looks just like Bree, they have the same height, same eye color, same lips and same smile, at least very similar, the difference between them consists of the clothes, the personality, and the hair, the girl's hair is completely blonde, platinum blonde and natural with curlier hair.
Harper holds Chase's shoulder in disbelief, everyone's mouth drops open "I take back what I said, you're right" Leo says.
"Guys, this is my new girlfriend, Brielle!" Kaz smiles "Hello" Brielle says shyly "Hi!" Everyone says confused.
✨Kelli Berglund as Brielle✨
Everyone is in the room with Kaz and Brielle.
"So...sorry, what's your name again?" Leo asks "Brielle, but you can call me Brie" Brielle says "Oh of course!" Leo says.
"You're seeing what I'm seeing, right? I'm not crazy" Harper whispers to Chase "uh if what you see is a Bree lookalike, no you're not crazy" Chase whispers back.
"is she a clone?" Grace whispers to Adam "If she is, is there a clone of me too?" Adam whispers back "if he is, he's probably blond" Grace says, Adam frowns.
"So Brie..." Skylar says and she finds it weird to refer to the girl like that, "what do you like to do?" Skylar asks "I'm a runner, I train to compete in the Olympics one day" Brielle says.
"Oh look, she runs, how did we not see that coming?" Harper says sarcastically "This is amazing! I hope you get there" Skylar says "Me too, I'm not in the best shape anymore.." Brielle says.
Kaz smiles and holds her hand "oh she's just being modest, you had to see her running, I've never seen anyone so fast!" Kaz says, everyone frowns at him, but Brielle smiles at him and kisses his cheek.
"isn't he cute!?" Brielle says, Kaz smiles blushing "that's one of the weirdest things I've ever seen" Chase says.
"do you guys think he noticed?" Oliver asks, they watch the two, Kaz seems happy "He definitely doesn't notice" Leo says "Which makes this all weirder, don't you agree?" Harper raises her eyebrows looking at them.
"Uh and how do you think Bree, our Bree, will react when she sees this?" Grace asks "I think it's better not to say anything, just wait and see what happens" Leo says.
"Oh she's not even that similar to Bree," Adam says "Hey Brie,how old are you?" Adam asks "18" Brielle responds, Adam gasps "forget she's identical!" Adam says.
Everyone rolls their eyes except Grace who makes a surprised face
Everyone is in the kitchen while Kaz and Brielle are in the living room talking and laughing sharing a snack.
"Okay I still don't understand how this is possible, is this a bionic thing?" Grace ask, Chase rolls his eyes.
"of course not! It's pretty common for people to have doppelgangers lying around, actually Some studies claim that there are seven doppelgangers for each person" Chase says "Wait doppel what?" Grace says.
"it's true, a lady once said that I look like a short Chris Evans doppelganger" Oliver says proudly, everyone looks at him "And did you believe it?" Leo says, Oliver's smile disappears.
"uh...my mom said that once too" Oliver says "that's why she's in prison?" Adam asks, Oliver glares at him.
"Guys take it easy... Look, the white part of the eye is the same!" Harper says sarcastically, showing a photo of Chris Evans on her cell phone, placing it next to Oliver's face, everyone laughs and Oliver rolls his eyes.
Bree goes downstairs and sees Kaz and Brielle "Oh you're here, and you brought..." Bree approaches, Brielle stands up "Brielle" Brielle extends her hand "I'm Bree" Bree says.
"Get ready, this is when the universe explodes!" Leo says "at least if for some reason we lose Bree we have a backup" Adam says Chase hits him on the arm.
"Let's get closer, I really want to see this!" Harper says, everyone goes to the living room.
"So you're Kaz's...?" Bree aks "Girlfriend! And you" Brielle says "Oh cool, I'm uh his friend" Bree says slightly uncomfortable.
"Aw look, you guys are already becoming friends!" Kaz hugs them both, they both look at each other strangely.
"I loved your hair" Brielle says "Thanks, yours is cool too" Bree says in a dry tone.
"Uh Brie..." Kaz says "yes!" Bree says "Uh I was talking to my girlfriend" Kaz chuckles, Bree's smile disappears and she feels a pang in her heart when she hears him say that, but she needs to hide it "Oh sorry" Bree says.
"What?" Brielle asks Kaz "I want to show you the rest of the house, come on" Kaz takes her hand and leads her upstairs, Bree gasps indignantly and goes to the rest.
"Do you believe that..." Bree says "We know..." Leo says "bitch!" Bree completes the sentence "Uh sorry what?" Leo asks.
"Did you see the way she looked at me!?" Bree says indignantly, everyone looks at each other confused.
"She was clearly judging me and the "I loved your hair" was so fake!" Bree says She sits on the couch.
"Seriously, she has nothing to do with Kaz, and I have no idea what he saw in her!" Bree says "To be honest we're all wondering that" Chase says.
"But so...didn't you notice anything else about her?" Skylar asks "yes! Didn't you notice anything like...she doesn't remind you of anyone?" Harper ask, Bree frowns "No" Bree says.
"Okay how is that possible!?" Oliver says "Are we in a mass delirium or something?" Leo says.
"I can't believe Kaz..." Bree says to herself, but she doesn't finish the sentence when she sees everyone looking at her "Wow you really didn't like her, did you?" Chase says.
"What? No, I just...I don't even care, Kaz can date whoever he wants, I have nothing to do with it" Bree laughs nervously "really? Because it's not what you're making It seems" Harper says.
"But I don't care!" Bree says "okay then" Harper says "but we can all agree that Kaz dating that girl is really weird!" Leo says.
"I think we should give it a chance, it's weird but Kaz seems happy" Skylar says, Bree rolls her eyes "Skylar's right, I think we're going to have to get used to Brielle" Chase says "Are you sure you didn't notice!?" Adam asks Bree indignantly, she frowns.
Later Bree is on the terrace Grace walks in.
"Hey Bree" Grace says "Oh hey Grae" Bree says while touching her hair "so you want to talk about this whole Kaz thing?" Grace says, Bree chuckles "there's no such thing as Kaz" Bree says she sighs.
"That's the problem" Bree says upset "Aw!" Grace says with pity and hugs Bree "Ugh! What's happening to me!?" Bree says "Aw you're in love!" Grace smiles.
"Ew no, for Kaz? No...I don't..." Bree says "Come on Bree, you and Kaz get along so well, I'm surprised it took you so long to fall for him" Grace chuckles.
"I had a date yesterday, and I canceled it because I kept thinking about him, I don't know, I thought that if I stayed here I would have a chance to..."Bree shakes her head "I don't even know what I'm talking about" Bree says.
"Why don't you ask him out?" Grace says "I can't do it now! He's with Brielle" Bree says, Grace chuckles.
"about that...I don't think you noticed but.." Grace says "What?" Bree ask "Bree, Brielle is you!" Grace says "what!?" Bree asks.
"she's just like you, don't you see!?" Grace says "This is ridiculous, I have nothing to do with that girl" Bree says "Bree, but I'm telling you this is a good thing!" Grace says.
"How is Kaz being with her a good thing!?" Bree ask "Okay, it's not completely a good thing but what I'm trying to say is...he likes her and she's just like you so he likes you!" Grace smiles, Bree frowns.
"Grace, you're not making any sense and I'm not like her!" Bree says "Okay sorry, but I don't like seeing you like this" Grace says.
"I'm fine I'll get over it, it was just a stupid crush...I'm going to reschedule with the guy from yesterday" Bree says "No!" Grace says.
"what do you mean no!?" Bree says "you have to be with Kaz and he has to be with you!" Grace says "Grace!" Bree smiles.
"seriously Bree, think, you guys are perfect together I just realized that seeing him with Brielle, who is just like you so it was like seeing you with him and it was just the cutest thing ever!!" Grace says excitedly, Bree laughs.
"You're making me really confused" Bree says "Just trust me, don't give up on Kaz!" Grace says, Bree smiles.
Kaz and Brielle go downstairs "your house is amazing" Brielle says "Aw but not as amazing as you!" Kaz smiles, everyone is in the living room watching them uncomfortable.
"Ew this is torture" Harper rolls her eyes, Bree and Grace leave the terrace "Look at her I have nothing to do with her" Bree says to Grace "seriously Bree look in a mirror" Grace says.
"It was amazing meeting you guys, I hope we spend a lot of time together" Brielle says "I hope not It's too much Bree for one house" Adam says.
"I need to go" Brielle says "see you tomorrow?" Kaz ask "Absolutely!" Brielle says "I can't wait" Kaz chuckles, Bree rolls her eyes and goes upstairs.
"Anyway, bye guys" Brielle says leaving "Bye!" Everyone says, Brielle leaves, Kaz closes the door.
"so, what did you think of her?" Kaz smiles, everyone looks at each other.
"Okay seriously, what are we say now, do we tell them or not? I'm confused!" Adam says "We have to tell!" Grace says.
"so?" Kaz sits on the couch with the others "She's great Kaz, I'm happy for you" Chase says "yeah she's beautiful and... surprising in a way" Harper says "You guys are a nice couple...I think" Skylar says.
"So you guys liked her!" Kaz says "uh okay, Kaz, if you don't mind could you tell us what you like most about Bree...elle?" Leo asks.
"And I need? Have you seen her?" Kaz says "oh believe me we saw a lot more than you think" Skylar says "But we'd love to hear from you" Chase says.
"exactly, like say it out loud so even you can hear it" Harper says.
"Well, for starters she's really hot!" Kaz chuckles, Adam, Chase and Leo roll their eyes in disgust "I agree" Harper says, Chase frowns at her "Uh...go on!" Harper smiles awkwardly.
"Well, she's fun, and I love the sound of her voice" Kaz says "it sounds just like Bree" Adam whispers, everyone agrees.
"Have you seen the beautiful delicate nose she has" Kaz smiles "I would say it's a unique type of nose but that would be a lie" Grace says, Kaz frowns.
"I like her smile when she's excited..." Kaz says "I don't think he'll realize unless we tell him" Oliver says "you're right" Skylar says "oh this is going to be so weird" Harper says.
"What? Why these faces? Don't you guys like her?" Kaz says "No, she's great Kaz" Skylar says "but one is enough, we don't need another!" Adam says, Harper hits him on the shoulder.
"What do you mean?" Kaz asks "Are you blind, man?" Grace says, Adam pokes her with his elbow.
"are you talking about?" Kaz ask "Kaz, you're dating Bree!" Oliver says, Kaz laughs "yeah, Brielle" Kaz says "No Kaz, you're practically dating Bree, our Bree!" Leo says.
"No, that's crazy!" Kaz says "Come on, they're the same! Even their laugh is the same!" Harper says, Kaz thinks.
"We're not saying she's not cool, on the contrary" Skylar says "it's just bizarre!" Adam says.
"it looks like you bought a fake version of Bree" Harper says, Kaz glares at her "But a quality fake version, not like Oliver, which is Chris Evans' poorly made fake" Harper says "Hey!" Oliver says.
"You guys are crazy, she has nothing to do with Bree..." Kaz laughs nervously "But she...""They're different!" Kaz says nervously and leaves.
"I think he doesn't want to admit how similar they are" Oliver says "why?" Leo asks.
"uh maybe because it's weird that Bree is his friend and him liking a girl just like her kind of means..." Chase says "Does he like Bree?" Harper says.
"No, he doesn't, right?" Adam says "not necessarily" Chase says.
"so everyone agrees that he needs to break up with Brielle?" Grace says "no one said that" Leo says "oh, But do you agree?" Grace says, Oliver sighs.
"I'll talk to Kaz" Oliver leaves "Go on Captain America!" Harper mocks him "I get it, I don't look like him!" Oliver says irritated.
Oliver goes to Kaz in the boys' dorm, he is exchanging messages with Brielle, but the door to their dorm gives a view to the girls' room where Bree is looking at her cell phone.
Kaz looks at her and for Brielle photo on cell phone, he frowns and puts his phone in front of him and looks at Bree and the photo, he does this about three times.
Kaz rolls his eyes "shit!" Kaz says throwing himself on his bed, Oliver enters at that same moment and closes the door.
"Kaz are you ok man?" Oliver asks "Yes Oliver, I just realized that my girlfriend looks like Bree, but that's not a problem" Kaz chuckles.
"why does it seem like that's a problem?" Oliver ask " No, It's not a problem, why would it be?" Kaz laughs nervously.
"Kaz, what's going on?" Oliver asks "what do you mean?" Kaz asks "Dude, I know you better than anyone and it's obvious that there's something going on that you don't want to tell me about, and it's obvious to me that this is bothering you and it has to do with Bree" Oliver says.
"And do you care about that?" Kaz asks irritated "what do you mean, of course I care, you're my best friend!" Oliver says.
"I'm even surprised that you noticed that because everything you've done lately was paying attention to Skylar, everything you ever do is just for Skylar" Kaz says "What? Of course not!" Oliver says, Kaz glared at him, Oliver clears his throat.
"Well she's my girlfriend" Oliver says "and I'm your best friend, Oliver girlfriends come and go but this is for life!" Kaz says pointing at the two, Oliver thinks.
"I wanted to tell you what's happening, I really do, but it's not worth it if you don't care" Kaz says "I care, Kaz, look...You're right, forgive me, you're still my best friend and brother and that's more important than anything, it really bothers me that you think you can't count on me" Oliver says, Kaz sighs.
"and I know there's something bothering you and I hate seeing you bothered by something too, I want to help you, if I can" Oliver puts his hand on Kaz's shoulder "Thanks man" Kaz smiles.
"so, what's going on Kaz?" Oliver says, Kaz scratches the back of his head "I like Bree" Kaz smiles "Brielle?" Oliver asks "No, I mean she's cool but like Harper said she's just a fake version of the real Bree that I really...want" Kaz frowns, and Oliver makes a confused face.
"Wait, do you have a crush on Bree?" Oliver asks "yes, since we moved to the tower I haven't stopped thinking about her and every day I want to spend time with her more, you know, no matter how much she denies it, I feel like she and I share the same neuron" Kaz says.
"since we moved to the tower? But what was all that crazy crush on Harper then?" Oliver says "I gave up on her at Mighty Med when I saw her and Chase, I just kept it as a cover because I didn't want to accept what I was feeling at first to focus on the mission...And also making Chase jealous and Harper mad is hilarious" Kaz laughs, Oliver smiles.
"but after the Glitch thing I lost that cover, and I'm also tired of denying it" Kaz says "Why are you dating Brielle then?" Oliver says "Come on Oliver, look at Bree, she's perfect in every way, she would never look at a guy like me..." Kaz says "Dude that's not true" Oliver says.
"I tried okay, I already told her, kind of. I tried to keep her company...she never noticed, but in the end she's still my friend and I'd rather that than try something and lose her for good" Kaz says.
"Wow you really like her don't you?" Oliver says "It sucks, but yeah" Kaz says, Oliver pats Kaz on the back to comfort him.
The next day Brielle enters the penthouse, Adam, Leo and Grace are in the living room.
"hi guys" Brielle says "Hi Bree aaahhh!" Adam says turning to her and seeing that it's not Bree, Bree goes down the stairs "hey" Bree says "Aahh!" Adam says.
"Gosh you're everywhere!" Adam says going to the kitchen "Oh hey Bree" Brielle says "Hi Brie" Bree says.
"This is very confusing, can we name them Bree 1 and Bree 2?" Grace says "Do you really think this will make everything less confusing?" Leo asks.
"So are you waiting for Kaz?" Bree says "Yes, he and I are going to the movies but they want to talk to me about something first" Brielle says "Oh cool" Bree says uncomfortable.
"Look Bree sorry if I seemed rude yesterday it's just that when I saw how beautiful you are I got jealous" Brielle is honest with Bree "Are you jealous of me?" Bree says.
"Yes, Kaz talked about you so much, he pretty much only talked about you when we met" Brielle says "Oh, Well, I think you're very pretty too, I was also insecure about you" Bree says.
Chase and Harper walk in "Oh stop, Look at yourself, nothing should shake you" Brielle says "And as for you, I really loved your hair, I'm even thinking about dying it that color..." Bree says.
"please no!" Grace says "hair is the only thing that doesn't confuse us here!" Leo says,they both frown "anyway, I hope we can be friends despite everything" Brielle says, Bree sighs.
"sure, I think we can find something in common" Bree says "we can name a thousand" Chase says.
"So Brielle we were about to have a snack, do you want to join us for now" Leo asks "Of course" Brielle smiles.
Brielle joins the rest of the team and they talk for a while, she and Bree seem to be getting along well, Kaz comes downstairs, Bree goes to him.
"Hey Kaz, look I just wanted to say sorry if I seemed like I didn't really like Brielle before, she's actually nice I'm happy for you" Bree says with a smile "Oh really!?" Kaz says.
"yes, it'll be nice having her around" Bree says "are you sure? Because I think it would be easier if you kept hating her" Kaz says putting his hand in his pockets "Why?" Bree ask.
"Because I actually called her here to break up with her" Kaz says "what?" Bree says "Yup" Kaz says "You should have told me before I became friends with her, which was a very difficult sacrifice for me to make!" Bree says annoyed, Kaz shakes his head.
"and how was I supposed to know that you would like her overnight!?" Kaz says, Bree thinks a little.
"but why are you going to break up with her....not that I care but" Bree says, already imagining the answer but not wanting to rush.
"Oh I um...I'm going to break up with her because of...the reason!" Kaz chuclkes "The reason?" Bree ask "You know there's always a reason, right, I have one and the reason is the problem" Kaz gets confused in his words.
"Kaz, you're not making any sense at all" Bree says "yes, I know, but the point is, there's this reason... and I'm going to break up with Brielle because she reminds me a lot of...the...reason, but she is not the reason, but I remember the reason every time I look at her...."Kaz sighs nervously while Bree looks at him confused.
"why didn't you like her again?" Kaz says trying to change the subject "Oh There's a reason too" Bree says, Kaz smiles.
"You didn't become friends with her, right?" Kaz says "Never" Bree says "Were you pretending to make me happy?" Kaz smiles "Don't be silly" Bree says "Aw you want to see me happy" Kaz smile, Bree rolls her eyes.
"Get it over with" Bree says leaving "And?" Kaz asks, Bree stops "what happens next, Bree?" Kaz asks, Bree sighs.
"you're going to be okay Kaz" Bree says "you guarantee me?" Kaz smirk, Bree he frowns slightly, and leaves shaking her head "Well, that wasn't a no" Kaz says to himself.
Later Kaz is on the couch with Chase and Harper.
"So how was it with Brielle?" Chase ask "broke her heart?" Harper asks worried "No, I just was honest with her and said that she reminds me a lot of someone" Kaz says.
"and what did she say?" Harper ask "She reacted well, actually she told me that she understands and that it was better that way because I remind her a lot of her ex so..." Kaz says, Harper and Chase look at each other confused.
"So everything ended well?" Chase says "Yup, I guess" Kaz says.
"You know, I'm going to miss Brielle" Harper says, Bree walks in whit Grace "hey" Bree says "and it's over!" Harper smiles sarcastically.
"What are you guys talking about?" Bree asks "Kaz broke up with Brielle" Harper says.
Bree looks at Kaz "Really?" Bree asks "Yup, definitely" Kaz smiles.
"And are you okay?" Bree asks "Yes" Kaz says "Okay" Bree takes a deep breath, and goes to the kitchen, Grace goes with her.
"Yes, now is your chance!" Grace says softly to Bree "Chance for what?" Bree asks "to tell him how you feel" Grace says, Bree looks at her thoughtfully and worried.
"Uh about that..." Bree says "what?" Grace says "I think I got things mixed up I'm not even that into him" Bree says.
"What? What nonsense is this now?" Grace asks "keep it down!" Bree says "Bree, what's going on?" Grace says "nothing, I just think I got ahead of myself, it was a... A temporary feeling, I just don't like him that way, that's all" Bree says.
"What? No! But what about all your jealousy, and everything you told me?" Grace says "I don't know what to say Grace I just don't feel it anymore, I'm sorry" Bree says scratching her head.
"But you guys are perfect for each other!" Grace says upset, Bree shrugs and goes back to the living room.
Grace doesn't understand why Bree suddenly denied the feeling, but it's clear that she's lying, especially by the way she looks and smiles at Kaz.
Grace doesn't believe Bree, Maybe she saw or heard something that scared her in some way, or she just doesn't want anyone to get involved in this story anymore.
Bree looks at Kaz and sighs thoughtfully, while Kaz smiles at her with a determined look.
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