sleepless nights

No matter where Takayla ran, Alisha was right behind her.

"Kayla!" The voice that was supposed to belong to her mother screamed. It wasn't Alisha's voice, but rather Darnishia's.

She continued to run, her breathing ragged as she tried to get away from the image that didn't make sense.

Looking ahead, she saw a puff, one she recognized as being Bri's, and she called her name, "Bri!"

She kept walking.

Kayla pushed herself to run faster, "Bri!"

To her relief, Brielle stopped walking and turned to look at her. That relief quickly turned to more fear when she saw her face. There weren't any eyeballs, just sockets filled with Earthworms. Half of her face was deformed, looking as if it had been melted off. Bri smiled at her, a toothless grin that made her change directions.

She wasn't fast enough though, and Alisha grabbed her while Brielle came closer yielding a belt that was covered with spikes.

"Who let you out the house, Darnishia?" She hissed, grabbing her hair and making her look at her.

"It's me!" She screamed tearfully, "It's Kayla!"

"Want me to hold her down?" Hakeem asked.

Brielle shook her head and focused on waking Takayla up from the nightmare that had awoken both her and Hakeem.

"Give her to me," Alisha instructed.

Kayla was lifted in the air and she began kicking with earnest, trying her hardest to escape the grasp of the only person she trusted. She didn't understand why Brielle would hand her over to Alisha and she knew what Alisha had done to them.

"Bri stop! Please!"

"Shit," Brielle groaned in pain when one of Kayla's feet collided with her nose.

She immediately felt blood running down her face, but ignored it and wrapped both of her arms around Kayla, pulling her to her chest as she continuously called her name to wake her up.

It took a while, but eventually, Takayla opened her eyes to see the real Bri looking down at her, "Got damn Kayla. If you wanted to beat my ass you could've just said that."

Kayla pressed her face in Brielle's shirt, "I don't wanna sleep anymore."

"You gotta sleep so you won't be tired."

"Every time I see mama." Kayla shook her head, "And I run fast but you always catch me and give me to her."

Hakeem observed the scene quietly, saying nothing for a number of reasons. The first being he didn't know what to say, and the second being if he said what he was thinking, Bri would likely get an attitude.

He'd told her since the nightmares started that she needed to find Kayla a counselor or someone, and Bri agreed until she realized that anything said during those sessions could be relayed to the judge during the custody hearing.

In order for therapy to be effective, Kayla would need to tell her everything. If they knew the extent of everything, they wouldn't deem Bri capable of properly taking care of Takayla.

So the dilemma they were faced with, was to let Kayla suffer through her nightmares, or possibly lose custody.

Feeling the bed, Bri sighed and sat up, "Go take a shower and we can watch movies in the living room."

Kayla never peed in the bed before, but now it seemed to happen every night. Hakeem left the plastic on the mattress, and there was a mattress cover on top of that, so it's not like the bed was ruined, it just served as another way of telling Bri that she needed to get Takayla help.

Which she dismissed.

She was going with the mindset that Kayla would 'get over it'. Bri wasn't trying to brush it off by any means, but she thought Kayla would've pushed that to the back of her mind.

While Takayla was showering as directed, Bri pulled blankets from the closet and went to find a movie for them to watch.

• • •

"How much?" Corey asked quietly, sitting up to leave the room so that Mia wouldn't hear his conversation.

"You tell me."

He thought about it, thought about the fact that he'd be switching up on one of his brothers, the fact that once he made his choice the amount of money probably wouldn't be worth it.

Still he said, "100."

Deon wasn't crazy enough to think he meant a hundred dollars, but still $100,000 was light compared to what he was asking Corey to do, "Meet me at Texaco."

"On 45?" Corey asked in confusion, wondering how the hell he made it over here so fast, "You out there right now?"

"Texaco." Deon repeated before hanging up the phone.

He wasn't on 45, nor was he in the vicinity, and planned on making Corey wait until he got there. It served multiple purposes, the main being it'd give him time to see if Corey came by himself.

Mia quietly tip-toed back to the bed, climbing back under the covers and trying to appear like she'd been there the entirety of Corey's conversation.

"Where you going?" She asked when he came in and started putting on clothes.

"I'ma be right back."

"That's not what I asked you."

Corey stopped his movements, "Who you talking to?"

Bri and Raelyn told Mia that she was too nice, and that's why Corey did whatever he wanted. A very dramatic conclusion for them to come to, because all she wanted was for him to be more open with her.

He felt like she knew he was, not secretive, but private before they even got in an actual relationship, making it hard for Corey to understand what the problem was all of a sudden.

"I'm talking to you." Mia replied.

They said she needed to 'say that shit with her chest'. So that's why she was sitting there with her chest poked out trying to get Corey to tell her where he was going.

"I said I'ma be back. I'm meeting somebody right quick."


The shoe in his hand dropped to the floor, "Don't start this shit again man. Last time you swore I was fucking with some hoes and you saw I was working."

"Working where? You don't have a job, Tommy."

"Mia go back to sleep."

Folding her arms across her chest, she refused, "I'm not sleepy. It's not fair that Hakeem tells Bri where he going but you act like you just the secret service or somebody."

Another reason he didn't want her to be around his group of friends. She always wanted to compare situations when relationships were different.

He wasn't one to throw salt, but he had a point to make, "Keem got a whole 'nother bitch pregnant that's sleeping in his old bed, and Bri still talking to him. If all I gotta do is tell you where I'm going then that's a win for me."

Mia sat quietly, watching Corey continue to get ready. He was walking out of the door when she spoke again, "Be safe."

She was worried about him, especially since his late night or early morning trips were becoming more frequent. Her personal relationship with Hakeem or Josiah was non-existent, but she wanted to ask if they knew where he was going.

Disregarding the fact that is was 3am, Mia reached for her phone to send a message to the group consisting of Raelyn, Bri, and herself.

• • •

Hakeem took a deep breath and looked down at the instructions for putting together the crib. He would've preferred that they bought one already assembled, but Monica insisted on making him do it.

He heard the shutter sound of a camera, and looked up to see Monica smiling widely, "My baby putting together the crib for his baby."

Giving her a forced smile, Hakeem reached for what he hoped was the same piece on the instructions.

"I talked to Deon yesterday. He told me he met Bri... and she was rude?"

"Mama I'ma send somebody over here to do this. 'Cause ain't no way you finna ask me was Bri rude to a pedophile."

"Why are you always so defensive?" She asked loudly, talking over him, "You didn't even let me finish."

He was defensive. How did she expect him to act when
it looked like Monica was plotting on Bri. To him, his defensiveness wasn't unwarranted at all.

Why would she even answer the phone for that man?

"But like I told him, he shouldn't be approaching her anyway. Especially since she has her sister around more."

"That's what I was telling you when you mentioned her to him. Ion understand at all but it ain't no problem. Don't worry 'bout it."

Leaning against the doorway, Monica watched Hakeem finally begin putting pieces together. This was the only time she'd seen him in days.

The reason she was seeing him now? The baby.

The subject talked about every time they were together these days? His daughter.

So why would Monica want Maya to get an abortion? Why wouldn't Monica allow Maya to live with her, thus putting her grandchild in the home, and bringing Hakeem over more since he was warming up to the idea of being a dad.

Like she knew he would.

"I still love you, Hakeem."

"I love you too, Ma."

She was about to ask how he was doing in other areas of his life, but the door down the hall opened and out came Maya.

Her attitude had been on 10 all day so she'd been in her room in order to avoid being rude to Monica.

"Hey." She spoke, stopping in the open spot next to Monica to begin doing what she was doing: Watching Hakeem.

"Hey. Are you hungry"

Maya laughed, "No. Thanks though." She looked around the room at the pieces, "You need some help Hakeem?"


She paused, "Well do you want some help?"

"If you wanna start putting the drawers together you can. That's the easiest part."

Walking into the room, Maya knelt beside Hakeem and took the pack of screws he handed her. She never had these moments with Jayden's father and was more than happy to put together the drawers.

"I came up with a name." Maya stated happily, "Ivy."

He was quiet for a while, making her think he hated the name, "Ivy what?"

"I haven't thought about the middle name... But Smith for the last name if you want."

She had every intention of giving her daughter Hakeem's last name whether he agreed to it or not.

Even if Hakeem didn't realize it, he was being played. Maya was phrasing her questions as if she were letting him decide what he wanted, which was advice Monica had given her because she knew how her son was.

After all, she'd raised him for 18 years. Who knew him better than her?

Monica once again pulled out her phone, with a smile, and took their picture. Not before she made sure she'd silenced her phone, of course.

• • •

The water from the shower was doing its job in making sure no noise left the bathroom, and Hakeem was taking advantage of that fact.

Bri leaned back on her hands, making contact with the counter and inadvertently pushing her lower half towards Hakeem, "Fuck, baby."

She tried to move back forward, but Hakeem liked the position and wouldn't let her, "Move your hand and stop playing with me." Hakeem whispered, wrapping the hand that wasn't holding Bri's leg around her neck and pressing his lips on her neck.

Hakeem looked down at his dick gliding effortlessly inside of Bri, the evidence of how many times she'd came adorning his length. The glare from the light above made it appear as if her pussy were glistening and he had to avert his gaze.

Since they were in the bathroom, he thought of the plan b's that were collecting dust in his cabinet. He always pulled out, or sometimes used a condom, because he didn't know how she would feel about taking the pill.

Taking a chance, Hakeem moved his lips to her to speak, "Ion wanna pull out, baby. Lemme cum in you."

The moan that was coming was cut short as she tried to decide how she wanted to respond. Bri knew about the plan b's too, but had never considered taking one.

There's a first time for everything.

"Why you asking?" She questioned quietly, letting her hold on the counter tighten.

He made eye contact and slowed to a near complete stop, "Ion got to?"

"This your pussy. You never gotta ask."

Lie again! Came the voice in her head, 'Cause if you get pregnant we can all wear hot pink to the funeral for that child.

She ignored it, focusing on the look that was now plastered on Hakeem's face as he accepted the fact that he didn't have to pull out.

His moans made it worth it, as well as the way his hands gripped her skin when he came inside of her.

It took a moment for Hakeem to let go of Bri, and he stared at her for a second before stepping back, "If Ian love you before, just know I love you now."

"I'm not taking no plan b every day, Hakeem." Bri warned as she sat down to use the toilet.

He wouldn't ask her to do that anyway, "You just said Ian have to ask."

"Sex talk. I was caught up in the moment."

Hakeem shook his head and changed the temperature on of the water, "It's too late for that. I already made plans."

Thinking back to the thoughts she had when she first said yes, Bri told Hakeem, "I'll hate to have to send the baby back to their original birthplace."

Instead of taking it as a joke like she thought he would, Hakeem looked at her though the clear shower curtain, "You'll get an abortion forreal?"

"Pack in the mail it's gone."

He didn't say anything else until she got in the shower with him. Bri noticed the way he'd gone quiet, and correctly guessed it was because of what she said.

"What's wrong?"

"Ian think you'll kill my baby."

Bri stared at him in confusion, "You don't like kids, remember?"

For some reason, he thought about when Maya said she wouldn't get rid of Ivy because she and Hakeem were better than that.

"But I mean, you ain't even hesitate to think about it or nun. I wouldn't ask you to do no shit like that but you just made your mind up already."

"..... I'm sorry? I was just making a joke Hakeem."

"You good." He replied, reaching around her for the soap.

He was making her feel bad, but she didn't see a problem with her not wanting to be pregnant at this moment. It wasn't like she was speaking for forever, just for the next 10 years or so.

She was still thinking about if she should apologize again when Hakeem made a noise that prompted her to look at him.

"So.." He drifted off, "Ivy."


"That's what Maya wanna name the baby."

Bri appreciated him telling her these things, but his timing was always wrong, "I promise I don't wanna talk about that girl while we don't have on no clothes."

"My bad." Hakeem apologized, "Ian think about it like that."

Another awkward encounter, courtesy of Maya and Hakeem's daughter.

As she got ready to walk out of the bathroom, Hakeem wrapped an arm around Bri and pulled her to him, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"And appreciate you."

Brielle smiled and turned to face him, "I appreciate you too."

"Lemme hurry up and find this man so you can come back home."

Leaving was Corey's idea, because Hakeem would never suggest that Bri go across state lines. He couldn't lie and say it wasn't a good idea, so they all agreed that she and Kayla should go somewhere else.

Hakeem squeezed Brielle closer to him before stepping back, "How I'ma eat? How I'ma sleep?"

"Get Rae to cook."

"Did you taste that Macaroni she made? That shit was so nasty. Ion want nun she cook."

Raelyn couldn't cook worth a damn. She didn't care to learn either, wholeheartedly believing if she wanted something that she couldn't cook, she could just buy it.

"Eat some noodles then bae. Add seasoning salt & eggs with some shrimp and it's like you eating at Benihana."

"It don't taste the same like when you cook it." He complained.

Bri looked up from her suitcase, "My nigga are you whining?"

"I hate it here."

As they talked, Bri caught sight of the letter she had yet to read from Darnishia. She didn't know why she hadn't read it yet, she just hadn't.

Making a rash decision, Bri walked over and opened the envelope, sitting down on the bed to read.


the last thing i plan on doing, is at least making sure alisha dies too. i should've said something when she hit Kayla, but now she'll never have to see her again.

i'm writing this but i haven't decided if i'm ACTUALLY going to do it. i'm waiting for jace to call me then i'll know.

Bri paused her reading, and looked up, "Jace? I didn't know she talked to Jace."

Hakeem was reading too, "Who Jace is?"

"My other brother."

"Man get your snitching ass on!" I yelled while walking to the front, only to be confronted by my other brother who was blocking the front door.

"Ian know you had another brother." He replied in confusion.

"He stayed with his dad so he didn't really grow up with us. You would've met him at the funeral but he didn't come."

Hakeem didn't respond, and continued reading the words on the paper.

Both of them were trying to make sense of what was written because it seemed like Darnishia was speaking in code.

To their surprise, she said exactly what she meant in the end of the letter.

Jace is outside now, and i want you to pretend you thought I was capable of finally doing what I've wanted to for years.

I was never strong enough, but i think he hates her more than me.

I love you too bri. We'll always be sisters.

• • •

have faith in me. hakeem would nevaaaa get w/ maya bc my bitch bri doesn't deserve that. maya just the baby mama and that ain't even- nvm 🥱

despite all the shit being thrown at her, i need y'all to remember bri 18. think ab how stupid you were at 18 pls & THX. & if you not 18 yet, lmao just wait pooh.

i'm estimating we have like 5 chapters left 😞

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