The Return of the Dead



dun :D

Mia: Welcome back, guys, gals, readers and entertainers, HOW YOU ALL BEEN? Isn't today a surprise. now I know some of you may be thinking how this book is probably already dead at this point due to a certain author who never found the time, the motivation and the courage to defeat her laziness to continue her passion for writing, oh yeah and procrastination- that's a thing as well.


Thorn: QwQ author chan is still alive?


Mia: okay hold your horses' boys, just because the story never continued doesn't mean I'm dead okay?

Cyclone: does my hoverboard count as a horse-

Thorn: b-but you weren't here and we couldn't talk to you and we couldn't talk to the others and we couldn't answer any more questions and we couldn't do any death threatening dares and-

Solar: hush-hush... calm down little Tulip there most at least be a logical explanation to why the story or more like ask & dares we used to do before stopped...there is a logical explanation correct?

Mia: eh I don't know if it counts as logical-

Quake: well...either way, it has been a while, hasn't it? I wonder how everyone is doing...

Ice: probably fine, they are continuing their lives as per usual, nothing new I suppose...

Blaze: You should let them answer for themselves -.-, it's their lives, not ours

Thunder: didn't know you had common sense

Blaze: Didn't know if you had some or not

Thunder: why you little-

Quake: alright boys, no need to fight at the start of a fresh brand new chapter okay and let Mia explain at least...

Mia: thank you momma quake, alright i-

Pyro: OMG YOUR BACK *basically happiness radiating from this reverse child* Dark, Dark! Say hi

Dark: ah, Hello Mia and um everyone reading..^^

Thorn: everyone's saying hi to people we can't see, I wanna do that!


Blaze: you guys, breaking the 4th wall is my thing..stop stealing my THING-

Thunder: not so special now hm?

Blaze: can it, Thundy no one cares about your mockery

Thunder: tch...

Mia: I have been here for 5 minutes and you guys are already filling everything with - well your usual chatter and banter as if these past years never changed any of you

Cyclone: as they say no matter what others say you will always stay true to yourself

Solar: not to argue but...who says that's exactly?

Cyclone: Me :D

Solar:..point taken

Mia: okay focus back on me, as you can see after my last post ... I spoke of trying to update every month, which failed drastically as you can see, there's a couple of reasons for it. This year i had PT3 exams with the main trio here and Abby had SPM both are very important exams in this country of ours, mine which determines my course while SPM determines what university/college/school Abby will be in....which also mean we might have to part ways *totally not tearing up*

Pyro: ohh makes sense, WAIT WUT

Thorn: nuuuuuuu pink haired senior won't be here anymore q-q, but but they help you create good ideas on how to make things interesting so that we suffer

Solar: they don't always torture us, dear, you know that right?

Thorn: but she said she enjoyed being called something dangerous and intimidating T-T

Thunder: I don't see the lost in this information, this just means we'll live longer

Solar: don't you at least have a heart thunderstorm

Blaze: that's where your wrong prof, he doesn't have one ^^

Thunder: you won't have one either when I rip yours out -

Quake: boys, don't be toxic... the book might get demonetized

Solar: i dont think thats how digital books work-

Cyclone: and besides thats how they show how much they love each other!

Mia:...i can see that the two of them have gotten more worse at the arguments *sighs*

Dark: oh um Mia, is that all the reasons you didn't update

Mia: oh yeah there's also My dear friend Mr. Procastination his wife Miss Lazyness and the lack of ideas I don't have, I did mention them earlier in the beginning remember?

Dark: *sweatdrops* right...

Blaze: well yeah she procrastinates to the point she writes either half or a quarter of a chapter was already written and waits for another month to finish it

Mia: hahaah yeah.......


Mia: :'3

Solar: don't worry during the free time we were given, we used it to study and discover new things, who need powers anymore when knowledge is greatest power given to mankind!

Blaze: of course you would think that you've been more a science geek than supposed too, heck how many hours do you even sleep?

Ice: don't attack him too much for doing something useful as his interest

Blaze: maybe you could share him some of your sleeping hours, you have plenty of sleep after all

Thorn: i didn't know we could do that, if I slept more and share it with solar will he be less tired then?

Solar: Blaze stop teaching him nonsense..actually stop teaching him anything and just leave that to me *grabs thorn close to him*

Dark: *chuckles at the sight* we have tried new things during our little (blaze: little is an understatement) hiatus. Thunder decided to learn self-defense to an advance level

Thunder: Well it is rather 'fun' and it's for the best just in case...a familiar scenario happens again

Pyro: Cycy is now multi-talented in hoverboarding/skateboarding and dancing! I mean how rare is that!!

Cylone: awee, don't make me blush everyone is just as talented

Dark: Sol-Sunshine? has gotten more into science and started to do more experiments, he has thought of so many ideas as well and he's borrowing Abbys old lab thingy-

Solar: *stares at Dark and smirks* dear just leave the nicknames to me alright? *tips Darks cap more upwards * and im flattered that you think that

Dark: ///

Mia: *places a hand on Darks shoulder* you're going to need more lessons from the other Darks (Rras and Lunas ver ) young one

Thorn: Solar is the best scientist

Blaze: he exploded the treehouse once

Thorn: he's the best scientist that learns from his mistakes

Pyro: Thorny has advanced his garden as well, there's a plant section so we wouldn't need to worry about food supplies for food, there's ton of herbs and flowers so many flowers

Thorn: flowers are the best things that exist in this entire planet and without them, we wouldn't be alive

Mia; I second that

Blaze: i-..nvm

Pyro: BigBrotherBlaze has been trying to entertain lil children and such

Ice: while I follow after him so that he doesn't end up burning something or someone

Mia: probably for the best, i don't want any characters dying in here if not the writer might get sued and we wouldn't want that

[Me: ......... meep]

Mia: what about the others?

Cyclone: they've been good! Yaya is...still making cookies, she and Ying study back and forth in our school and (insert advance stuff but due to the fact I'm not advance i wouldn't know about it) Fang and Gopal come and visit almost every day! especially on game nights

Pyro: and me? well, I'm me, myself and I no one else. AndWeAlsoHavePlacedTheFactIWasCreatedToEliminateMyCounterpartInThePast and yeah, OH also Dark has improved in the socializing more but he's still homeschooled sadly

Solar: and everyone has learned to forgive and forget the things that have happened in the past *grabs darks hand*

Dark: Right...Right! *stares at the door..where you know who is* it's hard to not apologize again..

Thunder: its fine, no more sorrys we're over it

Quake: really we are

Mia: hmm.. wait What about Quake then?

Quake: well nothing really exciting has happened with me really-


Mia: that's probably a fact everyone knows and you all probably said that to escape his wrath next time


Quake: you're all so sweet, but you cant skip school, use any of us as test subjects and use each other as test dummies for sparring or plant venus flytraps inside the house

Mia: now that we all caught up... i once again want to say sorry for leaving this book for so long...don't get me wrong i love you all and all the readers...the friends I've made in my life and made it better

Thorn: its been so long since you guys visited...*hugs screen* please come by soon! Love and Dares helps us live and pump up our adrenaline!

Blaze: I should stop saying random stuff...this is your fault you've infected me too much

Mia: ...=P

Quake: well do come visit us anytime soon okay? I'm willing to whip up something for you all..without any surprises from solar of course

Solar: ehehee...

MIa: time for the end card boys...oh yeah before that .MiCe has a chance to not exist no more-


Quake: was dis the reason you were silent for half of this chapter ice

Ice: *shrugs*

Blaze: but..wHy?!

Mia: well becuz our dear writter here is a lonely single sap who is an aromantic ace due to the fact she doesnt understands love

[Me: ecuse me just becuz im a single pringle im not happy, the only relationship i need is friendship ]

Mia: but in the end *clutches her necklace* its your choice dear reader

thorn: Q-Q

Mia: ehem well then, Bye2, goodbye, peace , adios , ciao, Au revoir, Sayonara

everyone: SEE YOU ALL SOON


And we back at it readers, sighhhhhhh i know i know
dont sue me
Blaze's 4th wall ego was broken, so he wont be here for the end part

and yes like how it was explained from above i have been in a mixture of business,a half bar of laziness, a thread of procrastination, a pinch of life's saltiness, bake them together and this is what happens. Put the right ingredients in a cake kids, you might get food poisoning and i much rather not be blamed for teaching you guys dis-

lets get straight to the point i put an all nighter for the sake of reviving this, i will admit i wont know when ill update but i will atleast try my hardest...and due to this year i have lost the last set of dares given to me so were starting anew, (hopefully you all send me some) and other things

- ASK n DARE's-

Just comment on ^ to give any or resend your old dares i never got to finish.. just send it there and nowhere else, so it'll be easier for me to find and write down. There is no restriction to what you wanna dare uwu just don't include
>anything lewd
>possible death
>or things that may not be possible for me to write
>state who the dare/ask is for so i wont get confused

- One-Shots -

I'm up for one-shots, during my absence I've been trying to write more.. novel-like, but don't get me wrong I have many MANY typos and misspelled things and my grammar has yet to improve but as I say 'ill always learn and try',

the rules from the Ask n Dare thing implies to here as well but overall just send me a basic plot of the storyline of your wanted one-shot and ill try mah best uwu

- Elemental Reactions-

Yes this is still ongoing after they react to the Bbb Galaxy series you all can request whatever you want except, of course, lewd...blood is okay for this one but nothing too over the top, we have innocent eyes reading and watching from within and outside of the story
You could also request for some elements to not watch or react, again its your choice

-Your Characters-

Yes you are able to insert your character in this story during the ask/dare, one-shots and reacting. Just tell me here and ill ask for a bunch of their information since... I would need it to write after all-

that's about it.. and just to clarify some past confusion

|| Pyro is indeed a reverse aspect but he is a sort of 'failed' creation in a way
|| Dark..did hurt others before this book escalated, and was suppose to be explained in the book 'Void' but I'm unsure when I'll continue that
|| The boy in the bed IS Boboiboy..confusing amirite? he's currently in a coma or sorts which is the reason why the elements cant well- be one person anymore
||i have adjusted their personalities just a tincy bit, if you want a more clarified look of their now personalities and/or their relationship between each other, be mah guess


Rra_Chan sasha_chanui Hello_Im_Crazy279 LunalaStarlight ZanaGalaxy Melody_BBB kaouryya__ Knightress_01 Golden_slave989 CRQia Ayumi_Cycy028 Jenatheanimefan
ADifferentSimilar Lumi-K
(i really miss you all...and um to
anyone who wants and don't want to be tagged please tell me)

I think that covers up everything, if you're still confused or have any question don't be afraid to ask, I don bite I hug uwu

Leave a Comment or more, I really like replying they can make new friends! believe me, I would know. Maybe a click that grey old star and make it glow a bright orange ember , to warm up these lil' boys during this winter month

again See you <3

To Be Continued...

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